Ordinance 0918ORDINANCE NO. 918
Chief Engineer, filed June 9, 1.388
in Book 17 of Maps, at page 30, in
the 'office of the County Recorder
of :Alarued Cota nty; . thence South:
along the east line of Lot 3 and
.Lot: 14 in aforesaid Section 30,
323.80 feet, more or less to a
point in a lint?, drawn parallel
with the center line of '_\4aitland
Drive (form rly South S h ore
Drive,. as said drive Is described .
in that certain :grant from E. 13.
Stone to the , City of Alameda:,
dated December 9, .1924, and re-
corded- Marcia 2, 1925: in Book 899
of Official Records of A.lainesda
County, page 295);: and distant
250.00 feet northeasterly there-
from, n2easure'd at : right angles
thereto; thence North 33' 19' 30"
West. (parallel - with:the said con -
ter line of Maitland Thrive) 620.56
feet, more or less; to the point of
lleginnint .
Commencing at the southeast
corner of Lot 28 in Section 19 in
.Township 2 South, in Prange : 3
'West of the Mount Diablo ' Base
a nd Meridian, as said lot and sec-
tion are, :shown o n that . certain
nsap entitled, - `Sale:Map No." 10 of
Salt Marsh and Tide ''Lands, :'sit -
uate in the County of Alameda,
State of California," prepared un-
der the direction of the Board of
Tide . La.nd Colnmissioners; by G.
F. Allardt, Chief Engineer, filed.
June 9, 1844, in Book 17 of. Maps,
at page 30, in the office of tl
County :recorder of Ah- nieda
County and running thence North
Along the east :line of said Lot 28;
475.74 feet, more or less; to a
point. in a line drawn- parallel
with the center line of Maitland
Drive, formerly South Shore Drive,
as said drive is described in that
certain ;grant from 1: B. Stolle tO
the City of Alameda, dated De-
cember 9, 1.924, ..and recorded
March 2, .1925, in Book 899 of
Official :. Records of Alameda
County, page 295, : and 'distoint
250 feet nor theasterly therefrom,
measured at right angles thereto_
said point being tiie actual point
of beginning for the Parcel here-
in described; �thence continuing
North along said RA line .135.88
feet anorei or less, to a point (" clua.l
distant frond the north: and south
lines of said Lot 28; thence -West
122.22 feet, more or less, to ft
point in : aforesaid. line parallel
to Maitland Drive; thence alone'
said line South 33° 19' :30" :past
222.46 feet to the point of begiaa-
PAR CELS NO. 4 and 5
To find the - point :of beginning,
start at Tide band Stake Na.
8 as such Stake is so designated
upon that certain map entitled,
"8810 Map No. 10 of Salt Marsh
and Tide Lands" filed for record
in the office of the ' County Re-
corder of : the 'said Alameda Coun-
ty can the 9th day of Tune, 1.888,
and therein recorded in Book of
Maps - No. 17, at page 30; thence
North 35° 02' 50" West 89.68 feet;
New. Series
Ord inance
being the actual point of begin-
ning for the parcel herein _de-
sc gibed; (Bence North 56° 40' 30"
East 280 ,feet; thence North 33°
19' 30" West 50 feet; thence South
56 40" 30 West 280 feet; thence
; oeitb 120 19' 30" Fast 50 feet to
the :point of beginning.
A portion of that certain 1.4.63
a,cre,, parcel. of land described in
Quitclaim Deed from American
Trust. Company, a corporation, to
Oakland Title Insurance and
Guaranty Company, a corporation,
dated May � :2.5, 1936, and .recorded
May 15; 1937, in Book 3487 of
Official Tie cords of Alai,nieda.
County; page 1.49, described as
Commencing at Tide :Lund Sur-
vey Stake Nei. 9, as listed on -Table
'1I Meanders- of Salt - Marshes ac- _
cording to "Map No.' 2" of Salt
Marsh and Tide Lands situate in
the County of'Alarneda, :State of
California," prepaxed by :order of
the Board of Tide Land Coli, s-
stione and on file in the office of
said Corninissioners 11) SdIn F1111-
cisco, certified copies thereof hav-
ing been filed with the Surveyor
General of the State of California.
and with the Goclnty Recorder of
the City and County cif San Fraa
e"isco,• a, rid manning thence North
59° 00' 20 " West 1.98 f00t -hence
North: 56 40' 30 East 190 82 :feet;
thence North 33° 19' 30" 0vcyst 55.00
feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF
BEGINNING; thence North 33 19'
30" West. 75:00. ffeet, thence North
56° 40' 30" Last 140:00 feet; thence
South 33 19' 30" East 75.00 feet;
thence South 56° '40' 30" West
140.00 feet to the 'ACTUAL POINT
for the sum of SIX.. THOUSAND,
($6; 207.91) DOLLARS,. under the fol-
low.ini terms and Conditio
(1) That title in fee simplex in and
to the foregoing described real prop -
erty be conveyed to 'the.City of Ala -
nieda free and clear of all objec-
tions, liens, -' encumbaa:nees, clouds
and •claims of title except unpaid
City of- Alarneda, and County of Ala -
moda taxes, interest and penalties,
which were heretofore asS essed
a gainst said .property, and claim. of
the Bay Farni Island Wre.t.er _Corn -
pany, a sLispended corporation.
(2) That upon recordation of a
good and suffi cient gna;nt deed con -
veying said pr to the City
free: and :clear of all objections,
liens, encumbrances, clouds and
claims of title, except as aforesaid,
said deed to be approved. by the
City Attorney, the City shall
its warrant tie. the person elgal.iy
entitled thereto for the purpose of
effecting - the coils iniiniR.tion of said
SECTION 2. T110 silnn of $6,207.91
is hereby appropriated ' from the
Capital Outlays Fitrnd of the City
of Alaanieda : to pay the purchase
p'ri�;o of said real - = 1.>rol - )erty.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
be ill ftill force and effect from
Ne Series
AlamedaCity � O r&ances Ordinance. 0 9
passage. W. J. BRANSCHEID,
Presiding Officer of the Council.
City Clerk.
T, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly adopted and
passed by the Council of the City
of Alanieda in regular meeting as-
sembled on the 20th day of May,
1947, by the following Vote, to WIT:
A Y E S : Councilmen Anderson,
Jones, Osborn Sweeney and Pros!-
(lent Bransch(llid, (5).
NOES: None,
ABSENgT, None.
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the. official seal of said City this
21st day of May, 1947.
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
Publish May 22, 1947.