Ordinance 0649ORDINANCE NO. 649 Reclassifying property Alameda Cit Ordinances Ord9nm�e No. 650 Y New Series NEW SIM E (P betty � na � a� ant den ral BE -IT ORDAINED BY TI -113 C OUNC IL OF THE CITY of AL A- MEDA •• -as f 0llav�► Isectien 1_ The proiperty in the City of Alameda, . - you my of Alameda, State of California, described as fol- lows BEGINNING at a. point on -tie northern line of.. Central Avenue, forrile' riy . Washington. -. Avenue, distant, thereon easterly Ioo - feet from. the intersection . thereof with the pastern line of , Benton Street; formerly . St. john - Street, as said ...venue and Street are shown on - the n�a.p hereinafter referred tot running. thence east- erly' along said li -ne - .of Central Avenue .loo feet thence at r. i�ht a ngles - northerly 1.50 - .feet ; - thence at right an 1�s �,resterly � feet theinee at right -- aiigles smitherly -150 feet jo the ..pc,int of beginning. BEING Lots: Nos. 35 'arid 36 -- and.- portions '.o Dots . 41 and 42 i.n . ldek "o. 22, . as said - -lots . and block- delineated . and - so des- ignated uj)on -that eer�tain - - neap entitled,' "map f p[" , t of hE .p roperty :. of .' Charles : - -L t`itch, deo',' known as. • the Homes of Mary A - .. r4 teh; y filed. April • 1, 1874, in the - office of the otinty - .eCord.er of the said County of Alameda, - cha And' reef. ss ivied to Re idential - District, `l I, i.eo sideritia -- "District, '�f �.J a•ss - 1 3/4. � HEN u._ . - • . WEICH A .L , Presiding Ofl~reer of the Cbunc il. I, - the undersign od, here by certify that' the -fore * oing - .Ordi.nanee - s duly -and" regularly adopted- passed by - the : �t��rieil : t�� ::1� e pity of Al;imeda in adjourned r.eg .ul.ar 'Meet - in . -- a sombled -'On- -the - .28th - day of June, - 1938, - by the following vote, to -wit : AYES: C ouncilman Carrington, c)dfrey, Maurer - and Pr' esident Weiehha.rt, (4). A BSENT - . C61iftci l-an Alorris, ( 1) ITT 'ITNESS , WHEREOF. I -have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offzeiai - seal Of : - said - City this 29th .day of June,- 1938. ( D, EL.MER DYER 7 city C lerk of the City of Alamcda. Pti.bli viz ,Tune 29, 1938. Alameda City Ordinances ° °d `° " °: � N Sen ORDINANCE-.. AS, (Property �knoWn -, ' � a 1 High. Street) F RD I "ED ..BY. 'THE COUNCIL . - OF - ' 4E Cl 'Y - of z� - I ED -- as , f ollow s 8ectian 1: - - - - �'�h.c p roperty in the city of A.l.a m od a.; County . of - Ala- nd t�te of . aliforxza k desribd as folio C OMMENCING at the print of intersection of the northern line of Madisio . Street with the western .. lino of -High - Streot�- and thence - running northerly along Baia line - of . - High'- Street f eet 1 i h k then ve terly. parallel W 'said :line - . - of . Madison Street .117' feet 6 ino hes + thence o th rl r. -a.nd , Farah o1- .� ith aid lines - of Ti g ► tre t 75 Meet, - in-ohos to the -northern ins of Madison Street and thence. erly along - - said line : of Madison street ." 1 7. feet; . 6 - inches - to - th.o -point .cif Commencement. BEING. -Lots Numbered -1 . and and p6rtiotzs c..)f. Lots Numbered 3 a.nd in Flock UM Bred , as Said laid down and delinegted . -upon that oeftain: map-- eititld; ``1t1a of A1am e - da, S u rv­e'yed : a.nd . ra , " r n h :.I: tr .tt n 1853: filed - �Jtily 24th' 1879; -. in th.P of f iee ' 'Of the - dunty. ocorder .. of Alameda County, is hereby. . chan ed -a,nd reclassified from residential - -Dist ri ct ; to Residential District} class 1 ' HENRY-A'.. WEI HH_. T. Presiding Officer o . -the Cdunefl. I, the n' ddrsign ed, here b . - c�ert ify that the foregoing .Ordina ce' cq s .did and : re gulaxly adapte� and p assed . y: the: o nci l of I of A.laine(i L in ado rh d - regular. neet- i g a sem ecl on - th.e 28th day cif. . June; .'by'.. --the , _ folloWing emote, AYES': ou Inien Car'rin ton, GO' dfrey, M6iirer and President eiehhart} (4) NOES: N one. B ENT.' . ouncilman o'rr�is :(1 1N_ • WI'TxES HERE0Ff 1 have..- hereun - set a�n� hand . and affi�e� the..official seal.. of .said City this 29 th . dad of Tuner _ 1.135: (SEAL) . ...D; ELMER .TOYER, city. clerk of the - ity.' .of A.Id�Y�.�'d a., Publish_ June 2 %' 1938. ad ity oY,Ilin�L,es, .652 U �' New Seri -.6-52 NEW S LISH F - PORTION _1� n1 ff STREET AS P ART Oda TIFIE SY 1, ST E N1 O HIGHWAYS WHEREAS the Board of :Sup'e'r visors of A.la meda .County, State of a:liforn,ia:,- by a four- fifths vote - of said Board, did - on.. the .28th - day of June, x.938, . duly. adopt its Resolu- tion - -No. .32563. 'wherein and -whereby all of the portion of Hi h Street in the City . -of Alameda hereinafter 11 -particularly , described, was de- clared- to be . a. part of . the . county systern- of highways, ' and - it. eras . further resolved. -that upon con- sent thereto being given by the City Council of -said City - -said highway shall be considered with respect to its construetion, . maintenance and repair a.. county highway and not a City street NOW, T HEREFORE, DIFj IT OR- DAINED ABY TIME,' COUNCIIj OF THE C OFD.. ALAME A. as f o l - lows Section. 1. The City Council of the City of Alameda -does hereb�7 eon. - sent to the. establi sh,m ent - of that portion of High - Street lying - the ..limits - of-the- - -City of Alameda., County - y` --Alameda, �' S ta [ . � te 7 €��yy � i f and more pArti hula ly d e scribed as follows All High Street from the Northeasterly line . of . .F'ernsi.de Boulevard- in Said. - 0ty of Alan rned.a Northea terly .td -the South - �gterly line of the broperty of the . United States comm only know n,-- the United St ates Tidal Canal bets, een' San - Lean- dro Bay and the held . of -the San Antonio Estuary or - . Oakland Harbor, s a parrt . .of the county system of hi 'h rays in said County of . ,.la - - ineda - under the pro - visions :of , r- ticle . 3 .of C hapteir 9 of t he S treets and Highways Code of th State of alifbrnia, HENRY A._ WET0,HHART ]Presiding Officer of the Council. I, the undersigned, . hereby certify that - the foregoing . ordinance ..was duly and regularly - :d.opted. -and passed by . the Council of - the City of A - 1 ameda in regular . meetng as- se ib]6d on the '19th day of July, 1938, .by the . folio h g - -vote, to -wit AYES - - oiir dhii3O n C arrington l Yarurer, MOrris and President eich - h.a.r. t, (4). NOE None. ABSENT. Councilman Godfrey, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h ave i- ereunto set - any . harnd. o - an d. a.f f i .ed t1le - official seal of said.. City this 20th .'day of July, 1938. SEAT. D. EL ER DYER, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. P ublish July 20 1938. Alameda City Ordananees ��a;na� No. 65Series .. . . . . NEW SERIES RECLA P ROP E RT Y' ( Property Known, as 2042 E Avenue) Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Alameda, as follows, Section. 1. The property in the City of Alameda, County of A.la- rneda, State of California, described as follows I_j0T Numbered. 16 in Block. Number 12, as said Lot and Block a re delineated and so des - ignated upon that certain Map entitled, "Plan of the Subdivision of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 of Lands adjacent to the Town of Enci.nal, Alameda Township, Cal.," filed. July 20, 1889, in book 10 of Maps, at page 46, in the office of the County Recorder of ,Alameda County, is hereby changed and reclassified from Residential District, Class 1 to Residentia.l District, Class 1% HENRY A. w"E1CHHART, Presiding Officer of the Council. T, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting as- sembled on the 16th day of August, 1938, by the following vote, to-wit: AY]RIS : Councilmen Carrington, Ferris and President Weichhairt, (3). NOES : None. ABSENT: Councilmen Maurer and Godfrey, (2), IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 17th day of .August, 1938. ( SEAL) D,, ELMER DYER, City Clerk of the City of ,Alameda. Publish August 17, 1938.