Ordinance 1049Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1049
New Series
WHEREAS, the City of Alameda
heretofore acquired easements for
sewer purposes in the parcels of land
hereinafter particularly described; and
WHEREAS, it is no longer necessary
for the City of Alameda to retain the
easements in said lands hereinafter
described and it appears to the Coun-
cil of the City of Alameda that said
easements are not now and will not
in the future be required by said City
for sewer purposes or for any other
Section 1. That the easement for
sewer purposes in, over and upon that
certain land situate in the City of
Alameda, County of Alameda State
of California, and particularly de-
scribed as follows:
Being an easement held by the
City of Alameda which is de-
scribed in that certain indenture
from Alaska Packers Association,
a California corporation, to the City
of Alameda, a municipal corpora-
tion, dated the 15th day of Novem-
ber, 1948. The easement to be
abandoned is shown on Drawing
No. 3035, Case 51, of the files of the
City Engineer of the City of Ala-
meda, California, attached to said
indenture as Exhibit "A," and is
further described as follows:
An easement ten (10) feet wide,
described as follows:
BEGINNING at Station No. 19
of the Segreation Line as said
Station and line are delineated and
so designated upon that certain
map entitled "Map of Alameda
Marsh Land as partitioned among
the owners thereof in the suit num-
bered 8923 and entitled Pacific
Improvement Company, Plaintiff,
vs. James A. Waymire, et al, De-
fendants, Superior Court of Ala-
meda County, California," and
filed in the office of the Recorder
of said County of Alameda on July
30, 1900, in Map Book 25, pages 74
to 78, inclusive; running thence
South 84 34' East 60.84 feet to
a point; thence South 72' 25' East
16.78 feet to a point; thence South
79' 46* East 542.75 feet to a point;
thence South 73' 56' East 582.88
feet to a point; thence South 70
18' East 26,39 feet to a point; thence
South 15' 40' 30" west 5.01 feet to
a point in the southerly boundary
of an existing North Side Sewer
easement, said point being the be-
ginning of the easement; thence
along the said southerly boundary
line South 70' 18' East 10,02 f eet to
a point; thence South 15 40' 30"
West 302.26 feet to a point in the
northerly Right of Way line of
Alameda Belt Line; thence along
the said Right of Way line North
69 25' West 10.04 feet to a point;
thence North 15 40' 30" East 302.11
feet to the point of beginning,
An easement ten (10) feet wine,
described as follows:
BEGINNING at Station No. 19 of
the Segregation Line as said Station
and Line are delineated and so
designated upon that certain Map
entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh
Land as partitioned among the
owners thereof in the suit num-
bered 8923 and entitled Pacific Im-
provement Company, Plaintiff, vs,
James A. Waymire, et al, Defend-
ants, Superior Court of Alameda
County, California" and filed in
the office of the Recorder of said.
County of Alameda on July 30,
1900, in Map Book 25, Pages 74 to
73, inclusive; running thence South
84® 34' East 60.84 feet to a point;
thence South 72' 25' East 16.78 feet
to a point; thence South 79 46'
East 542.75 feet to a point; thence
South 73' 56' East 582,88 feet to a
point; thence South 70' 18' East
190.93 feet to a point; thence North
19' 42' East 15.46 feet to a point
in the northerly property line of
Stokely Foods, Inc., as said prop-
erty line is designated in that cer-
tain Deed dated March 2, 1948,
executed by Alaska Packers Assn.,
a corporation, to Stokely Feeds,
Inc., a corporation, and recorded
March 4, 1948, in Book 5430 at
Page 95 of Official Records of Ala-
meda County, said point being the
beginning of this easement; thence
North 19' 42' East 51.68 feet to a
point; thence South 78 05' East
10.09 feet to a point; thence South
19 42 West 50.37 feet to a point
in the said Stokely Foods, Inc.,
north property line; thence West-
erly along the said property line
on a curve of radius 440 feet, a
distance of 10.32 feet to the point
of beginning.
BEGINNING at Station No. 19
of the Segregation Line as said
Station and Line are delineated and
so designated upon that certain
Map entitled "Map of Alameda
Marsh Land as partitioned among
the owners thereof in suit num-
bered 8923 and entitled Pacific Im-
provement Company, Plaintiff, vs.
James A. Waymire, et al, Defend-
ants, Superior Court of Alameda
County, California," and filed in
the office of the Recorder of said
County of Alameda on July 30, 1900,
in Map Book 25, Pages 74 to 78,
inclusive; running thence South
84' 34' East 60.84 feet to a point;
thence South 72' 25' East 16,78 feet
to a point; thence South 79' 46'
East 542,75 feet to a point; thence
South 73' 56' East 582.88 feet to a
point; thence South 70' 19' East
190.93 feet to a point; thence North
19' 42' East 67.14 feet to a point;
said point being the beginning of
the easement; thence North 78' 05'
West 52,96 feet to the southwest
corner of the area; thence North
14' 55' East 59.29 feet to the north-
west corner of the area; thence
South 61' 33' East 87.34 feet to the
northeast corner of the area;
thence South 14* 56' West 34.40 feet
to the southeast corner of the area;
thence North 78' 05' West 32.06 feet
to the point of beginning.
An easement ten (10) feet wide,
described as follows:
BEGINNING at Station No, 19 of
the Segregation Line as said Station
and Line are delineated and so
designated upon that certain Map
entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh
Land as partitioned among the
owners thereof in the suit num-
bered 8923 and entitled Pacific Im-
provement Company, Plaintiff, vs.
James A. Waymire, et al, Defend-
ants, Superior Court of Alameda
County, California," and filed in
the office of the Recorder of said
County of Alameda on July 30,
1900, in Map Book 25, Pages 74
to 78 inclusive; running thence
South 84 34' East 60.84 feet to a
point; thence South 72 25 E. 16.78
feet to a point; thence South 79' 46
East 542,75 feet to a point; thence
South 73' 56' East 582.83 feet to a
point; thence South 70' 13' East
1.90.93 feet to a point-, thence North
19' 42' East 67.14 feet to a point;
thence North 78' 05' West 52.96
feet to a point; thence North 14' 55'
East 59.29 feet to a point; thence
South 61 33' East 52,31 feet to a
point, said point being the begin-
ning of the easement; thence North
55' 52' East 113,80 feet to a point
thence North 26* 56' East 118.02 feet
to a point in the Peralta Grant
Line; thence along the Peralta
Grant Line South 62* 14' East 10.00
feet to a point; thence South 26'
56' West 120.46 feet t oa point;
thence South 55' 52' West 111.20
feet to a point; thence North 61'
561 West 120,46 feet to a point;
of beginning.
An easement ten (10) feet wide,
described as follows:
BEGINNING at Station No. 19
of the Segregation Line as said
Station and Line are delineated
and so designated upon that cer-
tain Map entitled "Map of Alameda
Marsh Land as partitioned among
the owners thereof in the suit
numbered 8923 and entitled Pacific
improvement Company, Plaintiff,
vs. James A. Waymire, et al, De-
fendants, Superior Court of Ala-
meda County, California" and filed
in the office of the Recorder of
said County of Alameda on July 30,
1900, in Map Book 25, Pages 74 to
78 inclusive; running thence South
84' 34' East 60.84 feet to a point;
thence South 72' 25' East 16.78 feet
to a point; thence South 79' 46'
East 542,75 feet to a point; thence
South 731 56' East 582.88 feet to a
point; thence South 70' 18' East
190.93 feet to a point; thence North
19 42' East 67.14 feet to a point;
thence South 78' 05' East 32.06 feet
to a point; thence North 14' 56'
East 12.20 feet to a point; said
point being the beginning of the
easement; thence North 14' 56'
East 10.00 feet to a point; thence
South 74 07' East 73.34 feet to
a point; thence South 61* 33' East
862.33 feet to a point in. the north-
erly boundary lire of an existing
North Side Sewer easement; thence
along the said boundary line North
381 291 West 22.08 feet to a point;
thence North 61' 33' West 11.50
feet to a point; thence South 28'
27' West 5.84 feet to a point in the
northerly boundary line of an ex-
isting North Side Sewer easement;
thence along this boundary line
North 98' 29' West 7.50 feet to a
point at which the bearing of the
said northerly boundary line
changes; thence along said rim th-
erly boundary line North 73' 38'
West 3.39 feet to a point; thence
North 28' 27' East 9.95 feet to a
point; thence North 61' 33' West
316,91 feet to a point; thence South
28' 26' West 68.99 feet to a point
in the northerly boundary line of
the existing aforesaid easement:
thence along the said line North
63' 41' 39" West 10.01 feet to a
point; thence North 28® 26' East
69.35 feet to a point; thence North
61' 33' West 493.13 feet to a point;
thence 74' 07' West 72.08 feet to the
point oT beginning.
An easement ten (10) feet wide,
described as follows;
BEGINNING at Station No. 19 of
the Segregation Line as said Station
and Line are delineated and so
designated upon that certain Map
entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh
Land as partitioned among the
owners thereof in the suit num-
bered 5923 and entitled Pacific Im-
provement Company, Plaintiff, vs.
James A. Waymire, et al, Defend-
ants, Superior Court of Alameda
County, California," and filed in
the office of the Recorder of said
County of Alameda on July 30, 1900,
in Map Book 25, Pages 74 to 78
inclusive; running thence South
84' 34' East 60.84 feet to a point-;
thence South 72 25' East 16.78 feet
to a point; thence South 79' 46'
East 542.75 feet to a point; thence
South 73' 56' East 582.88 feet to
a point: thence South 70' 18' East
190.93 feet to a point; thence North
19' 42' East, 67.14 feet to a point;
thence South 78' 05' East 32.06 feet
to a point; thence North 14' 56'
East 12,20 feet to a point; thence
South 74' 07' East 72.08 feet to
a point; thence South 61' 33' East
820.04 feet to a point; thence South
281 27' West 20.18 feet to a point
in the southerly boundary line of
an existing North Side Sewer ease-
ment, said point being the begin-
ning of the easement; thence along
the said boundary line South 73'
38' East 6.81 feet to a point at
which the bearing of the said
boundary line changes; thence
along the last named line South
88 29' East 3.75 feet to a point;
thence South 28' 27' West 26.96
feet to the northerly building line
of the Kieckhefer Container Com-
pany; thence along the building
line North 61' 20' West 10.00 feet;
thence North 28' 27' East 23.80 feet
to the point of beginning.
An easement ten (10) feet wide,
described as follows:
BEGINNING at Station No. 19 of
the Segregation Line as said Station
and Line are delineated and so
designated upon that certain Map
entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh
Land as partitioned among the
owners thereof in the suit num-
bered 8923 and entitled Pacific Im-
provenient Company, Plaintiff, vs,
James A. Waymire, et al, Defend-
ants, Superior Court of Alameda
County, California," and filed in
the office of the Recorder of said
County of Alameda on July 30, 1900,
in Map Book 25, Pages 74 to 78
inclusive; running thence South
84' 34' East 60.84 feet to a point;
thence South 72' 25' East 16.78 feet,
co a point; thence South 79' 46'
East 542,75 feet to a point; thence
South 73 56' East 582.38 feet to
a point; thence South 70 18' East
190.93 feet to a point; thence North
19 42' East 67.14 feet to a point;
thence South 78' 05' East 32.06 feet
to a point; thence North 14' 56'
East 12.20 feet to a point; thence
South 74 07' East 72.08 feet to
a point; thence South 61' 33' East
493.13 feet to a point; thence South
28® 26' West 79.36 feet to a point
in the southerly boundary line of
an existing North Side Sewer ease-
ment, the said point being the be-
ginning of the easement; thence
,along the said southerly boundary
line South 63* 41' 30" East 10.01
feet to a point; thence South 28'
26' West 309,93 feet to a ,point in
the northerly Right of Way line
of the Alameda Belt Line; thence
along the last named line North
61 20' West 10.00 feet to a point;
thence North 28' 26' East 309.53
feet to the point of beginning.
An easement ten (10) feet wide,
described as follows*
BEGINNING at Station No. 19 of
the Segregation Line as said Station
and Line are delineated and so
designated upon that certain Map
entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh
Land as partitioned among the
owners thereof in the suit num-
bered 8923, and entitled Pacific Im-
provement Company, Plaintiff, vs.
James A. Waymire, et al, Defend-
ants, Superior Court of Alameda
County, California," and filed in
the office of the Recorder of said
County of Alameda on July 30, 1900,
in Map Book 25, Pages 74 to 78
inclusive; running thence South
84' 34' East 60.84 feet to a point;
thence South 72 25' East 16.78 feet
to a point; thence South 79' 46'
East 542.75 feet to a point; thence
South 73' 56' East 582.88 feet to
a point; thence South 70' 18' East
190.93 feet to a point; thence North
19' 42' East 67.14 feet to a point;
thence South 78' 05' East 32.06 feet
to a point; thence North 14' 56'
East 12.20 feet to a point; thence
South 74' 07' East 72.08 feet to
a point; thence South 61' 33' East
863.62 feet to a point in the south-
erly boundary line of an existing
North Side Sewer easement, said
point being the beginning of the
easement; thence along the said
boundary line South 88' 29' East
22.08 feet to a point; thence South
61' 33' East 206.47 feet to a point;
thence South 28 27' West 53.34 feet
more or less, to the northerly
boundary line of Eagle Avenue;
thence along the last named line
North 61 21' West 10.00 feet to a
point; thence North 28' 27' East
43.30 feet to a point; thence North
61' 33' West 216.16 feet to the point
of beginning;
be, and the same is hereby, aban-
doned and vacated, provided, that this
ordinance shall be of no legal effect
in vacating or abandoning the case-
nients and rights of way herein de-
scribed unless and until the Alaska
Packers Association, a California eor-
poration, shall execute and deliver
to the City of Alameda, a municipal
corporation, a grant of easement for
the construction, maintenance, opera-
tion, replacement, removal and re-
newal of underground storm sewers
and/or drains, and a storm sewer
pumping station, in, through, under
and along those certain parcels of
land situated in the City of Alameda,
County of Alameda, State of Cali-
fornia, and designated as Parcels 1, 3
and 4 on that certain Alameda City
Engineer's Drawing 3035, Case 51, Re-
vised Nov. 1951, and entitled Ease-
ments for Storm Sewer, Alaska Pack-
ers Ass'n, Alameda Belt Line and
Stokely Foods, Inc., which said draw-
ing is by reference made a part hereof.
Section 2. That the Mayor of the
City of Alameda be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to execute,
and the City Clerk to attest, as the
act and deed of the City of Alameda,
a quitclaim deed remising, releasing
and quitclaiming to Alaska Packers,
Association, a California corporation,
all of said City's right, title and in-
terest in and to the easements described
in Section I hereof.
Section 3. This ordinance is hereby
declared to be a measure of great
emergency and necessity for the irn-
inediate preservation of the public
health and safety and shall take effect
immediately. The following is a state-
ment of the facts showing the urgency:
The easements herein described are
to be abandoned and vacated in order
that new easements may be acquired
to carry on the work of construction
of the Alameda Interceptor of the East
Bay Sewage Disposal System. Portions
of the easements to be abandoned will
be included in the new easements to
be acquired and it is therefore neces-
sary that abandonment be made prior
to the acquisition and recordation of
the new easements.
Presiding Officer of the Council.
City Clerk.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by
the Council of the City of Alameda
in regular meeting assembled on the
5th day of February, 1952, by the fol-
lowing vote, to wit.
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Bran-
scheid, Jones, Sweeney and President
Osborn, (5).
NOES: None.
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 6th day
of February, 1952.
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
Publish February 7, 1952.