Ordinance 0936Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 936 New Series AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SUBDIVISION ('20 AND ( TO SECTION 17-. RELATING TO TWO-HOUR PARKING. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as follows: ( 1. That, Section 1.7-312 of the Alameda Municipal Code be, a.nd is hereby, amended lay .addin, ' thereto subdivisions (20) Ind (24). which shall read as follow,-: (20) Webster Street, on both sides thereof, between the nordi- exly line of Pacific Avenue aiad the southerly line of Atlantic N�'enlm (21) Buena Vista Avenue, On both side% thereof, between. the Av(-.asterly line Of Wehster Street and a point, 250 feet v% tberefrom, Sly CTU)N 2. This ordinance, shall be in N11 fore? aancl effect fj*ojj-j a Irld after the expiration of thirty (30) (lays f.rom the date Of its final pas - WY J. BRANSCHEID, I ' l residlng Offieer of the Council. Attest: J. P. CLARCT.�. City Clerk 1, the undersigned, hereby ot' that the foregoing Ordinance vas duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda, in regular meeting as- sennbled on the 22( da,y of Junc, 194�S, by t ' lie followint � vote, to wit C AIrES: ouricilt Anderson, OIS- horn, Sweeney and President Brari- s;cheid (4). NOES: None. ABSE—N Councilman Jones, (1). IN 'W'ITNTESS WHEREOF, I have heremito set my hard and. affixo(l the Official seal of s City this 31 day Of June, 1943, (Sh J, P. CLAJZN. City Clerk of the City of Alamed.a. Publish June 3, 1948.