Ordinance 0805ORDINANCE NO. 805 An ordinance authorizing emergency suspension of all building electrical gas appliances or plumbing ordinances authorizing the use of substitute materials and methodos during the period of national emergency and declaring an emergency e a it anc in : t. n s~t:in yy��ii r ��yy 33 'yy yy 7iir.tLrillii }.• Feai;' and :: aiterate 6f: *rid st u�turwes that_ - it is. r a r :tiV -e *mod iii . th intorest:- �o :.' atio .I M. f10 nse a d 6T one r e a heal th - , s;ft and e n.ral :e are to : ext'a eiis . o am pd fiAt� t t - Ion 0f h�u�es ar��; = c� ' fence ai n - t rid s t - - blis;ar�xen b m pia 1 r d 0 eu r:t�:i��d � nrin - th e.XiStence 6f : - tn.0 p r. e s . O nt : -: ation T n - e rk 6 h I 'OTION r€ irr no, e of tile of Ada Ada ? e erie pass ed :Sri ."April : ,- :���4 :;is h ereb . - M C OrODF res i irigffier of : tni: Attest: l BEATIE lam it ierk. - 'innce : - O 805 unersin :r eer -t ti l ant : reg,u .ar ad i t d _ grid :.th . �nnei : ' :! it .ul� r , eeti n : .�? . - :bk hd f owl: �.� e, :t� =wit; rei ei Rrii "idf MAilr6r :nd r i ent G df rear . -T' : :e: - WH, - 8RE. O ',. -' . have 'er.eu .- ..:set fny nan and affixed the ei. :f said : City: viiis 2'2 n d . tiay of : :Ji�t'', 4 c it y. er f th -e :. it :f. Alrrida:' Publish. July. -22 - 9 .42.'