Ordinance 1090Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1090 New Series AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE AI.AMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 3-1011,3-10116 AND 3- 1022 AND BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMBERED 340116.1 RELATING TO SALES AND USE TAXES, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA For the purpose of .this ordinance; consumers who furnish either the ward "sale" shall .mean and directly or indirectly the mate- include, rials used in the producing, fab- (a) , zny transfer, of title or posses.- ricating, processing, printing, or sion, exchange, barter, lease imprinting. or rental, conditional or other- (d) The furnishing and. distribut- wise in any manner or by any ing of :tangible personal prop- means whatsoever, of : tangible erty for a consideration by personal property for 'a con- social clubs and fraternal or- sideration. ', "Transfer of pas- ganizations to:th.eir members or session, " "lease,". or "rental others. includes only transactions found (e) The furnishing, preparing or by the City Treasurer to be;in serving for a consideration of lieu of a transfer. of title, ex- food, meals, or drinks. change or ;barter: (f) A'. transaction whereby the pos- . (b) Any. withdrawal of tangible session of property is transferred personal property. from a point but the seller retains the title within. the City . of Alameda, as security for. the payment of except a withdrawal pursuant the price. to a' transaction in foreign or (g) transfer of the title or pos- interstate "commerce :which is .A session of tangible: personal immune from local taxation by property which has been pro - reason of the provisions of the duced, fabricated, or printed to United States Constitution, for the special order of the cus- delivery to any 'place within tolner, or of any publication. or without the city, for the pur- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be pose. of the transfer o£: title or in full force and effect from and after possession, exchange, barter, the expiration of thirty; (30) days from . lease or rental, 'conditional : :or the date of its finial.passage. otherwise, in any manner or by LELAND W.' SWEENEY any means whatsoever, of the Presiding Officer of the Council property for a consideration. Attest: (c) The : producing, fabricating, SHIRLEY H. TENNIER processing, printing or imprint- City Clerk ing of tangible' personal prop- Publish June 10, 1953. erty for a consideration for