Ordinance 1086Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1086 New Series ORDINANCE NO. 1086 New Series AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL BOND ELECTION IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY THE MEASURE OF INCURRING A BOND- ED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ACQUISITIOP',, CON - STRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL IM-- PROV'EMENT, TO WIT: RECREA- TION AND PARK IMPAOYEMENTS: DECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST OF SAID MUNICIPAL IMPROVE- MENT, THE AMOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID INDEBTED- NESS TO BE INCURRED THEREFOR, AND THE MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID THEREON, MAKING PROVISION FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES; FIXING THE DATE OF SAID ELEC- TION, THE MANNER OF HOLDING THE SAME, ESTABLISHING ELEC- TION PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES FOR SAID ELECTION, AP- POINTING BOARDS OF ELECTION THEREFOR, AND PRO"V"IDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda, by resolution duly passed and adopted by affirmative vote of more than two- thirds of all of its members, died determine that the public interest and necessity .demand the ac- quisition, construction and completion of the municipal improvement herein- after mentioned, and did further de- termine that the cost of said proposed municipal improvement will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said municipality, and that said . municipal improvement will require an expendi- ture greater than the amount allowed therefor by the annual tax .levy and will require the incurring of a bonded indebtedness therefor, which resolution was . duly entered on , the minutes of said meeting _ of said Council, and is now on file and of record in the Clerk's office of said City; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA: Section 1. A special municipal bond election be and is hereby ordered and will be held in said City of Alameda on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of June, 1953, at which election shall be sub- mitted to the qualified electors of said City the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness of said City for the ob- ject and purpose set forth in the following .measure, to wit: MEASURE: (Recreation and Parr Improvements) Shall the City. of Alameda incur a bonded indebted - ness in the principal amount of $600,000 for the acquisition, con- struction and completion of the following municipal improvement, to wit: Recreation and park im- provements, comprising: two swim - ming pools, including decks, fenc- ing, filters and bathhouses, heat- ing, plumbing, electrical and clean- ing facilities, and pool and bath- house apparatus and equipment; two community recreation centers, including buildings, athletic and gymnasium facilities and equip- ment, and furnishings; park devel- opment, including buildings and furnishings, playground and ath- letic facilities, apparatus and equip - anent; and rights of way, site preparation and other works, prop- erties or structures necessary or convenient for recreation and parr improvements of the City of AIa- rraeda. The estimated cost of the municipal improvement set forth in said measure is the sum of $600,000 and the amount of the indebtedness proposed to be incurred for said municipal improve- ment is the sum of $600,000. Section 2. The said Council does hereby submit to the qualified electors of said City of Alameda at said special municipal bond election the said meas- tire set forth in Section 1 of this ordi- nance, and designates and refers to said measure in the form of ballot hereinafter prescribed for use at said election. (a) Said special municipal bond elec- tion shall be held and conducted, and the votes thereof canvassed, and the returns thereof made, and the result thereof ascertained and determined as herein provided; and in all particulars not prescribed by this ordinance, said election shall be held as provided by law for the holding of municipal elec- tions in said City. (b) All persons qualified to vote at municipal elections in said City of Alameda upon the date of the :election herein provided for shall be qualified to vote upon the measure submitted at said special municipal bond election (c) The polls at the polling places hereinafter designated shall be opened at seven o'clock A. M. (C. D. S. T.) of said day of election and shall be Dept open continuously thereafter until seven o'clock P. M. (C. D, S. T.) of said day of election, when the polls shall be closed . (except as provided in Sec- tion 5734 of the Elections Code), and the election officers shall thereupon proceed to canvass the ballots cast thereat, (d) For the conduct of said special municipal bond election the City of Alameda shall be divided into twenty- two (22) special election precincts, and the general state and county . precincts into which said City is divided for gen- eral state and county election purposes are hereby consolidated as hereinafter provided, to wit: The election precincts hereinafter designated by numbers in Parentheses following each consoli- dated special bond election precinct hereinafter designated are the election precincts as now established of record by the Board of Supervisors of Ala- meda County, State of California, for general state and county election pur- poses in said City, . and the consolidated special bond election precincts herein- after designated consist of one or I - 110je of said general : election precincts so numbered and designated for .general .election purposes in said City by said Board of Supervisors of Alameda Coun- ty, Said consolidated precincts and the polling places therein and the election officers appointed to conduct said elec- tion thereat: are as follows: CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. I (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos 1, 2, 3, 21 and 22). Polling Place: Otis School, 3010 Fill - more Street. Election Clfficers: Inspector, Kath- teen Addison; Judge, Henry R. Norton; Clerk, Kristine Oleson; Clerk, Laura B. Jones. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 2 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 23, 24.25, 26 and 30). Polling Place: Otis School, 3010 Fill• more Street. Election Officers: Inspector, Edna Fletcher; Judge, Alta Curren; Clerk, Helen Cowart; Clerk, Ann Lang, CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL , BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 3 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 and 14). Palling Place: Lincoln School, 2900 Central Avenue . Election Otficefs: Inspector, Frances M. Hughes; Judge, Gertrude Fortune; Clerk, Albert E, Mantle; Clerk, Lucile P. Graham: CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT :NO. .4 (com- prising all of general election. precincts Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27 and 28) Polling Place: Lincoln School, 2900 Central Avenue. Election Officers: Inspector, Madeline E. Zimmerman; Judge; Leota V. Cow- art; Clerk, Vita G. Tilton; Clerk, Henry P. Wichman: CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT .NO. 5 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 15; 30, 31, 32 and 33). Polling Plrice. Edison School, 2700 Buena Vista Avenue: Election Officers: Inspector, F. P. Koenig; Judge, ' Louis Farrer; CIerk, Rose G. Springer; Clerk, Aileen Koenig, CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 6 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos: '37, 38, 40, 41 and 42). Polling Placer Porter School, 2248 Alameda Avenue; Election Officers: Inspector, Marie Culberg; Judge, Ansel W. Key;. Clerk, Mary C, Heryford; Clerk Julia A, Reed, CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION: PRECINCT NO. 7 '(com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 43, 44, 45, 55, 56 and 57). Polling Place Porter School, 2248 Alameda Avenue. Election Officers: - Inspector, Elsie K. Ingalls; Judge, Charlotte. Michele Clerk, Geneva H. Cousins; Clerk, Myrtle R. Wood. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. :8 (com- mrising all of general election precincts Nos. 29, 34, 35, 36, 46, 47, 48 and 54) . Polling Place. Alameda High School, Central Ave. Election Officers: Inspector, Johanne Lundtoft; Judge, Ester.: L: Ekberg; Clerk; Grace H, Brawn Clerk, Cath- erine T. Meloy. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 9 (com - prising all of general election, precincts Nos.. 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53). Polling Place: Haight School, 2025 Santa Clara Avenue. Election Officers: Inspector, Hazel M, Kaler; Judge, May Lundstedt; Clerk, Prances Lee; Clerk, Gertrude H. Karl. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION P ECINCT NO. 10 icom- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 61, 62, G3, 64, 65 and 67 'olIing Place.: Haight School, 2025 Saiit'3 Clara Avenue. <ect.ion Officers: Inspector, Florence E. Goelzer; .fudge, Leila E. Meyer; Clerk, Edna C. Seheerer; Clerk, Otto E Schferer. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT. INTO. 11 (com - prising all of general election precincts Nos. 58, 59, 60, 68, 69, 70, 71 and 72). Polling Place: Franklin School, 1101 Paru Street, Election Officers: inspector, Mabel Wood; Judge, Emma M. Warfield; Clerk, Clyde S. Brood; Clerk, Evalynn C. Kinrbrough CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT, NO. 12 (com - prising all of general election precincts Nos. 66, 73, 74, 75, 76 and 77). Polling Place: Mastick School, 1525 Bay Street, Election Officers: Inspector, .Wilhel- mina Rasmussen; Judge, ,Mabel T. Healy; Clerk, Mary M. Bailey; Clerk, Frances Savignac. CONSOLIDATED . SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 13 (cons- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 87; 88, 89, 90 and 91). Polling Place: Mastick School, 1525 Bay Street. Election Officers: Inspector, Alice White; .fudge, Ruth Milovich; Clerk, Emma. Trautmann; Clerk, Agnes S. Chippendall: CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 14 (com - pri sing Nall of general election precincts Nos. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,' 83 and . 84). Polling . Place: Burbank . School, 954 Stalker Way: Election Officers_ Inspector, .Pura. Love; Judge, Dorothy B. Frankland; Clerk; Mildred F. Watson; Clerk, Gladys W ootexi: CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 15 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos; 85, 86. 92, 93, 94 and .95). Polling Place: Washington School, 1450 Eighth Street. Election Officers: Inspector, Blanche Kern Judge, Alice Nevens; Clerk, Effie L. Bush; Clerk, Alice V. Hyland, CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO, 16 (com - prising all of general election precincts Nos. 96 97, 98, 99 and 100, Polling : Place: Washington School, 1450 Eighth Street: Election Officers: Inspector, Fanny Dupouy, Judge, Ruth Quinlan; Clerk, Viola King; Clerk, Margaret I, Shore. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 17 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105). Polling Place: Longfellow School, 500 Pacific Avenue Election Officers: Inspector, Anita i.. Melton; Judge. Helen B. Mebrtens: .Cleric, Anne B Webb; Clerk, Helen A McArthur. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION:: PRECINCT NO. 18 (corn- prising all of general election precincts Nos: 109, 110, 111; 112 and 113): Polling PIace: Longfellow School, 50o Pacific Avenue Election Officers: Inspector, Pearl M, Hall; Judge, Rose Mary McCornmon; Clerk, Bernice F. Wilbur; Clerk, Mar - gariethe A Nute. CONSOLIDAaTED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 19 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 106, 107, 108 and 115). Polling Place: Encinal High School, 210 Central Avenue. Election Officers; Inspector, Ethel B. Auer; Judge, Dorothy F. Kagan; Clerk, Josephine L. Ott; Clerk, Marion D Dowling CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL ]BOND ELECTIONS PRECINCT NO, 20 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 114 and 116). Polling Place Woodstock School, Third and Brush Streets Election Officers Inspector, Lucia Ferrero; Judge, Bonnia A. Gnebba; Clerk, Mary K. Cappa; Clerk, Stella J. Van Hecke. CONSOLIDATED SPECIAL BOND ELECTION. PRECINCT :NO. 21 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos. 117, 118, 119 120 and 128). Polling Place: Webster School, 311 Gibbs Avenue. Election Officers: Inspector, Earline Smith; Judge, Rita Garrett; Clerk, Nannie Lois Evans; Clerk, Eva . J. Howell. CONSOLIDATED : SPECIAL BOND ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 22 (com- prising all of general election precincts Nos: 12:1; 122, 123, 124, 125-126 and 127). Polling Place: John Muir School, 377 Singleton Avenue Election Officers: Inspector, Elsie P Finley; Judge, Stella M. Barnes; Clerk, Mildred Newsom; Clerk; Anise C. Young. (e) The ballets to be used at said special municipal bond election shall be substantially in the following form, to wit (f) Each voter-to vote for the measure hereby subrriitted and for incurring said banded . indebtedness shall. stamp a crass (X) in'the blank space opposite the word ".YES" on the ballot to the right of said measure, : and to :vote against the measure and :against.. in- Burring said indebtedness :shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the : ballot to the right of said measure. On absent voters' ballots the :cross (X) may be marked with pen or pencil (g) The returns of said election shall be made out and signed by the election officers and shall be by them deposited with the City Clerk; together with the ballots cast:.at said election; and this Council shall meet at its usual meeting place and canvass said returns on Tuesday, the 9th day of June, 1953(be- ing the first Tuesday after said special municipal bond election and the elate of a special meeting of the Council called for that purpose) at the hour of eight o'clock P. M., and declare the re- sult of said special municipal bond election. Section 3. Said Council .proposes to issue and : sell bonds of said City of Alameda in the amount and for the ob- ject and purpose specified in said measure if , two - thirds . of the qualified .electors voting on such measure at said special :municipal bond election :. shall vote in favor of said measure, Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and of the character known as serial, and shall bear interest at a rate not to ex- ceed five (5) percent per annum, pay- able semi- annually (except that - inter - est for the first. year after th.e . date of said bonds may be made payable at the end of said ,year); provided that said bonds may be issued and sold in acc - )rdance with law as the Council rna i determine, and either at a prem- ium or on the basis of the lowest net interest' cost to said City, but in no event for less than the par value there- of and accrued interest to date of de- livery. Provision is hereby made for the payment of the principal of and in- terest on said Bonds as follows: The Council of the City of Alameda shall, at the time of - fixing the general tax levy and in the manner for such gen- eral tax levy provided, levy and collect . annually each year until said bonds are paid, or until there shall be a suan in the treasury of said City set apart for that purpose tc meet all sums coming due for principal and interest on such bonds, a tax sufficient to pay the an- nual interest on such bonds as the same becoines due, and also such part of the principal thereof as shall become due before the proceeds of a tax levied at the time for making the next general tax levy can be made available for-the payment of - such principal; provided, however, that if the earliest maturity of said bonds is more than one year after the date of issuance thereof f i:f, as provided by law, the time of pay ment of ' such bonds may . be legally postponed), such tax: shall be levied and collected at the time and in the manner aforesaid annually each year sufficient to pay the interest on such indebtedness as it falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for the pa,yinent of the principal thereof on or before maturity: Said tax shall be in addition to all .other taxes levied for municipal purposes, and shall be col - lected at the sane time and in the same rnnnner as other municipal taxes are collected and be used for no other .purpose than the payment of said bonds and accruing interest. Section 4. The City Clerk. of the City of Alameda is hereby directed, upon the passage and adoption of this ordi- nance, to: publish the same once a . day for seven (7) days in THE ALAMEDA TIMES -STAR, which is a newspaper . of general circulation published at least six (6) days a . week in said City of Alameda, and . such .publication shall constitute notice of said election: No other notice of the election hereby called need be given, Section 5. This ordinance shall be forthwith. entered upon the minutes of this Council and in the Ordinance Book of said City. This ordinance : being an ordinance calling and ordering an elec- tion, shall take effect from and after its final passage and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day Attest: of May, 1953, by the following vote - SHIRLEY H. TENNIER AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, City Clerk McCall, Moresi and President Sweeney Publish May 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and (5), 15, 1953. NOES: None ABSENT: None. LELAND W. SWEENEY Mayor of City of Alameda, (SEAL) California MARK CROSSES M ON BALLOT No. (This number to be ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; torn off by Inspector) NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL. (ABSENTEE BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK No. OR PENCIL.) (Fold ballot to this perforated line, leaving top margin exposed,) MUNICIPAL BALLOT SPECIAl. MUNICIPAL BOND ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA Tuesday, June 2, 1953 To vote on any measure, stamp 1NSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: a cross (X) in the voting square after the word "YES" or after the word "NO." All marks except the eross (X) are forbidden. All distinguish- ing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot return it to the Inspector of Election and obtain another, On absent voters' ballots mark a cross (X) with pen or pencil. MITA SUBMITTED TO TH'E' OF THE VOTERS MEASURE Shall - the - City of Alameda, — ---- -- incur a bonded indebted-� Recreation and ness in the principal � Park Improvements) amount of $600,000 for the' acuisition, construction YES and completion of the following municipal im- provement, to wit: Recreation and park improve- mprts, comprising: two.swimming pools, including decks, fencing, filters and bathhouses, heating, plumbing, vlectrical and cleaning facilities, and pool and bathhouse apparatus and equipme t corm recreation centers, including buildings, athletic. and gymnasium facilities and equipment, and furnishings;. park development, including buildings and furnishings, playground and ath- NO letic facilities. apparatus and equipment; and rig and a i rights of way, site preparation other works, Properties or structures necessary or convenient for recreation and park improvements of the City of Alameda.