Ordinance 0747ORDINANCE NO. 747
An ordinance repealing Article 9, Chapter 4 of Title II and Chapter 2 of Title III of the Alameda Municipal Code and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and amending said code by adding to Title III thereof eight new chapters providing a system for the assessment, levying and collection of City taxes in the City of Alameda.
unless it is expressly provided that
it shall be exercised in person.
Sec. 3 -221. For the purpose of this
title certain c=ords and phrases are
defined and certain provisions shall
be construed as herein set out, un-
less it shall be apparent from the
context that a different meaning is
Sec. 3 -222. Amount of Sold Taxes.
"Amount of sold taxes" on property
which has been sold to the city
means the sum of the following
(a) The amount of taxes which
were a lien on the real property at
the time of sale.
(b) All other unpaid taxes of every
description which were a lien on the
property for the year of sale and
for each year since the sale, as
shown on the roils. As used in this
subdivision, ''rolls" does not include
any roll for which the time of sale
to the city is not past.
Sec. 3 -223. A.ssessee. "Assessee
means the person to whom property
or a tax is assessed.,
See_. 3-224. Assessment Period. "As-
sessment period" is between the lien
date and . the end of the regular,
annual time within which the city
board of equalization may equalize
Sec. 3 -225. Current Roll,. `Current
roll" means the roll containing the
property on which current taxes are
a lien.
Sec, 3 --226. Current Taxes. "Current
taxes" means taxes which are a
lien on property but - which are not
included in the "amount of sold
taxes" as defined in this ordinance,
except that between a lien date and
the time in the same calendar year
when property is sold to the city for
taxes the taxes becoming a. lien on
this lien date in such calendar year
are not ,yet "current taxes."
Sec. 3 --227. Improvements. "Im-
provements" includes
(a) All buildings, structures, fences,
and fixtures erected on or affixed
to the land.
(b) All fruit, nut bearing, or or-
namental trees and vines not of nat-
ural growth, and not exempt from
Sec. 3-228. Iien. Bate. "Lien Date"
is the time when taxes for any fiscal
year becomes a lien on property.
This time is noon on the first Mon-
day in March preceding the begin-
ning of the fiscal year for which the
taxes are to be collected.
Sec...3-229. Personal Property. "Per-
sonal property" includes all property
except real estate.
Sec. 3-2210. . Possessory Interests.
"Possessory interests" means:
(a) The possession of, claim to, or
right to the possession of land or im-
provements, except when coupled
with ownership of the land or im-
provements in the same person.
(b) Taxable improvements on tax
exempt land.
Possessory interests shall not be
considered as sufficient security for
the payment of any taxes.
S 3- 2211. Property. "Property"
includes all matters and things real,
personal, and mixed, capable of pri-
vate ownership.
Sec. 3- 2212. Real Estate. "Real es-
Late" or "real property" includes:
(a) The possession of, claim to,
ownership of, or right to the pos-
session of land or improvements.
(b) All mines, minerals, and quar-
ries in the land, all standing timber
whether or not belonging to the
owner of the land, and all rights
and privileges appertaining thereto.
Sec. 3 -2213. Redemption Officer.
"Redemption officer" means the
auditor of the City of . Alameda.
Sec. 3- -2214. Revenue District. "Rev-
enue district" includes. every district
for which this city assesses property
and collects taxes or assessments.
Sec. 3 -2215, Ralf. "Roll" . means the
entire assessment roll. The "secured
roll" is that part of the roll contain-
ing state assessed property and prop-
erty the taxes on which are a lien
on real property sufficient, in the
opinion of the assessor, to secure
payment of the taxes. The remainder
of the roll is the "unsecured roll."
The "local roll" is. those parts of the
secured roll and the unsecured roll
containing property. which it is the
city assessor's. duty to . assess.
Sec. 3 -2216. State Assessed Prop-
erty. "State a s .s e s s e d property"
means all property required to be
assessed by the state board. of. equali-
zation under section 14 of Article XIII
of the constitution:
See. 3 -2217. Taxing Agency. ."Tax-
ing. agency" includes the state,
county and -every district that as-
sesses .property for taxation purposes
and levies taxes or assessments on
the property so assessed.
Sec. 3 -2218. Tax Deeded Property.
"Tax deeded property" is real prop-
erty which . has been deeded to the
city for taxes.
Sec. 3- 2219. . Tax Sold Property.
`Tax sold property" is real property
which has been sold to the city by
operation of law for taxes and from
which the lien of the taxes for
which it was sold has not been re-
Sec. 3 -2229. Value. ""'value," "full
cash value" or "cash value" means
the amount at which property would
be taken in payment of a just debt
from a. solvent debtor.
See. 3 --311. Taxable. Property. . All
property in this city,.: not exempt
from city taxation .under the laws
of the united States or of this state,
is subject to taxation:
Sec. 3 -312. Exempt Property. Ex-
cept in the case of publicly owned
property, tax exempt property shall
be included in the property. statement
and the exemption.. claimed by af-
fidavit of the person claiming ex-
emption. The affidavit shall contain
such information relating to the ex-
emption as is required by the as-
Sec. 3 --313. Waiver. of exemption.
If any person claiming an exemption
fails to follow the required procedure
the exemption is waived . by the per-
Sec. 3321. Value. All taxable prop-
erty assessed by the city assessor
shall be assessed at full cash value.
Sec. 3 -322. Description. Land shall
be legally described for tax purposes
in any manner sufficient to iden-
tify it.
Sec. 3 -323. Cultivated and Unculti-
vated Land. Cultivated and unculti-
vated land of the same quality and
similarly situated shall be assessed
at the same value.
Qec. 3-324. Time for Assessment.
Annually, between the lien date and
the first Tuesday in July, the asses-
sor shall ascertain all the taxable
property in the city, except state
assessed property and intangible per -
sonal property, and shall assess it to
the persons owning, claiming, pos-
sessing, or controlling it on the lien
Sec. 3 --325. Liability on ]Bond. The
assessor and his sureties are liable
for all taxes on property which is
unassessed through his wilful failure
or inexcusable neglect.
Sec. 3 --326. 'fax Sold Property, Tax
sold property shall be assessed as
though not sold to the city.
Sec. 3 -331. .Property Statement
Duty to File. Every person shall file
a property statement between the
first Monday in March and May 1,
annually, and within such time as the
assessor may appoint. As required by
the assessor, at any time, every per-
son shall furnish information or rec-
ords for examination.
Sec. 3 -332. Property Statement.-- -
Contents. The property statement
shall show all taxable property in the
city owned, claimed, possessed, man-
aged, or controlled by:
(a) The person making the state-
(b) Any firm of which he is a
(c) Any corporation of which he is
president., secretary, cashier, or man-
aging agent.
Whenever one member of a firm,
or one of the proper officers of a
corporation, has made a statement
showing the property of the firm
or corporation, another member or
officer need not include the property
in his statement; but his statement
shall show the name of the person
making the statement which includes
the property. He shall furnish any
required information or records to
the assessor for examination at any
Sec. 3 -333. Property Statement. —
Contents. The property statement
shall also show:
(a) Legal description of all real
(b) An exact description and the
location of personal property.
Sec. 3 -334. Property Statement.-- -
Contents. The property statement
shall shove all information as of the
lien date.
Sec. 3 -335, Returning Statement.- -
Time. The assessor may fill out the
statement when he presents it, or he
may leave it and require that it be
filled out and returned to him within
an appointed time.
Sec. 3-336. Failure to Return. The
assessor shall assess the property of
each person failing to return said
statement properly verified at the
cash value of such property and the
value so fixed by the assessor shall
not in any case be reduced by the
city board of equalization.
S =ec. 3 -337. Effect of Failure to Pro-
cure. Failure of the assessor to de-
mand or secure the property state-
ment does not render any assessment
Sec. 3 --338. Information Secret. All
information furnished in the prop-
erty statement shall be held secret
by the assessor. The statement is not
a public document and is not open
to public inspection.
Sec. 3 --339. Assessor - May Exact Nf-
fidavit. The assessor may require
any person found in the city to make
and subscribe an affidavit, showing
his name, place of residence or place
of business, and whether he is the
owner of any taxable property in the
Sec. 3 -3310. Examination. The as-
sessor may subpoena and examine
any person in relation to:
(a) Any statement furnished the
assessor, or
(b) Any statement disclosing prop-
erty assessable in the city that may
be stored with, possessed., managed,
or controlled by the person.
Sec. 3 -3311. False Statement. Every
person who wilfully states anything
which he knows to be false in any
oral or written statement, not under
oath, required or authorized to be
made as the basis of imposing any
tax or assessment, is guilty of a mis-
Sec. 3- -3312. Refusal to Give In-
formation. Every person is guilty of
a misdemeanor who, after proper
demand by the assessor, does any of
the following :
(a) Refuses to give the assessor a
list of his taxable property.
(b) Refuses to swear to the list.
(c) Gives a f alse name.
(d) Fraudulently refuses to give his
true name.
Sec. 3 -341. Escaped Property. If
any property has escaped assessment,
the assessor shall assess the prop-
erty on discovery at its value on the
lien date for the year for which it
escaped assessment if:
(a) The property is owned or con-
trolled by the same person who
owned or controlled it for the year
for which it escaped assessment, or
(b) The only transfers made of the
property since the lien date for the
year which the property escaped as-
sessment have been transfers by
gift, descent, bequest, or devise.
See. 3 --342. Concealing, etc., Prop-
erty. Any property wilfully concealed,
removed, transferred, or misrepre-
sented by the owner or his agent to
evade taxation, shall be penally as-
sessed on discovery at not exceeding
ten times its value. This assessment
shall be marked "Penal assessment"
and shall not be reduced by the city
board of equalization.
Sec, 3 -343, Entry on Roll. When the
property is discovered during an as-
sessment period, the assessment
shall be entered only on the roll being
Sec. 3 -344. Entry on Doll. When
the property is discovered outside an
assessment. period, the assessment
shall be entered on the roll prepared
in the next succeeding assessment
In addition, if the property belongs
on the unsecured roll, the assessor
shall notify the auditor of the val-
uation. The auditor shall immediately
place the property on the roll on
which taxes are being collected. If
the taxes and penalties due are col-
lected before the next assessment
period, it need not be placed on the
succeeding roll.
Sec. 3 -345. Entry on Roll. The
entry of the assessment shall be
followed. with ":escaped assessment
for year 19 ----."
Sec, 3 -346. Procedure After Assess-
ment. Property escaping assessment
shall be treated like property regu-
larly assessed on the roll on which
it is entered.
Sec. 3 -347. Limitation on Right to
Assess. The assessor shall not, with-
out the taxpayer's written permis-
sion, assess property for the year
in which it escaped assessment after
the end of the second assessment
period succeeding the assessment
period for the year in which it es-
caped assessment.
Sec, 3 -351. Preparation of Roll. The
assessor shall prepare an assessment
roll in which shall be listed all prop-
erty within the city which it is the
assessor's duty to assess.
Sec. 3 -352. Contents. This local roll
shall separately show:
(a) The name of the assessee, if
(b) Description of the property.
(c) All possessory interests and
personal property. A failure to enu-
merate personal property in detail
does not invalidate the assessment.
(d) The cash value of real estate,
except improvements.
(e) The cash value of improve-
ments assessed to the owner of the
The cash value of improve -
ments assessed to any person other
than the owner of the land.
(g) The cash value of money.
(h) The cash value of all other per-
sonal property.
(i) Exemptions.
(j) The revenue district in which
each piece of property assessed is
situated as of February I next pre-
ceding the lien. date.
(k) The total value of all property
Sec. 3 -3.53. Arrangement by Rev-
enue Districts. When any tract of
land is situated in two or more rev-
enue districts, the part in each dis-
trict shall be separately assessed.
Sec. 3 -354, Land and Improvements.
Land and improvements thereon
shall be separately assessed.
Sec. 3 -355. Improvements. Improve-
ments shall be assessed by showing
their value opposite the description
of the land on which they are lo-
Sec. 3 -356. ]Improvements on Ex-
empt Land. Taxable improvements
on land exempt from taxation shall
be shorn like other real estate on
the roll, Value shall not be assessed
against the exempt land and the land
does not become responsible for the
assessment made against the tax-
able improvements.
Sec. 3 --357. Other . Claimants. Land
once described on the roll need not
be described a second time, but any
person, claiming and desiring to be
assessed for it, may have his name
inserted with that of the assessee.
Sec. 3-35$, Unknown Owners. If the
name of an wvner is known to the
assessor the property. shall be as-
sessed to such owner; otherwise, the
property shall be assessed to un-
known owners.
Sec. 3 -359. Persons . in Representa-
tive Capacity. When a person is as-
sessed as agent, trustee, bailee,
guardian executor, or administrator,
his representative . designation shall
be added to his name, and the as-
sessment entered separately from his
individual assessment.
Sec. 3- 3510. Decedents' Estates. The
undistributed or unpartitioned prop-
erty of deceased persons may be as-
sessed to the heirs, guardians, execu-
tors, or administrators.
Sec. 3 -3511. Property in Legal Cus-
tody. Property in Aitigation in pos-
session of a county or city treasurer,
court, county or city clerk, or re-
ceiver shall be . assessed to the
officer in possession.
Sec. 3 -3512. Mistake. in Owner's
Name. No mistake in . the name of
the owner or supposed. owner of real
esta -te renders invalid an assessment
or any subsequent step to and includ-
ing the deed to the: city or to the
purchaser at . public auction.
Sec. 3 -3513. Tax Sold Property =.
After each assessment of tax sold
property the assessor. shall enter on
the roll the fact that it has been
sold for taxes and the date of the
Sec. 3 -3514. Tax Deeded Property.
Whenever property, which has been
deeded to the city for taxes and is
not on the current roll, is sold to a
private purchaser, the .property shall
not be entered on the current roll but
shall be assessed on the succeeding
roll whether the lien date for the
succeeding roll has passed or not..
Sec. 3 -3515. Index to. Roll. The as-
sessor. shall prepare an. index to the
local roll, showing the. name of each
assessee and each page where his
assessment appears or each assess-
ment number under which his as-
sessment appears.
Sec. 3- -3516. Assessor's Affidavit.
On or. before the first . Tuesday in
July, annually, the assessor shall
complete the local. roll. He shall make
an affidavit on the local roll that:
(a.) He has diligently attempted to
ascertain all taxable property in the
city subject. to assessment by him.
(b) All property has .been assessed
on the roll according to his best
judgment, information, and belief at
its cash value.
(c) That he has not maliciously
imposed an unjust assessment.
(d) That he has not intentionally
allowed any one to escape a just
(e) That he has complied with all
duties imposed on the assessor by
Failure to make this affidavit, or
any affidavit, does not affect the
validity of the assessment. The as-
sessor may require from any of his
deputies an affidavit on the roll
similar to his own.
Sec. 3- 3517. lti otice of Completion.
As soon as the local roll has been
completed the assessor shall notify
the city clerk of such completion.
The city clerk shall be ex officio
clerk of the city board of equa
Sec. 3-411 Publication of Notice.
On receipt of notification of comple-
tion of the local roll the city clerk
shall give notice, by two publica-
tions, of the completion of the local
roll and of the time and place the
city board of equalization will meet
to equalize assessments. The last
publication of such notice shall be
at least three days before such meet-
Sec. 3 - 412. Delivery of Roll to
Clerk. On the day fixed for the meet-
ing of the city board of equalization
the assessor shall deliver the local
roll, map books, and statements to
the city clerk to be retained by the
latter for inspection by said board
and until the equalization is finished.
Sec. 3 -413. Regular Equalization
Period. Annually, on the third Tues-
day in July, the city council shall
meet as the city board of equaliza-
tion to examine the local roll and
equalize the assessment of property
in the city. It shall continue in ses-
sion for that purpose, from time to
time, until the business of equaliza-
tion is disposed of, but not longer
than fifteen days.
Sec. 3 -414. Other Equalization Pe-
riods. On request of the assessor or
any assessee, the city council shall
sit as the city board of equalization,
at the time of the first regular meet-
ing in each month, to equalize val-
uations made by the assessor during
the preceding calendar month, if out-
side the assessment period.
Sec. 3 -415. Individual Assessments.
After giving notice as prescribed by
its rules, the city board of equaliza-
tion may increase or louver any as-
sessment on the local roll in order
to equalize the assessment of prop-
erty in the city.
Sec. 3 -415. Reductions. -. When
Made. A reduction in an assessment
shall be made only under at least
one of the following conditions
(a) The party affected or .his agent
snakes and files with the city board
of equalization a verified, written ap-
plication for reduction, showing the
.facts claimed to require the reduc-
(b) The reduction is recommended
in writing by the assessor.
Sec. 3 -417. Examination of Appli-
cant. Before the city board of . equali-
zation makes any reduction on ap-
plication of the person affected or
his agent, it shall examine, on oath,
the person affected or the agent
making the application touching the
value of the property. A reduction
shall not be made unless the person
or agent attends and answers all
questions pertinent to the inquiry.
Sec. 3 -418.. Evidence. On the hear-
ing of the application, the board may
subpoena , witnesses and take evi-
dence in relation to the inquiry.
See. 3 -419. Presence of Assessor.
During the session of the city board
of equalization, the assessor and any
deputy whose testimony is needed
shall be present and may make any
statement = or produce evidence on
matters before the board.
Sec. 3- 4110, Changes on Roll. After
five days succeeding the time when
notice of the date when the matter
will be investigated is sent by . the
clerk to all persons interested, the
city .board of equalization may direct
the assessor to:
(a) Assess any taxable property
that has escaped assessment..
(b) Change the amount, number,
quantity, or . description of property.
(c) Make and enter new assess -
ments, at . the same time cancelling
previous entries, when any assess -
:�;aent made by him is deemed by the
board so incomplete as to . render
doubtful the collection of the tax.
Sec. 3-4111. Record of Changes. The
clerk shall record, in a book kept for
that purpose, all changes and orders
made by the city board of equaliza-
tion and, during its session, or as
soon as possible after its adjourn-
ment., shall enter on the roll a.Il
changes made by the board.
Sec. 3 -4112. Return of Maps .to As-
sessor. After the board .has completed
its work, the map books and state-
ments shall be returned to the. as-
sessor s office.
Sec. 3-- 4113. Delivery of . Roll to
Auditor. Within three days after
adjournment of the board, the clerk-
shall deliver the corrected local roll
to the auditor -Pith his affixed cer-
tificate that all changes directed by
the city board of equalization and
no others have been entered . on the
roll by him.
Sec. 3 -4114. False Statements. Every
person who wilf ully states anything
which he knows to be . false. in any
oral or written statement, not under
oath, required or authorized to be
made as the basis of an .application
to reduce any tax or. assessment., is
guilty of . a misdemeanor.
Sec. 3-421, Entry of Totals. As soon
as the auditor receives the local roll
from the clerk of the city board, of
equalization he shall add up the
valuations on it, and enter. on the
roll the total valuation of each kind
of property. and the total valuation
of all property.
Seca 3 -422. . Valuation Statements.
Annually, immediately. after equali-
zation is completed, the auditor shall
prepare a valuation statement, veri-
fied by his attached affidavit, from
the local roll as corrected by the
city board of equalization.
Sec. 3 -423. Contents. The valuation
statement shall shoe in separate
(a) The value of land.
(b) The value of improvements.
(c) The value of personal. property.
(d) The amount of money.
(e) The amount of exemptions.
(f) The total value of all property
(g) Any other information as re-
quested by the state board of equali-
Sec. 3 -424. Transmission. As soon
as the valuation statement is pre-
pared, the auditor shall transmit it
to the state board of equalization.
Sec. 3 --511. Entry of Taxes. As soon
as the city council has fixed the rate
of and levied the city taxes for the
current fiscal year the auditor shall
(a) Compute and enter in a sep-
arate column on the roll the respec-
tive sums in dollars and cents to be
paid as a tax on the property in-
cluded in each assessment.
(b) Place in other columns the re-
spective amounts due- in installments.
(c) Foot each column. showing the
Fractions of a cent equa..l to a half
Gr greater shall be considered as a
cent and fractions of less than a half
shall be disregarded in computing,
the total tax or penalties on any
Sec. 3- -521. Every tax is a personal
obligation of the assessee.
Sec. 3 -522. Every tax is a lien
against the property assessed.
Sec. 3 -523. Every tax on personal
property is a lien on the real prop-
erty of the owner thereof in this
Sec. 3 --524. Every tax on improve-
ments is a lien against the taxable
land on which they are located,
whether they are assessed to the
landowner or to some other person.
Sec. 3 -525. Every tax on an assess-
ment of possessory interests is a lien
on the other taxable real property of
the owner in this city.
Sec. 3 -526. All tax liens attach as
of the lien date.
Sec. 3 -527. All ta.x liens are para-
mount to all other liens.
Sec. 3 -528. Removal of Lien. Ex-
cept as other -rise provided in this
article, the personal obligation is sat-
isfied and the tax lien removed when,
but not before,
(a) the tax is paid or legally can-
celed or,
(b) for non - payment of any taxes,
the property is sold to a private pur-
chaser or deeded to the city.
Sec, 3 -529, Limitation. After thirty
years succeeding the time, heretofore
or hereafter, when any tax becomes a
lien, if the lien has not been other -
wise removed, the lien ceases to exist
and the tax is conclusively presumed
to be paid. The redemption officer
shall mark the tax paid in the rec-
See. 3-531. Medium. Taxes shall be
paid only in the mediums provided
in this article.
Sec. 3 -532. Legal Tender. Taxes
may be paid in lawful money of the
United States.
Sec. 3 -533. Special Purpose. A tax
levied for a special purpose shall
be paid in such funds as may be
Sec. 3 -534, Negotiable Paper. As
used in this article, "negotiable
paper" means checks, bank drafts,
and express and post- office money
Sec. 3 -535. Discretionary Accept-
an-,e. The assessor, tax collector, or
treasurer may in his discretion ac-
cept negotiable paper in payment of
any tax.
Sec. 3-536. Acceptance as Payment.
The acceptance of negotiable paper
constitutes a payment of a tax as of
the date of acceptance when, but
not before, the negotiable paper is
duly paid in lawful money of the
United States.
Sec. 3 -537. Ca.ncelation on Non-
payment. If any negotiable paper be
not paid for any reason, any record
of payment made on any official
record because of its acceptance
shall be canceled., and the tax re-
mains a lien as though no payment
had been attempted.
The officer accepting negotiable
paper shall make any memoranda
necessary to enable him to make
proper cancelation on its return
without payment.
Sec. 3 -538. Notice of Non- payment.
When cancelation is made, the of-
ficer making it shall immediately
send a notice to the person who
attempted payment, by the negotiable
paper of the cancelation of the pay-
The validity of any tax, assess-
ment, license, penalties, or costs is
not affected by failure or irregularity
in giving the notice.
Sec. 3 -541. Roll. --- Delivery. Can or
before October 10, the auditor shall
deliver the secured. roll to the tax
Sec. 3 -542. Duty of Collector. The
ta.x collector shall collect all prop-
erty taxes except as otherwise ex-
pressly provided.
Sec. 3.543. Charging Tax Collector.
On delivering the secured roll to the
tax collector the auditor shall charge
him with the taxes thereon.
S =ec. 3 --544. Additional. Charges.
When property is placed on the roll
after it has been delivered to the
tax collector, the auditor shall im -
media,tely compute a -nd . enter the tax
and other charges and make any
necessary changes in his account
with the tax collector.
Sec. 3 -545. First Installment. The
following taxes are due November 1:
(a) All taxes on the secured roll,
except taxes on real property other
than possessory interests.
(b) The first half of taxes on real
property other than possessory in-
Sec. 3-546. Second Installment. The
second half of taxes on real property,
other than possessory interests, is
due January 26.
Sec. 3 -547. Entire Tax Payable. The
entire tax on real property may be
paid when the first installment is
Sec. 3 -548. Payment Preceding Due
Date. The. tax collector may fix a
date preceding the due date when
payments may be made.
Sec. 3 -549. Notice to Pay Taxes. Can
or before the day when taxes on the
secured roll are payable the tax
collector shall publish a notice spe-
cifying :
(a) The dates -Then taxes levied
on the secured roll -rill be due.
(b) The times when these taxes
will be delinquent.
(c) The penalties for delinquency.
(d) That all taxes may be _:paid
when the first installment is due.
(e) The time and place at which
payment may be made.
Seca 3 -5410. Publication. The notice
shall be published once.
Sec. 3- 5411. Tax Bill. _ Contents.
The tax bill shall specify:
(aa) The amount of the assessment.
(b) The amount of tax levied.
(c) The amount of each install-
(d) The beginning and end of the
fiscal year for which the tax is
(e) The description of the prop-
(f) A notice that if taxes are un-
paid it will be necessary to pay
(g) The rates for computing de-
linquent penalties.
Sec. 3 -5412. Notation of Prior Sale.
On the tax bill for tax sold property
shall appear in writing the fact that
it has been sold for taxes and the
date of sale.
Sec. 3-- 5413. Place of Payment. All
taxes on the secured roll shall be
paid at the tax collector's office.
Sec. 3 -5414. Entry of Payment. The
tax collector shall mark the fact and
date of payment on the roll apposite
the name of the assessee.
Sec. 3 -5415. Receipt.— Contents. The
tax collector shall give the person
making payment a, receipt, written
on the tax bill or a copy of the tax
bill, specifying the amount of tax
paid . and the amount remaining un-
Instead of describing the property,
the receipt for the last installment
of taxes may refer, by number or
any other intelligent manner, to the
receipt given for the first install-
Sec. 3 -5416. Time of Delinquency.-- -
Penalty. All taxes due November 1,
if unpaid, are delinquent December
5 at 5 o'clock P.M. and thereafter
a delinquent penalty of 8% attaches
to them. If these taxes are not paid
before the second. half of taxes on
real property i-s delinquent, an ad-
ditional delinquent penalty of 3%
attaches to them.
Sec. 3-- 5417. Same. Second Half.
The second half of taxes on real
property, if unpaid, is delinquent
April 20 at 5 o'clock P.M. and there-
after a. delinquent penalty of 3 0 / c
attaches to it.
Sec. 3- -5418. Sane.— Delinquent on
Saturday. If December 5 or April 20
falls on Saturday, the hour of de-
linquency is 12 o'clock noon.
Sec. 3- 5419. Delinquent Penalties.- -
Entry on Roll. After the first half
of taxes on real property is delin-
quent, the tax collector shall com-
pute and enter on the secured roll.
the delinquent penalties against all
taxes not marked paid.
Sec. 3 -5420. Delinquent Penalties.-- -
Verification. Annually, on December
19th, the auditor shall start examina-
tion of the secured roll. Within ten
days, he shall verify, and charge the
tax collector with, the amount of
delinquent penalties due on the se-
cured roll.
Sec. 3- -5421, Delinquent List.—Costs.
After the second half of taxes on
real property is delinquent, the tax
collector shall collect as the cost of
preparing the delinquent list fifty
cents on each assessment on the
secured roll of:
(a) Real property, except posses-
sory interests.
(b) Possessory interests.
(c) Personal property.
Sec. 3- -5422. Delinquent Penalties. —
Entry on Roll. After the second half
of taxes on real property is delin-
quent, the tax collector shall com-
pute and enter on the secured roll
the delinquent penalties and.. costs
against all taxes not marked paid.
Sec. 3- -5423. Delinquent List. After
all delinquent penalties and costs
have been entered on the roll the tax
collector shall stamp in an appro-
priate column in the secured . roll
opposite the name of each assessee
delinquent or opposite the description
of the property on which taxes are
delinquent, the word "delinquent,"
and thereupon that portion of the
roll which shows the name of. the
assessee, the description of such
property and the total amount due
which is alien on the. property shall
constitute the "delinquent lisp.."
Sec. 3-- 5424.. Delinquent Penalties.a ---
Verification. Annually, on May. 10,
the auditor shall start examination
of the secured roll and the delinquent.
list. Within 10 days, he shall verify,
and charge the tax collector.. with,
the amount of delinquent penalties
and costs not previously charged to
the tax collector.
Sec. 3- 5425, Final Settlement. The
auditor shall then examine. the se-
cured roll and shall have a final
settlement with the tax collector of
all amounts charged against him on
the secured roll. The. tax collector
shall immediately account for any
deficiency. After. the date of sale
to the city by operation of law, the
secured roll shall then be placed
in the permanent custody of the
Sec. 3 -5426. Effect of Roll. The roll
or the Tax. Sales book, or a copy
certified by the redemption officer,
showing unpaid taxes against any
property, is. prima facie. evidence. of :
(a) The assessment.
(b) The property. assessed.
(c) The. delinquency.
(d) The .amount .. due and unpaid.
(e) Compliance with all forms of
law relating to assessment and levy
of the taxes.
Sec. 3 -551. Improvements .---- Parcel.
As used in this chapter, "parcel"
includes an undivided interest in real
property. For purposes of this chap-
ter, improvements are not a "parcel"
separate from the land on which they
are situated.
Sec. 3 -552.. Separate. Payment on
Parcel. The tax on any ..parcel of
real property, except possessory in-
terests, contained in an assessment
and having a separate valuation on
the roll may be . paid separately .from
the whole assessment by paying .the
amount which bears the same pro-
portion to all taxes which are a lien
on the whole assessment as the val-
uation of this parcel bears to the
valuation of all real property, except
possessory interests, in the assess-
Sec. 3 -553. Entry of Payment. On
such payment, the tax collector shall
make an entry on the roll opposite
the assessment showing
(a) The property released from lien
by separate payment of taxes,
(b) The amount of taxes paid.
(c) The value of the remainder of
the assessment.
(d) The balance payable on Lhe as-
Sec. 3 -554, Separate Valuation and
Application. Any person shoring evi-
dence by a duly recorded deed, deed
of trust, mortgage, or final decree
of court, of an interest in any parcel
of real property, except possessory
interests, which does not have a sep-
arate valuation on the roll, and who
is not the owner or contract pur-
chaser of the entire piece separately
assessed, may apply to the officer
having custody of the roll to have
the parcel separately valued on the
roll for the purpose of paying cur-
rent taxes.
Sec. 3 -555. Time of Application. The
application shall be made after taxes
are payable, before any payment of
taxes has been made on the property,
and before the last installment be-
comes delinquent.
Sec. 3-556. Fees, etc. The applica-
tion shall be accompanied by an af-
fidavit of interest and a fee of one
dollar for each separate parcel re-
sulting from such segregation and
separate valuation.
Sec. 3 -557. Making Separate Valua-
tions and Descriptions. The assessor
shall describe and place a separate
valuation on each of the parcels. The
sum of the valuations of the parcels
shall equal their t.ota.1 valuation be-
fore separation. A separate valuation
shall not be made of any parcel cov-
ered by a new subdivision reap
filed a-f ter the next preceding lien
Sec. 3-558. Entry on Roll. The as-
sessor shall transmit the valuations
to the officer having custody of the
roll. This officer shall enter the de-
scriptions and separate valuations on
the roll as part of the original as-
Sec 3 -561. Due Date. Taxes levied
on property on the unsecured roll are
due on the lien date on or next after
which lien date the property is as-
Sec. 3 -562. Time of Delinquency. ---•.
Penalty. Taxes on the unsecured roll
are delinquent September 1, regard-
less of whether the property is dis-
covered and assessed before or after
such date, and thereafter a delin-
quent penalty of 8% attaches to them.
Sec. 3 -563. Delinquent Penalties,- -
Entry. On payment of delinquent
taxes on the unsecured roll the as-
sessor shall enter on such roll the
delinquent penalties collected.
Sec, 3 -564. Collection by Assessor.
The assessor shall collect taxes on
the unsecured roll.
Sec. 3-565. Unsecured Tax Rate.
The tax rate to be used in collecting
the taxes on the unsecured roll is the
rate last fixed before the taxes be-
came due.
Sec. 3 -566, Receipts. Annually on
or before the lien date, the auditor
shall furnish the assessor with blank
unsecured property receipts, in a
form prescribed by the auditor, and
shall charge the assessor with the
number of receipts furnished.
Sec. 3-567. Accounting for Receipts.
At the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by the auditor, the assessor
shall account for all receipts fur-
nished him and shall return the un-
used receipts to the auditor.
Sec. 3-565. Entry of Payment. The
receipt number and date of payment
on the unsecured roll shall be marked
opposite the name of the assessee.
Sec. 3 -569. Seizure and Sale. Taxes
on the unsecured roll may be col-
lected by seizure and sale of any of
the following property belonging or
assessed to the assessee
(a) Personal property.
(b) Possessory interests..
Sec. 3 -5610, Record. A record shall
be kept of the property seized and
Sec. 3- 5611. Conduct of Sale.- -
Amount. The sale shall be at public
auction. A sufficient amount of the
property shall be sold to pay the
taxes, penalties, and east of seizure
and sale.
Sec 3 -5612. Notice. Notice of the
time and place of sale shall be pub-
lished once at least one week before
the sale.
Sec. 3- 5613. Bill of Sale. On pay-
ment of the price bid for property
sold, delivery of the property with a
bill of sale vests title in the pur-
Sec. 3- 5614. Excess Proceeds. The
owner of the property or his suc-
cessor in interest is entitled to a
refund of any excess in the proceeds
of the sale over the taxes, penalties,
and costs in the same manner as an
overpayment of tax is refunded. If
not claimed within thz ee years after the sale, this excess belongs to the
city and shall be placed in the gen-
eral fund.
Sec. 3 -5615. Unsold Portion. The
unsold portion of any property may
be left at the place of sale at the
risk of the owner.
Sec. 3- 5616, Limitation of Seizure.
--- Escaped Property. Property shall
not be seized and sold for taxes after
one year succeeding the time the
taxes become due, except that if the
property is discovered and assessed
outside an assessment period the
power to seize and sell is extended to
one year after the lien date succeed-
ing the discovery and assessment..
Sec. 3 -571. Realty. No suit shall be
brought against an assessee for taxes
on real property other than posses-
sory interests.
Sec. 3 -572. Unsecured Taxes, Where
delinquent taxes are not a lien on real
property sufficient, in the opinion
of the assessor or the city council,
to secure the payment of the taxes,
and in no other case, this city nia,y
sue in its own name to r ecover the
taxes, delinquent penalties, and costs.
Sec, 3 -573. Evidence of Entry. In
any suit for taxes, the roll, or a
duly certified copy of any entry,
showing the assessee, the property
and unpaid taxes, is prima facie evi-
dence of the plaintiff's right to re-
Sec. 3 -611. . Publication of Delin-
quent List. Annually, on or before
June 5, the tax collector shall com-
mence publication of the delinquent
list. When the amount due on any
assessment included in the delinquent
list is paid or .legally canceled before
the list is ready for publication, the
information relating to this assess -
ment may be omitted from the pub-
Sec. 3 -612. Notice of Sale to City.
With the delinquent list the tax col-
lector shall publish a notice specify-
(a) That unless the taxes, penal-
ties, and costs are paid the real
property on which they are a lien
will be sold to the city by operation
of law.
(b) The time and place at which
the property will be sold.
Sec. 3 -613. Designation of Property
to be Sold at Auction. If there is on
the delinquent list any tax sold prop-
erty which was sold to the city. in
the fifth preceding calendar year, or
any year prior thereto, a notice shall
follow the description of the prop -
erty substantially as follows
"To be sold at public auction,
1.9 . See sale No.
in addenda to this list."
Sec. 3 -614. Notice. of Sale of Tax
Sold Property. The tax collector shall
publish with the delinquent list. a
notice of sale of all tax sold properly
which was sold to the city in the
fifth preceding calendar year or any
year prior thereto.
Sec. 3 -615. Contents of Notice.. The
published notice of sale of tax sold
property shall show:
(a) A list of descriptions of the
property. The assessments contained
in this notice of sale shall be num-
bered in regular sequence.
(b) That on the date of sale at
public auction five years will have
elapsed since the property was sold
to the city.
(c) The year of sale to the city.
(d) That the property will be of-
fered for sale at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, in lawful
money of the United States, unless
sooner redeemed.
(e) The time and place at which
the property will be sold.
(f) That the minimum acceptable
bid will be the total taxes, penalties,
and costs for which it was sold to the
(g) The amount of the minimum
bid, opposite or following the .de-
scription of the property.
(h) The time within which the suc-
cessful bidder must redeem the prop-
(i) That, after a bid is made and
accepted at the sale, the right of
redemption ceases, except as to the
(j) The date of the notice.
Sec. 3 -616. Manner of Publication.
The publication shall be made once
a week for three (3) successive
weeks in a newspaper of general cir-
culation published in this city, or,
if the city council so orders, the
delinquent list and notice required
by Sections 3 -612 to 3 -615 inclusive
may instead be . posted in three (3)
public places in the city. If posting
is ordered, and there is a newspaper
of general circulation published in
the city, the tax collector shall,
within ten (19) days .after the post-
ing, publish twice a notice stating
that the delinquent list and notice of
sale has been posted and the places
of posting.
Sec. 3 -617. Affidavit of Publication.
Immediately after the publication,
the tax collector shall file with the
city clerk a copy of the publication
and an affixed affidavit. The af-
fidavit shall show*
(a) That it is affixed to a true
copy of the publication.
(b) The manner of publication.
(c) If the publication was in a
newspaper, its name and the date of
each appearance.
(d) If not published in a news-
paper, the place of posting or other
facts to shove hover . it was .published.
This affidavit is prima facie evi-
dence of the facts stated.
Sec. 3 -615. Notice by Mail. After the
first ..publication or the posting. of
the notice .`of sale of tax sold prop-
erty and at least 21 days before the
date of . sale, when tax sold property
is to be sold at . public auction, the
tax collector shall mail to the. last
assessee either a copy of the: pub-
lication or a notice of sale.
Sec. 3 -619. Contents of Mailed
Notice. If a notice of sale is mailed,
such mailed notice shall shove
(a) That the property will be of-
fered for sale at public auction un-
less redeemed,
(b) The year. of sale to the city.
(c) The time and place of the sale
at public auction.
(d) The description of the, particu-
lar property.
(e) When redemption may be made.
(f) The official who will .furnish all
information. concerning redemption.
Sec. 3 -621.. Time and Place of Sale.
Not less than 21 or more than 25
days after the first publication of
the delinquent list, or of. the. posting
thereof, and at the. time fixed in the
notices published or posted with . said
list, the real property therein de-
scribed on which all taxes, penalties,
and costs have not been paid; except
tax sold property and possessory
interests, shall by operation of law
and the declaration of the tax col-
lector be sold to the city. The sate
shall be in the tax collector's office.
Sec. 3 -622. Payment Before Sale.
Until the time of sale, the owner or
person in possession of any property
in the delinquent list may pay the
amount due.
Sec. 3 -623. Discovery of Error. If
the tax collector discovers before the
sale that because of any error the
property should not be sold, he shall
not mark it sold to. the city but shall
notify the assessor. The property
shall then be treated like property
which escaped assessment for the
year for which it was to be sold.
Sec, 3 -524. Entry of Sale. --- --Tax Sales
Kook. After the sale provided for in
this article the tax collector shall
enter in a ' 'Tax Sales" book the fact
and date of sale. Said Tax Sales hook
shall separately show:
(a) A list of the descriptions of all
tax sold property sold at such sale
as the same appear on the roll.
(b) The name of the Assessee, if
known, to whom the property was
assessed in the year of sale.
(e) In appropriate columns op-
posite each parcel sold:
(1) The sale number.
(2) The original tax.
(3) The amount for which the
property was sold.
See. 3 -6125. Delivery of Tax Sales
Book.—Entry on Roll. Within 16 days
after the sale by operation of law,
the tax collector shall deliver the
Tax Sales book to the auditor. The
auditor shall. enter on the current
roll opposite the description of the
property the fact and date of sale.
Sec. 3 -626. injury to Property.
Every person who does any act tend-
ing permanently to impair the value
of tax sold or tax deeded property is:
(a) Liable for any damages sus-
tained by the city because .of his
(b) If the act was done with intent
to defraud the city, guilty of a mis-
Sec. 3 -627. Void Sale. -- Procedure.
If the original sale to the city by
operation of law is ever canceled or
held void the property shall be
treated for all purposes as if sold to
the city in the next subsequent year
for which it would have been validly
sold to the city if it had not been tax
sold property.
Sec. 3-631. Duty to Sell. —?Manner,
Time and Place. Not less than 21 nor
more than 28 days after the first.
publication, or of the posting, of the
notice of sale of tax sold property,
and at lea - five years ..after the
property Nvas . sold to the city, the
tax collector shall, as prescribed in
this chapter, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, in lawful
money of the United Stages, all tax
sold property which was sold to the
city in the fifth preceding : calendar
year or any year prior thereto. The
sale shall begin at the time given
in the published or posted notice of
sale and . shall continue from day to
day thereafter if additional time is
needed to complete the sale. The sale
shall be in the tax collectors office.
Sec. 3 -632. Minimum Rid. No bid
shall be accepted at a sale under
this chapter for a sum less than the
amount for which the property was
sold to the city. .
Sec. 3-633. Redemption After Sale.
After a bid.. has been accepted, the
right of redemption ceases except as
tc the purchaser. The purchaser shall
pay the amount bid immediately and
redeem the property within thirty
days. If he does not redeem, the
amount bid and paid is forfeited. On
redemption, he shall receive credit
for that portion of his bid equal to
the amount for which the property
was sold to the city. The sale is no
completed until the redemption is
Sec. 3-634. Deed to Purchaser. do
completion of the sale, the tax col-
lector shall., without charge, forth -
with execute a deed, duly acknowl-
edged or proved, conveying . the
property to the purchaser or his
Sec. 3 -635, -Contents of Deed. In ad-
dition to the usual provisions of a
deed conveying real property, the
deed shall specify:
(a) The year of sale to the city.
(b) That, for the year of sale to the
city, the property was duly assessed
for taxation and the tax legally
(c) The assessee in the year of sale
to the city.
(d) The name of the purchaser at
this tax sale and the fact and date
that the property was sold to him
for nonpayment of delinquent. taxes
which were a .lien on the property.
(e) The amount for which the prop-
erty was sold to the purchaser.
(f) That the property has been . re�-
(g) What the property is therefore
conveyed to the purchaser according
to law.
2ec. 3 -636. Effect of Deed. This
deed, duly acknowledged or proved,
is prima facie evidence and conclu-
sive evidence of the same facts as a
deed to the city for taxes and con-
veys the same title as a deed to the
Sec, 3-637. The first sale of tax sold
property at public auction under this
article shall not be held before June
1, x.942.
Sec. 3 -641. Deed to City. If the sale
of any tax sold property at public
auction is not . completed, the. tax
collector shall forthwith execute a
deed, duly acknowledged or proved,
conveying the property to the city.
Sec. 3- -642. Recitals in Deed. In ad-
dition to. the usual provisions of a
deed conveying real property, the
deed shall specify
(a) The date of sale to the city.
(b) That, for the year of sale to the
city, the property ,vas duly assessed
for taxation. and the tax legally
(c) The assessee in the year of
sale to the city.
(d) The amount for which the
property was sold.
(e) That five years have elapsed
since the sale to . the city and the
property has. not been redeemed.
(f) That the property is therefore
conveyed to the city according to
Sec. 3 -643. Recordation of Deed.
The deed to the city shall be re-
corded with the county. recorder and
shall thereafter be filed in the city
clerk's office.
Sec. 3 -644. Effect of Deed. The
deed, duly acknowledged or proved,
is prima facie evidence that
(a) The property was assessed ac-
cording to law.
(°b) The assessment was equalized,
according to law.
(c) The taxes were levied accord-
ing to law.
t (d) The taxes were not paid.
(e) The property was sold to the
city according to law'.
(f) The property was not redeemed.
(g) The proper officer executed the
(h) All the taxes for which the
real property was sold were legally
a lien on the real property,
See. 3 -645. Effect of Deed. -font.
The deed, duly acknowledged or
proved, is conclusive evidence, except
against actual fraud, of the regu-
larity of all other proceedings, from
the assessment of the assessor to
the execution of the deed, both in-
Sec. 3 -646. might of Redemption
Terminated. The execution of the
deed terminates the right of redemp-
Sec. 3 -647. Right of Redemption.- -
Termination Under Prior heed. Where
property - was deeded to the city be-
fore this ordinance took effect and
the deed did not terminate the right
of redemption, the right of redemp-
tion shall be terminated as prescribed
by this section.
The tax collector shall give the
redemptioner notice that his right to
redeem will be terminated at the end
of the minimum time allowable under
the law in force at the time the
property was sold to the city. At
the end of this period of time, if the
property has not been redeemed, the
right of redemption is terminated.
The notice shall be . given in the
same manner that notice was re-
quired to be given before the right
of redemption could be terminated
under the law in force when the
property was sold to the city for
taxes. If no notice was so required,
none need be given under this sec-
See. 3-645, Title Conveyed. The
deed conveys to the city the absolute
title to the property, free of all en-
Sec. 3 -651. Renting Tax Deeded
Property. The city may rent tax
deeded property. All proceeds arising
in any manner from such property
shall be collected by the tax col-
sec. 3 --652. Exacting an Account-
ing. The city manager may exact an
accounting from any person of the
proceeds from tax deeded property.
Sec. 3 --653. Possessing of . Tax
Deeded Property. The city manager
may demand and receive possession
of tax deeded property and may
maintain an action of unlawful de-
tainer or of ejectment in the nam6
of the city against persons unlaw-
fully on the property,
Sec. 3 -654. Conditions in Leases.
All leases of tax deeded property
shall contain a clause that if the
tax deed is declared void the lessee
is entitled only to refund of the
unearned portion of the rental paid,
with no further damages. The refund
shall be made in the same manner
as an overpayment of tax is re-
See. 3 -655. Removal of Structures.
The city manager may remove or
permit the removal of any structure
or fixture which becomes a public
nuisance on receipt of written notice
of condemnation from the proper au-
Sec. 3 -656. Disposition of Moneys,
All moneys received under this ar-
ticle shall be deposited in the general
Sec, 3 -661. Sale of Tax deeded
Property.-Generally. The procedure
to sell tax deeded property is as
provided in this article.
Sec. 3 - 662. Sale on Council's Order.
Tax deeded property may be sold
by order of the City Council as fol-
(a) If such property has been dedi-
cated to public use by ordinance or
resolution of the council or by im-
provement or user, the same may be
sold in the manner in which other
property acquired, owned or held for
public purposes may be sold or trans-
ferred or conveyed by the City.
(b) If such tax deeded property has
not been so dedicated to public use,
the council may by resolution order
that a sale of such property be made
at public auction by the tax col-
lector. Such resolution shall specify
(1) A description of the property.
(2) The minimum price at which
it is proposed to sell the prop-
erty at public auction.
(3) The time and place of sale.
A certified copy of such resolution
shall be transmitted to the tax col-
Sec. 3-663. Sale oil Application. Ex-
cept as to property which has been
dedicated to public use in the man-
ner hereinbefore provided, any per-
son may make written application to
the tax c �,ll ec t- or requesti ��, 4-
deeded property be offered for sale
at public auction,
S 3 - Application Form. --De-
posit. The application shall describe
the property and shall be accom-
panied by a sum sufficient to defray
the cost of .advertising and conduct-
ing the sale. If the applicant fails
to secure the property on his bid or
if the Council disapproves the pro-
posed sale, this sum shall be re-
turned to him. In either event, . this
sum shall be a credit to applicant on
the amount bid by him at the auc-
Sec. 3 -665. Notice to Council.. On
application to purchase tax deeded
property made by a prospective
purchaser the tax collector shall
transmit a, notice in writing to the
City Council of such application.
Sec. 3 -666. Contents of Notice. The
notice referred to in the preceding
section shall specify:
(a) The facts required in Subsec-
tions 1, 2 and 3, Subdivision (b) of
Section. 3 -662.
(b) A detailed statement of the
amount that . vas needed for redemp-
tion immediately prior to execution
of the deed to the city.
Sec. 3 -667. Minimum .Price.. The
minimum price for each parcel shall
be sufficient to cover the required
costs of advertising and conducting
the sale, unless otherwise authorized
by the City Council,
Sec. 3 -665. Council's Approval. The
City Council shall by resolution either
approve or disapprove the proposed
sale and shall transmit a certified
copy of the resolution to the tax
Sec. 3 -669. Publication of Notice. —
Contents. On receipt of the Council's
resolution, if it orders or allows a
sale, the tax collector shall publish
notice of the intended sale once a
week for three (3) successive weeks
in a newspaper of general circulation
published in the city; The first pub-
lication shall, be completed at least
twenty -one (21) days before the sale.
The notice shall contain the same
facts as are required by Subsections
1, 2 and 3, Subdivision (b) of
Section 3 -662 and shall state that
the sale will be for cash. A copy of
the notice shall also be mailed to
the governing board of every taxing
agency having unpaid taxes which
are a lien on the property.
Sec. 3- 6610. Sale for Cash. All sales
conducted under Subdivision (b) of
Section 3 -662 or on application of a
prospective purchaser shall be at
public auction for cash.
Sec. 3 -6611. Sale at Auction. At the
time and place specified, the tax col-
lector .shall sell the property at pub-
lic auction to the highest bidder. No
bid shall be accepted for less than
the specified minimum price.
Sec. 3 -6612. Deed to Purchaser. On
receipt of the full purchase price,
the tax collector shall, without
charge, execute a, deed, duly ac-
knowledged or proved, conveying the
property to the purchaser or his as-
Sec. 3- -6613. Deed. -- Contents. In ad-
dition to the usual provisions of a
deed conveying real property, the
deed shall specify:
(a) That the property was duly
sold and conveyed to the city for
nonpayment of taxes.
(b) That the taxes for which it was
sold to the city were legally levied
and were a lien on the property.
(c) That the property was sold at
public auction to the highest . bidder.
(d) That the grantee became the
purchaser at this sale and the
amount for which the property was
sold to him.
(e) That the property is therefore
conveyed to the purchaser according
to law.
See. .3- 661.4. Effect of Deed. This
deed, duly acknowledged or proved,
is prima facie evidence and conclu-
sive evidence of the same facts as
the deed to the city for taxes and
conveys the title which the city had.
Sec. 3 -6615. Report to Assessor.
Within ten days after executing a
deed under this chapter, the tax col-
lector shall transmit to the city as-
sessor a report, specifying:
(a) That the tax deeded property
has been sold.
(b) The name of the grantee in the
(c) The date of the deed.
(d) The amount for which the
property was sold.
(e) The description of the. prop-
(f) The date of the tax deed to the
Sec. 3 -6616. Joining Otber Taxing
Agency in Sale. If any other taxing
agency has a tax lien on, or. tax
title to, tax deeded property, the tax
collector may, with the approval of
the city council, join with the other
taxing agency in selling the tax
deeded property in order to give the
purchaser the rights. of the other tax-
ing agency as well as the city's title.
The city. shall contract with the
other taxing agency. as to any mat-
ters not otherwise covered by law.
Sec. 3-"'-7.. V 3rfeiture of Costs. If
at the sale there he no higher bidder
than the applicant and applicant fails
to pair the minimum amount specl -
fied he .stall forfeit the sum advanced
by him for costs.
Sec. 3 -711. Right to Redeem.—Dura-
tion. Until the right of redemption is
terminated. tax sold property may
be redeemed by ..the owner or his
successor in interest.
Sec. .3- 712. Redemption Amount. —
Generally. The amount necessary to
redeem is the sum of the following:
(a) The amount of sold taxes.
(b) The delinquent penalties and
costs for the Year of sale to the city.
(c) Redemption penalties.
Sec. 3 -713.. Redemption Penalties.
Redemption penalties are the sum . of
the following:
(a) Pe,–inning July 1 of the year of
sale to the city, :on the amount of
sold taxes at the .time of sale, one
per . cent (190 a month for the first
year, then one -half of one per cent
( x/ of 1%) a month to the time of
(b) Beginning July 1 of each sub-
sequent year, on the unpaid taxes for
which. the property would have been
sold to the city in. that year if there
had not been a previous sale, one per
cent (1 %) a. month for the first. year
thereafter, then one -half of one per
cent (1/ of 1%) a month to the time
of redemption.
Sec. 3 -714.. Application. -- Estimates.
Application to redeem shall be made
to the redemption officer, who shall
then. prepare an ...estimate of the
amount necessary : to redeem.
S 3 -715, Payment.- Receipt. Pay-
ment of the amount necessary to
redeem. shall be made .to. the redemp-
tion officer. The redemption officer
shall . deliver a receipt to the redemp-
tioner which receipt. shall show,
among other. things, the name of the
person. redeeming, the amount re-
ceived., and the . date when the re-
demption was made.
Sec. 3 -716. Entry. of Redemption in
Tax Sales Book.. The redemption of-
ficer shall enter in the Tax Sales
book, in appropriate . columns op-
posite the description of each parcel
redeemed, the date of redemption,
the . redemption penalties, the total
amount paid. on redemption, and by
whom redeemed.
Seca 3 -717. Entry on Rolls. Opposite
the description .of the property on
each roll on which the property ap-
pears. the redemption.. officer . shall
note the fact of redemption.
Sec. 3 -721. Pa.reel.-- improvements.
As used in this article, `.`parcel" in-
cludes an undivided. interest in real
property. For purposes of .this article,
improvements are not a "parcel'
separate from the land on which they
are situated.
See. 3 --722. Separate Redemption.
Any parcel of tax sold property con-
tained in an assessment and having
a separate valuation on the roll for
the year of sale to the city and all
subsequent rolls may be redeemed
separately from the whole assess-
ment as provided in this article.
See. 3 --723. Amount of Sold Taxes.
The amount of sold taxes on the
parcel is the amount which bears the
same proportion to the amount of
sold taxes on the whole assessment
as the valuation of this parcel bears
to the valuation of all real property
in the assessment.
Sec. 3 -724. Redemption amount.
The amount necessary to redeem the
parcel is the sum of the following:
(a) The amount of sold taxes on
the parcel.
(b) Redemption penalties computed
on the amount of sold taxes on the
(c) Delinquent penalties and casts
for the year of sale to the city as if
the parcel were the entire assess-
sec. 3 --725. Entries in Tax Sales
Book. On such redemption, the re-
demption officer shall make an entry
in the Tax Sales book in which the
property appears showing
(a) The parcel released from lien
by separate redemption.
(b) The portion of the amount of
sold taxes paid.
(c) The valuation of the remainder
of the assessment.
(d) The portion of the amount of
sold, taxes remaining unpaid.
Such entries may be made opposite
or following the description of the
parcel separately redeemed, or else-
where in the Tax Sales book if a
reference is made, opposite or follow-
ing the description of such parcel,
referring to the page in the book in
which such entries are made.
Sec. 3 -726. Entry on Other Rails.
Opposite the assessment on each
roll on which the property appears
the redemption officer shall note the
fact of partial redemption.
Sec. 3 -727, Procedure Generally. In
all other respects the redemption
shall be made in the regular manner.
See. 3 -723. Separate Valuation. Any
person claiming an interest, evidenced
by a recorded deed, deed of trust,
mortgage, or final decree of court,
in any parcel of tax sold property
which does not have a separate val-
uation on the roll for the year of
sale to the city or any subsequent
roll may apply to the redemption
officer to have the parcel separately
valued in order that it may be re-
deemed under this article.
Sec. 3 -729. Fee. Each application
shall be accompanied by a fee of one
Sec. 3-- 721.0. Transmission to As-
sessor. The redemption officer shall
transmit the application for separate
valuation to the assessor.
See. 3- 7211. Making Separate Val-
uation. The assessor shall place a
separate valuation on the parcel for
each year for which it was delin-
quent and not separately valued and
transmit it to the redemption officer.
Sec. 3 -7212. Valuation on Current
Roll. Except between the time when
the second installment of taxes be-
comes delinquent and the time when
property is sold to the city, if the
parcel is not separately valued on
the current roll, the assessor shall
also transmit a separate valuation of
the parcel to the officer having
custody of the current roll who shall
place the valuation on the current
roll as part of the original assess -
anent. In all cases, the sum of the
valuations of the parcels separately
valued shall equal their total valua-
tion before separation.
Sec. 3 -811. Distribution Generally.
Amounts received in payment of
taxes, penalties, and costs, or on re-
demption or on sale of tax sold prop-
erty or tax deeded property, shall be
distributed in the order of the sec-
tions in this article. Distribution
under each section in turn shall be
made as fully as possible before
proceeding to the succeeding sec-
Sec. 3 -812. "Taxes. " -` Fund." As
used in this article:
(a) "Taxes" includes assessments,
(b) "Fund" includes a revenue dis-
Sec. 3-813. Amounts Forfeited. All
amounts forfeited by bidders for
failure to complete purchases shall
be distributed to the general fund.
Sec, 3 -814. Amounts for Costs,
Amounts received to reimburse the
city for any costs of publication or
other expense- and the amount col-
lected as the cost of preparing the
delinquent list shall be distributed to
the general fund.
Sec. 3 --815. Balance.-Where Cred-
ited. The balance remaining shall be
credited to the general fund, except
that if in the fiscal year for which
the taxes were levied any .fund did
not receive from taxes collected in
that year the total amount of money
appropriated or allocated in the
budget for such year to such fund,
then such balance shall be appor-
tioned according to the ra.te of that
year until each fund has received
the total amount so appropriated or
allocated in such budget.
Seen 3 -911. "Taxes" Explained. As
used in this chapter, "taxes" in-
cludes assessments collected at the
same time and in the sa -me manner
as city taxes.
Sec. 3 -912. Cancelation generally.
All or any portion of any tax, pen-
alty, or costs, heretofore or hereafter
levied, may be canceled by the
auditor on order of the city council
with the written approval of the city
attorney if it wa.s levied
(a) More than once.
(b) Erroneously or illegally.
(c) On a portion of an assessment
in excess of the cash value of the
property by reason of the assessor's
clerical error.
(d) On improvements when the im-
provements did not exist on the lien
(e) On property acquired after the
lien date by the state, county, city,
nr a district or other political sub-
division and because of this public
ownership exempt from further tax-
ation when cancelation is requested
as provided by law, except when ac-
quired by sale and deed for taxes.
Except in the case specified in sub-
division (e), the correct amount due
or the assessment shall be paid be-
fore the tax is canceled.
Sec. 3 -913. Double .Assessment. On
discovery that any property is as-
sessed more than once for the same
year, after payment of all charges
justly due on the property, the tax
collector shall certify the facts to
the auditor and city council. The
erroneous assessments and charges
thereon shall be canceled on the roll
and, if carried there, the Tax Sales
book in the same manner that a tax
may be canceled.
Sec. 3 -914. Errors on Roll, etc.
When it can be ascertained from the
books, maps, records or papers :in the
offices of the auditor or assessor or
city clerk or tax collector what was
originally intended or what should
have been entered, errors or orris- -
sions in the roll or delinquent list or
any tax proceding may be corrected
or supplied by the auditor with the
written approval of the city attorney
and the tax collector at any time
after the assessment period and be-
fore the sale to the city for taxes.
Sec. 3 -915. Same. -- Decrease or In-
crease. Such changes or corrections
may be so made whether or not the
same will increase or decrease the
amount of taxes due.
Sec. 3 -916. Entry of Correction. The
auditor shall:
(a) Enter the date and nature of
every correction on the roll.
(b) File the written authority for
the correction as a public record.
(c) Make the necessary changes in
his account with the tax collector.
Sec. 3W 917. Errors in. Entry of Sale
or Deed: On order of the city. council
with the written approval of the city
attorney, if all proceedings leading
up to a sale or deed are correct, the
tax collector may correct a misstate-
ment of facts or clerical error in:
(a) The entry of a sale to the city
by new entry replacing the erroneous
(b) A tax deed by issuance of a
new or amended deed.
As far as practicable, the new or
amended tax deed shall be the same
as the original except where. cor-
Sec. 3 -918. Duplicate Sales or Deeds.
If tax sold property has been er-
roneously resold to the city or tax
deeded property is erroneously resold
or redeeded to the city, the tax col-
lector may cancel the erroneous sale
or deed on order of the city council
with the written approval of the city
Sec. 3 -919. Taxes Mistakenly on Se-
cured. Roll..If the taxes on any prop-
erty are entered on the roll as a lien
on real property on which they are
not legally ° a lien, the auditor shall
certify the facts to the city. council.
On order of . the .city council, with
the written approval of the city at-
torney, the auditor shall cancel the
entry and shall reenter it as follows:
(a) If the assessee has real prop-
erty sufficient in the assessors opin-
ion to secure the taxes, as a lien on
this real. property.
(b) Where there Is not sufficient
real property to secure the taxes:
(1) If it . is state assessed prop-
erty, on the secured roil.
(2) In all other cases, on the
unsecured roll.
Sec. 3- -9114. Error in Publication. If
any error is carried into any publi-
cation c mailing of notice, the
amended publication or notice may be
republished or mailed, or, in lieu
thereof, notice of the correction may
be given by publication or mailing.
See. 3 -9111. New Publication. The
new publication or mailing shall be
in the same manner as the original.
Sec. 3 -9112. Time for Performance
of Act. If any act is to be done
within a specified time after the
original publication or mailing, the
new publication or mailing shall
specify the time when the act may
be done. This time is whichever is
' later of the following:
(a) The time originally specified.
(b) One week after the new publi-
cation or mailing..
Sec. 3 -9113. Erroneous Sale or . Deed.
If property is sold or deeded to the
city f or. taxes, an th e taxes had b een
paid or were not legally a lien on
the property, the sale and deed shall
be canceled by the auditor on order
of the city council with written ap-
proval of the city attorney.
Sec. 3- 9114. Same. If property is
sold or deeded . to the. city for taxes
and the tax or assessment is legally
canceled, the city. council shall order
the auditor to cancel . the sale and
deed when the tax is canceled.
Sec. 3 -9115. Entry of Cancelation.
When a tax or sale or deed is legally
canceled the. auditor shall make no-
tation of the fact on. the roll and on
the 'T'ax Sales . book and shall notify
the tax collector and assessor. When
a deed is canceled, the auditor shall
also notify the county recorder of the
Sec. 3 -921. Refunds.—Grounds. On
order of the city council, any taxes,
penalties, or costs shall be refunded
if they were:
(a) Paid more than once.
(b) Erroneously or . illegally col-
(c) .Paid can an assessment in excess
of the cash value of= the property by
reason of the assessor's clerical
(d) Paid. on an erroneous assess -
ment of improvements which did not
exist on the lien date.
. Sec. 3 --922. Application. --- -Time. Ap-
plication for a refund shall be made
within three years after payment
was made. .
Sec. 3- 923..A.pplication. —How ?Made.
Application for refund shall be veri-
fied and may be made only by the
person who made payment, his
guardian, executor, administrator, or
heir. Refund shall.not be made to an
assignee of the applicant.
Sec. 3.924, Deduction of Apportion-
ment. If the amount paid has been
apportioned to any. funds or revenue
districts, the proper. proportion of the
refund shall be. deducted. from any
amounts due each fund or revenue
Sec. 3-925. Refundable Money. —
Disposition. Any amount subject to
refund for which application is not
made within the time allowed shall
be placed in the geaeral fund.
See. 3 --926. Payment Under Protest.
After taxes are payable, any assessee
may pay the tax, under protest. A
payment under protest is not a vol-
untary payment,
Sec. 3-927. Contents of Protest. The
protest shall be in writing, specify-
(a) Whether the whole tax or as-
sessment is claimed to be void or,
if only a part, what portion.
(b) The grounds on which the claim
is founded.
Sec. 3928. Action to Recover Taxes.
Within six months after payment,
action may be brought against the
city to recover the tax paid under
protest. The action may be brought
(a) As to the portion of the as-
sessment claimed to be void.
(b) On the grounds specified in the
(c) By the person making payment,
his guardian, executor, administra-
tor, or heir. Payment of a judgment
against the city shall not be made
to an assignee of the person bringing
the action.
Sec. 3 --929. Deduction of Apportion-
ment. If the amount paid under pro-
test has been apportioned to any
funds or revenue districts, the proper
proportion of a judgment against the
city shall be deducted from any
amounts due each fund or revenue
S 3 -931. Payment on Wrong
Property. If a person by mistake
pays a tax on other than the prop-
erty intended, and by substantial
evidence convinces the tax collector
that the payment was intended for
another property, the tax collector
may cancel the credit on the unin-
tended property and transfer it to
the property intended as prescribed,
in this article, at any time before
the succeeding sale of property to the
Sec. 3 --932. Affidavit for Transfer.
The person seeking the transfer shall
sign and file with the tax collector
an affidavit giving full details of the
transaction. If the transfer is made,
the affidavit is a public record and
reference to it shall be entered on
the roll opposite the unintended prop-
Sec. 3 -933. Notice to fawner. The
tax collector shall send a notice to
the owner of the unintended property
respecting the proposed transfer.
Sec. 3-934. Contents of Notice. The
notice shall state that the owner of
the unintended property may demand
a hearing by the city council within
ten days after the notice is sent. If
made, a copy of the demand shall be
sent to the tax. collector. The city
council shall set a time for the hear-
ing and its decision on the proposed
transfer is final.
Sec. 3 -935. Payment of Balance. -
Refund. If the amount paid is less
than the amount due on the property
intended, the balance of the amount
due shall be paid .before the transfer.
If the amount paid is more than the
amount due on the property in-
tended, the applicant is entitled to a
refund of the excess in the same
manner as an overpayment of tax
is refunded.
Sec. 3 -936. Unintended Property on
Delinquent List. If the delinquent list
is ready for publication or has been
published, the applicant shall pay
the cost of advertising the unin-
tended property. The unintended
property shall then be advertised as
if it were omitted from the delin-
quent list by clerical error, unless
the taxes on the unintended property
are immediately or previously paid,
Sec. 3-941. Invalid Tax. --- Notice to
Council. If the collection of a delin-
quent tax cannot be enforced because
of any jurisdictional error in the as-
sessment of real property or in any
subsequent step up to and including
the termination of the right of re-
demption, the tax collector or the
auditor shall certify the facts to the
city council.
Sec. 3 -942. Cancelation of Sale or
Deed. If any sale or deed for taxes
is rendered invalid by the error, it
shall be canceled in the same man-
ner that a tax may be canceled.
Sec. 3 --943. Notice to Assessee. If
any portion of the property was tax-
able for the year for which collee-
tion cannot be enforced and the tax
is unpaid, the city clerk shall send
a notice to the last assessee of the
property respecting the jurisdictional
Sec. 3944. Contents of Notice. The
notice shall state that the error. will
be corrected and the collection of the
proper tax enforced unless cause is
shown why such action should not
be taken. The notice shall also state
that the assessee may demand a
hearing by the city council ..within
ten days after the notice is sent. If
demanded, the city council shall set
a time for the hearing and its de-
cision in the matter is final.
Sep;. 3 -945. Procedure to Correct
Error. The city council shall. order
the necessary steps taken to correct
the error. The officials whose duty
it was to perform the steps orig-
inally shall comply with this order,
Sec. 3-946.. Same. If an error is
omission of or defect in publishing
or sending any notice, the city coun-
cil shall order the corrected notice to
state the facts requiring the new
notice and the time within which
the taxpayer. shall do any acts de-
pendent on the notice.
Seca 3 --947. Same. The property. shall
be entered on the roll and treated
like property escaping assessment in
the last preceding assessment period
and discovered at the time the cor-
rections are completed, except that:
(a) The assessment shall be the
corrected assessment for each year
for which the collection of delinquent
taxes could not be enforced. .
(b) The amount charged against
the property before computation of
the regular delinquent penalties on
the roll on .which it is entered shall
be the corrected tax for each year
for which the collection of delinquent
taxes could not be enforced.
Sec. 3.948. Time Limit. There is no
limit on the time within which an
error may be corrected under this
Sec. 3 -951, Refund on Void Sale.
The purchaser of tax sold property
or tax deeded property is entitled to
a refund from the city of the amount
paid as purchase price if:
(a) It is determined by final judg-
ment of a court that the sale or
deed of the property is void.
(b) It is determined by resolution
of the city council that the property
belongs to the Unified States, this
state, or any city or political sub-
division of this state and has been
erroneously sold for taxes.
(c) The sale or deed is legally can-
Sec. 3 -952. Claim for Refund. The
clairn for refund shall be presented
in the same manner as other claims
against the city and within one year
after the judgment becomes final or
the resolution is passed. There shall
be credited on the amount due the
purchaser any portion of the pur-
chase price repaid to him under any
judgment of a court.
SECTION 3. The following ordi-
nances of the City of Alameda, to-
wit, ordinances No. 543, New Series,
No, 547, New Series, No. 600, New
Series and No, 642, New Series, and
all other ordinances in conflict here -
with are hereby repealed,
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
be in full force and effect from and
after the expiration of thirty (30)
days from the date of its final pas-
Presiding Officer of the Council.
City Clerk.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly adopted and
passed by the Council of the City of
,.Alameda in regular meeting assem-
bled on the 4th day of March, 1941,
by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Carrington,
Godfrey, Maurer, Morris and Presi-
dent Weichhart, (5).
NOES: None.
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of said City this 5th
day of March, 1941,
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
Publish March 7, 1.941.