Ordinance 0658ORDINANCE NO. 658
Reclassifying property
(Propertt known as 1535 Everett Street)
13E INNING at the point on
the -North esterh line of Everett
Street,- distant thereon - North -
easterly , 50 feet . -from the point of
intersection Ahereof with the
Northeastern line of Webb . Ave-
nue,. as said, street and .. avenue
are shown on the': Ma herein-
after referred to;. run.n.inL thence
Northeasterly along said lame of
Everett Street; 00 .feet; thence
at - right ahgles Northwesterly
1,47 feet, - 11 inches -; thence at
right angles Sou'thwes'terly 100
feet ; and. thence ' at. ri ght an gles
outhea!�t.erl _ .x 47 .feet : III/ : inches
to the ---point - bf beginning:
B EING lots N6S, -Iq a.nd . 20 .in
. Bloi lk B; - .as . said lots and block
are de- elineated . and . so dfj,9ign,�ted
upon that certai map entifled,
`.A- l a m -e d - a. : state Horn:estead -
Tract, filed March. 14, - .1868, : in .-
iber 17, of - . Iap9, ' pa o" - 60 in the
office of the: '.Co' tints- recorder of
_.-Ala County,
is : hereby changed and recla:Ssified
f rom Residential.-Distric Cl -ass -.1 . to
Residential. D ill stri ct c his S '. IL
'Pres df' Offi6er of the Canncil.
.i, the undeesi ned, . hereby certify
.that the . foregoing . Ord in an (�e : ' vas
duly : - arid regularly.-. -. aid opted ' and
pa's sod iy: the'. Council =.df. th - it - v' of
.�`�.la;rneda in : r�� ular rheetin: : a s�en��
bled : On the 20th da:y of :. Se ternber;
i90 by the . fflll�� ring '. �oteF - to -wit :
" '� o ineilr� eri a.rring ors,
Godfrey, M Luri�r; -Morri*s a.nd. Presi-
dent Weiehhart, (5).
N o 8 Xdne. .
ABStNT' * None. .
IN.. WITNnS8 WHEREOF 1: have
here'un'to set. :my han :rid affixed
the offi ..:of said. Crity : - thi s
21st . da,y of : Sept.ernbe'r; 1938::
City Clerk of the -City -.of .A lameda,.
Publish Sept. 22, 1938.