Ordinance 0700ORDINANCE NO. 700 An ordinance amending the alameda municipal code by adding to title 11 thereof a new chapter and article to be known as chapter 3 article 1 prescribing rules and regulations governing platting and subdividing of land and the filing and approval of subdivision maps Sheet No. 2 Alameda Caty Ordinances - Or d inance " °.' °° New Series eoti n 11.315 - Tentative :Nta 'C on- tents (C outinuerd) . - 1n addition t other_ - matt r+ wired iii. this .article T en tau : dill : shad s ow:-.. 1. -All - Parcels of 1a.h d intended to he dedicated for public use or re- ser ved ; f or ::the x se - Of ..property : owners in_ i' :: proposed -. subdivision together v,�ith . t u.rpos cony diti n - acid limitations of. such 'reservation, if a ny. - • ;. '.true North p oint, scale - an d date. 3.. The layout, - numbers and ap- proxi mate dimensions of proposed. lots. 4: Tentative -`g'rades'. of each' street. ection 1 --316 Tcntative' M�a:P -- Coax -- tents _ W ritinued) , In addition to other - matters required : in this .a:r°tiele a Ten MtiVc map shall show: 1.. -The cross sections .: of - proposed streets Showing the wi dth - of road - ways,. - .loca,ticn and width' of side- �vall�s. . 2. Proposed .sa,nftary, ; storm WAter car . combined' sewers . and -other public utilities, with brad es - and sizes indi - eated .3. If said subdivision - borders on the - waters of Sa.n : Francisco Bay:' the - l ocation of - required seawalls or bulkheads - 4; • .. An '.. required data .wh ch it is iruPossible or - Impractical to place upon the T. exa tativ Map shall be . ' submitted ,. in 'Writing -.,,with: the leap. �ecti n 11 _ . 31T'- Tent, - MAP-- --:mac- tion� fin. • '. "pheidiso : - Aen.cy shall tot a6t on. any T Ma ' it receives - : a . 1•ep0 rt.- : :theCeon - fronl the i.t '.- En in.e0r, . Unless .rnure than .tw6 t;� three '. (23 days have elapsed. si.nee ritaUve map . gas - -filed w1 tb .- : the Advil -pry. ' Ageney, . eoti n .11. -- 31:8 Alignment of Streets. The.. �erlt of.: all th iotighfares and � secondary-: . •thoroughf aces shall con forl �ii 10 :.those designated'. on - any. plan , :'- of ' thoro`uhf arels ad opted y the lty Council prior: to the date of ng of '. h''_ • _ Teiit A ve- map . With the �:dvlso -y - 'A�geney,': A-11 op led �iiaor st:ire'ets :, shall. be .jn' - alignment with : ; existing- planned - or : platted - streets with ..Which they are to con- neet: S ection.. 11 -- 1 'fi lth of tr ets. :1. `' 'horoughfares shall be of - � the 1 th �i.n�dicated on the approved flans - a,n .not less than eighty. (80) feet.. in s idth� . S econdary ary thoroughfare's shall. be ntt Less than sixty (60) 'feet in -vidt . Miner streets shall be - not less than . f if ty'. ( ) feet -in width. M. ' * 13 lin.d streets : s be :.not over tl liuhd ' a . 0 . 00) feet . in: length and ' sa11': :be net � less •than -forty (] ) feet : in: mid th..: All .blind streets . shall termft! t ire a . eir ular - 0nd. ha;vin9 a, M iriirntir :. dia.na titer : of sixty -18i . ' (66) f et Unless the - Advisory Agency approves a. "T" or "Y" shaped space in 11eu of required turning circler ectiaxa 11�311 : : grade of Streets. .1. le ox trou hfi,re, secondary :. thorough - fares' minor streets - alld -- alleys shall be approved 'by the - City Engineer of the City of : Alameda. eetioh 11- 3111 ntersectio n of Streets. Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles As' prac- ticable. 1_. Street curly intersections shall be rounded .. by. - an are tb.e . ra l ins of which - shall be equivalent to the width of the sidewalk. eetidn' 11 --311 Roar way Widths. 1: Minimum roadw - ay widths on ininor streets shall be thirty (30) feet. 2, - Roadway - widths . f or turning circles on ' blind streets shall - have a, diameter of not •- less than fifty ( ) feet. section 11- -3113 - Private . Streets. Priv'a.te streets, alleys : or vra,ys shall not be platted . or laid .- out except p the • a.pproval and : consent of the Advisory AgeD c'y and : the City'. oulz- cil - and - then only -conditions which guarantee .the .- construction nec-- e� sary - locl improvern.ent and c€ n- tinued . - maintenanee' th ereof.- ... s ection'' 11 '3114 - Effe'ct o tr 'eet a out oar .. �' djoinin Propert, Street layout shall be de si'ned to provide f future - access to and - not -impose undue hardship upon subdivided propiorty adj oining . - . the . .. su.bd.i.vision. section - deservest :h1 of Streets or 13,auhdttries -- of S ubdi.vis on. Reserve -. strips a.t the ehd Of streets or at'. - the bounda.ri.es of - subdivision shall be deeded unconditionally to the City of Alameda. .;S ection . - 11-3116 - .'street Names. Pro- posed ' s treet naes shall' not dupli- cate r. o too ' elo iel.y aappro irnate ..pho- ne the _ mane of any street in Ala' meda . where streets are con - tinuations of eXiSting streets the : ex- istin .: street_ Aarnes shall ' b • used. Zeetiou - 11.:.311.7 Alleys. ys Shall be required - Jr v - all. - business - and'. in- dustr'ial districts... Ekeept':here jus- tifi d .bv topographic .. conditions; . al levrs . .g ill . not .be approved - in: residen- tial :districts. - �inirnunn. - width - of -al- leys shall be t -vventy - X201 feet With twenty (0 ) foot : roadways, Section 11.- 31.1.8 Width'..' Blocks, The width of bloieks -- shall - -be suffi- cient 'to allow .two - tiers of - lots of appropriate depth. Section 111-3119 Lengt - - of Blocks* - locks ::shall - not ' e Bleed . .600 . 4 eet .in length and - dead - end streets 0o feet. section 11. -3120 tots. 1. 1�ots for - residehti al use shall be at, least- orty (40) feet . wide at -the building . line. . 2. - Every. 1 ot - shall• on a :street. 3. Double f rohtage • lots should. ; be Sheet No. 3 Alameda c ity Ordinances °`d`"` °` " °.' °° New Series avoided. v d f rontae or le lots should k e avoidet : in .blacks. eXc1u - mot pixies sh.a li 'be a`ppraximatel at right.. aizgles : to'- the. street .line on hiC l =the 10 . � aces. A li iots in Ui e 'X. e- a�il Z oning. Districts shall pr -ovide a lot area - of. four thousand (40o0) - squar e feet i : all - .lots - - .in . the {'B o - ' Family district shall provide a lot ar a of : five thousand (5WO) square feet: eetion 11. -3121 - E%Sexne1rtS. Ease - ments - least. f ive . - (5) feet wide sl a li e p �ovid ed f or stcii m a,nd sani- tary sew r s ari -d .other utilities across ,r aorz to rear or� :side lines - oaf lots Nvh'er e deli na,ted. by. the _ City . Engi- n.eer. sectlon 11-3 mprovements. : i._,.-1n- -ek,11 SlAbdi" VISio s - -h e .th- orough - fares - streets alle; s easements. and lots - - shall be laid : :�u.t to 'provide for approved seen, drainage and street lighting '.- fa.011 i-ies: 11 streets sh�11 be graded to- ..: the --. f.ull extfant 'ne'l i.nqpr oVed to apl�roV6d n d0. : The street r din and improv rmerit.�s shall: i 'cluck nece carte ': pavin , -- 6urbsr id 1 s cate�h basins' . pipes; cul�- verts} titer; .. getter : - bridges, storm drains akn d s .nli r r. fi�e� . Light - a.xz�` : :fa.cilities shall Include a�pprved .- lid' - tine - stand'ards; _.� ; 'intereonnectinj.7 conduits fliid.: eabies service . con.nec- tions arr� ali: appurteri��n — cc's � nt }cossarY for. a complete._ �tr�et- lighting �Ys- te, � v� he' never 6, sub division., : :. or AIWW portion thereof, is contiguous to. the a:ters fan Francisco air,. the in p , 6 �Te i - ents: re - giiired to be constticted� . a�s pro°idecl iri . Section. 11- of - this : :article shall . includ=e tb e co n s trU c tioi1: _o f an app'ro - -: sea- Wad l or .buII�iiead - f �s ch . construe -tion- and . de i n Aq : Wild prot , t .thy iands : in said - : Is anti the streets; se�Nrers . lrai age facilities and ,other: Jh pro ements . ther6i.n: from dax i ia e or . 'destruction by'. the action f th - e : fide$ or,: b. - the waters of sai=d bay.,: cfurio g .�vihd - or . storm. - etio . " I - 8123 p n p�aceS 0the�r iii. : = tett Luc cons ideration shall ! given to the alloe I - of suitable: : ;r. as for sch ils, parks rd pl€x :round to : be dedica.ted� for pubiiC...uSe} or. reserVod f6 : th e n.- rnon.. use of 4il1;pr.Op rty owners within the- pr paled .. subdivision - .by co-re� nant in the deeds. ect on 11''. 3124, Eceptiox� - .t 1e quirem nts.'. ' .Th6 .Advisory Agency ors . the. council inay -- in - :the - exeei se f - :. reasonable . jud ni nt . - grant . such Va riances �as i deterniries; VL ar-� a= n ted - . -Wt - er e ,h.e size of ' the subdi= Y1sio� . Or topographic .c ditioris o the property Make - .-At - lrnprac tie ai _ to con orrn , to a] 1. oaf. the . ` pr v% ions * ar �- scribed b :this . ar tiele. prodded; howev that 'arianees r .a J be made to any requirements imposed by the Subdivision.- Act. Section 11.3 25 .. deport ::. and :. c ion ors ejita. t .e :._ up. �'ri?'lthin- ::.thirt (30) days after: t e Tentative leap; filed: tho Advisory Agency shall act on : said xnap arid -- shall make its re- po r °t th roan -: to uncil pity. . of= .:41arr� e€1a: -City Co laid repor t shall app ro ;re, cond.itiorially - ' approve or- , disapprove - . said `e'en tative .Map, The -, City Council 8h. 11 '.'act upon said report `t �itl in 'ten (10. cl ad or . at. pits next succeeding r.�egular meeting after receipt of said report. The. - Council may. overrule' any -ruling o f the - Ad- visory ,. - in . regard to said - Ten - tatiye Map ..and .n�ake such findings are as -. re not inconsistent with the pro - visions ,. .of the Subdivision'- Map Act or of .this article; The tune ilnzits prescribed hereby for a.ctirig ,and re- peri:in -; on 'tentative : baps -- 'nzay - - e) tended y th Ell m u tttal - written - Con- sent. 'of - the - Subdivider anal the - Ad - visory .�..:g 0 .the City Council, as th.e case -mav be. - Section. 11- 3126. . lapp Sub is- � it; council Witkrin the peg -iod of. -timee - ,prescribed : by'' Section. 11 o f the S -abd ivision Map A ct . ` . the Subdivider shall cause . the proposed subdi vision to be . - &ccii . sur- Veyed: in. -aceordance -with. the Tenta- tive - dap 'an'd ..with . a.ny a.nd . all '. - alter - ,tiosrhans retuird there - vith, ecoptvlzere a� survey is not r °eQuired -by the �bdiVi8ib Map, Act. within. said .period: anal ' -when all the certificate's.. which - are required on the Fin' I -Map (except the approval certificate of .tbe -Clerk o f the ..City Lour ci l) have been signed, and . �vh ere necessary. ackn:o�vl6 fted� the Su odic vider i - hay le -v ith t - it r oun.cii f Or. fub .. approval. a Final ..Map- of :tne d 1Si - -- conforming... -I:ft all Paa tiv._n trl irs to .the , provisions Of. ' e - . Sub_ d �i3risi can map Aet - ah d :' of this article. Section 11- 3127.: ubmissi01 - 1 to .. #ty E .Ir�lneer At any :tlme - prior.. t the fiiirz of sai -d -. final leap the - : dub diid,er :shall file °with the arty Engi- neer . - .- folloting : -: 10 A andyke - negative.- said Final Ma.p at tiro (2) blue line prints cloth and four, (4) blue lin e prints on paper: 2.. A statement a,s to; the mature, and type of the zr -prove m exits by tl , ifs article .'required to. .be constructed ira said subdivision to 'ether' .with the necessar , set corn. plete plans, pr .ofiles details - sp ecifications for such 'improvements. Section 11 - .28 .: " Action. - oni ,Xi nal Map Tirue Limit. - th e '�ityr, COU41el shall. at it s text niceting. 0 a period of not amore than tend days after . the - filing f : :said l'in o Mapo_ pr eve SELI'd -n1ap If Alle same canfo no.'s to a:11 the -.re' quirements - of the_ ubd.ivl8ion map Act : and - of - thi article''. uneri sh afll' wi.thln . sr.i ch period ..of time 'also - - aecept or reject Sheer No. 4 Alameda City Ordinances °`d` "" " °:' °° NeW Series any or -all -- offers of dedication of land : : public u.se, .- . :- The - -fai1Ure: of - a: ub i ider to fil - sued: �ihl . map.:tl the - -zt- : oun= oil ih tiTile for. action .'thereon. as pro- vided : h the -: °� dil visI on M a p Act and in ..this -. arti cle . and to record said snap .ithiri one ( 1) :.y 'ear.: ,fr0fn.'. :the appro -1 of eon itional apl o al of th ci Tentative Alap by the Council, shall automatically terminate all pro - ceedings. ection 11 -3129 Construction of Irn- Sroctimeats' . No fhia-1 -. - Map shall -be presented. Jo the C ouneil . of the . City of Alameda - for 'app roval ...until the Subdivider - either'. completes the re- quired : improveme - 1 - . -car enters into a - cofttral'ct .- i th Ahe - City agreeing to do such ork, . and files -with the City C lerk_ - _ of. the City of- Alameda • a surety band approved - by the City Attorney in such . -an -. as the Ci tv - ounci l sha-11 estimate and de- terinine to . be necessary to ..eornple to all _ - the in iproveinents -- required . to _ be done by the Subdivider, which surety bond shall - . be - executed . by the - ub- divider as principal and a .corpora - tion - al thori ed L o.. so , -act Und • the laves of the Stat of . - alifornia s suret�r,' .tile - same to be . poi ' ble to .thy i tv . a.nd . - to -loo conditioned upon - the faithful -. perf0rmanoe : of .-any and all work:- required .to - be done' b ' the . ub- divider, abd said ' .borxd . - shall.• lie .- fur - ther candltioned to th effect that should the S ubdivider fail: to com- plete all . warl� req uii�ed J6 be : done by : him -. w - 1thin .a 'specified , reasbn' able time the City : may, ado its option. cause all - uncom . ted. req -work to • be done - and - .tlae par' ties- the bond shall -lie - firrhl.y - bound for the = payment ..0f . - ill necessary costs therefor:; or. -iii lieu - of a.. surety bond the Sjibdiv�ider ma.y � , ost . security as provided• -in ecti 20 - the Sub- divis1o1- . map 'Act. uiuehts. - -.-Before the tran:smission - of anV. Ma.p Ito th.e 01 aunci . for. approval, a:pprov.ed pe��i�iahent. monuments shall be 'set a.t : the loe bons indicated o _ . the :- nn ap and in: co f ity . w ith the : i fir. Engineer's s eoifieatio is, or appropriate ua.ra:ntee sha,l.l ..be. in' eluded . - as an. in" pr v.eh ent un Sec- tion 11-3129. Momjments . shall be install street: -intersections, be-- tween street: in erne Boris - - Where ft ssary: to".. preset -e - '. the street - a lign m . and : th - e - .: ab le : points atom' : the ex.teri sr- b nda r' ie§ *here nec ssar�y. - rtecti n 11 31 Checking .0 nee ring . Inf or a tioA -. Win: Final ..:Map. The Ubdivide shall- furnish th.e , City E n.ineer copies ::f th field :: rz'tos; traverse .'s§heets . and. - ..all :other - . - dat ieeessar t6 a�seertasin' : that. .the Final Ia:b is : teehiiall;• Fi • r�rreet. when the - copies: df -tie : nal - Map - ar6 pre; - s en ed - n to the :. i tY: n in : -ors re q�.a:ired by Seetiar.1 -1' the :: Stab- dllvider - - 8 pay_ : _to - • the City -- Rngi- n.eer - a -- f ee of - f if ty cents • ) .for each lot shown on said Final M ap, to , cover the act cost to the Ci ty Eh rineer -of : oheching then• inforn�.antion ihdieated .: -on , -Elie Vina.l l ip th - .amount so .deposi.ted the actual Cost � the ity Ehgineer � thy* Subdivider shall be reimbursed from. the � e.l hce r•enialning. ,. If- th.e : actual co•�at e" C e`ed' th6 C�.ep aiho n'ty the City' - E1 inter - shall - - ,vith.hold pp rova l of the. Final Map until the Subdivider shall pay the excess amount-, .Sectian 11' -3132 - Information on : {Anal maps' EVery -' Final Map shall ' - be . drawn at a - Scale of one . inch equals one hundred (100) feet or less, on - a .sheet or _sheets ei l�.tee:n (18) by .twenty -six 6 � inch s - conform - ity with all of the requirements - of the - Subdivision Map -Act and shall show L The bound a ry lines of the tract with accurate distahces and..bearin.gs, the exay.t .- Inca.tio ,and - width of all existing or _ recorded streets inter - secting the - bou- ridary. of the tract. 2. Correct bearings and - d to the nearest established street lines or off mon.uments, which s7ha,ll b acc urately. tied. to - the lines of the subdivision by distances and bearings. 3. 'An accurate location of the Sub - d- ivi.sion. - in' reference - - the real es- tate reeords of ._Alam'eda County. Section 1,- Informa t - ion on Fin :Ala p � o�iti - nue� � . fn : addition to' other - : matters ..- required in -this article .- the' -information - . - on , ., the Final Map shall show following: L street and a lley names. 2. The length - . axes, radii, internal - angles, 'points of curvat length and b ea ring of the tangents. . An. easerhen t§ for -right of wars rovi ded for public services or utili- ties and . an.y limitations of the ease - ments. , Al block and. lot numbers and lines with a.ccura.te dimensions in feet and h'Undredths and with bea,r- ings - and angles to street and - alley lines. Section - 11 -3134 Information on Fbiial l aP Won i�nued). - In - addition to other. matters regiiired in: ,this ar- ticle—_ the inform' ation on the -- Final :map shall show the following : 1. 1 aOation of . monuments in con - f vanity With the requirements of -the City Engineer. 2: The- - accurate o utline of all .prop_ erty: whidh is off=ered - for dedication for. public use' with .the purpose in - - dicated thereon, and of all property that i nay. be reserved b . deed. cove - nant fot. -the con° ion. rise of the -prop- erty - - -oW ors -- in ..the : subdivision o the —City'.,--.Of Alameda. 1`1f said - subdivision bori ders o n the -w6, ters . -. • of . • a:n .-Praneisea - Bay the Abc_Atibh of require, seawalls or bullheads. Igo. ' Ordinance _ N6.700' `0.r. Pna nces Se 4.. ,et . back li ols: _........_�.:..a ( insert a l ega l description o �x�n the . lard .e re . 1 -.- -1 i tn tr , e ic e �r at er li ter, r quir � n � a , :are • ����� � r ��e� ��a� �� r� tir�� �.. -f A� the j- io"r��:t1 on :the F n� a. : � f r. ,: � . -.M -a' h .11 . 8howr tie : �f0 ���� t� �.���A Map. L •�'rd i ntimb r -of " ' h std l d `�i7isl{ Tl. 3. -Naps recur e e� - " "" for - the ' ame...cq' d. :_a+C dr : of" "the .dub "... - pgrpo�� :cif �ar���i���� "� rt�c�x�� �f : ��� di ff er ". eat "str et ". i .21 h J 'As shall 3.' ' ��rue North. Point', wale and da te. h - e tre' ated in - " procedure - s R evers ion - . 4. A 6 and aT to A6reage- Maps. .fined l�izv���l ed b �,�ll p�,rt��s• h��ing ar�;� • .11 - section.. 3 138 ' eeoid f . - Surve y, " record titie interest in the : sub rzp :. Exoe'pt . as etherwlse "provided i id d �o sell Ir:g.td par Atiexi "" and the ubdivisio'n _ Map .-'Act and -s �Ud r r�y4 ht"` 50 Stat �.' 1 as Tnforrnati0n o :. lxended the provi : pro edw. ���� rel�t��� to.. �in�.1 Map " shill 1 1-114: M ill l$ ". " -ddditien - .y , n • • y �T ; *may y� C� �W " app �C .t - f u V �.r f.+ir I+� ■ }'� 7 �-fi } 'y� j r - t " 6th ti. * " - �F..l. � t t e s ' • � r -e q F..i l .{�. e d. � i ' this . [..1: 1 "� title the Ji f mati6 en "the " : �'ir . aa..!! .. This ordina ectiolz 2; n:ee" shall M b - 'sha l - hol 'Nr :the 10116 ri�Zg "'. a into effect t : the : ex .ti l f ' ( 30 ) "� ys �y �w y ey y� t� /� ya c i f tSe7 sig 5� 1L .. .C��.` thirty. .. da from the -state - of Its f ina l - pCir w�lC� T�,+* 4. kne irled,ged as above, o ffering, ." fob' -- def1icaAi : h , ' for . c.ertai ' ' s ee�f�ed - • HENRY- " .�i, � '� ����� � lic .uses .thbsOe. 'parcel " to'. bb' dedicated. - Presiding Officer •cif .'the' Coulacil. - r . - :A:. certificate by 10�: sneer. or Sur - Attest :" - -Yor. sta ting 0 .•8ttV'e r iS tree .arid I� ��� �I����1�� ca��.plete� " �.e�.�u�ent�.. ire �of . •eha,r "- ". its ier�, as ter . end: pitta 'ndiatd., a nd.-that .n he " "r tr ced afro - m m numei t "nd - a, r id d: I, " the � undersigned h ereby: certi 'A . eer 14 :1 at6'" by the " -City - ngi� h t the. foregoing ., was - ueer : "• tai i lie � as . - ex�lm ed ." the' dt�I� a�x+d : regul�ri adopt - - and Final id ..it is . iu : ee ird with p ed - -by : the . o until of the ": pity the .'. ` faf -" 1I .p d : :ri : ppr d" f lLnijb a - 'i. - red' ldr , rn it . alq- " " it6 , ti s -th er t ] * 4� th . the . se�1 b �d • ��'�" �� e '� KI d "y - (jf : �ec��7 b�r�' Stibdivd sign " . p . ct and. -this .ducal " " . 19 3 9 1 ' - .' . .th " . 0110WIng : emot : - wit : drdinanee - and : i . "teehni0i lly correct, " k o it ri C..rr tens eertiii ate" :fQr ecutit n Go'dfreir, T4"turert Morris and . Presi- " the "" it � ti. • - that the it F � r y�. Merit Weiehl art, { y �y ° y1 T �y +� y{ }� �{ i.+� o a nd ir1 .1. i } T' TNd t i .' in al LeH'p . .411 .A. A. d - y� yam.. /� NOES Y 1 �F.�. CIA e • " .1accept d pr ". rej ect d . " the of f ers . o f . ENT ;'.•- N0nne: ded e ti n ", 1N' WI"I NESS WHEREOF, I : have Section 11 -- 3137 Reverslon : to . 'Acre'--- "• - hereuhte - 8et" - rn hAnd • . aid t ffixed the . 0ffi c iai • I - id . it this the title title sheet of e I 20th " day of " December' ..939 ma -T) filed. •far: •"thy rp4 "s " yam f " "revert - - I - LO1�P3 E - 'R. - B:.�., .TIE, +� 7 t6 e�,�.fi. �A��s � y�r�� i t e 1.C1nd .� St!bti 41.C.�' : �hal " • Z' G' ." he of ds (� r k.-of F s� r� � .0t . i 4 Y "" GL� Cis * 4 ne i �/ rsioA" o Acredge . o ..wwawwwnH LLM�n FFi�Mkwk AR�R MF D ec r .L �, 1 '. ''