Ordinance 0866ORDINANCE NO. 866 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 673, NEW SERIES, ENTITLED "AN ORIDNANCE ESTABLISHING A RETIREMENT , PENSION AND INSURANCE SYSTEM FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. servi e after reachin-9 . -the 'a:ge :of seventy (70) . y.ears, h - e shall. hot - - - re caex.v - e any - ,. credit :. Servxce:_ decd: aft :hi the Of vent �o- -ears; aid ur :i r tirernent hi,s :• retirement: alIo an�e shall be f fixed �:� : the : arnoWi - -Whiell he �votild h��e l�cen. en titled t - • ee - i h : h:. retired : - h: Age of Vents : V ears, :Af ter ��i.d ��ff� cep'" reac les : th.e - ago j f set' e my ( 7 0 Fears fie . wliall 1ffiAk - nb fu her.. - con- trih �ltit ns t tl : e tirein nt Fund. tiv of f i6er �� shal L receive - any I.etirOrAent allowance whilo hdlding any . �ane� sated eie tive •cif f ice f this city SEC TION - . 9. section 17 ' cif .Ord l �� ?':: • s, referred to -- in ...tho -title hereof:: - i '-hereby amended to Section ...l 7. A •. n b.er,- �xcep t a compen sated l ectiv.' - €affi�er, who hits nit :attained the . a e of -: si :ty. - five c ,ears and : - . hb as - .to is credit at �.�ast ten: I. .: yeats : of ..city 1�rvice; a - d'f•lri : .in'... this- .ordi- nan'cet and mho - €s h ySi . - U. - . r:, M iitaily incapa,6itat6d ..: for •th.: aerforr ar e� f MASS . he retied by the = * k t�.roix nt - ; ,�Qard Up 11 rr�ed peal ��� gated o1 t officer; ','while . -i - city service or_ hil'e ::�h�s��� �� : �r rr�eii_ tally i it d :f r tl : perf rm tmoie,..of : t1 ty� - if - : oh - .neapaelt his b� n 0a11t1n .from disc0nt!ftU an f �. ty: service. sh all, :h a� find l -ne or : n ; hysicia s . or surgeo s appt:lated W.y. t: Reti :01)6n the.. 111) lica -ti li ref .the - head of the 0 ffi�e r .d �P rte .n nt r the hi f adrr i istratiV . af- fic r. of - a ]iy eity b 0ar'd tinder _ Whose jurisdidt- i.oia- plowed, :car ��pon• ap.1ieation of Said M e ni er# : or cif _ .•,.:.person:: 4 .c I g in his behalf, statin0 .that the- said illci mlaer i h sii ali or n ritail inea- P6;C1 fated . far. - . - outs and Ou hV to 1 :retired; If •S1J6h� mef 11 , 0 a- 11iT�:a.- ti 0 n . end sue h nth er vid 'h relax tive to -the matter aS . th4b BOA.rd nlay reir o the satisfaction of tile - _- Retirement .Board that the said xnnalr is il:saaI. i,ii apa itat d f r th rf ma nee 0 f:• Cit : slorvice • in. the'.. 6ffice : of'.. e: partnien't : of •the .•-Ci.ty. where h;e_ is employed- - - In. aft :'Other.- Position In - eity,.serva�ce the= sa e : i8 ril sere cue ... ass ::. •� 9. the ���iti�� . -held by hfm, nd'. - that s i,:ich . incaj)Acit that . sa-i.d mei : 10LI 'ht to - 4e ret1*red :•.th:e Rietrreinent ;Board sh all retirt� •. tYb e 'S'flil . Ynombpr .f Or - d.isabil- it. - forth + ith: - The- - :I-3o ar. d shat s'ecure SUch ram d- leaf services- and -- .advice as, is: eves -4 sa -]'y to arr•�Y:: out t l p r -6se • of this otit - and of section.• 19 of rd.InAllee; - and.'.. -4ha11 . •.PP_Y f silCh M'6' d servjee8 • axed advice str�h ��n��,t�ion - a� the �vard ti! c;? d o i rea, s na; 1. E r l lv[ : Ali s c rdinai�o+ shall be in Nli - :force a: effect . from an d. s_ y }. y� E..i:.f L.eR. tho,. (a of phi ty - -30 d ays'-1 ,7. }� one - the date 0 f its f in'ai pas - PLe r :si fl iTI & - Offi Cer Of tip e : 0,c 11110, 1, Attest: fit, cler°:, - . 7 'the - under sign . ed., herehy cer.tifY that the•, foreg Ordina -::Wa.5 (114 anc`l .. rog -uIar I . adopted'.. d. P ssed ley tl '`ou'n ' l of . the City of Alameda ,'.in regtii - - me - eting : as- 8enii�le l •0n t_h i't�� cl . of C ebriia11 -Y . ; ; : _ r #.l ; - f a 11 t er i 2`i. t t �v i t. t -AY E I S: u ti i1 C i. l nI en'.. r����� ��c��� :��� �°�.����rrr ���.d �•�'.re *�ident lerzto.;t: illy.:.h:and: and : affie tl f ic'i l seal of:.'sa id • :pity -'.- i tl - day of ebr r'y, 1945, i. t v cwt` I e r �� . 6f :. ti i t: cif Ala�ii��da* Publish Fel) i, 1.945.- : Sheet 3 Ala t­ eda''., , _'CH r mances Ne"w servi e after reachin-9 . -the 'a:ge :of seventy (70) . y.ears, h - e shall. hot - - - re caex.v - e any - ,. credit :. Servxce:_ decd: aft :hi the Of vent �o- -ears; aid ur :i r tirernent hi,s :• retirement: alIo an�e shall be f fixed �:� : the : arnoWi - -Whiell he �votild h��e l�cen. en titled t - • ee - i h : h:. retired : - h: Age of Vents : V ears, :Af ter ��i.d ��ff� cep'" reac les : th.e - ago j f set' e my ( 7 0 Fears fie . wliall 1ffiAk - nb fu her.. - con- trih �ltit ns t tl : e tirein nt Fund. tiv of f i6er �� shal L receive - any I.etirOrAent allowance whilo hdlding any . �ane� sated eie tive •cif f ice f this city SEC TION - . 9. section 17 ' cif .Ord l �� ?':: • s, referred to -- in ...tho -title hereof:: - i '-hereby amended to Section ...l 7. A •. n b.er,- �xcep t a compen sated l ectiv.' - €affi�er, who hits nit :attained the . a e of -: si :ty. - five c ,ears and : - . hb as - .to is credit at �.�ast ten: I. .: yeats : of ..city 1�rvice; a - d'f•lri : .in'... this- .ordi- nan'cet and mho - €s h ySi . - U. - . r:, M iitaily incapa,6itat6d ..: for •th.: aerforr ar e� f MASS . he retied by the = * k t�.roix nt - ; ,�Qard Up 11 rr�ed peal ��� gated o1 t officer; ','while . -i - city service or_ hil'e ::�h�s��� �� : �r rr�eii_ tally i it d :f r tl : perf rm tmoie,..of : t1 ty� - if - : oh - .neapaelt his b� n 0a11t1n .from disc0nt!ftU an f �. ty: service. sh all, :h a� find l -ne or : n ; hysicia s . or surgeo s appt:lated W.y. t: Reti :01)6n the.. 111) lica -ti li ref .the - head of the 0 ffi�e r .d �P rte .n nt r the hi f adrr i istratiV . af- fic r. of - a ]iy eity b 0ar'd tinder _ Whose jurisdidt- i.oia- plowed, :car ��pon• ap.1ieation of Said M e ni er# : or cif _ .•,.:.person:: 4 .c I g in his behalf, statin0 .that the- said illci mlaer i h sii ali or n ritail inea- P6;C1 fated . far. - . - outs and Ou hV to 1 :retired; If •S1J6h� mef 11 , 0 a- 11iT�:a.- ti 0 n . end sue h nth er vid 'h relax tive to -the matter aS . th4b BOA.rd nlay reir o the satisfaction of tile - _- Retirement .Board that the said xnnalr is il:saaI. i,ii apa itat d f r th rf ma nee 0 f:• Cit : slorvice • in. the'.. 6ffice : of'.. e: partnien't : of •the .•-Ci.ty. where h;e_ is employed- - - In. aft :'Other.- Position In - eity,.serva�ce the= sa e : i8 ril sere cue ... ass ::. •� 9. the ���iti�� . -held by hfm, nd'. - that s i,:ich . incaj)Acit that . sa-i.d mei : 10LI 'ht to - 4e ret1*red :•.th:e Rietrreinent ;Board sh all retirt� •. tYb e 'S'flil . Ynombpr .f Or - d.isabil- it. - forth + ith: - The- - :I-3o ar. d shat s'ecure SUch ram d- leaf services- and -- .advice as, is: eves -4 sa -]'y to arr•�Y:: out t l p r -6se • of this otit - and of section.• 19 of rd.InAllee; - and.'.. -4ha11 . •.PP_Y f silCh M'6' d servjee8 • axed advice str�h ��n��,t�ion - a� the �vard ti! c;? d o i rea, s na; 1. E r l lv[ : Ali s c rdinai�o+ shall be in Nli - :force a: effect . from an d. s_ y }. y� E..i:.f L.eR. tho,. (a of phi ty - -30 d ays'-1 ,7. }� one - the date 0 f its f in'ai pas - PLe r :si fl iTI & - Offi Cer Of tip e : 0,c 11110, 1, Attest: fit, cler°:, - . 7 'the - under sign . ed., herehy cer.tifY that the•, foreg Ordina -::Wa.5 (114 anc`l .. rog -uIar I . adopted'.. d. P ssed ley tl '`ou'n ' l of . the City of Alameda ,'.in regtii - - me - eting : as- 8enii�le l •0n t_h i't�� cl . of C ebriia11 -Y . ; ; : _ r #.l ; - f a 11 t er i 2`i. t t �v i t. t -AY E I S: u ti i1 C i. l nI en'.. r����� ��c��� :��� �°�.����rrr ���.d �•�'.re *�ident lerzto.;t: illy.:.h:and: and : affie tl f ic'i l seal of:.'sa id • :pity -'.- i tl - day of ebr r'y, 1945, i. t v cwt` I e r �� . 6f :. ti i t: cif Ala�ii��da* Publish Fel) i, 1.945.- :