Ordinance 1037 ORDINANCE NO 1037 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17- 364.1, ARTICLE G, CHAPTER 3, TITLE XVIL OF THE ALAMED.A. MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO PARKING LIMITS IN PARKING METER ZONES, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAM,EDA : SECTION 1. That subsection (a) of 24- Minute Parking Limit subdivision 4 of Section 17- 364.1, Article 6, Chapter 3, Tithe XVII, of the Alameda Munici- pal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) North curb Central Ave- nue .177.5 feet Easterly frairn the East line of Park Street and Yun- ning thence Easterly 62 feet. SECTION 2.: That sift: ection. (d) of I-Hour Parking Limit sa-ibdivision ii of Section 17- 364.1, Article 6, Chapter 3, Title XVIL of the - Alained.a le( uniei- pal Code is hereby asriended to -read as follows: (d) East curb line of Park Street 469 feet; Southerly :froan the South dine of Central Avenue and run- ning thence Southerly 172 feet. SEC'T'ION 3. That subse.cti�)n (I) of 1 Parking Limit subdivision 13 of - Section 17- 3641„ Article 6, Chapter 3, Title XVII, of the Alameda :Munici- pal Code is hereby amended to read, as fellows: (f) South curb line of Santa Clara Avenue 225.5 feet Westerly from the West litre of Parr Street and runi- ing therice Westerly 38 feet. SECTION 4. That subsection (a) a' 1 -Hour Parking Limit subdivision 19 of Section 17- 364.1, Article 6, Chapter 3, 'Title XVII, of the Alameda M. uniei- pal Code is hereby ,amended to read as fol a vs (a) V c curb line : of -Oak Street 16 :feet Southerly frorr the . South line: of Santa Clara Avenue Lind ruunang thence Southerly 62 feet'. wF;e;'T O N :i: That subsection -(b) of I-Hour Parking Limit subdivision. 23 o f Sect:io x 17- 364.1, Article 6, Chapter 3, 'Title XV11, of the Alameda Munici- pal Code is hereby: arnended to read ,:as follows: (b) E,..st curb line of Webster Street 12 :Feet Northerly. froin the Nortb line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence Northerly 244 feet SECTION 6. That Subsection (c) of I-Hour Parking Limit subdivision 23 of Section .17- 364.1, Article 6, Chapter 3, 'Title XVII, . of the - Alameda Munici- p al Code be, and the same is hereby, repealed. SEt T16N : 7. That 2 -Hour . Parking limit subdivision 16 of Section 17- 364 1, Article Chapter 3, Title XVII of the P,laineda ..Municipal Code is hereby amended to :a °ead.as follows: 16: Oa3k Street (Santa Clara Ave - nue to Central Avenue)_ -com- rne tieing at a ,point in the (a) East curb line of Oak- Street - 21 fe ct Southerly from the South line of Sar)ta Clara Avenue and running; thence Southerly 168 feet. (b) East curb line~ of Oak ,Street 228 feet Southerly, from the South line of Santa Clara Avenue and running thence .Southerly 18 feet, (e) East curb fine of Oak Street Ordinance No. 1(). i inances New Series (ca) '(lv'est curb: line of Oak : Street 73 feet Southerly from .the: the S line of Santa Clara Avenue and running : thencc+ Southerly fi feet. (e) Westourb. line of Oak Street 177 feet Southerly from the South line. of Santa C."li - ra Avenue and runnings tYience _ out:l erly .85 feet. (f) West curb ling ol Oak Street 283 :feet Southc rly from the South line a, Santa Clara Avenue and X°Unning thence So ut.lerly 1.10 feat. SECTION 8. That subsection (d) of 2-Hour Parking Limit subdivision 19 of Section 17- 354.1, Article 6,: Chalat:er 3, Title XV11 of the Ala rneda Munici- pal Code is hereby amended to -;read as follows: (d) East curb lime of Webster Street 83 feet Northerly from the North line q:` L,incoira Avenue and ' - uno_rig ctleaice - Northerly €34 feet. S ACTION 9. That subsection (e) of 2 11ou ; L'aar king ].that subdivision. .19 of Sec°t.ion :17- 364.1, 6, Chaapfe= 3, Title XVII of flie Alameda Munici- pal Code be, and the same is hereby, repealed. SECTION 10, That Section 17- 364.2, Article 6, Chapter 3, ` iitle XVII of rho. Alameda Municipal Code is hereby z,mended to re -d as followsa See.. 17- 564.:1. "That; an enameer's Drawing 2964-B, Case S, Sheet 1 of 2, bearing date Nov, 1946,- '1ev:i- sion No. 9, 8- 6-51, entitled, "Parking Plan-Webster Street," three copicas of which said document arc on file: in the office of the City . Clerk of the City of :Alameda, being marked "Filed Aug. 21, I953," be and the same is hereby incor- porated hercdn and adopted by reference. SECTION 11. That Section 17- 364.3, Article 6, Cb apter 3, Title XVII of the Alainedea Municipal Code , is hereby aaunended to read as follows: See. 17- 3643. That an engiaieer's . Drawing 2964 -A, Case S, Sheet 2 of 2, bearing date,. 11- 27-46, Revi- sion No. 9, 8 -2.51, entith -A, , "E'ariz- ing Plan---Park Street Area," three eopies of which said docurrlent are on file in the 6:1 of - the City Clerk of the City of Alanieadaa, being inarked "Filed Aug. 21, 195x1," be and the a is hereby invor poraatr.cl herein and radoptpd by ; reference: SECTION 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date (if its final ,passage. FRANK P. OST f)RN, Presiding Officer of the Council, Attest: J. P. CLARK, City Clerk. I. the undersigned, hereby. certify that the foregoing; Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the = Council of the City. of Alameda in rege €lar meeting aissernbled on the 4th day of September, 1951, , by the folloXving v;ate, tea -wit: AYES • Councilmen Anderson, Bra n- gc:heid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn; (5). NOES! None. ABSENT: None IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set nay hand and affixed the official seal: of- said City this 5th day of September, 1951, (SEAL) J. P. CLARK,