Ordinance 0617ORDINANCE NO. 617 Authorizing the execution of a deed pf grant conveying to the united states of america certain tide and submerged lands in the city of alameda N umber Two Alameda C i ty: Ordinances °'d' "„ ew � "� 81 $ 1,000,000 be expended far, or con - tracted to be expended in the actual work of development of said naval air.- - st - ation . by DeceTnber. 31: 1039 otherw. ise - said is shiill :automatic.: ally. l revert b ck to said City of Ala -meda and ;W:l ERtA.S, the . - Congress of the United.'-- - States -by an act .entitled. "An A't ling appropriations' for the Navy Department and the Naval Service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938, and for other purposes, " - approved April . 1937, ' appropriated the - funds necessary for the . aequ.isi -- tion and development of said naval air st ation., N OW THEREFORE: BE IT OR- DAINED BY -THE Co`C N Ih OF THE CITE` OF ALAMEDA as f ol- lows S ection 1. That the Mayor of the City of Alameda is hereby author- ized and directed to .. execute, and the City Clerk to attest, . as . the act and deed - -of the - City of Alameda a good. anal... sufficient deed of grant, gra7ritingt conveying an alienating to .: the ." United States of America f or-- .ev - erg ;and fo r th consideration. of I; ill - . these . certain, Aide and sub- merged - lands - situate, lying and. being in the City - of A.lameda, . County of inm Ab ed.a, State of California l more particularly described as fo11ows : COMMENCING ' at . a : - point on the United. States Bulkhead, Line, said point being .distant d.u South thereon 202, I feet from P.0i.nt ..as - said -line ' and point are - d e' lin- eated and ' - .So designated, upon . that certmin. Ma.p entitled, "Har- bor Line Survey, San `ranciseo Ba y, 191o - 7 . Sheet -N 0 - on -file in the United States - Engineer s .. Office, C House, San Francisco; - and running thence North 73 deg. .58 min. vest 409:95 feet Ao. a -- .point ; -. said - line being parallel with .and d istant -.Southerly 122.7 feet - r:easured at right angles from .center line of 'the South pacific . Rail a.y C om a, ny" s rxght�of - 'way thence - arth _83 deg:: n in. West 34201 ; feef -to . :a point ; :''thence North 76 . deg, 05 Inin. - ' vest: 500 feet' to - a . point ; thence ''orth . - 81 - deg. , . - 15 min' west 68o:o feet to a :.point ; then North . 89 .. deg{ . 50.- min. West 1� : :•feet b a, point - on the United. -. States Pierhead. Line thence path : 47 :.deg, 50 - -min.. 53 sere. west '. 482.14 feet to a poi.xit, ..which point-- is the ; intersection. of the: TJnited states Pierhead. Line With. .'.the-. outhw6sterly line ' -of the City:. of Alameda; Calso east - erly line of the pity . :a.nd County of . San F'ranci.sco then.ee South 27 -deg, 50 min... East 11529.0 feet al ong the Southwesterly boun- dart' line of the City of Ala to a point, which point is the intersection with the . - Westerl y line. of'. Penton' :, Field; : :thence I tarth :: 1e 62'. : -min. . East 9344:13 - feet to a ' point ; tence North 73 deg. 58 min. ' 'est '4190.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing approximately 929.337 acres of Jand Together , .with all and singular, the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto. belonging or in - any , - wise - .appertaining, . ,and the rents,'_- issues and profits .thereof ; ex- epting and excluding, - however, all . buildings : and structures of any - kind or character now tin said lands. . Section. 2; That said - deem of grant shall, among other things, contain the following clause "'TO HAVE AND - To - HOLD all and sin gular, the said lands, together .with the appurtenances and privileges thereto incident, unto, 5ye Party of the Seeand Part forever, - as a site for a.-Naval Air Station; provided, --however . that at least . 1,900,400 . be expended for, or. contracted . -to be expended in the actual work . of development of said Na val. Air Base by . Decem- ber 31, - :1939'; and provilded, -fur - ther; that if at least $L000,_ 000 be not expended. for, . or contracted ..be -. expended. in the actual :work of - development of said. - Nava.l - .Air Base by . Decern� ber 31, 1939, on. the real. roperty h ereinbe�f ore . descri t len .this con veyarice $hall be and'. become void, and - the -- entire' estate, title and interest.. in- an to.. -the - . 'real property hereby conveyed shall ..'forthwith cease and '. tetmina.te, an the title-in and .ta - said real property shall thereupon. ' - and at once - revert Ao -and. vest ''in the City of Alameda."' HENRY - A} EIC CHART, P residing. Officer of -the Council. I, ' the undersigned.- hereby certify . that the. -- foregoing ..ordinanee was duly anti regularly .- .a and passed - : by ' the C�ouncfl .- :of'- the City . of .- - - A.l arneda'- . adjour reg u la.r meeting-... assembled .. on - the : 25th day of.- October, 1937, by ' the following vote, .-to_wit AYES:. .0 o' uncilrnen G o d. f r e y Maurer,- - Morris - a nd president 'weich- ha,rtt (4)0 NOES -None ABSENT.- Councilman Carrington, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, .1 have hereunto set - nay hand - ' and afflxed the official seal, . sai - -C_.lity this 26th - .day o October;- - 1937. (SEAL) D. ELMER DYER, City -Clerk of the Comity of Alameda.. - Publish Oct. 7 1937.