Ordinance 0904ORDINANCE NO. 904 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO, 898, NEW SERIES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITE' OF ALA - MEi)A as follows: SECTION 1. That the Uniform Building; Code, -:1046 ,Edition, pub- lished January 1, . 1.940, by Pacific Coast Building Officials - Conferenc =e, duly adopted as the Brilding Code of the City of Ala:ineda by Ordiri.mee No, 898, New Series, passed August t 6, 1946„ be, and the same is hereby amended in the particulars and a.s hereinafter in .the following sections of this 'ordinance more lra.rticulaxl,y set forth. SECTION 2. That Section 202 (a), Chapter 2, of said Building Code is hereby amended. to react as follows: Se,(Aion 202 (a)_ General. The 73 gilding Official is hereby author- ized- and directed to enforce all the provisions of this Code except Chapters 44, 49, and ina,inten.ancet of building after permit of oceupanay i)as - 1)een issued. For such purpose lie shall have the powers of a police officer. The determination of the value or valuation under any of the provi- gione of the .Code shall be niado by the Euilding Official, SEIC7TION- 3. -That. Section -303 (a.), Chapter 3, of said Building; Codfs is hereby arnended to read as follows: Section 303 (a). I3uild:fug Per-it Fees. Before, a b:iilding .perniit is is- sued a hermit fee therefor shall be paid to the Building Official as set forth in -Table No. 3 -A. 'I`ABLE NO. 3_A-- R_tTJLT3J1 (; Pfi', t- MIT FIFES TOTAL YA11,11A.T. l e:ss than $20.00 ...... _ .....No Fee $20.00 to and including $100.00 $1.00 _klore than. $100.00, to and in- cludini,- $400.013 ............ 2:00 Xfore than $400.00, to and in- cluding ,700.00 .......... 3.00 More than $700.00, to and in- eluding $1,000,00 ......... 4:.00 Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction to - and including $15,000.00 4.00 Each additional, $1,000.00 or fraction, to and including $50,000.00 .................. 1..00 Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction, exe3eedilig $50,- 00000 ... . ................. 50 Where rN orlc for.'which a permit is required by this Code is started or proc'f.�eded with prior to obtaining; a, pern)it:, the fee above 'specified shall lie doubled, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any per - sons from fully con)plying -with the requirements of this Code in the ex- ecution of the - c�orh xror f.rorn a.ny other penalties 1prescribed herein. New Series and the saine is hereby, repealed. SECTION 5. That Section. 1.405 (h), Chapter 14, of said 13uildin� Code is .hereby amended to read - follows: Section 1405 (b). Room Slyes u Ceiling Heights. Every room re- quired to have windows by Stubsec- tion (a) shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet WO ") in at least fifty per cent (50 %) of its required area, li,00rns used for liv- ing, eating or sleeping purposes :.,hall have an area of not less than eighty square feet (30 - sq. ft.). Kitchens shall have an area of not less than fifty square feet (50 sq. ft.). SECTION 5. That Section 1601 (a), Chapter 10, of said Building Corte is hereby amended to read as fol- lcaws: Section 1601. (a). Fire Zones De- fiz2erl. For the purpose of this Cod( the entire city is hereby declared a Fire Distriet and said Fire District shall I)e Rnown and designated as Fire Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, and shall include such territory or portions of said city as are establishd and described in Article 1, Chapter 2, Title XIV of the Alameda Municipal Code, as arnen.ded and in effect on the effectiveness of this ordinance. or as said Code may be amended thereafter. Wbenever, in this Code, reference is rnad.e:to any Fire Zone. it shall be construed to niean one of the four fire zones designated and referred to in sa1d Alameda Munici- pal Code. SECTION 7. That Section 1602, subsection (e), Chanter 16, of said Builfling Code, is hereby repealed. SECTION S. That Section 1603. subsection (d), Cha,pt:er - 16, of said Building Code, is hereby repealed. SECTION 9. That Chapter 16 of said Building Code is hereby arnnd- ed by adding thereto a new section. numbered 1605, which section shall. read as follows: Section 1605. Restrictions in Fire Zone No. 4. (a.) No building or structure of Type V construction shall be erect- ed in .Fire Zone No. 4 with an area in excess of four thousand square feet (4,000 -_q ft.) of floor area On any one - floor. (b) Any building in Fire lone No. 4 which is enlvixged, altered, raised or built upon to an extent exceeding; an expenditure of fifty per cent (50%) of the value of such structure shall be made to comply the recluirempnts of a Type I. 11, ITT, IV or V building, except that floors in the first story of - soeb building need. not comply with such re0ulrements. (c) . Any building or structure moved into or within Fire Zone No. 4 shall comply with all require - rnent.s for new brr.iiding;•s in Fire Zone No. 4. (d) Buildings of Type V construe - tion rna.v be built in excess of four thousand square feet (4 -sq ft.) roviding such buildings are 'divided try "special fire separations ", as Alameda City r ° s feet (4,000 sq ft.). SECTION 10. That Section 2405 (a) Chapter 24, of said Building Code, is hereby amended to read as fellows; Section. 2405 (a). General. Plain solid masonry is that form of con- struction made with brick, solid load-bearing concrete inaa,sonry Emits. or storie in which the units are all laid and ,set in mortar placed with a trowel; if used for load - bearing, shall be reinforced ivith steel, S ]C "TION 11. That Section 2803, Chapter 38, of said Building Code is hereby amended to read as _follows: Section 3803. Every bLdlding four (4) or more stories in height shall be equipped with one or more dry standpipes: S1JCTI:ON 12. That Section 4710 (c), Chapter 47, of said BLJldlni , Code is hereby ainended to read as follows: Section 471.0 (c). Tkfvtatl fafleafascrt- ment. Exterior plaster, except when appie.d to concrete or masonry, shall. be rcinfo1 with one of the nia- terials having a rust - resistive coat- ing applied after fabrication as set forth in Table -No. 47 -F. Metal reinforcement shall. lac furred out from the ba,cMng at ]east three - eighths inch ( /4 with an approved furring device, and shall be nailed with galvanized nails or approved furring devices driven to at least three - quarters i rich . ( 3 / ") . penetration which shall be spaced not more than eig °h.t inches (S ") apart - vertically and eis;ht inches (8) apart horizontally. !fetal reinforceaneont shall be Iapped at least. one full Tnesh at all joints. When no sheathing is used, all. ver- tical joints shall be made at the studs and horizontal joints where expanded metal or metal lath is used shall have at least one tie be- t.tveen studs made with 'No. IS 'W h, M. gauge galvanized annealed tie wire. SECTION 13. That the Uniform i i1i.lcl.i ng C ocle of 1 146, adopted , the Building Code of the City of Al- a3neda, by Ordinance No. 898, New Series, passed August 6,, 1946; is hereby amended by adding thereto those portions of a certain document printed as a code in .book form, three (3) c.apiexs Of which document are on file in the :office of the City Clerk of the -City of Alameda., -being marled "Filed July 30, 1946" . and designated as "Uniforin 13uilding Code, 1946 . Edition, published Janu- ary 1, - by Pacific Coast Build- ing Officials Conference, which por- tions consist of Chapters 48 to 51, inclusive, containing sections nainr- bered from 4501 to and including 511.5. SECTION 1.4. This Ordinance sha,11 be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirt�r (30) days from the date of its final pas - sa.g e. AV. J. BRANSCIIETI), 'residin Officer of the Council. Attest: J. F. CLARK, City Clerk. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance wa.s duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting as- seinb.led on the 17th day of Decem- ber, 1946, by the following vote, to wit: AILS: Councilmen Howe, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branschied, (5). NOES: None. A13SE T: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set nay hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 18th clay of December, 1346. (Seal) J. P. CLARK, City Clerk of the City of Ala - meda. Publish Deceernber 1.9, 1946.