Ordinance 0814ORDINANCE NO. 814
An ordinance of the city of alameda relating to restricted lighting
Sheet No,
-AM . Ordinance No, 814
al e - d a - - it � ��� N'eiv series
any further: r edue t ion 0 . r. ex
tinguish'm "exit. of street or
h.ighwa=y il.Itiffiinatioh' -. whi.eh
would. unnecessar a+ggra:-
vate traff C ". h;2ard8 is not
(2) Variations from . .the forego-
ing requ !IV eme11ts sha,l.l he l)er-
. mi.tted. in. "the '.case'.. of .ill.urhi-
.nation for'. industriAl and 'pro-
tecti"v 1) u rp o s s, and from. :ih -
dustri processes, whether
i.n.ter~ or or . e' terior; - .lout not
i.ncludin.g street . -; 'or highway
lights, only' ,hero a.nd to the
extent ' that it is tiec ssary. - to
"vary from sucl ". req' irenri ents
in ord e r tLr t ] o } a V e " anti" n ain
onty.- with the : rittien ap-
proval of the'—.,—Ninth Regional
ivi.11an. D f 'nse -� 3oard* oh-
tain.ic�d. n adva nce."
(c) Traffic - Signs a11d Signals. 'Il-
Ili Minated sign - s . and . Which
are � a;uthorized or ni b
g 'ov " er . unierital . auth - ority : f o . the
purpose of control -
ling or diroctin.g
street or hi g h'way traffic " s1� al.l " he
shielded so that " "no direct rays from
th "e "" 1iht . �olir�e " are e�nitted aho�e
the hioriz'o tal.: in respe'ct'... to lights
orted ten feet or mor Above
the K round, or - above an.
more t.hal . six, degrees. abov the:
1�1 on %ontal in : resp "et to : lib is
Mouatecl less than ten' b t: Mbre
than three feet .. - a bo' v6 the round.
or.- :abo an angle ,..:of 1nore.:jh -rU1
twelve degrees ".above the .ho�rizon�w
ta.l - iii- re p - ect -to less
than three feet alaav O th e rcir� d:
Relative - variations - In th upward
l.im it t� - of : ligrht ark : pern issihl e - to
coo la risat :for- grades:
- . (d): l av i ation arid :r "a i"1- r. :o d
Mght "s." Authorize 1i,�hts nece�
tO faoi.l.itate air .' water : n aVi ig a�
tiara, authorizer ~� iirc, ad Sig`�al
1 ig lets; a iid. h eadli'h is
Of:' r ail.road 10-
oon�otives. :when in: unction. are; here_ by - oepted j ro"m all" "the. proy
of this' pro' lar ati.on::
: ; fin. addition . t "o :."th e ' restricti o s
h reinhefor posed; illtiininatiOn
with th part
".of . the Zone; of "
st S Visil)1e
frorn .'the sea.'' as'- h'eireillafter. de-
fined;" shall.. be : fti� ther-'.'..dIM
�" all: ti .. es:. at Ai 'ht
fray ' sta n sit tai sii xirise; . "' as: "fr to s 11 a )".tretaighv;�" and'raff i "c -'.
�i ;'17 t s. Ott ~eet and '� igliay . 1�hts
aitd illrimi��at;ed si.gns::: b u x �t si,9
n€ Ll s) - h 16h are . �Uth 0r.i,ed or.- m tt,ft -
taro ed g ov ernrn e ntal tiau ari ty
for the purpose , f �cont."rc lling'- orb di-
reethig. street o r hig.hwiiy- . traffie
an .- hich." ai, visi from h0i - sea;
shall lie sc shi'lde"d.' that. therk - - . are
not - visible. f rom "" the see; a:t n 1,py h
and - so Jhat no dlreet ray f rom the
ii.ght.. source are erl ltteld abdve the
l�c�ri�ontal# .. .
(b) : esidential - Co1- imereaa1 �a d.
lnd�istri "al : �iud "ors: 1 l z t
n.a 31 e 't)er'n i tted. heh.i"nd wig dow
or la cl d.00r�� visible ":.. -fro' n"L - th e
sea m i es th ' r are ct �r:ere l y
c Street -and igh Tray "l'rafficF:
'ithin. - ar -eas visible f rare t he sea,
bUt - :8Ubjeet 10': the e c' eptil6ns h' r'in
- after stated., vehicles shall" operate
at -- night. -with' 'no . n�ore than -two
lig hted d r ring . lan regardless of
the directi cin: of .- travel;. 'and "...each
su laIII sha p a ma xii. .1
of riot snore : -tha n 250 h candle-
iao er. - Notina l rear - jUjits , :license
date lights- . and elearance lights
(Where' .-'required. by. law) are lier� -
mitted. Vehicles.` which. classi w
fied . as authorized.. emergency ve-
hicles .und.er the ap'plieable Federal,
State ' or ' l.oca.l - law, -when . olaera.ted
by_ authorized )ersonnel; -and - when
disp lay'ixi .. an xl.luri t ed :'red sp ot-
light;' anal - when respondin.g.. to - a
fire: a.larrin, "or :. �rh�n". �n the :
ate pursuit . of an - actual ' or . suspect.-
ed _ viola' for .. of th:e" law- or when
going - to or. - transporting a'. person
w ho: is in apparent need . €af in�.jri'e
aiaGte e ex-ce. d,fdical or. su.rgl-
eal care,: when reslaondi.n to
soin e other :per e c .: involving
the Protection ..c life or 'property,
shall be e "ce' pted . "from the - forego-
ing " provision
(d) . l:ridustrial 'and- Protective .11-
lu"nn wAlon.:. might sOu'ree }s for An-
dustrhil pt� r ose . end lib t fr �rr7
indhstr.ial. ' processes ' :' within, areas
vi.aihlb : f shall. - Corn
With the ' requiroinents of Section
shall � also
shielded. s.o' " hat they art not visible
from the sea ' - at - night: l�rc��F "ided:
tliat - :variations : fro th.ese require. --
ents'. may. -- -.b e . permitted: an :"the : of -l8el
of - illur i!1 ati.on .for indtistria1, anal
e c
Prottive: Purposes ., . a;z d. fro . -in-
dusti�al ":roesse h�ethr.: interior
or exterior :: (btit riot inlud i g
street or hi•1vay. light "s only
Nvh elf . and to the extent that " it is
i ,1e,Cesgk€,ry to :.`airy :fr -6iii s - ti .ch, - 're-
quirenien : .ruder .to 'achieve . and
inaihtarn -. In"a xiTnuni ..: ef.f ic�ioncy x but
oilly� - With - e: �ri�tten..- alapr' ova l -of
th6 Ninth. Reglon'al Civillan.: Defen s e.
e the • ll a" i atio . - .Xcept s
he.rein Above ", pr'0yide'd' in'' -thls. ecti()n
� ; all ether.: lights: �:visi.lal f rom the
s ea' are - P at : ''night,' inclu' d-
in 9', but: no ill°litcd 1 1 0111
fire'. b6 fIr,eS, -.paHi ed arse fl��:�h
li g -h t►. a.nd'. lanterhs�
Jfl- :: fa it "ion cif �`v'isiblc Fr na
the e phrase" ;`.iihle fi °�a
the seas' .
as usod :'h "fir "eixi,' - is ftitend-
ed W ` ah � d y]■y^ sh- a �y ? ll lo . co tst / : to - 111ean
a d - - i .+ i \✓ h d tiw A h - .r - ... foil . T . T i Ti I - -
�i isi "lil e at ahy. .time :f th *tat:
Ors of the: :aeifi ccan; or from
the maters of: th "e- Straits of �Tuan de
Rica: :- lying' s outh "of a lino extend - - in.g d U.e . east - fr�tm the most south-
Orly.'. point . cif' "van "eouve.r Tsland - and
We .9 t , - of a -' lin run n1n g du e n6.rtll
and south:". thrdtigh - the ea; tertnost
pp'int of the". easter'ly b, of n.dar ..l.i e
cif tlieF" pity. of Part . To*.nsen.d,
Washing- t6n, or visi i - fro an r oaf
those bodies of water - located '. can
tai e shorelln6 of th o State - of : Cali
forma -,. generally : kn ow n. . - and de-
scribed a:s f rallors
Sant .3/lonioa Bay .
Santa �3a }Mara th inn el ;
San � Luis . Obispo . Day ;
h 3
AM ;� " . ". nnance Not - 814
Alam eda. •" A New : Series "
" . .. ...... . ......
......... . ... ...... .... ... ....... .... .. . .........
�dL,::.#F:3t4��� �G4 � C�f�1.�. '.
�� "�L�4� . "�r'. '.T3�5 it�� ,.Qf: I P43ilLrd� .; "
thr - the • one of . "' - .es rued" " "
I•o L 1Cled, hod' ve that the " � at�-
Lr"ighting, 4 eslgr at and �Stah° .
•s :" of.' : Sar1 " .�"' x I �js a 7 , �] ; 1
�,ish d h ' � �/�k :ref_ .x P1
l am ]
F }��
" a t� W .. .. e "; LP xt e A1,.R J.LL f rL .L ,L .R
€ %
P LI � L iiA �.7 Y L �if .�F �1 M. - �F F'•.J
( n.t:' ".-� T I ► :.thy'" } '', 1 :�1 4-' ' � , 1
of oresca id
not int r3ed "ari "� h 11 -n.ot" h•e - nt -- ca
SEC I N 'S. Whoever - en or :aftier
8 tru " 0d - to b e a "..Part of - :th0 sea; arid.
October".' 25, x.942, shall.. C0111111it axry
sol for`. -the - .- purp oses f ' edtion
apt .' are " the City - of - - Alaineda - con
3 (e) ', - hereof reeria stet and ;.
tz ~a ry : " to the : "provisions'. :" f " :either
hig hway tr;f f; :" the . hr +asp . �`reas "
E��`TI7�' : fir: TT ::f ICU irli
visible. fr y th" " ; °.' f Also in-
Fr "�acl�� Igo. 10 as .'aiu - end6d . as
tended and : :: lie" - :construed ' to
afor which. � am' 'd -d . �r "o�la,
x and:: in In that:" rtXC n: f
mati6n.. :'".is" he 0hr , o : "set - firth .-in
stree - or' hlghv dys which. - nay ".. not "
. - shall" e gu ilty. ": f a violation
in : fact be " visible fr€ rn th' ' yea - •bu "t
of th i ordinance -•" which " ". " violation
W - . " is " ithi ar ". gener�all r"
shall onsti ut;6 '.a misd6neanor and
Visible: from - " the.'se-a. .
.-upon: " :Cohvietion .thereof.- 'shall: '.be.
4. Any er n : : e ating any of .
punish b" a; ". fin "e : i' " " r t : to ex-
- the , -- P , -isi 15 :.f f ". h ." 'C cLT c t rl;
o'eed - " $`30 :00,',C r .: r1�S t. for
or, -' 40rders issued ursuant �th#'�`6to
CG the 1111"th, " Clr by
: ,
"': i h t " t .: is z�ediate � eltiisit n "
bbth ". ,� ui h : •fiacaie arid.- - in�l�r�is�nra� exit.
fr i •th t•e r to 'y ref :. �.h e" ��tern" "
: � :: 1��'T��IwT �; T'�ie r�iiia ail "" of . th e
I f x e: �z. a: ;' n "d :' :the' " 17 1-
t ":: of Arla�rnec a er b ..fags a,
xra:l- ' . Penalties" revid iii l .t�lal
de erm n. s' .that": great ne ess ty : arnrl
a ' . 0:: ; : :' th : : irrgre s; .- ' �- " :
enter x cy - : ex "rat . a . theref ore thi s
l roV Nl ar. h" l 'l , "eX�t t ed "
ordinir nee. �� de�IaA ed. "to" he axe' ��x�aw-
- Act t" :pie :. fr�r, the ",n
s r =e nectar for
. .gilt
9triltltn restritns orders
the: "•�•rrrmert'iate . pr eser va ion of, .
rlth .: r6s� t "tip p.ers€ n "" : en "terih ;,� : "
public -p. ;" :�n� :; safety axr�3
rexrain ink "" in, . leavinx : "r .in rriit --
stall" :"#:alp :effectrxclrat�I cz its
tiny` " an ,e in r lit areas C� ";
":frx al pft Sage �h� f�ll+� ing is: tl���
ry f� L .r •
oak 5- ' '. -: '" ", : -..
Istat'r�'te t of fa t5 [1�tlt��t ���c11
. .
.�►w7R ." "•' ." ..� .. "• .'
T'lie ninth- �.e�; ir�r�al ivi " liars "
* _
I3 ' 't.. 71er��'ency -; The - •
: ��x�rite� �tate� is �a:t : - - 'War arid - - thi�9
I�efense' - ,13oard.. is .-h .ereby - .�..psigh.at - ed
ezty..:hy : -- the .'
rovi8rozs :" of Public
as the p ru'n -ary: ,:a r y.• t mid . %r :the
": "
F .r elarnatl yin l To. ': as "any "en ecl 1
-en me "of the "':f6re 6ftig , pry -:
I ul lie "" P ti n 1 is " loW "
it :.T "t: ais r :eqb that .the . i arl "
Bated rn a- 2hrlrtar " zone • of L� �
la rit a" ; en l s and state . "
str "i �rted:" : li htiri establish � a.� a
a nd', l ��Ga o rern � r "tal' hoc res with . :
matter �o -rzi lrt r,r. hece zt in -
if : th.e : areas affected :l)y..thi roela' -•
or er ' to -' minimize the - ' dank'; er
- n a�tron- a, ssrst the rr��,l� T�� r.�n�i
en on aUAIA : and : :to p rovide �a�r T
C',ivi liar. :" �fi�nse - : �c��:r�1 ; :ire. tl�e . en �-
• .
r u r ro e ti n" fir v ar: utilities,
forceik :heeefr .: "' :
a;.r rr�aterials :'a.n "d " mar, " prernisrs.
G. •'I�hi roof "airi atit ar shall be e"
I r n "" ;f. t '. iniriediate th•r .t.
of f e'tly "e .- L gust . 2 0, - l �..4 . "
of : eneh` ly� . attach "_ 61 1) za " nce . i th
e� fTT .
the. provisions ' of ." `ubli - Pro6lama_
�i "tenant -ea ctr l; ", " Ar n]y;
ti. .... N. �.:" 1 �. " as . arnenc ed . " ley - ,I�Ub"lie
h k t�,4 1" �7f ,t1i .dives and �r�} �-
ECTION 2 • : Said- PUblic -IPr"oe1��-
er"ty . " cf "the . PeoPle Of -•1he City
m i on - No;' .12;� ":xn :Addit %6z to "" amend'
la.�eda.. ;
hbrer_habo r ". set f6 t•h:t ; � nt�ins . the " .
1�residin� off i�er . of the ����xi o i �
fll:i ::
Attest: . : .
rs p ra 11 'na:ti on shall
I���Tu� � �k � � ATII��,
• "
re "efe "Ctive�:: Ctl�e -5;
rt lr.
4� . Bee t• :these;visins," �f
se ti n :. 1. con -�
I; "the - .iinde�rsigned,. �.er"eby -' -, certify.
rniri" sti"eet ;" :and" h yt�vay
that . " : " :.foregoffig --: ; rdrh.an . Vas
lid ht "s "..hih :" slli . "eoe, "f
end " "'" r e.a.rl ". "'� a ctd :' and :
feC ' l e i + ` :" � :: 2
.- passerl,: 'the "" ��n��1 ��f .the "
The r ita yet th iz
t� 1 " "a in e, a,: -i .regui r rn as-
- the fis t : thr~ e ra ra I s . of
se TJe'.d ". on tlie. nth : Cdr ' f � "�
Der 1, - 4 lad:' t.he" f ollow 11 dote,
to W1 f;.
are h t
reaf h cl I�� xC e ri 9 , '
A t � x'e l er �r� n ehe d,
77 er -- e ' by
h e yeA clef titre.. �i L i�� _. a�j.��: nd
Y [ C.F G1� rer an -- Pre s i�,� ent "
ear �,�1,. th-e'" rovisions and deter
} .rJ � .i.i
Z1iin s expr`e s 'd " o ld
� l ' C ne.
Public 'P roC-l.�naktioh . � k 1o.
A ' None.
shall `e nc in 1 7 fu ll f o �.'e a n el
- IN: .WI WI17,RE F, T h ■ e
SE CTION " . The it f � lax cl
he eiir�t " :set : nY ,- hand - - and Rffixed ,
the ffici - Beal -Of'. said this
hereby : r 6' nice - s : -the' " ".6vil. and - '
R . ... * - .
YC ■!�■ ■ " r 1V1 ■�■ �P�w{!y {[ � .' "' ". .
� t � !. •�. ��. l� � LF ■ R:f i s F �� ti. F i . ' � � iwF •
�. �
Mi�itflry,_. f �� : t cone �r
l' r" n1 "thc' � ".
.. .#.
r "
(SEAL). r �� �.I. � .
refit er nt::of . : "y a r ns.
it;�: `lerk 'Of , the City cif Ala eda,
� 10
f .o b i ` :.' r. ' r 1hation :�.��iO.: "y, [�:S
r� ended as "" art ore a'd .' tk "e . City
Plabl ish November- 5, � � 4 2.'
y :
In e n t,