Ordinance 0900ORDINANCE NO. 900
1 . d..� .:r. O r di n a nce -
A l ameda . ,0
cycle for which said applicant de-
sires to secure license, plates meets
the following requirements as to
safe = mechanical condition:
Sec: 7- 322. -' Braked Every bicycle
shall be equipped with a brake ade-
quate to skid the front or rear tire
of said - bicycle upon application of
said brake.
Sec. 7 -323. R4aruin . Devices. Every
bicycle shall be equipped with a
horn or bell in good working' order,
capable of emitting sound audible
for distance of not less than one
hundred (100) feet udder normal
Seer 7 -324 Sirens and Whistles.
It 'shall be unlawful to equip a bi-
cycle with a' siren; or whistle.
See. 7 -325. Handlebar Grips. Every
bicycle that is equipped with han
dlebar grips must; have said grips
securely glued or cemented to the
Sec. 7-326. Stand. Every bicycle
purchased after the effective date
of this chapter, if equipped with a
stand, such stand must be of a
type approved by the Chief of l'ol.ice..
Sec. 7 -327. ' Lights. Every bicycle
operated at any time from a half
hour after sunset to a half -hour be
fore sunrise and at any other time
when ; there , is not sufficient light
to mender clearly discernable any
person or vehicle or the street$ or
sidewalks, shall be equipped with a
lamp' affixed` to the front of said
bicycle, which lamp shall exhibit a
white light visible for a distance of
three hundred (300) <feet from the
front of said bicycle, and said bi-
cycle - shall: be equipped with a red
lamp affixed to the rear fender,
which lamp shall exhibit a red light
visible for a: distance of three hun-
dred (300) feet from the rearof
said bicycle; provided; however, that
a red reflector of a type' approved
by the Chief of Police may be used
in lieu of said rear' lamp.
Article 3.. <Operation of Bicycles.
Sec. 7 -331. It 'shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle
in the City : of Alameda unleas' said
bicycle is equipped, and in safe me-
chanical condition, as provided in
Sections -7 -321 to an including 7 -327
of this chapter.
See. 7 -332. It shall be unlawful
for any person to ride or operate
a bicycle in the City of Alameda in
violation of any of the rules of the
road as set forth in Sections 7 -333
to and including 7 -3326 of this
Seca 7 -333. Riding on Sidewalk.
No person shall ride or operate a
bicycle on any sidewalk in the City
of Alameda, except as herein spe-
cifically ; permitted.
See 7 -334. .lnveniles Riding on
Sidewalk. Juveniles 'under the age
of 18 years, exercising due care,
may ride and operate their bicycles
upon the sidewalk, except quell side -
walks as are in front of stores or
other buildings used for business
Seca 7 -335. Keep to Right of
Roadwap._ Persons riding or oper-
close to the right hand curb as pos-
sible, except when preparing to
make a left hand turn.
' See. 7 -336. Riding in : a . Group.
Persons riding or operating bicycles
in Alameda shall not ride more
than two abreast, :except -oil paths
or parts of a roadway set aside for
the exclusive use of bicycles; pro -
vided, further, that persons riding
bicycles on the sidewalk shall do
so in single file.
Sec. 7 -337. Clinging to &loving
V elm Ieles.: No person riding or oper-
ating,a bicycle in the City of Ala -
meda shall cling or attach himself
or his bicycle to any other moving
vehicle or street car, or _person in
any other vehicle.
-Bee. 7 -338. Passengers. No per -
son riding or operating ;a bicycle in
the City of Alameda shall carry an-
other person on said bicycle, unless
such person or passenger is seated
upon an ;individual seat.
See. 7 -339, Towing. No person
riding or operating a bicycle in the
City of .Alameda .shall tow any
other vehicle or person, except that
bicycle trailers used for the delivery
of newspapers, magazines or mer-
chandise may be towed when being
used in such delivery service.
Sec. 7- 3310. Carrying Articles. No
Person riding or operating a bicycle
In the City of Alameda shall carry
any ' package, bundle or article
which prohibits the rider from hav-
ing full control of the bicycle at all
Sec. 7- 3311. Racing. No person
riding or operating a bicycle upon
a public highway or street shall
participate in any race, speed or
endurance contest.
Sea 7- 3312. Trick Riding. No
person riding or operating a bicycle
shall perform or attempt to per-
form any acrobatic, fancy or stunt
riding upon any public highway or
street in the City of Alameda.
Sec. 7 -3313. Traffic Signals. Every
person operating a bicycle in the
City of Alameda shall stop for all
arterial - highways and traffic sig-
Sec.- 7 -3314. Parking. No person
shall park any bicycle against win -
dows or on the main traveled por-
tion of the sidewalk, nor in such
manner as to constitute a hazard
to pedestrians, traffic or property.
Bicycles most be parked in ap-
proved racks or such places as may
be designated by the Chief of Police.
If there is no bicycle rack or other
facilities intended to be used for
the parking of bicycles in the vicin-
ity;,bicycles may be parked on the
sidewalks in an upright position
parallel to and within twenty -four
(24) inches of the curb.
Any merchant or person desiring
to constructand - erectbicycle racks
.may do so after obtaining . .the ap-
proval of the Chief of Police as to
the _type of rack and the place
where such Berson or merchant in-
tends to erect such bicycle _racks.
Sec. 7- 3315. Speed. No person
shall ride or +a i,;,,t.,;i,. r.._.
New Series
Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 900
with reasonable regard to the safe-
ty of the operator and .other per-
sons upon the streets; sidewalks
and public highways of the City of
Sec. 7 -3316. Parks, Playgrounds
and Schools.. No person shall ride
or operate a bicycle upon any play-
ground, park or school ground
where children are playing, without
permission of the person having
supervision thereof. ,
See: -7 -3317. Turning. Every per-
son riding or operating a bicycle
upon the streets and highways of
the City of Alameda shall turn only
at intersections, except. as -other -
wise provided herein.
See. 7- 3318. Right Turn. Every
person riding or operating a bicycle
intending to turn to the right at
an intersection or in an alley or
driveway, shall approach the turn -
ing point in the line of traffic near -
est the right: hand curb of the street.
Sec. 7 -3319. Left Turn. Every per -
son 'riding' or operating a bicycle
intending to turn left at an intersec-
tion or to enter an alley or drive -
way, shall 'approach the point of
turning in the line of traffic nearest
to the center of the roadway. The
operator of a bicycle in turning left
at an intersection shall pass: to the
right of the center of the intersec-
tion ,before turning; unless other-
wise directed' by markers, buttons
or signs.
Sea -7 -3320. IT- Tarns. No bicycle
shall be turned in any business dis-
trict so as to proceed in the oppo-
site direction; except at Intersec-
No bicycle operated in 'a residence
district shall be turned so as to pro -
ceed in the opposite direction when
any other 'vehicle is approaching
from either 'direction within two
hundred (200) feet, except at an in-
See. 7 -3321. Crossings. The oper-
ator of a bicycle on leaving an alley
or driveway, when his view of either
the sidewalk or street area is ob-
structed, shall stop such bicycle Im-
mediately prior to riding upon such
sidewalk or street area.
Sec:. 7- 3322. Turn. Right - Against
Red Light. A right hand torn shall
not be made at an intersection by
the operator of any bicycle against
a traffic signal unless permission to
do so is indicated by a sign or by
an officer ,directing traffic at such
intersection. -
Sec. 7.3323. Meeting and Passing.
Every person operating a bicycle
shall pass to the, left when passing
vehicles, going in the same direc-
tion and -shall pass to the right
when meeting vehicles going in the
Opposite direction.
Sec. 7 -3324. Hand Signals. No
person shall turn a bicycle or stop
a bicycle which he is riding or oper-
ating unless such movement can be
made with safety, and then only
after giving an appropriate signal
during the last fifty .(50):feet trav-
elled by the bicycle before turning
or stopping.
signalling a left turn shall do so
by extending his left hand and arm
horizontally beyond the side of the
Right Turn. Every person sig-
nalling a right turn shall do so by
extending his left hand and arm up-
ward beyond the side of the bicycle.
Stop or Sudden Decrease of Speed.
Every person signalling a stop shall
do so by extending his left hand
and arm downward beyond the side
of the bicycle.
Sec: 7 -3326. The operator of any
bicycle involved in an accident shall
take reasonable steps to ascertain
whether or not anyone was injured,
and he'shall give his name; address
and the license number of his bi-
cycle to the person with whom he
was in collision; and he shall obtain
the same information' from the other
It shall be the duty of the bicycle
operator to make a written report
of any accident resulting in death
or injury, to the Police Department
within twenty -four (24) hours of
such accident.
Article 4. Bicycle Establish-
. agents— Purchase and .Sale of
Seca 7 -341, Bicycle Establishments.
The term "bicycle establishment"
means a business operated by any
person, partnership, association or
corporation wherein bicycles or bi-
:cycle'parts are. purchased, sold, ex-
changed bartered, repaired, remod-
eled; dismantled or junked.
See. -7 -342. No person or persons
in the City of Alameda shall estab-
lish, carry on or .operate a bicycle
establishment, except as authorized
by this chapter, and without first
obtaining a license from the License
Collector of the City of Alameda.
See. 7 -343. All persons operating
a, bicycle establishment are hereby
required to. make a daily report to
the Chief of Police upon forms pro-
vided for that purpose by the Chief
of Police, giving the true name and
address of the person from whom
each bicycle part is purchased; de-
scription of each bicycle, its frame
number and the number of the
metallic license plate found thereon,
if any. If the bicycle does not have
a license plate, the .buyer shall re-
quire the seller to obtain: the ap-
proval of the Chief of Police to com-
plete such sale or exchange. This
report shall be known as the Sec -
ond-Hand Buy Report, and shall be
made in triplicate. The original
shall be mailed or delivered to the
Chief of Police on date of purchase
with the metallic license plate; the
duplicate shall begiven to the sell-
er, and the triplicate shall remain
with the dealer. It shall be the
duty of the dealer to mail or de-
liver to the Chief of Police all re-
ports and license plates at the close
of each day's business.
Sec. 7 -344. All persons operating
a bicycle establishment -shall make
a daily report to the Chief of Police
upon forms provided for that pur-
pose by the Chief of Police, a re-
whom a bicycle is sold, together
with ; the make, frame number and
the license number attached thereto.
These reports shall be known as the
Sales' Report, and "shall be made in
triplicate, the original forwarded
daily to the Chief of Police, the dup-
licate shall be given to the pur-
chaser, and the triplicate retained
by the dealer.
Seca 7 -345. Upon receipt of the
reports set 'forth ' in - Sections 7 -343
and 7 -344, the Chief of Police shall
check them to determine if the pur-
chase or sale is recorded- in the
Police Department, and that the sale
or 'purchase % is approved, and to
make proper record of such trans -
fer of ownership. ; Should the new
owner fail to apply for registration
or license, the Chief of Police shall
notify the new owner to do so.
Sec. 7 -346. No person operating
a' bicycle ,establishment shall pur-
chase from any person a bicycle , un-
less : at the time of the purchase such
Person surrenders to the bicycle -es-
tablishment operator his license
plate and - registration card for the
year in which he is offering such
bicycle for sale. If such bicycle
does not have an Alameda license,
the approval 'of the Chief of Police
of the City of Alameda must be`ob-
tained before said purchase or sale
can be made.
Seca 7 -347. No person operating
a bicycle establishment 'shall take
in exchange, receive: any goods, ar-
ticle or bicycle part or bicycle from
any - person:underthe age :ofeight-
een (18) years, or from any person
under the influence of intoxicating
Sec. 7 -348. No person operating
a :bicycle 'establishment ,shall alter,
repair or dispose of any bicycle or
Bicycle part purchased or taken in
exchange as a second -hand bicycle
or bicycle Bart thereof until after
the expiration of thirty (30) days
from the date of purchase or ex-
change, and 'during " those thirty .(3o)'
days the bicycle or bicycle part' so
obtained shall remain' without alter-
ation on the 'premises in 'respect to
which the license is issued,.: and be.
kept separate from bicycles' or bi-
cycle parts' previously purchased,
and shall be subject to inspection at
any time .during :business hours ...by
the Chief of Police, l or any police
officer, or other ,person - designated
by the Chief of Police.
Sec. 7 -349. The 'Chief of Police
shall furnish >free ofcharge to every
Person operating a' bicycle estab-
lishment a' book known as the Bi-
cycle Register, in which shall be, en-
tered %in plain and legible hand writ -
inga record of all bicycles or'bi-
cycle parts ,purchased or taken in
exchange. The entry, nlust:be made
at the time of purchase or immedi-
ately ;rthereafter and shall include,
in addition to the date and hour of
purchase, a full description of the
bicycle or bicycle part, the price
Paid therefor, the name, address,
age; Height, weight and complexion
of the seller. In entering the de-
:es Ordinance No. 900
tory serial number thereof shall in
every case be recorded, if known,
or if it can be ascertained.
Sec. 7- 3410. The operator of a
Bicycle establishment shall also en-
ter in the Bicycle Register a record
showing the disposition of each bi-
cycle S purchased, indicating whether
such bicycle was resold or dis-
Sec. 7 -3411. The operator of a bi-
cycle establishment shall veep the
Bicycle Register in a safe place,
and see that it is not mutilated or
destroyed. The Bicycle Register
shall remain the property of the
City of Alameda ` and shall at all
times' be open to inspection by the
Chief of Police or any police offi-
cer, and it may be taken by such
police officer from the possession
of the operator of a bicycle estab-
lishment, -if deemed necessary.
Artiele 5. General Provisions.
Sec. 7 =351. Every_ person other
than the ,operator of -a bicycle es-
tablishment as herein defined, who
sells or transfers ownership of any
bicycle shall- report such - sale or
transfer of ownership to the Chief
of Police; and shall return the regis-
tration card issued to such person
to the Chief of Police, together with
the name and address of the person
to whom : said bicycle was sold or
transferred within five (5) days
from the date of sale or transfer;
provided, however, that if the sale
or transfer is made to the operator
of a bicycle establishment, then such
registration card shall be given to
the owner of said bicycle establish -
ment, who shall then forward the
registration card to the Chief of
Sec. 7 -352. License plates shall
not be transferable from one bicycle
to another or from one owner to
another. Alicense plate shall be
deemed to be cancelled' when the
bicycle is sold, exchanged; junked,
or is disposed of in any other -man-
ne.r by the person: to whorn the li-
cense was originally issued.
It shall be the duty; of the pur-
chaser or transferee of such bicycle
to deliver such license plate to the
Chief- of Police and make applica-
tion for a new license and ' registra-
tion :.card within seven (i) 'days
after such purchase or transfer.
Sec. 7 -353. All persons engaged
in operating a -bicycle rental agency
for the purpose of renting or lead-
ing; ; bicycles to patrons shall first
obtain a license plate and regist'ia-
tion'card for each blcycle,so used
by paying therefor t1e regular li-
cense fee. License` plates` thus' ob-
tained by bicycle rental agencies
shall not be transferred from one
bicycle to another.
Sec. 7 -354. Upon dismantling; and
disposing of bicycles as junk; the
licensee shall turn in his registra-
tion card and license plate to the
Chief of Police.
Sec. 7 -355. No person shall wil-
fully- remove, destroy, mutilate or
alter the manufacturer's serial num-
her nr fl c Al. —.A. V„1;. o ;v
Alameda City Now Series
Ordmiances Ordinance No. 900
destroy, mutilate or alter any li-
cense plate or registration card dur-
ing'the period in 'which such license
plate or registration card is opera-
See. 7- 356. No person shall buy,
sell, receive, dispose of or conceal .
any bicycle or bicycle equipment
from ' which the manufacturer's
name: plate,: serial number or any
other distinguishing mark has been
removed, defaced, - covered, altered
or destroyed.
See. 7 -357. If the serial number
of any bicycle is obliterated or de-
faced, and the possessor has satis-
factory proof of ownership, .
Chief of Police is hereby' authorized
to place a Police Department serial
number thereon.
See. 7 -358. All abandoned bicycles
and unidentified bicycles' remaining
in the hands of the Chief 'of''Police
shall, at the end of one (1) _year,
be sold at public auction.'
Article 6. Miscellaneous.
See: 7 =361. Where ' this chapter
has been violated by juveniles un-
der the age of eighteen (18) years,
in lieu of any ' other - penalty pro -
vided by this Code, and in lieu of
filing charges in the Juvenile Court,
the Chief of Police may prohibit the
operation upon the streets: alleys,
and public places" in the City of
Alameda for a period not Lo exceed
thirty (30) days of a bicycle so
used in such violation, in which
event the bicycle so used 'n such
violation shall be impounded by the
Chief of Police and retained by him
for a like period of time.:
SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall
be in full force and effect from and
after' the expiration of thirty (30)
days from the date of its final pas-
Presiding Officer of the Council.
City Clerk
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly adopted and
passed by the Council of the City of
Alameda in regular rmeeting 'assem-
bled on the Ist day of October, 1946,
by the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Councilmen Howe, Jones,
Osborn;- S w e e a e y and President
Branscheid (5).
NOES: None,
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of said City this 2nd
day of October, 1946.
City '.Clerk of the City of Alameda.
Publish October 2, 1946.