Ordinance 0763ORDINANCE NO. 763 An ordinance creating a city of alameda defense council and prescribing its duties and responsibilities Sheet Ian. 2 city. : d o Alam'eda r inances Ordinance No. 763 New Series SECTIOIL .- . Th e . City ; Counci :.hereb 1 the undersigned, . hereby certify t h at f inds aid e r i s:: that great reties +ty the fo egoi g Or vas duly and and emergency. :e�i�t �hd - this ordnance regularly adopted and :passed by the oun- is hereby . - detla� d -- to -be' are - - .emergency cil -of the . City of - 'Alameda: , in adjourned measure - necessary - -for the irnmediate pres- regular meeting assembled on 'the l Oth ervation - of the - pu i - lic . peace, - health and day of June, 19-11, by the follor inng vote, s6fety at d '.-.shbll . effect- .and -. he iq to wit: force from - after its p ssbge. - The - foil AYES Councilmen' Branscheid Godfrey, Iowing is a specific statement -.of the facts Howe, Maurer, and President eichhart, constituting such necessity ' and. - emergency (5 ). and of the urgency of this ord inance -, NOES: None. An emergency - exists in the United States and Jn this State in providing ade- ABSENT: Done, quate , National -and Local Def It is I WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- necessary - gather all -information relat- unto set my hand and affixed the official ing to National - Defense . and - to provide seal of said City this 1 1 th day of )une, for the propor - cooperation . and coordina- 1941. Lion . of .public a n d . private agencies so th (SEAL) L I EM E I �EATI E adequate Local -Defense rr�ay be provided . for at as early a date as possible: City Clerk of the City of Alameda. HENRY A. WEICHHART, Publish June 11, 1941 'residing Officer of the Council. Attest: LOREME R. BEATI E, City Clerk.