Ordinance 0783ORDINANCE NO. 783
An ordinance relating to air raid precautions
Sheep No, 2
Al� a No., ' � 8 �° y �' es New s��i�� ...........
being essential to, and while en-
`aged. in,--the preservation- of the
public ' heaith ; -- eace or safety.. - or. to
the di- ssen , iin a�ti. On - of -,publi :- infor- -
nia.tioh 7 ' the'.. national. � defer��e;
- provide,.. how'ever that:: such -vo-
hicles shall. conform to-the uniform.
li.� h t hid` _ regulation - approved by-
the . I�elaarth'i -eht 6f 'Motor - "vehicles
nd the CalYf0r ni'a State High�ray
1- } , for blaelceut en e.rgency ve-
hiciles, No Certificate'. shall: lie issued
which conflicts with', any : regula-
tion or -the :the ..Uhitea -S tates
Army ���l�li� able �� the area for
. W hich th eert.if f ca.t - e : is issued: .
EXTJON - - 10: It shall. be un.lalvfu.li
for any. person - without auth0tity - -
to .use, ���ea - r exhibit - , .or.- loo - s:sess any
ilniforll - 1, in8i 'nia, Credential,... or
other. indication of authority, or -any
in1ita.ti 0 th ereof, adopted and is-
suecl by - , - 1y off icial 617i1ian - defense
. ECTION. 1, Any - person who
Shall - op orate a siren, - . whistle or
o ther audible 'device -in - such -' a man-
Tier as . to - 'simulate are' - air -raid warn-
ing s1��rnal or an - .all elea:r - sl na,l,
e cel)t. upon order.-of the::officer -au-
thoriZed to'. - give - such Signals, shall.
?e ujlty' . C}f -.. a. e an r,
-SECTION Th'e.-�-p'ro - of
every - ordin neo, cif. this City and
every. - adihinistrative'.: order n ade
pursuant t ereto, requiring ..'afny
n il-
Iu�inatien: to be r.�ia i . in. c -
flict with. this. ord.inane'e . er with
any rule r r gu ation made p r -
suant -to . eetion. -5 of this ordinan. es
hvtl.l be deieduedd: during
the . - period -;. 1i etiNie6n - any: - alr raid
warning - .- signal. - aired Ah . next .sue'
eed.in,`. all dear - final::
�ECTTON :13. Any...: l) erson. Who
shalt . - vio ,te any. provision this
c�rdina,nce . shall he guilty-:<)f - a Mis-
demeanor and, upon convic
thereof, shall he Punished by a fine
of not . exceeding three Hundred
Dollars $300:00) - fir. .. , -b - .impri0on -�
11tent in the .. "ity : 'Jail or in the
C ou nty Jail not exceeding three
months, or by both such fine a,r d
EC' ION, '. -1 The -Council: -of. the
City - df -- Alameda hereby f Inds' and
deal ares that great . necessity and
emergency - . exists in that the United
States is at ; wa' r and. this City is in
great - and contihu.ing dan of - aip
an c ' other attach by the en emy and,, theefore, this ordin.a.n.re is. 'd.eelared.
to an- e mergency - m easure neces
sary. for - - the. , Immedi.a;te -. preserva-
tion. -of . the pui)lle - pease, - h.ea.ltrh and
oafety and shall ta.ke . - effect - immed i
ately on its final. passage.
Presiding Off icer of the Council..
Attest': .
City Clerk,
..1, the undersigned, hereby - certify
that -the -foregoing. Ordi - was
q l ly and. -regularly. introduced .
.adopted and 'Passed. by . th ounce
.of the City .. . A.la ineda In -. regulaf
- ni.eetin9 - asses -bled -- carp the 16th day
of .:December, 1941, by the following
vote, to -Wit:
AYES: - Councilmen Bran. cheld,
- .jqoWe� - Jones, M aurer and - President
04odf rey, (5).
NOE : 'one.
ABSENT.n ..None.
I ` �'ITNE E [ . have
hereunto -set - rny- hand a;n.d- affi xed
- the - :offlclal. seal—` of -. - said- City this -
]..7tli dsy .cif . con her,
City-clerk of the City of Alameda. -
'1jub.1Jsh.'' eeemb er 17, 19 4 1R.