Ordinance 0631ORDINANCE NO. 631 Amending the alameda municipal code by adding to title 12 chapter 7 a new article to be known as article 5 regulating the establishment and maintenance of trailer camps f et -Jo any property -' .line of aer.: than pul lie street-.: Car. - a����F. .- for . :ng ur only.- - an:d none 'El� of its Choking. or :sa.ita.ry faeil3tis are used. 1 12 - -7566 lMITAT.ION - - ON. RE S1 - "E� CEN It . shall be U I Wful Jor any .p erson; c t :.tli ow n er, , - ,na r . '4i-ftd bona id c ees, to re main .or -1iy in :trail -ter, eat for- Mo�°e thAn- nine ..: . in A lly i i :. m6n t:h:. - .peried end it Shall' - un.la ful. for-.'.. any: trailer camp :per��itt : �r liis . to per . mit - any - perso11 -. :to re1. .in : the trailer eanxp under : the 6ntr61 f such . ernnitt.ee or. h is ag ent longer than ::the Period h 6eein - All owed.'. 1 -757. trailer carnp shall '..'.be so - : a,rra;ng( that. units . shall.. fate or abut on a: driveway. €�f: not less than sixteen ( 16) , feet in . wi dth T �i�in - a cc�ess from. - all unFi.ts . tO A pti blio::. s reet.. driea,.. : :3e ina intained in. good and itiof . - - -.. s .a'll - not :.be bstrRu t d T t °oiler Coach or. apa sly all . .b e ' ,. 10 i�' tee Within . fiv .e. �� -� : feet of the unit sid or t_he pro r y line, nor �] �.'�.� -it.. be Ica M'e t 71n twen -- (20) ee t - . - Of any Public street or within ten, (10 feet of . . 'any - , build. in or ttrneturei -7 ACT TTT AREA - : U' nit shall not-: oonta. less thou. 600 sq uaro feet in - . ar , .arid - - no- - su ch Unit sha ll be : perMitted. -: acco nmo date rndr than one trailer o8- h: .A motor ve- hiele , rnay. be l fated n tl e u nit , math a ifth unit e�tain ntt less tYiari r square feet in area. Sa eh ui�it- - 'shall -be -- 101eari def inied Y y a pprb p rlgte mar rs ,12.759: ..PAR INN .- 11 0 - T0R VB- HI LL: A - M' 'Otor Vehiolo : 11 . f or Movi o1 -: � . irig : :a trailer:: oac if ;.uet to ate :.upon a hit', :.:nay: be p a e - . area: pr6vi- ed - -for.- .tht4,t p rp ©se iu .. - railer: car p trailer MMp_ sha ,be� Sur ounde�, . �n all sides riot �,d j a ent. to : a . masonry' or' :frame buildth.g : b au substantial: v om en fence, p�in���: with fire.. tard nt - . pain't',' or' au .iron 'LV.ire n. etti. n: : fence :- eonstru ed. - of.: not le8s than .poi: � � . �: � � V� ��'e�' : �vit1 . posts proper-11Y:-- �§'paeed: s '. 'a s to .: as sure :: sta.- lailit Y. �ueh fnee shall.' : net be n ose ,th:a,n sip feet .iii ei l t; a hd shall : have at 1e68t :: one Qpen.if.g:. not less : 1 ri - i t en 1 feet in -width e ui pe frith- a : sixb�st .ti.a.l , -- gaits.. and. sha - 11 be onstr aotod in a' sub stantiat 'and wo �anli e : x annerr s approv ed by - rho Bu ild.ing In- specter 12 110 WA ER adequate supply- of . .pure Water . ' for drihkini ari d -d 0me�tf C Purposes sh All be silpplied 'td n eet -the roquire�nen of. the trailer. cam.Pp laid WAter. ... UP-; ply: sY all.. be- -bbthlned .'.. .fron�.. faucet - s only, : conv tly l.ocatecl in said 6ingp' gr na d afid. n 6 dipping-- .,vesi els 6 com m on :cups .Il r mi t e d trailer:- GnC : st a.11 leatd:. :on a, Well. drained a r.pa . - .an'd ; .th.e prem - ises sliall - e prop�rl : - : - graded 6 pr. T n t tl e aee umulatien c,f t or m or Cans :ar wat6rs. X12- 7513.. TOILETS Ate' :' :BATHS.. E er .:trailer aM sli�,ll ��.: provided -With a.'' n� - ihim .gym, one - W . m fiU A: toilet and on;. �batli : t er :, s'ho er. for -. .e" e'ry flvre (5 ) aeti6n Ahibreof .''Eac toilet roof S hall leav at least one ( `aSh . bAsih ; one 4 rina fir five units:. frac .-ior t e e -- Iraal_1 b provid.ed - .:i.' n :..,oilets fir. of nw - Toilets axe.- urinals slap - he 1.+ated ho mo r e .th - n e hund 1eo feet f �yyp th + � tinits �vh � .' . t 7 h yy . dr .- :tn- Trended to - :ser 71 . . d1 I.- 17�1ch •: anifar-y. fa il�iti s : shall : be : ir��talled - -Jh- - a,n -a . ppro-v d :n iahn a - d. - located in approved cginpa rtn�iehtA' - Ali -iol :.sl all been : ligh - ted t . oritil t ud sereened, an �. the fl ocs and alls of suel� o' mpartrnents - S all �b s�i :; -66n stru as to be. ifnpe 'ry ous :- to 'ate :* .§ 12 -' 5144. LAUNDRY � ;�' � : � y E.r Ue - �aarhp s.i ill hC ve: a t e -e0ni , pFartrn:t -:la ndr. to - b� for - eve r y - te n, Unit a =: or., thereof' ..§ -" 515: _ �.; nBAGE ONT I . - : -two • gallon. - galva:nl,zed ikon'ar: fan; prvi_deit:: :a t' b. :fitting gaIv'a iced iron.: dover; shall be provided for ::�:nd .oeoul unit n such garbage �- sha�ll e .:10MP .ed Al ly- at Approv.o e r tra;li oared a.rl a e r .p. a.c . §1 -7516 9ANITA T ION a �1 ���. ;A11 t'x�aler; : eaep o e } h th or. � p rr p-er�t qu pment. dr�n �ted.. there itlri must be kept in . a;'.clea,u. And.:: sanitar ri i€tion at a:ll , tires, :nd i�t sli ;ll bib n awful fo r the : n ana r : -6 trailer- enp piuitr allow the aeeu�ulati n :: f y.- trash; j unk' - garba in said: ea�nps. It S a1I lae:_ r 1a W-ful - - - :to .:( epasi.t,. or : permit to :. be . d'posated ny: - asi grater; . e �i;�"e r aster als - -iu :n trailer c any' : 'nay ner .other SHEET No. :3 ° Alameda City drd nances °`aNeW N o C883 .than provided in the Health ]Building : 'a. -nd - Plum bl g . law's of the City' - • A- lame da. All - pl rnbing' fixtures . in a t railer camp . -- shall - � be :supplied witty.. run - ning water piped .from. the public W ater . service; and shall be in - Stalled an' d . - .a inta�.ind e - -in eorn - pl.iance with. +chapter' :3; Title - . X . Of. :this Code. No . ­dr or ehorn iea�l � cl oset - - e insta Iled. or .used : in Any - trai .er . -camp in the - City .- A.lam da. 1 - F 5.+R.. • 4 L IGHTING. , .E V . e -t ! - trailer caiiip, a nd .. all p ublic t oi l ets and. baths -therein shall - "be provided With : 'ad.ecluate ..and : -. approved mea of - l ii xhtiii:g san -e, - and sueh..eamp : and all . such: facilities shall kept well lighted in a safe and - adequate rnan- ner. Q TT . All e lectric wiring and -distributing systems -.. in trailer camps sh all - be in .- Acco rdan.ce : Chapter . s : 'title X of - :this ..bode, and the . rules . And - r6-g.0 Ia.tions . made ; pur- suan t ther wherever, ire : th.e opinion of th e - '.: - , .erintendent Hof ' the eleetrieal department, it shall be - deemed -.to be to - the interests of public'. safety - and - - welfare, :all -.or. any p rt of :any : eleetrie distributing sys- tern may ::be reured to be placed underground i 12-7519 TRAILER -TOILETS AND SIN . All - toilet fixtures i n ter : a - - - . Part of a . trailer coach shat I be ,.sea y - - the. manager df. -the tradl er :. -- MMp - 'wherein . th ey : 'are log cated arid it shMi b unlaw ful for any. person - :to remove dr : br+�ak; and such sea.i - - br - ."to use • • such f ixtu 01P. to. permit the Same to b6 dme, while such trailer - coach is - the . City*' ' All sinks - ana d trAys in -: or '. part of such . _trailer. COA.ch shall. be'- 41- direetly- eon.neete'd to the ci ty, seve sstern b : ¢ea.ns . ofpprived hop persr . and if nof:.sa - cwin . eeteA 'such snh8 r i.r - _ use f .. 12- 7520... YYY..fff C OOK I G.. IN -. FACILITIES : - :All : cooking: and: heatin a:eilities fire r a. , part - : of a tra:i her: - .eoaehl . nd those used : in . tiie camp shall . be.• 6f: a . type - - -- approved i . y'. �h.e. lr. - Marshal; : and • .any.: or conforrnlr g: d'eviees shall not- Abe :used while in : th•e pity:.:: the --linage- of.. - trailer carne . shall.. ..held'. re- sponsible - . - - - : all such Violat in. su eh camp,. and ' rn - ay st ory . stich . none. confdr mffig devices n an.. approved stor room, - or mAy effecively .:-seal them. § 12 -7521. ANIMALS. It shall lie unlawful -for i,he ..owner oxr , .:.person ha ing .: control of and ni al: allow the same to -run at large .in any trailer can: ..REMOVAL OF WHEELS O R - . . . SIMILAR DIEVI E �t shall be nla f -ul _ .for - . any- person owning or operating ' a trailer' coach Ioeated in • the :. ty r Mri0 Ve, bra. ca:use t be removed, : the - - wheels -or anY si i- lar transportin -g.- devi es _ - -from -sa trailer : e ll; or td other.'' Ise :. -.per- m anetitly . f :1t to- the . ground., with - dut first - -. obtai�ni. . .a per1nii.t so to coo - f roar -the -I�uild1ng Iii speetor. An such alteration to'- any trailer ea.eh shall be' .construed • as :rem6V0 fig it from the . requi.renren.ts .of this - A:r� tiele and ennVcrtirig . it: - .into - a, dwell- i.ng and I t�. sh:ail'. th r h. b s°�ject to -the rcqu1refne'nts of - the - Building ode of thy: �itY :.of :: Al�rned�.T a:rid the State - - - Housing .' Act of allornia. §12-7523 A k .:MA IER DUTIES* The holder of a trailer camp permit shall .iha:iutai a.: na n- ager :. such trAiiler amp . - ::all times - . .Wh.ile said camp : �s. opan - ..or any -persons .&r~e oee pyi.ng any spaee theredn, The' . _ terms # `raa;1 ger ,'' 7: used rein � . shal l. mean: the : holder:: 0f l�. - $1 trailer - •ea.ni� . pe ` ni ; :and : any. - peg son d.esign:ated. and. authorized by hixi'a - to_ be is .active, respon.sibl chargef oarnp: The manager . of a . trailer ea t. 8h.a.lI be r spon'sib e_ fora the striet compliance . with the. p c isio : of this Article- or_ off-. any la:, +fir. re gu - la.t ons iu d u 's�1 .nt h t r c - pliea�ble : to : _ such - trailer. carnpx bpd shall. pr ptly * repast to the' - it . 1 fin a;ger any_ -viplation - d s e - h pry visions :on -part . of ..any• 6 Ccu.pant of such, earrip. provi an �ai�ntain at. such :: eam a.. ift bo1 ri buo : aril sliai.11 re -4ifl e h ;:p r' n *, i r etli atlr up i arrival. at sued Camp and be�orc in` . itte �.: as : ark.. �� Pant there€ f ., p i ttod to use any fa clliti�s thereon; 0.. Sig.his na And leis h.orne: address in. said regis't - er.' The .... ma- f.ager sha:11 also enter . in such: register the. :dat o arrival: a:nd departure Of ea :person . and. . mhiber of the • .license, ih;- el Udin;�' .' yea nd state .in . hith .. s ed., of each: ;rotor. vehl - h And trailer admitted. _Jo such `earrip Such register . sha.11 : be : open at .a:il .: to inspection= . . : by: the law enforce -: meat: -offic rs of. .- the'. City. It :shall e . Uhhi sful • for any person '. - to: - �naite air fai e entry. or. - - +prase'. 6 alter; or suffer . or. • p to be erased o r al - tered - - any .name,. . 'address, license number or information- in such register: 91 1 - 752 ,5. POLIC R °The manager - .of a - trailer . eamp s hall also'. - enter on -forms .to' �e supplied -•by the 'Poli 3 e artm� ht - :the : fcllowin.g i.nforr�7:� tin name and hone adC�ress of all :p ersons . Ocetipying oat trailer c a locatl.on - w here last stay £ and,. date an duration o f stay ; • n a .e and' type'- of motor vehicle driven a Iicense nil nnber of -motor .vehicle and trailer; 'including year :• and ''state - in which license - Was Issxed. - the num ber.:' - O' the . op'erator'- s • lic ease -of the operator of :such - motor vehicle. "HERE PRO HIBITED.: , . No •'trailer camp :hereafter established.'. shall � - e located • wi.thin. - the following -area of the---City": (a)` In resIdentlal districts of .Class I as defined acid ' show`n in the Zon- �J ing - Ordina - noes an Zone . M of the City (b) I the . areDL.:: { .: � a c o nta fir ed withi the follo ing desc3 ibe d i3eginfling at - th intersection of : the .westerly: line of Park street with.. the northerly' line Of Cleihen.t avenue, and: run.ning thence - . ster1y - • a. -.the - . north.- erly. . Iine of . Clement . -.- Avenue - -to -' . the - eA,sterly •line -Of willow Street; -- thonee - southerly' . a.lorxg the easterly - line - of - Willow _ - : Street - . to the, northei'I - . :l.i.rie of Eag Avenue - ; thence r esteriy along tlo x�othe�tIy liie ofa.gle '- - .Ave r nue . to the'- ea8ter-ly line bard Street:. thence southerly along` - the easterly - Brie - of . Hibbarc - Street to' - . the - northe I y . • Brie' . -. .- Buena 'lsta - . ..A:ve-nue ; thon-ce .westerly al ()ng .the n-ortherly -•line . . -of . •Vista:: A venue -' try '.the ..�vesterly - :line :.of. :Webster: Street .- thence • 'southerly : along - ve t erly' :of . Web - ster: treot to the nort dine of: Pacifie•' - • -• :' nue , thence' westerly along: th:e northerly line • of- :.Pacifio .' A.venue -to -the easterly dine f Third - . root thence. - .south.•erly along the easterly line of Third Street and the - : southerly. otnion thereof . to: :: the : United • •: Mates �Ulkhe ;d line; thence, .easterly along said Pu.lkhead:. line . -to 8ta- tion - 11 #.0 11 rib - said line;. thence northerly . along sa:id:: ;lhead yRx3 '* Brie. to - tatibii on saline thence • north esterly .. along said ]Bulkhead lane to the - Jnterseetion thereof ith the easterly : line 0f V Avenue ; thonce.:. so•uth:. e riy : along th eastrl :.line Versailles :- :A Venue - to the : South erly : line - of :: Fern side 3oulevard - thence v esterly dung'- the South - erly • tine of -: Fernsid e l ouleva .r to . - the easterly li . earl Street; thence in- stralght .::line to - -the easterly -erid flf � the north- erly. -Ift e of Cle .ent A.vefiue r '.. thence a�lon.g th:e northeriy :.line of Clem nt A venue .• to . ;the :: 01nt - of beginning... 12 -7527. RULE S' AN!) R� UL A- TIONS th - e +pity. Cana have -the poorer to .:prOMU g - _ 'ui s and. regulations - - . the' etfordeme of this Article; - -'and. : for.' th. : of insuring� - the, .- 4iik7.n .tena - of trailer ' camps and str.uet�res lid,rein in., a, manner compatible ' Wl'th : Pub'ii c health and safety" . Section This Or s tale effect at. trie .e :kpi'ratian . :of thirty 'days from - the date of_• its final passage: : Presiding loffieer 6f- e C Oun , eil the : :udersird; h ere . certify. th the foregoing - Ordinance ..Was dull . :and regu.larly.' - a: t -d. and passed: by..- th o�. r�cil -. of :.the . fit - of : Alameda iii regular :: :rrieeti -g - sem :: n o the 5th : da.y: :: ar h bled 1938, : by -. : follovirrg vote torn i. YE oun�i lrnen' arrin ton- Godfrey, MAIAter IVIOr1~is and Pre i dent 'eichhartt . (5:: N -0E S :. None# ENT ; ISTo' ne. I ' WI"T'1q-E �` �����''� � have beneunto --sot• -. my� han an .:a the: officta. -l: seal of : said .. tty.. - th1 16th - day of �Iar h .. . City: C erk . :of th .: ity~_. -bf - Alameda» Publish . March • �;' 3 �