Ordinance 0889ORDINANCE NO. 889
1� tdmances Ordinance �r�. X89
New Sezies
pliaree, tho Grp eri�ntendent of the
Eletri.eal . Department .. may require
tha ;t . s' rn ate' rjaIs d,V1 0'r... ap
pIIuCnces: be subv tted: to . =• .testing
l or- �• - 1 a. bora.tarie eeed
f u' a' lified . F3y . hiih . l o r. . te.Js ti�.lgj s e.
Up on: - - •receipt o f a :r.eport f rom sttch
laboratory: 4o r laborator he nia:y
designate_ a stair - ard f or. - . ea - ch. such
article submitted and : tested.; Which
desig nation sha ll.: be � in ' writing. - and
shall Abe . ' adopted and- IProniulga t *ed.
;a a - lil#: - (7 ' re l .t r� r� :thy 'tnan
ner herein provided. n' y.'su sC
ards so prescribed sha.il b'e: designed
to Frov as a minimuirz.. tree - : de
`ree of safety : t - o life: an - d: pr:opi *ty.
as is re" u ired.- by the standards
l�ereby.- adopted .for - �ateri.als; de-
- ice - or . appliances of: •. similar - or
reIat'erl charficter. or natur•e: --
Se etion 10 -268 - -ItiavoL Ontaion of XP
ro k1� ►ny. approval: grante - d by
the Superintendent .of •th:e.- Electriodl.
D epartment may- be reef -olrced lay him
if the electrical nia,terial.s,- d
car .app lia:nces :are f oid to b - haz
ardous to life and property . for the
ptiroose' dsed dr intended, or do n+it
Conform with th sta rida •ds under
whieh they 'were th e . ..:for'. use.
Bef0re .: a a.ppr -ova.i rna.y: - -:bo . with -�
drawn, the Superintendent f: .the
EIectrica.i . - epart'me nt. - shall ... i Ve
Ave � � �- days' -- • rotfce in- writing,., tO
the. person to : whom approval vas
'ranted of - - his in te�i.taon tea : - with
dra' w'-'a pproval. and sh all Off ord such
person. an opportunity. to be he;krd
With. rPspe t th - ere'to - - . a - .•. public
h earrg in . to. -be -held: thereon.: ln' -- the
even t : that- - . approval is With d ra-1,vn
or modified' . by. the'' - Supe.r jite
of �leetriea.l - epasrtint :after
sutr hearing, a:ny: person aggrieved,
the reby:-rn - ay - appeal -from ,the ruling
of - .the uiperintenden- - .of the Alec
trlcal: Departme'h to :the' noun=
the aner7r -i e in s ec-
tion 1 -1' for: the -. consideration
by th.e �ou.ncil • of�..appea�s.:. -
ectior - 1 :- Be do *.: it
terials. Other-wise Covere�� � _ The- _•pro-
!orbs o .:. th is a rti cle . shall riot
apply to le ctrica,- n�ateri ls; d. vifces
a: appIia.nces.'. which : are - t he - -sub -
j get rna,tter of r egulation An pity:
building an wiring • : ordinances
heretofore. - adopted and in- effect :a
Of-` the date hereof: .
Betties: .10 -261. xeel�il ins. • V-e.
h10ei . Tne :-pro.visions of this arti�
ore shall.. ot apply to motor vehicles
or r to. m otor Vehicle .e 1pment,
Se .Ction 10 611 Exceptions..- - Low
40lt> g vlees,, : The :provisions - -of
any eleCtrieal sys teri, dircuit or -- elec
trical - IrhaterL�1.4 deV es: - or ' appli-
antes des igned'....or intended for at--
ta.ch - rnent direc tly or - In directly t - o
many electrical systm . circuit or elect
trica.l service- for 'lights heat or -P
op erb1ing.. at : a ::.p rimar voltage of
no t amore than: X25 -- volts or. - cons uming
snore tha .50. Waits
cot iioin s, pct
is 1liFl anee 'he pro�risior�s ..:of
this - ar ticle :shall nod :apply : to:- those
In. d.ustrial .or. cornrnercial appliances
which mare; to . e used in a.: speciflid
locatiori: which .have : - been: suh-
rni.tte . th n.. iq;hnra. orv: fns - .rir r i . I
pen ding pro iding .. that an . exeep
tion is - applied for. and granted . in
tl e ti i er - , herein- rescril ed. The
P : desrir` :. t ::�a�lt nth litt'-
stallatiori shall : subn'it : an app iiC� i -
ti x in writing . for.. such exception
to the - 8
uperinterrdent : of. the - lle:-
triea . Departn�ient - accompanied ' - - by -
W) evidence -satin factory - . to
sty eb : Sup — erinten60 -1 nt. :inn 1cating - that
laboratory appr ..has been . - ap-
PIied fo S xdh e xcep it n if. gz�ati
by• the tp 'I d
n ten_ ent of -the El ee-
t i lepar :trert shall - continue At i.
f orce only. - during:. such . -tinihe .as such
ul?e.riritendeht heliobv,es : 'that the
testing. labora toryWill gralitr final
approva.l ce.r�tify3ing. compliance Lo
th'e prescribed kstandar�s. -- If..for any
reason the said S uperintendent : be-
lieVes . that -the testing labora.:tory
has not . mad - e an. ad eAi1at'e t est - - of
nia.terialis, devices or- applianees, he
may reui . that the
ubvnitted to some . - :labora.tvey,
aj)prolred . 'by m # hi f or. fu rthei test 8,
ection:. 1� -��7 �: • �e��tfo���, �e���
er��tin .Devices � T he : pr :o vi sion Of t
his aricle: sha- l =not apply 'to : . :e1eC- ,
trica I ula ter.lals , - �deviees �.nd' ap - pli µ
antes hi ; al led by . o r f or . an eleetric
utility for -its. tise in_ the generation,
tra.nsrnissic n; distribution - or- r' eter�-
in of... electrical energy.
Section - A0 2614. - ` sed . or eCond —'
IHCf ajid'. Deviic�i s.. In the Xebuildin or
Nepair of . Any' - electrical. ma"
terlals; deTioes
o• appiia.nces
parts :rep-la Ged •o r repair -ed shall coin
-f 0 - r- 1 in : a ll .:particulars with t he
code . of stairidards : - .an ::.the stiles or
7 :here y - pro vid ' d for.
eetion�15. ieatt he ISuperi tendent of.. th - e :- Ie- trieal:: De-.
par - tnient is hereby. Aireet ed 'J6 - en -
forge the p rov islonis of:' this article.
He.. is_. bereby authorized
ga. tea dele -
I e : a � ny. of . h.is : p v. rs : under - this
article '. any, of his, assistants, with
the: sole - .excep.tian .of. - - the po lder- toy'
adept and promulgate stiles and
reg .ula.tions . Which. - .power. may... n6t
. delegated by :: hitn: :
Section :.1 - 1 �: iiatt lip foie : nMr
ag t - 'liis: a - rtiele :: sha] ',- -not e eon
s t 'r.0 ed : as reIi ei or lirniting , in
any wa.y- - the. 'rr�spo- nsibil. it y c..r lia-
linty • of a:ny persori.::.o n:ing and
operating, . contr.olling or insta. ling
any elect r.i AJ materials, devices or
appliances for- personal injury- 'or
prop erty daxhage y e�ililt in�` . th
use - .thereof by reason : of any -- defect . -
therein : or .far: a.ny . other cause, ' nor
shall it be. construed a.s impdsirig
upon the: pity or. its - office . o r
employeesf .. a.ny.. responsibility or
liab -- oy - reason of .'th approval.
of - -any : materials, devices or. apph -t
antes': under. the - p r ovision s of this
Se dtion 10-- 2617..- Aippenlpi.' fn the
event -. that ar�y.. person. b ' Iie�� es that u nrea.sohabl'e . restrlction.s - or.. U
necessary. and , . extraor-d.ina r' y . ha
ship r= d ivage : .: will be . � n� posed.
upon him by the:.enforceent of: any
of the; pro.vaisions :: of this- -.a.rtlele or
by- the ap of . any: - .of .
standard's : : - car , by - •the
P. or: application - - . of : any- rues
or: regu lations by th. . upe.rintend-
- 6t y Ord*
Alameda C1 inances
a public hearing thereon b the
City Council.
In the event of such appeal, the
Cit Cou'ncil shall fix a. time and
place for a public hearin thereon
and shall g ive ten ( 1.0 ) da notiee�
thereof in writing to the person
requesting such hearin by niall,
postage prepaid to the address
shown in such re and sh-all
also g ive notice thereof to the S-,I-
perintendent of the Electrical De-
partment. At the time fixed for such
hearing or at any later tine to
which such hearing may be a&
journed, the City Council shall pro-
ceed to hear the testin-iony of the
appellant sand of others in his be-
half and of the Superintendent of the
Electrical Department and others
in his behalf and of other competent
persons who may be Present and
desire to testif or who may be
called by the City Council to give
testiaian at such hearing. Upon
the conelmsion of said hearing, said
Cit Council shall, b resolution,
declare its findin and decision in
the matter, If it finds that unrea-
sonable restrictions or unnecessar
and extraordinar hardship or darn-
age will be imposed upon the appel-
lant, then it ma g rant an excep-
tion or variance froni the applica-
tion in -whole or in part of such
provisions of this article or of such
standards, rules and re
rulin or determinations, or it ma
modify, rescind or otherwise alter
such standards, rules and re
tions, rtilings or determinations,
provided that in g rantin g sueb an
exception or variance or in tahin
such other action as it may deem
justif ied it ma do so onl in the
event that such action may be taken
in harmony with the general pur-
Poses and objectives of this article
to preserve the public health, safet
and welfare. The declision of the Cit
Ordinance No. 889
New Series
Council rendered after a hearin
held in the manner Prescribed
herein gliall be final and conclusive.
Section 10-2618. Adoption of
Standard%.4. That certain- document
composed of twenty-seven (27)
paper-bound pamphlets, numbered
from I to 27, b(Ah inclusivo, boUlend
together under a sOn cover and
de,signated, *"Code. of Standards for
Electrical Materials, Devices and
Appliances of the City of Alarneda",
three copies of which said doeti.
ment are on file in the office of
the City Clerk of the City (-.)f Ala-
meda and mar]-ced "Filed Feb 1.8
1946 J, P. Clark City ClerR of Ala-
nieda" , is hereby adopted as the
Code of Standards for Electrical
M,atertals, Devices and Apl,-d-ftances
of the Cit of Alameda-
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall
be in full force, a-nd effect from aiid
after the expiration of thirt (30)
da frorn the date of its f final
p assa g e.
Presidin Off leer of the Council,
Attes :
J. P. CLARK, City Clerk.
L the undersi hereb certif
that the fore Ordinance was
dul and re adopted and
passed b the Council of the City of
Alameda in regular meetin assern-
bled on the 5th day of March, 1946
by the followin vote, to wit.-
.YES CoMicil.moin Howe, 3 . ones,
Osborn, Sweeney and President
Dranscheid, ( 5 ) .
NOES 4. None.
hereunto set m hand and affixed
the official seal of said City this
6th day of March, 1946.
City Clerk of the Cit of Alameda,
Published March 7. 1946.