Ordinance 0628Ordinance No. 628 NEW SERIES RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY (Propert Kjaown as 1383 Pearl Street) Be it ordained b the Council of the Cit of Alameda, as follows.: Section 1. The propert in the Cit of Alameda, Count of Ala- meda, State of California, described as follows Be at a point on the -SATesterl line of Pearl Street dis- tant thereon 274.34 f eet Northerl fr om -om the Northern line of Enel- 11al Avenue as said avenue and street are shown on the map hereinafter referred to., running thence Northerl 60 feet alon said line of Pearl S t r e e t thence Westerl parallel with said line of Encinal Avenue 272 feet, thence at ri an Southerl 60 feet; thence at ri an Easterl 272 feet to the point of be Bein Lot 11 and a portion of Lot 12, Block 10 of Ha and Caperton propert is hereb changed and reclassified from Residential District, Class 1, to Residential District, Class 11,�q. HENRY A. WEICHHART, Presidin Officer of the Council. I the undersi hereb certif that the fore Ordinance, was dul and regularl adopted and passed by the Council of the Cit of Alameda in re 'meetin as- sembled on the 4th da of Januar 1938, b the followin vote, to-wit; AYES: Councilmen Godfre Maurer, Morris and President Welch- hart, (4) NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Carrin (1). IN WITNESS W-HEREOF, I have hereunto . set m hand . and affixed the official seal of said Cit this 5th da of Januar 1938. (OSEAL) D. ELMER DYER, City Clerk of the City of Alameda., Publish Januar 5, 1938.