Ordinance 0945Ordinance No. 945
Alameda City Ordinances New Series
M E D A:
.Section 1. The Council of the City
of Alameda is hereby authorized
to sell to, and to exchange with,
i:dgar A. Jones, a widower, the fol-
lowing described real property sit-
uated in the City of Alameda,
County of Alameda, State of Cali-
A PORTION of Lot 17 in See-
tion 18 of Township 2 South,
Range I West, according to the
Map entitled, "Map No. 2 of Salt
itiIarsh and Tide Lands situate
in the County of Alameda, State
of California," filed in the Of-
fice of the Surveyor General of
the State of California, bounded
as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersec-
tion of the Eastern line of said
Lot 1.7 'with a. line drawn paral-
lel with and distant at right
angles 28,00 feet Southeasterly
from a, line drawn South 41' 00'
West from the intersection of
the center line of Pberty Ave-
line with the center line of Gar-
field Avenue, sis said Avenue
are shown on the "Amended
Map of Tract 782," filed May 11,
1948 in the Office of the County
Recorder of Alameda County,
and of record in Map Book 16
at page 28; running thence
along said parallel line South
41' 00' West 37.40 feet to the
S outhwestern outhwestern line of the 2.40
acre p-,i.reel of land described in
the Deed to City of Alameda,
dated October 23, 1908 and re-
corded October 23, 1908 in Book
.1.541 of Deedu, at page 9, Ala-
meda County Records; thence
alon the last mentioned line
South 48' 30' East 32.76 feet to
the pastern line of said Lot 17;
thence along the last mentioned
line due North 49.94 feet to the
point of beginning,
and to receive therefor from said
Edgar A. Jones, a widower, as grant-
or, a grant, bargain and sale deed,
free and clear of all encumbrances
except as herein otherwise provided,
to the following described real prop-
erty situated in the City of Alameda,
County of Alameda, State of Cali-
fornia, and particularly described as
A PORTION of Lot 24 in Sec-
tion 1.7 of Township 2 South,
Range 3 West, according to the
Map entitled, "Map No. 2 of Salt
Marsh and Tide Lands situate
in the County of Alameda, State
of California," filed in the Office
of the Surveyor General of the
State of California, bounded as
DEGINNINC at the intersec-
tion of the Southwestern line of
Liberty Avenue, as said Avenue
is shown on the "Aulended Map
of Tract 782," filed Xlay 11,
1948 in the Office of the County
Recorder of Alameda County,
and of record in Map Book 16 at
page 28 with a line drawn South
41' 00' West from the intersec-
tion of the center line of said
Liberty Avenue with the center
line of Garfield Avenue, as last
said Avenue is shown on said
Amended Map of Tract 782; run-
ning thence along said South-
western line of Liberty Avenue
South 48' 30 East 28.00 feet;
thence South 41 00' West 387.43
feet to the Western line of said
Lot 24; thence along the last
mentioned line due North 42.67
feet to said line drawn South
41* 00' West from said inter-
section of center lines; thence
along the line so drawn North
41' 00' East 240.37 feet to a
point distant thereon South 41'
00 West 1.15.00 feet from said
Southwestern line
S of Liberty
Avenue; thence North 48' 30'
'West 28.00 feet; thence North
41' 00 East 48.62 feet; thence
Northeasterly along the are of
a curve to the left with a radius
of 222 feet tangent to the pre-
ceding course a distance of 67.14
feet to said Southwestern line
of Liberty Avenue; thence along
the last mentioned line South
48' 30' Last 27-57 feet to the
point of beginning.
The last described property to be
street and high-
subject to use for 9
way purposes.
Section 2. The Mayor of the City
of Alameda is hereby authorized
and directed to execute and deliver
the foregoing deed for and on be-
half of the said City, and the City
Clerk is directed to attest the same,
as soon as this ordlitance becomes
Section 3. This ordinance shall be
in full force and effect from and
after the expiration of thirty (30)
days from the date of its final
Presiding Officer of the Council..
City Clerk.
1, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly adopted and
passed by the Council of the City
of Alameda in regular meeting as-
sembled on the 16th day of Novem-
ber, 1948, by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES: C o u n c i I m e n Anderson,
Jones. Osborn, Sweeney and Presi-
dent Branscheld, (5).
NOES: None.
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of said City this
1.7th day of November, 1948.
( J. P. CLARK,
City Clerk of the City
'of Alameda,.
Publish Nov. 17, 1948.