Ordinance 0894ORDINANCE NO. 894
-dii_. :��
- --------------- -- ----------- ---- -----
le ss thin :fifteen (15) day r br " try
the cffe0tive , dAto of. the per it' Pq.
lie" :fr' T17i �:pp.ica�tivn, .herein z
giii:re, d . .Shat . C.0.h a -ix :he f 11 ving
i forma •ion or, .: • in 1 e th r of ••: . .
dotailod . statotnont' .of reAsbn :"or..
�es: r hy: sue iinfortnatibrt .. an�
no" 1 " : uria.ished} :
7 .Pp ly k . or
f . :pplioant ; i :riot: • an". : rlidivid .
jai;• the.arri: atd :ticreses o
appllcan..'s: p_ri.hc
n3a r�► g'ers: of- .th r.esolr� �.
ti€ n arly ati�n±ari�fn� :su;C�
1 "tatlrl ::• : : :re an
orret: eof : the :rig to
fi r ha: iri oha�r f •:ap 1. ee nt' W.,
r•ocor 3sY
. grips:: for ; nen: :.
.4oi.ieitat'i n. fs: t be M_a " e,..the:: -00.
mount of" : fund pr.aposd to :::+:
raid thrb and : �h�: rise or : :is
p•osi't ors to b d f :ax ` s ip .
:: :::: • ...: . _
d specie sa'tr�rnt, step
ported ;: by Ti 'c' sans . :and, f •f ::a-- iiia;b. ie }:
1 g the. nee fir :
to:: � : � soiicitod ; :: • .
e rho nu:rnes: . an d" ac dresses �f
rooe ip`t : of such S01 ita;t to' _ :shall
:. isbursed;
'f rho ria rn a rJ Addres'g - the
person o:r :: prSoriS b: = In
d ia+t:ha ' pfonitin..h are.:
ilei atf" : an+ tYle. : -nan - e - s. off; - a 11 i�ro
motors. oonnot d::• to • :oo
with .• the: pr - d . :s iii iit :ti n
:n:::o"ntline °f "• tho. netht�d ::+r
use 'An '- do 't :
:: - tfit� : h� 'O sue h..soi iota '
do "n: • sh' ''11 b �ad+� `wing., tie. re _
f rr dat _for:' _the - .begfrining:::a - nil
.tid in`; of
h. : .so'lioitation;
i �:. Thystiiatd " post _ of tho" s[ .W.
J ic i.tatl n
"the amouot it y w ,:•
fors, oommissions- ensea;.: oar'.
o "ent :: to ::h r h€ r paid .
:.ar :: rs n in : conne :nth
soot sal f "ittion ::n
the nar;rs
a nd : _ars of . alInh" :persons;
(k) A, f i rran. is stat .irr r t: fir
1a.st. �. p�+���:d iris` ; �ise�l gear of and .
•fUndS .,eolleet-ed ;fir .. har i a_ 1 e P . ur.LL.
ps+ss b *Y ,the a. " nt . sa:i
rho '. _ m unt
so - raised - - - ..together ?With tl'te east +ref
.. ... t .
t; stribtio
.. 'A:' - . f [xll statement of :th charm .
et+r. a.d exten of. : the , oha.rlta hie
fav on the app.iicamt
��rltniarr .:the : � #��•�
staters en t" : that .: the : tal
oi ta 10 will not:' e x--
: state ent to _the - ef feot .tha.t .
if a p -P. is " :: granted; .� it:. Willi .: not
e p represe;nte : and:: a .
- an: e n rs a ent : h f t a..
tiaj, car. b a;n epartrri nt or
. fflo; er, t-he r.eof�.
u n a her lnf rmi� tl oh as
rhar e : reason -al aoulyd" "h t:
Man tiger ire `d r: f6r..: -:. t' 0
d+ ter .
�ln' card '_ o
e `: -..
P roposed" :- Ooli itation.. arid' he - tnor
ow gibs
es..- Ord 4 1 n r N0:
.... .
..._� oa...
of and. - not - Inimical for the public
-ink,iri :the tr :;f a p.er,
n it . g "ra t d: ther.eo ,, . � there �8_: any
eh _
car :ethd
t gi h "at . c € . d : a� t r ":: "trio . � inf 0 in ti , .
v.e n i .n ' ::the; : p' p-He ti a� :rho a F l
r- ifiing: tri ro f within" : t . rlt3- .. ftiu�r
4 : '' .urs f•t s uch - ..0 i -4
wringer bf .- aritn i ii a i
_,P.er:11341 t Sha11 eXnaniiri� - cit..
m1 : ap. licatibns
un dr:ti --r:3 0 this.r
h na: oa :to: rna;dey
such f urt her invSi° "ion :+f :.:thy .
:1:at # "n: and the : ap "ptant: ` thy: d' em_-,�
ma�iicf r.r for.iirn: t {o::poi fc,r "l "a ::duties
V . �.�..: r.t� 6'�,er-�••- ' r1
the. Cana - ge,r _ the app I — Cam aln►al
Aviu ab f;or i 'Speetion.._: b .
iat rl: irx v rlt 1" n :th anag r.• a his °epres6nta'tfve for '�nt�h :pur�vS� :
e. app l icaht' a b o k c ord
an . Y ager at" a ny reasoha e
f ore the : . : - ::app "ieation . i s •. , gra nte d; :
: du:rin ho : p: i is iiri ;' of f e .
sir :f ter :r•rni t ha.s :. p " r
�eotton 1.2 tAnditrds ." 1
iara ,vt on : in n�tfmi
... .
" i.ii i fors. tabl
-� leltntli0 r :. na er.
81inll_.1'sSu the;' permlt p.l" v.id for
tiri: 1331.2 ": hsr�of: he "nt �rsr.
ire: s "hail :find ". th.follvin' .faot -a "m to .
St. .
. hs;t: ali 0 f : the : statirrits
mad i -n ono ap 14.6ation. are" .
;. :
. That_" .tii.0— Iica:n :t::has
ntation " f no n-u
stY :: and :r ante r-ItY, � if ��e::ap�l��
0a-i t .i•S not n in div �d a.1 person
hat v r r "exr er' - mana -g -419 19 -:.0 .fi -..
oar or : "agent the had
good char &- dter•: sir : repu tatian
"onest and. 'irit "ogrit
e • .3:} a :. the i :tr.q " • and. super w
Vision .: �f:". "the soiiCita- t'ior�: iii :�:
i d r - r,espon81ble an "" relx .per-
l,hat tll app ilant h . as not
and: ratidu:let t •trans-
ac�t'o "n yr :.nrri
:• gnat tn� sirl atlUk. _ 'iii' . not.
a. fora: orii th;eula"lio
ghat. the s o:1 1-CA: t a i "is
p�r4 -mpt cl .:s 66 ely. bvy a; 6-8 re'
ri nc th o :- bhar~i -ta deScr
xi : Ga i "s .. i rd ' ' " i th app 4 e : tl n; : d :: `f1l - not b6
e t7 n e : rl nl i i T r pri t •
" "' fat tai o c ost.: . .
�f raising
fUhds . W111- -b ".0 reas ona.bi -, -- 'A'n' an oh
cis st in . excess c:) 0 � f the:. amon.n:t
ti lie to sh; �H bo don or o d : to b . Spec a
a prent±d ahoin :that peoniiar .
rods ns rho: "e " ooat': hi `h+ r than
i - racnaI : ice' :thy par.ti"ciia::
'.�ln �ana�� fir. " :shalt..:�ii� : iri hia of�:
fir f or.": p - nspee c :ft . - - and shall
rv. .. upon the a- ppl1C�; 't`:-by :
tere .:rriail, a"" ritter�: sta"t. m. - jit of .
his f fndi��`� of: •.faots hd "•
otl€ 1 - 3 ;14:. " """+
or . cat SIR
ble ' lie ita #i0 vermlt ef0 a
remit :is issue :.there: "shall be. - "hA }i .
ow rioll
ordinance iVo. 8�
Alwe i .New �eries
. - , -... . ...T � Ordinance -N .
sted person - shall have the right
.to, present. evidence . a s to the :facts
up high, : the. �a oaag± r 1� ;seti : -the
suspension f: the -p�erniit an airy
stns fa.et - high may aid "th e lean -�
aer . ,. in. deterrilnin . 'hether :..:this
article: has - -b er i.v l.a d . an d -
hether she:.'purpos of th s
# :a�tien has: -been ?taxi���6p:resented: : .:�f�
fi ft 'r mi hearin t - e l an ager
nds that th is :A tieie . has been ,v1-0 .
latedd) - . tl e : p rp 8e..
Lati n has :been M1 r pr:esent -he
shall.: w thirl t .0: ( - 2) days :.;aft :the
heart lg 11 ; 1n : h t f fi1be . r. } - l .
I nspedtie n:: a nd : serve l rn u:p0ri
the pex�rnit holder -; a all..nerted
person -: par.tieip in the hear
r.itten: stateMent .df :Ahe :f t
upon.. 1 ieh - he -h : :stieh fin ng
an d.hati lnnedtateiy : :�rerae,th
rrnit: f of r s h* 1 .r*irt tl e.
manager fi t .tha ::tn S-: article has -
- .iiot- e . be6n vi6la .- a nd the : purp l
f : thy: C7 l a i{?n': 1 i;5 nit } + n. , M
r'ep res ente -d', -- he - -sha1 wl hin .: �6 (.2. .
dais after the hear.i-ng :: mail tv the
pe rrnit 'holder a. - written . staternen:t
eane�lli- i the :: s.0 :sp ls1Un of th - e
.p rtnit a -nd' stating that no . :viola- .
ti n : r. arnisrepresentatfon . aas. f0Una
't.o have - been cb-mm ttedil: oi.i ce..
Alon or tevoeil�flon '°+ r ft : -*0 :
'lzlef : F i e. ` ' i + nief : € f pot - fee .
shall be . no tiified f0r wit Y tiie :
miin t er. or -tie SUS e i ion r r4 Vo-
ati r oaf any perm it i ssu,ed.. € nder -
this s,rtiele.
eritde o - per sh
- s6lieit. any e n riiaut ins: or — :. , : - any.:
ch'a ritab - . - Purp se it r rna,iin�: -:
In a - . systems aeeo1,. n ing .
.wh r :ebb . a :d tigins. tc : it and -: all
d urs " em - en S ...a en te t. d .. up to
book - -or. records of ieh
tro Asurer oil th:er.::finaneial - .0ffieerr :.
"ra n I eir.in�it � 'Id' � it shall: he t��
l u t.y -: tf all= pees t s'--
un.de-r this: - article: t furnish
eta ag er.- . -Within shirt :: ( -)- days f -' - - --'-
t er.: the Solieitatt .n - has been -. com-
plena a; d etalled ' : repo rt and, finari
vial :. - Statement v in ': the .:any - tint
a e _ d tli selieitatinx th - e
0 - e p nd in. .eletin such
funds: i ne - ludin.g a, detailed epert
Of t - he . agS f e rnissln s; a.nd
exp'tns . p a : t0: ahy 1) :ers0n : i. ".. edn
n otion with:. - - sollio A ion :and
th,e - d isPositio n �f the b- al.anee- :- ,of: :th -e- .
-f u nd s 06 eetea .: by- Afi : s Iieitati o
Th.ls 'r+�p0rt :. sh - All. be avl:il.a e
lu C in 7 L t1 I .. : gat : th e Managerls
()ff -ice. ., at:. aay - I tirxiew . ]�ivt�
v ded, l - o*v V - , that
III - extend . the : time Cyr the. filing .
f the spirt -: re: fired hy: this seep
Lion f Or ::.�.n : add itiiohai p erl e�.
thir -ty : - �0): days. upon .. procf that: the .
failing -.of the . repor.t within.: the ..:tirne
Sp.eCIfied wIli. u .r1� Unnecessa hakdsh -lp . en = th e : :perrnIt - h€�l.6er.: �'he
e -V-MIt .holder - ha make ava il.mbh
Cl the . ;14arag"r# fir:: t a2y .: per7 R.
de8*64ted: fn : meriting hy. - the '- lean-
ager as tits representative fir su - eh
purpose, - -ail hooks - - records, . and
papers - Wherehy. the . accuracy :.ref .the .. report, required - h� - this s ct on -- may
E Am
#tons- ,- Registration and rti le to
- R4�qufred redei nfl als for . olle - Itor ,
�` is r t n hat 8a lei contri�utiohs
. f any r e - lig-iQU rp,0se Withi :th
pity of - - Alameda "ith6ut .�a .eer f.01
ea�te from the .-Ma rt .App - 1 atl
for certificate -'sh:ali .he --. n° ad.e - to
the : mar a 'er up -en fpiub s... pre Mod
by the pity - :: f ► a n+ t a. �t - DOG
plleati0n shall- : e S emi t� '�:or
firmed .and- shall- eenta ::.tl�e, :fail-
l can infer nat$ n er : In :lie - thi6re-
Of, -a state : the reason. er :re -.
sons :why:: sudh irfc rrn - ati n
be.: fUr.nish d:-
(a) -The na' e and address r
headquarters of : the `ren a�plying
Jor .th er`Inrt
-f : ap�liear1t: 9: h .�An' ir�di-
��idual :;the names a -nd addresses- :af
tl�e:.d. i an s - '-p rin cip a - Y- b f.fieer s and
. Ali aan. .err a:n a eo,p �:. f .:thi resioiu -
auhriiueh i
C ation- . 6e -
tif fe'' d tom a.. ::true an
:correct eopy 6� : th:e- .eriginal.. �y . th e
Offi�er..havin: - eharge'. -ef ap -11' t'
e "`n.: pu - rp use .for h ieh - steh
sollelta.tidn - is : to ia.deo the.. tdt l
ahieuni f - f.tin�.. - pr -speed t tie
ralsed therety and :the : :use :r di
p0 1tic n: t . b - e . - ade . :cif= a reeeipt
d - specific . st at eM' eh t; sup
T - Orted : If . ava ilable,
1 reS Sh W.ing the : n e d f or.. th e
Contrlbution.s - e . s ieited;
and - . address. - - of .th
person 0r 1)erson- : by. ho thy' re-
Ce - ipt - - :0f , such s0 li.citati6ns': sha h
f _one. - name.. and.' address . 'of the
•or dr. prs€ns the Will he in
dir'eet �'na�`�e of :- et�nduetin� tie so��:
H citation : -'a d the name$ -.O ail . pro&.
tite c hecte . Cyr t :be 0 C t PC1
t the pr �p led :si tic a' lon j:
utlin e - ef: ,th.e- _ method : r
ri ethc dl § 0 - b :used.: in : conduetln
tale- : sc�.lieitations �-
(h) he time h sUCrx- 's0iteit6-
Boni snal.l he m a.de : 'i fi `- the pre -.
furred d ates f6r the : g rnni - and
e.n :iii f :such s l ita i n
i. �-he estimat Best Of the O-
icita -
J ha: ,am and' `a `es
fees:, coax m a.-nx . 1 exve se8 -or :emol�
u u en is t , ::be ex ed- paid . te
-any. - p r ' : i OO nn t1 n .: jt .
Lei to i n ,: and ,:Cu e -. nam b -and ad
dresses persen.a; -.
fin sta;te f -the
last P -reeed i ng : f isea,l year.: - tf - : a.n
foihd. oilieted. fer- reli' i.eu's D r.- ales y .:. the app l.i bant, :- paid :: state -
in ept.. g ivi . the . . mr t t; t money -
r` raise t g' e th -er -with - the eC�st �f
raising. itj and final distrihUt16n
th e re of ;
l) .A: full: ,statement f : th :ehar�
aater . and.- - bX -tent of...the rel.f9
+T.drl, :be . p e- h: -, .the : apptieant
Wit airi th Cit cif. Alameda
u�i) A - staternent - - -to the : : - effect: -that :
if : a pern`iit: is . `r ntec } : i.t.... Will nbt .
:45r. , 6nt6 d'::In .and'" 'a .
a an. endorsement- b the ity.:.0f :
Ala' M edit} or - - d.epartfrlent oir
offfeer -- thereof
(U) - ueh infra.atlon :as :ay
-h'e -submitt - ed - to. the M9h:N er: or- .
der -for h1 - to - determine . the ., kind
A ll'am. 0 . a,'- :: "i ..,t `,` m New Series
nahC6 .i -�: 1j
if, whim . and°° : &P p nd-
a n , or Aurin. the : terms of -' "Y
tifii,t :' gaat tx, there-
n r: e tir g : f a t or method
A f ou alter. �h r� .- InfOrTnat
given in the P li ati - on, th.e.
cant shalt.'-:r if ;. th.e- �-Ma'0. ` r: :.in
-r - i . t h tit' .er f: it i n #;w twe n t f ou r
�� � : h.C�u.r of ��r •. �� :� - �YIaI`l�'� :'
1pox�i ar+iptf u'iap�at�
the - Maha-g' e ; shah for.. th ith issue
the: appsl£ dnt a_ : r.cifi t -, r i µ.
trati n; hn tifi at - e- 'hall - - r n ahi
a� . f roe and- fe f- a p rlod f
sf nt afte . -the: Tss�:an e
th reef an € sha l. l. :ire e ed - :uP
thirat irif :this' : pri upon
tkai� I hg.f : i ::'iiri :.A
' rov.l 0r .ire to :: s ;ttan. r iti-�
�a tes '.Of r,09.8tra•tl.a �:: ha;ll..hear:- iii.
na add ess
a' d.: r :+ f the :p r ri - 1 y
hnG the soliitati;un i ::'.try;.aie;.
th.. n r or. t i 'r t'i i t :
a ..-
daft ssu_, :meat ta;.t.
t'h • :bert1r1cat c�0:e .i : consti�.uf�
an •-lnd6rs eht . : to itv, . f i
+ar: _a i : dpar :tn
Or : reff.l.eers 0f the:- .UrP se ±a the
roondutirg:: " On:
1.•:i : :ta ::fat C es - .of
r. g.i•
t'' t i n : 'h : been is•sh -snail
f U r i s hl . +rd+ntial.. fo to -sir a:gnits
n solltrars: ere Aeial s
e,on orris 6 ale•.. - requ �.rem n:ts aspect,
f i , bd -f 6r -or eden- tiials : ant � seCti'bh . l -3- 31:9
tk .i a'rtt l_e and ; :a 66p.y ::of .: u h
r dential shall - b�•: filed: - ith the
'�J g
Mar ag r ai - the tiMe... _f : fill
pp.. liCa ion for:: a . -certi i a a,
• 1r on : shall '.Qi fir.n r e....�
Hgiotl s qus� � ith t ha ring: u -eh
crede f a,l.s -lay his s sslarix - t . - ' P ,h r' a r t - A, - copy f thy : c x'.t if l • z�
a. e t .r e hlCh Ali
liltatiri :s :1hlxt and
:: ers n shalt: €�.p n _: enia:nd
pres heAe' ere en.tia; ig a. d, ' ti'l
COPY Cif: the - er -tifi�at - tE art , p . ri
li ite z� t :o a ''p rice; , of T
the 'it: f.. ariie .- ld dfi :H **.f
eVer* : that tn�: ia r iIoria vl : t his• 0
•t'i - can : shall . •not . :.app.l : - any : stab , .
d'. -p+ rst i orga'hlze-
A. anci per
ated _ el sib :�1 fir re1igi :otis
ppse•s a nd. not _ a pera;t& - fora tee : :
u.n prof - Of. - .p rs -: f : -tli 6'
]litatins la:: su: establis
A .
u ete anng thy.
ernb 'r to erg . � : o.the' -. me hers.
r ciffirs: throf : - tinntali. : :a:
vitho r r ii n anon: t* i m alt :ing
�►icl` - e
ti�in�: are in: th+ fexrrn of e1itls.
or. egntxIf Ufiran:s at. .._the. - r g lar . a :
seMb1ies or: servi+� f' an.v:
�stahlished ::�e .
ven gat on f
040, it d P ermpti K 81
41 41 lr b enfl6 n� Off`. Pin 4 .:�
�'n� �a ria:ger : is a uthori d t_n
iiristigte. the af'afr :' .r any.:: Per-
son solleitin-g :. fir :_ tell giou pu rpose. s
x�der a :.rtifla"te issueirer.
section: 1.3 -•32 thfirsa
-...person 11� e pted frc�r� thy'- �e-
l.rneita errnit under Leo,-
tlo' n 1. ...or .:ex empted from :. :the
rlogillrernept�' :df - ertifiCate nnderg
t~tion• 3 -and i°na e :.p ibli -his
Written - f inid trigs• . in. 6rder .- teat . the
Public - m - av hp. fimv i nftir - ,nd no : fr,
Said persow ' sh a ll .Ake avallahle t o
the' -1 ana er, ..ter . to any . representai-
ti.ve . - designated k thy: Ma a ''er n
meriting fir. su
8P. eeifi .Pu
ai i. b oo k s, - reco rds; :•car :'oth .I
ti6h r asonahly necessary to - - :'en
able . the. Mana�gl6r to fu 11 •an d.• fa ir-
l inform pii
n essar • full und! ersta�n ng
. u .1116. :cif nth .• rr
ids of Brat 1b .- . of'. ..:such _ •: per6ons,
rovid — ed - that f ivy :: f r
th6 . p Ub11c ..•relie as .::0f : an - -: findings
der :. thl t= art; ..: Man . ' r
nt n st 'f t mall ;. 6 f sa.i - d NT
ink`s: t the : rsc 1nvestig ted and
�;t t�� • t�i rri� of . the r�l.��� ' t�f �hf�
'111 :rust IP 0
: and' .rztt n stain e in Bald per
.. may.,- J1 iie anageri i�
ihtfk:3nir_nfrtln 4
-',co .nd itig. .
.1poary- ourd "T`h c 1a :. ser.�ice
oarcl i t :a�at 0, lz ::to advise
a is n l mi --- r+�c0mm - 6arf 0 8 t to - e .
Ma .re 'ar ]' :. � s ant . :l7f
pP,rmits• a na c :er.tificat 's ender . this
rti i h l a.n: rn a Y: refer: any
appli t•iq'n..10 a- der t u-n:d•or. this
, ar -0 : t ih B card - :t. 0r . " W '3 �
n enin: trn:
4- P116flti
nine : F* "111 i s
+r �t z i y Piro -616f ed.
sh all directly. or in.c irect -
i 01 lt - on :- fir -any
0S b :rni rep r.e nta:tlon - .of ...
na:rra�, }* f�han�ial • y .
fw� 61i - :8 ;1f r G� d to - . f �d r 6'" g
:an i n p.ers n shall : --ma, e : or , - perpie .
ra,t: an s sta.trir�t,.
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'`h -is : 0ri'nie shall
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days f -to III t he . date Of if - s : ln:c1.' aq�
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Osborne Sweeney .:and Presidio it
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h ,er.e - - unto ••yet: :any. h ncl: and af.fi. d .
t e i^fi is :1. :s al. of said. ,"t : this
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