Ordinance 0720ORDINANCE NO. 720 Adding section 17-344 to the alameda municipal code establishing fifteen minue parking limits or No. 72Q � e lei ' r-din �vew se��es _NA.. 'venue : ��d 0 D-1 E ,; i 1 i :feet a ► ft , W. .: .. I. 0 (S n . t h a f . port�n . - the : wept s €d - f . Farm - Stre'et;.., b_t rveen linee draurn . par- el . the nbr :: ire ofehtral 1►C �3 l S T l .. -: .' - - -. Avehue . a c dis' ta norther Iy , ther`efrom ALAIVI 111: N I� I P AL:'. - C if y ��'CA��- : re spect - vel � feet . ar�d 26 feet .. � sai NG FIFTEEN - I KUTE - .. T' 41 n at portion - t f - t# e a Sid Ll M ITS. of Park Street, batween . lines drawn par- - .B� -- IT ORDAINED B �l1 -1 E 1 C11 al l ei . to -the . line. of .: Central Avenuo , and distant southerly' therefrorn oi� SHE -OF A�.AMEC�A as -follows . respectively 9 feet -- and - 9 feet - Section -- ,.1 p A new section . is hereby. added Aian�eda - MunicRpaI Code, to � 1 ) 0n that portion of the West side - Park - .to .the . : be . ,khowrl -as Sect 17- rea d ing o f .. Street, between �Iines drawn par p all to tl�e south l ine - df Central - as . foilov�rs: - : . . Avenue and : distant:: southerly 'therefrom 4 iSection 1 7.344. - Fifteen -:. Minute . Limits respectively . - 6 feet ..�and . 80 ; . faet ; t shall be unIawfuI betweep : the- hours . of 9 10 k a: rn. and o'clock p.. m.; Sun 1 2). - . -� that port ion . - 'Of - the - incest . side'' -0° days and holidays:. aeepted, for Y 1 -. of Parr Street, bet ween : Iines : d raurn par allel to - : - northern line -:of Aa - ed a son to ; park any vehicle, or. to - a ow t e sane to :remain standing continuously for -the - Avenue - and distant northerly therefrom . - more :t fifteen rriinutes - on - �an of the y. respectively 1 :1 feet.. and 36 - feet;. .. following. streets or _'avenues, or. portions - . (13) O that. portion of. -.the - -. east . side the - . to .: wit : of Park Street; k etweer� : a 1 irie drav+arn par (1 On - that port ion. of the east side -al leI to - the '.- . southern i ine . of Alarr�eda . . . of- Parr - , street, :- .between line drawn par ; , Avenue and feet no herly . therefror7n and a � line ; drawn parallel With h th - e aliel to the southe - n. line f Lincoln Aver nue aid d istat.: southerly :therefrom re- . :south ern - . .line -.of.. Alarneda� Avenue - -. distant - �pect i rely : 1 feet' : and � �. feet ; southeirly :. therefrom ] S - feet ; ... . ( � : On: : - portion of . -the- -'east : side (14 i . .0 that - portion -'of the v;rest . side ,that of : Park. Street; botvveen l Ines drawn �-, pal°- � of Palk Street : - lines .:drarin allel t� tl�e sou�h+�rn line e�f :: ieda aIIe1 to the southern line of. Webb Avenge - - . -Alain' Avenue, and ..distant -' s6 therly- - therefrom and : - di stant : southerly . therefrom respec .- .- respectively? feet and feet:.' tively 8 feet -and 20 -feet: 0 that- portier! : of ; the 'west. side - I '"iWn Secti . . This- is ordinance shall - go . -into effect �f the e p cal ion of thirty days Qf . Park 5tr�e t - I et veers - - ines - p ar al iel -to : the northern' ' 1 ine . of Webb - Avenue from .the date of its final passage. and dirt` a nt. : - hottherl therefrom : respec -� - .HENRY A. . WEICHHART, Lively: :feet: and -2 ? - feet Presiding Officer of - .the oir Cil. (4) On . that - -- . portion .af .- the east - side - Attest - of ' Park Street } - : -bet' ei r I i hes. -dr par-- . LOREME R. B EATI E ailel to tI1e northern line:-Of . -Santa Cl - Avenue :- and : ' di tranf... northerly theref City Clerk. respectively 0 feet -and : :65 - feet; . { -rti lat rrtisn of . .tie vest side I , - the under'si nec - . herap certify that the foregoing :: Ordinance Was'. duly and of Park -Street;: between, l i nos draWn -par_ par- : allel.. �.to the northern !ine : : Clara - . re Marl ado Let : and eased . - - b ' l p Y: - the -t�f ,Santa - Avenue. and : dirt ar~�t r ort` ►er1 `th- ref ror Council of: the City cat".- Alarneda : in..� - euiar . Y 'ors respectively 3 feet, and.. 3... -- -feet :. rneeti n . - assembled .- the .- end day of ul r; . 1 40; hy: -tie.. follarti vote; : to' wit - - ors that :::porgy inn . �? - the east _side ..:. of - _Park -;�St reet� , between lines diaWin pars A��S � . - Cour��ilrnen ,. Carr�ntonadfr'y - - - . allel: to :the southern . :.I ire. :.f: Santa Mara h a�€rer; lti lorri vs and Piresident - Weichhart, :. . Avenue : and : distt. sou°herly::: there�fro , .: respectively : ::feet - and 3 feet; N Done; (7. }..ri : :tF�at ption tit the .west side BSIVT ; lore. : of Pail - 5 r etf twe±en fines drav�n par- : I l ! 1 I"i"i ESQ 1 H EF E �+ 1 hati�e here- all6l to . ;the uthern line ;:of- :;Santa - .Mara . unto .'.set r' ny' hand and off iced : th .offloial : Avenue and::distant:: southerly- #herefrcrr� seal of said this :day of duly; 1. respectively :1`eefi acid : : feet; . - (n - that . portionnf the - east side tSEAi, LORE ME E R -1 S EAT I E, of - P ar k - Street bet.weeh - I in drawn par- City, Clerk of the City ref. ' Alameda, - - a11el . - .to ­ northern. l ine? of. Central - - Publish July 3 1940.