Ordinance 0991ORDINANCE N0. 991 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES. WHEREAS, public interest and Parcel of land 51.73 feet to the necessity require that the real point of beginning, property hereinafter described be on the following terms and condi- acquired by the City of Alameda for tions: street and highway and general mu- (a) That good and merchantable nicipal purposes; and title in fee simple in said real prop- WHEREAS, John C. Grantham erty be conveyed to the City of and Shirley A. Grantham, his wife, Alameda, free and clear of all ob- are the owners of the real property jections, liens and encumbrances hereinafter described and are will- except taxes, both current and de- ing to sell the same to the City of linquent, plus penalties. Alameda for the sum of $2,832.05; (b) That the title to said real BE IT ORDAINED BY THE property he evidenced by a policy COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA- of title insurance issued by Ala - MEDA: meda County -East Bay Title In- Section 1. That the City of surance Company, a corporation Alameda purchase from John C. insuring title in the City, as pro- and Shirley A. Grantham, vided in the preceding subdivision, his wife, for the sum of Two Thou - said title insurance to be at the sand, Eight Hundred Thirty -two and expense of the City of Alameda. 05 /100 ($2,832.05) Dollars, that cer- (c) That upon deposit with said tain real property situated in the title company for delivery to the City of Alameda, County of Ala- City of a good and sufficient deed meda, State of California, more of grant conveying said property particularly described as follows: to the City and conditioned upon BEGINNING at a point in the the issuance of a title insurance southern line of Pacific Avenue, policy, as aforesaid, to be approved distant. thereon North 88 35' by the City Attorney, a warrant West 840 feet from the western of the City be drawn for Two Thou line of 5th Street, said point - sand, Eight Hundred Thirty -two being also the northwestern and 05/100 ($2,832.05) Dollars, pay - corner of the 12,050 square foot able to the order of and delivered parcel of land described in the to said Alameda County -East Bay deed dated August 12, 1937, from Title Insurance Company, a corpor- Southern Pacific Company to ation, as escrow holder, for the pur- Gino Spadoni, recorded August pose of effecting the consuinma- 24, 1937 in Book 3471 of Offi- tion of said purchase. cial Records of Alameda County, Section 2. The sum of Two Thou - page 304; thence North 88° 35' sand, Nine Hundred ($2,900.00) Dol- West along the southern line of lars is hereby appropriated from Pacific Avenue 52.47 feet to the Gas Tax No. 2 Fund to pay the western line of the parcel of purchase price of said real land described in the deed from property and cost of title insurance policy. Henry H Shed to Southern Section 3. This ordinance shall be Pacific Company, dated Feb- in full force and effect from and ruary 23, 1912 and recorded after the expiration of thirty (30) March 1, 1912 in Book 2049 of days from the date of its final Deeds, page 278, Alameda passage. County Records; thence South W. J. BRANSCHEID 1° 36' West aloe; said last Pre=siding Officer of the Council. mentioned westerly line 147.74 Attest: feet to the southern line of the J. P. CLARK, parcel of land described in said City Clerk, deed dated February 23, 1912 and recorded March 1, 1912 in 1, the undersigned, hereby certify Book 2045 of Deeds, page 278; that the foregoing Ordinance was thence South 88 24' East along duly and regularly adopted and said last mentioned southerly passed by the Council of the City line and the easterly prolonga- of Alameda, in adjourned regular tion thereof 338.14 feet to a meeting assembled on the 24th day point distant 20 feet North- of January, 1950, by the fallowing easterly, measured radially from vote, to wit: the center line between double AYES: Councilmen Anderson, tracks of the Central Pacific Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and Presi- Railway Company's former dent Branscheld, (5). main line, Pacific Junction to NOES: None. Fifth Street, thence Northwest- A-BSI NT: None. erly on a curve to the left, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have having a radius of 2311.88 feet hereunto set my hand and affixed and central angle of 7° 28' 18" the official seal of said City this concentric with and distant 20 25th day of January, 1950. feet Northeasterly measured (SEAL) J. P. CLARK, radially from said center line City Clerk of the City between double tracks (chord of Alameda.. of said curve bears North 69 47' Publish January 25, 1950.