Ordinance 0617ORDINANCE NO. 617
Authorizing the execution of a deed pf grant conveying to the united states of america certain tide and submerged lands in the city of alameda
N umber Two
Alameda C i ty: Ordinances °'d' "„ ew � "� 81
$ 1,000,000 be expended far, or con -
tracted to be expended in the actual
work of development of said naval
air.- - st - ation . by DeceTnber. 31: 1039
otherw. ise - said is shiill :automatic.:
ally. l revert b ck to said City of
Ala -meda and
;W:l ERtA.S, the . - Congress of the
United.'-- - States -by an act .entitled.
"An A't ling appropriations' for
the Navy Department and the Naval
Service for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1938, and for other purposes, "
- approved April . 1937, ' appropriated
the - funds necessary for the . aequ.isi --
tion and development of said naval
air st ation.,
S ection 1. That the Mayor of the
City of Alameda is hereby author-
ized and directed to .. execute, and
the City Clerk to attest, . as . the act
and deed - -of the - City of Alameda
a good. anal... sufficient deed of grant,
gra7ritingt conveying an alienating to
.: the ." United States of America f or--
.ev - erg ;and fo r th consideration. of
I; ill - . these . certain, Aide and sub-
merged - lands - situate, lying and. being
in the City - of A.lameda, . County of
Ab ed.a, State of California l more
particularly described as fo11ows :
COMMENCING ' at . a : - point on
the United. States Bulkhead, Line,
said point being .distant d.u South
thereon 202, I feet from P.0i.nt
..as - said -line ' and point are - d e' lin-
eated and ' - .So designated, upon .
that certmin. Ma.p entitled, "Har-
bor Line Survey, San `ranciseo
Ba y, 191o - 7 . Sheet -N 0 - on -file
in the United States - Engineer s
.. Office, C House, San
Francisco; - and running thence
North 73 deg. .58 min. vest
409:95 feet Ao. a -- .point ; -. said - line
being parallel with .and d istant
-.Southerly 122.7 feet - r:easured at
right angles from .center line of
'the South pacific . Rail a.y
C om a, ny" s rxght�of - 'way thence
- arth _83 deg:: n in. West 34201 ;
feef -to . :a point ; :''thence North 76 .
deg, 05 Inin. - ' vest: 500 feet' to - a .
point ; thence ''orth . - 81 - deg. , . - 15
min' west 68o:o feet to a :.point ;
then North . 89 .. deg{ . 50.- min.
West 1� : :•feet b a, point - on
the United. -. States Pierhead. Line
thence path : 47 :.deg, 50 - -min.. 53
sere. west '. 482.14 feet to a poi.xit,
..which point-- is the ; intersection. of
the: TJnited states Pierhead. Line
With. .'.the-. outhw6sterly line ' -of
the City:. of Alameda; Calso east -
erly line of the pity . :a.nd County
of . San F'ranci.sco then.ee South
27 -deg, 50 min... East 11529.0 feet
al ong the Southwesterly boun-
dart' line of the City of Ala
to a point, which point is the
intersection with the . - Westerl y
line. of'. Penton' :, Field; : :thence
I tarth :: 1e 62'. : -min.
. East
9344:13 - feet to a ' point ; tence
North 73 deg. 58 min. ' 'est '4190.0
feet to the point of beginning,
containing approximately 929.337
acres of Jand
Together , .with all and singular,
the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances, thereunto. belonging
or in - any , - wise - .appertaining, . ,and the
rents,'_- issues and profits .thereof ; ex-
epting and excluding, - however, all
. buildings : and structures of any - kind
or character now tin said lands. .
Section. 2; That said - deem of grant
shall, among other things, contain
the following clause
all and sin gular, the said lands,
together .with the appurtenances
and privileges thereto incident,
unto, 5ye Party of the Seeand Part
forever, - as a site for a.-Naval Air
Station; provided, --however . that
at least . 1,900,400 . be expended for,
or. contracted . -to be expended in
the actual work . of development of
said Na val. Air Base by . Decem-
ber 31, - :1939'; and provilded, -fur -
ther; that if at least $L000,_
000 be not expended. for, . or
contracted ..be -. expended. in
the actual :work of - development of
said. - Nava.l - .Air Base by . Decern�
ber 31, 1939, on. the real. roperty
h ereinbe�f ore . descri t len .this
con veyarice $hall be and'. become
void, and - the -- entire' estate, title
and interest.. in- an to.. -the - . 'real
property hereby conveyed shall
..'forthwith cease and '. tetmina.te,
an the title-in and .ta - said real
property shall thereupon. ' - and at
once - revert Ao -and. vest ''in the
City of Alameda."'
P residing. Officer of -the Council.
I, ' the undersigned.- hereby certify
. that the. -- foregoing ..ordinanee was
duly anti regularly .- .a and
passed - : by ' the C�ouncfl .- :of'- the City
. of .- - - A.l arneda'- . adjour reg u la.r
meeting-... assembled .. on - the : 25th day
of.- October, 1937, by ' the following
vote, .-to_wit
AYES:. .0 o' uncilrnen G o d. f r e y
Maurer,- - Morris - a nd president 'weich-
ha,rtt (4)0
NOES -None
ABSENT.- Councilman Carrington,
hereunto set - nay hand - ' and afflxed
the official seal, . sai - -C_.lity this
26th - .day o October;- - 1937.
City -Clerk of the Comity of Alameda.. -
Publish Oct. 7 1937.