Ordinance 1186ORDINANCE NO. 1186
New Series
TIONS 13-123, 13-191, 13-192, 13-193,
13-194, 13-196 13-198, 13-1910, 13-1911,
13-1915, 13-1�17, 13-1918, 13-1921, 13-
1923, 13-1924 13-1927 13-1932, 13-1933,
13-1936, 13-1939 , 13-1942 AND 13-1949
ADDING SECTIONS 13-111(r), 13-
1950, 13-1951 AND 13-1960 TO PART
13-1928, 13-1937 AND 13-1948 OF
That the following sections of Part
V. Title XIII, Chapter 1, of the Ala-
meda Municipal Code are hereby
amended, added thereto and repealed
as follows:
SECTION 1. The following sections
are hereby amended to read as follows:
(a) BUREAU. It shall be the duty
of the Bureau of Licenses and it shall
have the power to administer this
chapter in accordance with the terms
(b) COLLECTOR. It shall be the duty
of the License Collector and he shall
have the power to regularly and
promptly require the licensing of all
businesses to which this chapter ap-
plies and to cause the collection of the
fees therefor and the prosecution of
211 persons violating any of the provi-
sions of this chapter.
(c) GENERAL. The License Collector
of the City of Alameda and his depu-
ties and all license inspectors and
employees of the Bureau of Licenses
in the discharge and performance of
their official duties, and all police
officers shall have and exercise the
power, and it shall be their duty:
First: To make arrests for the viola-
tion of any of the provisions of this
Second: To enter free of charge at
any time any place of business for
which a license is required, and to
demand the exhibition of such license
for the current term from any person
engaged or employed in the transac-
tion of such business; and
Third: To require the holder of any
free license to write his signature for
purposes of comparison with that ap-
pearing on the original license;
Fourth: To inspect all places of busi-
nessoT other enterprise subject to the
provisions of this Chapter to ascertain
whether or not this chapter is being
complied with. Said collector shall
have the power to inspect the books
or records of said business or other
enterprise subject to the provisions of
this chapter;
Fifth: To perform such other duties,
in addition to those specifically men-
tioned herein, as may be designated
by the Bureau of Licenses.
Article 9. License Fees.
See. 13-191. MANUFACTURING. Ev-
ery person conducting, managing or
a New Series
mances Ordinance No. 1186
carryin g on the business of ship build-
g, repairing steel
fabrication, foundry, , forging
or the
business of processing,
fabrication compounding, r preparing
for sale a n y article, commodity, pro-
duct, substance or other thing not
otherwise specifically licensed by this
article or any other provisions of this
code or any ordinance of the City of
Alameda, shall pay an annual license
fee based upon the average number of
persons employed in such business
according to the following schedule:
For the first person employed $15.00
For the next nine (9) persons
employed, per person ... ____ 3,00
For each additional person em-
ployed _ ....... __ ____ 1
See. 13-192. WHOLESALING, JOB-
BING, ETC. Every person conducting,
managing or carrying on any whole-
sale, jobbing, ship terminal or wharf-
inger business, or conducting, manag-
ing or carrying on the business of
selling goods, wares, merchandise or
other thing of value at wholesale, and
not otherwise specifically licensed by
this chapter or any other provisions
of this article or any ordinance of the
city. shall pay an annual license fee
based upon the average number of
persons employed in such business ac-
cording to the following schedule:
For the first person employed $15,00
For the next nine (9) persons
employed, per person - .. 3.00
For each additional person em-
ployed 1.50
CENSED. Every person conducting,
managing or carrying on any 'retail
business, or conducting, managing or
carrying on the business of selling
goods, wares, merchandise or any
article or thing of value at retail, and
not otherwise specifically licensed by
this chapter or any other provisions
of this code or any ordinance of the
city, and every person conducting,
managing or carrying on any busi-
ness that is not specifically licensed
by this article or any other provisions
of this code or any ordinance of the
City of Alameda, shall pay an annual
license fee based upon the average
number of persons employed in such
business according to the following
For the first person employed $15,00
For the next nine (9) persons
employed, per person 3.00
For each additional person em-
ployed __ . .......... 1,50
NESS. Every person or individual con-
dupting, mani ng, carrying on, or
being - occupied in any business or
profession hereinafter < designated in
this section, shall pay an annual li-
cense fee in the amount so set out in
this section: provided, further, that
each licensee under this section shall
pay an additional amount of $5.00 for
each and every person employed by
said licensee on a salary or commis-
sion basis. It is the intent of this
section that each and every person
or individual engaged in the listed
businesses or professions, whether such
person be a principal, partner, associ-
ate, or joint-venturer, shall pay the
annual license fee set out.
The businesses and professions re-
ferred to above in this section are the
Accountant ....- ._ ....... . ... ........._......._....... $ 15.00
Artist ...................... ............... ._......_._.. _ 15.00
Auditor ................. ._._....__.....--....__........ 15.00
Advertising Counsel .... ... 15.00
Appraiser .............. .__......._....... ........ 15.00
Architect ......--.._..._ .... ....... ......... ...__...... 15.00
Assayer .-- ................ ................ -.... 15.00
Attorney at Law .......... 25.00
Patent Attorney ------------- __..... 25.00
Bacteriologist ... .- ............. ._..- .._... 15.00
Certified Public Accountant .......... 25.00
Chemist .....--- _. ------ _.- ....._._ .- _ ........ .. ...... 15.00
Chiropodist _....._. ....-.-_ ............ .........._ 25.00
Chiropractor . -------- ............... .......__._... 25.00
Collection Agency or Mercantile
Agency ............ 15.00
Civil Engineer _._. ... .... .__. __ -_ 15.00
Chemical Engineer ---------- 15.00
Consulting Engineer ........... 15.00
Hydraulic Engineer .......... ......_ -_..- 15.00
Mechanical Engineer ............._..... 15.00
Mining Engineer - .._ ------- _------------ 15.00
Electrical Engineer ... 15.00
Dentist .... .-------- ....... .. .. ----------- 35.00
Designer or Decorator ... ------- ............ 15.00
Draftsman _-- ...... . ............. .............. . - -__.. 15.00
Drugless Practitioner (provided,
however, that this section shall
not apply to persons who treat
the sick through prayer or
spiritual means) ...... 25.00
Electrologist --- ........... ............. 15.00
Engraver ............. ... _........... .............. . ----- 15.00
Geologist __. .......... ._......_.._._._- _-- ........ 15.00
Illustrator, or Show Card Writer 15.00
Insurance Adjuster or Claims
Adjuster ..---...._. ..._ .................. .......... 15.00
Insurance Broker and Agents ... -. 25.00
Landscape Gardener or Landscape
Architect _.__ ............................. 15.00
Lapidary .... ......................... ._.._._- __._.. 15.00
Lithographer ..................... ..... ------- ........ 15.00
Money Lender or Money Broker,
or person engaged in buying or
selling obligations .......... 15.00
Nursing Homes .....-- _ ........... .. .......... _. 15.00
Oculist ......_ ......... .............._.- -- ---- _....... 35.00
Optometrist .... ...... _............................... 25.00
Osteopath ........--- ...... ..... .......... ........... _- 35.00
Physician---_ ................ ...... ..._._.---.- -__.. 35.00
Real Estate Broker, Salesmen and
Agents _....._... _.__ ____-- --- -- -..__.. 25.00
Surgeon .-......._ .......... 35.00
Surveyor ...... ............ _ - ................. - ---. 15.00
Taxidermist ........... 15.00
Veterinarian ............... ..._._... ...... .__. - -.. 25.00
CLES. Every person conducting the
business of advertising by means of
any vehicle containing amplifiers,
phonographs, loud speakers, micro-
phone, broadcasting radio or devices
for public address and/or carries ad-
vertising signs and which is used for
announcing or advertising upon the
streets or public grounds in the City
of Alameda shall pay an annual li-
cense tax of $100.00 per vehicle for a
term ending twelve (12) months from
the date of issuance of such license.
See. 13 -198. AUCTIONEER. Every
person conducting the business of an
auctioneer shall pay a license fee of
$25.00 per day in advance.
Sec. 13 -1910. BAKERIES. Every per-
son conducting a bakery business, or
conducting the business of manufac-
turing, selling or delivering bread,
cakes, pastries or other bakery prod-
ucts, shall pay an annual license fee
as follows:
1st class: If such person conducts
such business at a fixed place of busi-
ness in the city or sells or delivers
exclusively to wholesalers, jobbers or
retailers in such commodities, said
license shall be computed under Sec.
13 -191, 13 -192 or 13 -193;
2nd class: If such person neither
conducts such business at a fixed
place of business in the city nor sells
or delivers exclusively to wholesalers
or retailers in such commodities in
the city, but sells at retail directly
to consumers and operates by means
of a regular system of delivery vehi-
cles delivering directly to consumers
over a fixed route or routes in said
city, $15.00 for each vehicle used in
said business for direct delivery to
consumers in the city.
If, in addition to making deliveries
to consumers as aforesaid, said person
also delivers any such commodities to
wholesalers, jobbers or retailers in
such commodities in the city, he shall
Pay an additional annual license fee
computed under Sec. 13 -191, 13 -192 or
13 -193, for each person employed in
making deliveries of such commodities
to wholesalers, jobbers or retailers.
Sec. 13 -1911. BANKRUPT SALES.
Every person conducting a fire, bank-
rupt or wreck sale shall pay an annual
license fee of $100.00 for a term end-
ing twelve (12) months from the date
of issuance of such license.
Sec. 13 -1915 CIRCUS, CARNIVALS,
FAIRS, ETC. Every person conducting,
managing, or carrying on any transient
circus, fair, carnival, ferris - wheel,
scenic - railway, merry -go- round, swing,
chute- the - chutes, open air amusement
device, or other like or similar exhibi-
tion or amusement in the City of Ala-
meda shall pay, in advance, the follow-
ing license fees:
$100.00 per day of operation or frac-
tion thereof, plus an additional $10.00
per day for each and every separate
show, concession, attraction or exhibi-
tion, every ride or amusement device
of any kind, and any other attraction
or exhibition where a separate admis-
sion fee or any charge whatsoever is
imposed upon the patrons of said
attraction or exhibition, when any of
the same is carried on or conducted
in conjunction with said fair, carnival
or other attraction hereinabove re-
ferred to.
No portion of any street shall be
used for the purpose of conducting
any circus, fair, carnival or other
exhibition or amusement referred to
in this section.
Every person conducting, managing
or carrying on any procession or pa-
rade in connection with any of the
above shows or exhibitions, and not
having a license for any such show
or exhibition within the City of Ala-
meda, shall pay $100.00 for each such
procession or parade.
Sec. 13 -1917. DAIRIES. Every person
conducting a dairy business or con-
ducting the business of manufacturing,
processing, bottling, distributing or
selling milk, butter, cheese or other
dairy products shall pay an annual
license fee as follows:
lst class: If such person conducts
such business at a fixed place of busi-
ness in the city or sells or delivers
exclusively to wholesalers, jobbers or
retailers in such commodities in the
city, said license shall be computed
under Sec. 13 -191, 13 -192 or 13 -192,
2nd class: If such person neither
conducts such business at a fixed place
of business in the city nor sells or
delivers exclusively to wholesalers,
jobbers or retailers in such commodi-
ties in the city, but sells at retail
directly to consumers and operates by
means of a regular system of delivery
vehicles delivering directly to con-
sumers over a fixed route or routes
in said city, $15.00 for each vehicle
used in said business for direct de-
livery to consumers in the city.
If, in addition to making deliveries
to consumers as aforesaid, said per-
son also delivers any such commodities
to wholesalers, jobbers or retailers in
such commodities in the city, he shall
pay an additional annual license fee
computed under Sec. 13 -191, 13 -192 or
13 -193, for each person employed in
making deliveries of such commodities
to wholesalers, jobbers or retailers.
Sec. 13 -1918. DRY CLEANING. Every
person conducting the business of
operating a dry cleaning establishment,
or conducting the business of dry
cleaning or dyeing or collecting or
delivering dry cleaned articles shall
pay an annual license fee as follows:
1st class: If such person conducts
such business at a fixed place of busi-
ness in the City or collects or 'de-
livers dry cleaned articles exclusively
from or to dry cleaners, said license
fee shall be computed under Sec.
13 -193.
2nd class: If such person neither
conducts such business at a fixed place
of business in the city nor collects or
delivers dry cleaned articles exclusive-
ly from or to dry cleaners, but collects
or delivers dry cleaned articles direct-
ly from or to retail customers, and
operates by means of a regular system
of delivery vehicles over a fixed route
or routes in said city, such person
shall pay the sum of $15.00 for each
vehicle used in said business for direct
collection or delivery from or to such
customers. If such person also collects
or delivers dry cleaned articles from
or to dry cleaners in the city, he shall
pay an additional license fee computed
under Sec. 13 -193 for each person em-
ployed in making such collections or
deliveries to such dry cleaners.
Sec. 13 -1921. HANDBILLS. Every
person conducting, managing or carry-
ing on the business of distributing
advertising handbills, dodgers, or
samples, or other printed commercial
advertisements, or commercial adver-
tising matter of any kind, shall pay
an annual license fee of $40.00.
Sec. 13 -1923. HOME OCCUPATIONS.
Every person conducting the business
of cosmetology, dressmaking, fancy-
work, millinery, needlework, washing
or ironing of laundry, teaching of
dancing or painting or of vocal or
instrumental music, or maintaining an
artist's studio, when such business or
studio is conducted as a home occupa-
tion and the annual gross receipts
thereof are $1000.00 or less, shall pay
an annual license fee of $2.00. Such fee
shall not be prorated if issued after
the beginning of the license term.
For the purpose of this section the
words "home occupation shall mean
any such business which is conducted
entirely within a' dwelling by a resi-
dent thereof and which business is
merely incidental to the residential use
of such dwelling and no assistant is
employed in connection with such
Sec 13 -1924. HOTEL, OFFICE BUILD-
ING, ETC. Every person conducting,
managing or carrying on a hotel, office
building, rooming house or apartment
house shall pay an annual license fee
of 50 cents for each and every room
contained in any such building; pro-
vided, however, not to exceed five (5)
rooms used for the living quarters of
the owner or manager of such ,prop-
erty shall be exempt from the provi-
sions of this section. For the purpose
of this chapter the words "apartment
house" and "hotel" shall be construed
as defined in the "State Housing Act"
of California.
Sec. 13 -1927. LAUNDRY, AGENCY,
ROUTE. Every person conducting the
business of operating a laundry estab-
lishment or conducting the business of
laundering or collecting or delivering
laundry, shall pay an annual license
fee as follows:
1st class: If such person conducts
such business at a fixed place of busi-
ness in the city or collects or delivers
laundry exclusively from or to laun-
derers, said license fee shall be com-
puted under Sec. 13 -193.
2nd class: If such person neither
conducts such business at a fixed place
of business in the city nor collects
or delivers laundry exclusively from
or to launderers, but collects or de-
livers laundry directly from or to re-
tail customers and operates by means
of a regular system of delivery vehicles
over a fixed route or routes in said
city, such person shall pay the sum
of $15.00 for each vehicle used in said
business for direct collection or de-
livery from or to such customers. If
such person also collects or delivers
1?undry from or to launderers in the
city, he shall pay an additional license
fee computed under Sec. 13 -193 fnr
each person employed in snaking suc!,
collections or deliveries to such laun-
Sec. 13 -1932. PAWNBROKER. Every
person conducting the business of a
pawnbroker shall pay an annual h-
cense fee of $100.00 for a term ending
twelve (12) months from the date of
issuance of such license.
Every person conducting the business
of peddling any goods, wares, merchan-
dise or other thing of value, or solicit -
ing for the sale or taking orders for,
or offering to sell or 'take, orders for
such goods, wares, merchandise or
other thing of value for present or
future delivery, or for service to be
performed immediately or in the fu-
ture, and mot otherwise specifically
licensed by this code or any ordinance
of the City of Alameda, excepting
newspapers, periodicals, and publica-
tions, shall pay a quarterly license of
$35.00 for each person employed in
such business, for a term ending three
(3) months from the date of issuance
of such license.
ETC. Every person conducting the
business of grinding or sharpening
scissors, knives, cutlery, Sawn mowers,
or mechanical tools, when the person
conducting said business travels from
place to place or from house to house
shall pay an annual license fee of
Sec. 13 -1939. TAXICABS, ETC. Every
person conducting any business regu-
lated by Chapter 1, Title VIL of this
code, or any ordinance supplementary
thereto, and hereinafter enumerated,
shall pay an annual license fee as
(a) Taxicab business, $20.00 per pub-
lic motor vehicle;
(b) Motor Bus business, $40.00 per
public motor vehicle;
(c) Automobiles for Hire business,
$20.00 per public motor vehicle.
otherwise specifically provided in this
chapter, every person conducting or
engaging in the business of driving or
operating any vehicle used for the
transportation of baggage, express,
freight, household goods, merchandise,
materials or property of any kind, for
hire, and which such vehicle receives
or discharges, picks up or delivers any
of the aforementioned articles or prop-
erty at any point within the City of
Alameda, shall pay an annual license
fee computed under Sec. 13-193 or an
annual license fee of $15.00 for each
vehicle used in said business in the
city, whichever is the greater.
Every person conducting the business
of selling goods, wares or merchandise
by means of vending machines in and
upon or over and along any public
street or alley, or other public place,
or any place of business, shall pay an
annual license fee based upon the
average number of persons employed
in such business according to the
following schedule
For the first person employed $15.00
For the next nine (9) persons
employed per person ................. 11 3.00
For each additional person em-
ployed _ ..
SECTi6i�F follo w i ng , sections
are hereby added to Part V, Title
XIII, Chapter 1, of the Alameda
Municipal Code and shall read as
Sec. 13-111 (r), PERSON. For the
purpose of this chapter the word
"person" shall be defined as every
individual, partnership, joint-venture,
corporation or other legal entity con-
ducting or carrying on a business,
profession, or other enterprise, or a
portion thereof, within the corporate
limits of the city of Alameda.
TOR. Every person conducting the
business of a general contractor, engi-
neering or building, roofing contractor,
painting contractor, sewer contractor
or paving contractor as described by
the Business and Professions Code of
the State of California and the rules
and regulations promulgated there-
under shall pay an annual license fee
based upon the average number of
persons employed in such business
according to the following schedule:
For the first person employed $15-00
For the next nine (9) persons
employed, per person ....... --- - 3.00
For each additional person em-
ployed ___ --------_-------------------- 1.50
person conducting, managing or carry-
ing on a telephone or telegraph busi-
ness within the City of Alameda, or
any combination thereof, and not
otherwise specifically licensed by this
chapter or any other provisions of this
article or ordinance of this City, shall
pay an annual license fee based upon
the average number of persons em-
ployed in such business according to
the following schedule:
For the first person employed $15.00
For the next nine (9) persons
employed per person ...................... 2.00
For each additional person em-
ployed ..................... __ ------------ _ °-........... 1.50
See, 13-1960. GENERAL. For the pur-
pose of the operation and computa-
tion of license fees under this chapter,
whenever any person, subject to the
provisions of Section 13-191 to Section
13-1959, inclusive, is managing, carry-
ing on, or conducting a business, pro-
fession, or other enterprise as a mer-
cantile, manufacturing or business
corporation, as defined by Section 14,
Article XIII, of the Constitution of the
State of California, then such busi-
ness license fee shall be the greater of
(1) an amount computed under the
specific section pertinent to such busi-
ness, profession or other enterprise;
or, (2) an amount as an annual license
fee computed as follows:
For the first person employed $15.00
For the next nine (9) persons
employed, per person .............. __ 300
For each additional person em-
ployed ------ - __ ......... -- - 1.50
SECTION 3. The following sections
of the Alameda Municipal Code, Part
V, Title XIII, Chapter 1, are hereby
repealed: Sections 13-1916, 13-1929, 13-
1937,'13 -1948.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be
in full force and effect on July 1, 1956.
Presiding Officer of the Council.
City Clerk . . .
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing ordinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by
the Council of the City of Alameda
in regular meeting assembled on the
19th day of June, 1956, by the follow-
ing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Haag, Hove, Mc-
Call, Moresi and President Kranelly (5)
NOES: None.
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 20th day
of June, 1956.
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
Publish June 21, 1956.