Ordinance 1102Ordinance No. 1102 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 1066 NEW SERIES, BY AMENDING SECTION 3 THE1 EOF, RELATING TO ' MEMBERSHIP OF THE RECREATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA such vacancies shall be selected in Section 1. That Section 3 of Ordi- the manner hereinabove provided Rance No. 1066 New Series, be, , and by the group or person (City Coun- the same is hereby amended to read cil, Board of Education or Mayor) as follows: whose nominee has failed to serve Section 3. The Recreation Com- his full term on the commission. inission shall consist of five (5) The vote of three (3) members of regular voting members and two the commission shall be necessary (2) ex- officio members who shall for any act of or by the commis - be the City Manager of the City of sion. Alameda and the Superintendent of Section 2. This ordinance shall be in Schools. of the Alameda Unified ful: force and effect from and after ,School District, and their succes- the expiration of thirty (30) days from sors in :office: The ex- officio mem- the date of its final passage. ber, shall riot be entitled to vote LELAND W. SWEENEY at any of the meetings of the com- Presiding Officer of the mission. Of the five regular mem- Council bers, all of whom shall be required Attest: to meet the qualifications estab- SHIRLEY H. TENNIER lisped for membership on other City Clerk City boards, one (1) shall be nomi- nated by the Board of Education of I, the undersigned, hereby certify the Alameda Unified School Dis- that the foregoing Ordinance was duly trict, one (1) shall be nominated and regularly adopted and passed by by the Council of the City of Ala- the Council of the City of Alameda in meda, and remaining three (3) adjourned regular meeting assembled .the shall be nominated by . the Mayor, on the 8th day of December, 1953, by All regular members shall be ap- the following vote, to wit: pointed by the .Council of the City AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, of Alameda. The five regular mem- Moresi and McCall (4). bers shall first be appointed as NOES: None. follows: Two for a term of three ABSENT: President Sweeney, (1). . (3) years, two for a term of two (2) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have years, and one for a term of one hereunto set my hand and affixed the (1) year, or until the successor or official seal of said City this 9th day successors of such appointees shall of December, 1953. be appointed and qualified. Ap- SHIRLEY H. TENNIER pointment for the respective terms City Clerk of the City of shall be determined by the City Alameda Council by lot. Thereafter, mem- Publish Dec. 10, 1553.