Ordinance 1199Ordinance No. 1199
New Series
Alameda City iVew; Series
°� Ordinance No. 1199
tant easterly from said easterly
title be revested in the United States
line of the Southern Pacific Com-
of America. The real property under
lying the P aforesaid 400 units is de-
THENCE S 88 18 E a distance of
scribed as follows
18.709 feet to a point which bears
All that certain real property
N 88° 18' W 483.00 feet from the
situated in the ` City of Alameda,
center 'line of Eighth Street;
County of Alameda, State of Cali -
THENCE parallel to said center
fornia, more particularly described
dine of Eighth Street S 1* 47' 05"
as follows:
W a distance of 127.00 feet to a
COMMENCING at that certain
point - on the '- northerly line of
Eagle Avenue distant N 88° 18'- W
- granite _monument located at the
444.50 feet from the Westerly line
intersection of the center line be-
tween the main; line - tracks of the
of Eighth Street;
THENCE along said - Northerly
Southern Pacific Company as lo-
line of Eagle Avenue N 88° 18' W
cated easterly of Webster Street,
between Work 'Street and Buena
> a distance of 62.049 feet to a point
on the Easterly: right -of -way -line
Vista % Avenue, Alameda; California.
of the Southern Pacific 'Company;
with the ^Line segregating he
high and dry land from the marsh
THENCE 5° 55' . E along
said easterly y ri line
land as surveyed by the 'Pacific
distance of 314.323 feet to the point
Improvement Compan and so
designated and. delineated upon
of beginning;
that certain map entitled "Map of
(a) THAT PORTION thereof ,
Alameda Marsh Lands as parti-
tioned among
g the owners thereof
"lying within the lines of the tract
of land described in the quitclaim
ti the and m-
-deed from United States of Amer-
titled P ent C
'acic Improvemom -
Pacific mprovem3
pany, 'plaintiff vs. James A. Way-
ica, to , Alameda Unified School
District of Alameda County, dated
mire, et al, .defendants; Superior
June 1, 1953, recorded August' 26,
Court ; of Alameda County, State
of California" filed July 30, 1900,
1953, in Book 7117 of
Records of Alameda County, at
Map Book 25, pages 74 to 78, Ala -
page 107, Series No. AEI - 75890.
PORTION thereof,
meda County Records: said point
of intersection; lying between angle
(b) : THAT
lying within the lines of the 1.029
points; 11 and 12 of the segrega-
acre tract of land described in the
tion line;
quitclaim deed from United States
RUNNING thence from said
of America to Alameda Belt Line,
granite monument S 84° 18' 40" E
a corporation, - dated October 7,
a distance of 57.69 feet along said
1947, ',recorded March 30, 1949, in
segregation line to the true point of
Book- 5762 of Official - Records of
beginning of r the hereinafter de-
Alameda County, at page - 249,
scribed ;parcel, said point being, in
Series -No. AD- 21732. '
the easterly right -of -way line of
(c) THAT PORTION thereof,
the Southern Pacific Company,
lying within the lines of the tract
said point being the Southwest
of land (described in the quitclaim
corner of Tract No. 30, as said tract
deed from United States of Amer-
is delineated and so designated
ica, to John Huston, dated June 27,
upon the heretofore cmentioned
1951, October r3, 1952, in
`Map of Alameda Marsh Lands ";
Bock 6840 of Official Records of
RUNNING thence from said point
Alameda County, at ' page 513,
of beginning "along the Western
Series No. AG -81474
line of said Tract 30, N'5° 55'x40"
SUBJECT to the rights of the
W a distance of 383.88 feet to the
public in and to all streets and
intersection of the western prolon-
highways; subject to the rights of
gation of the Northern dine of that
Southern Pacific Company. Ala
certain 6.89 acre tract of land de
meda Belt Line; or any other rail-
scribed in Deed from Anglo Cali -
-'road which crosses or traverses
fornia National Bank of San Fran -
these lands and all other; easements
cisco, 'a corporation, to Alameda
or rights -of -way of record
Belt Line, a corporation, dated De-
CONTAINING a net area of 52.6892
cember '4, 1942, and recorded Jan -
acres, more or less; upon the following
uary 8 -' 1943, in Book 4318 of Offi-
terms and conditions'
cial Records of Alameda County at
(a) Said real property described
page 209;
above is that certain Federal housing
RUNNING thence along said pro -
project known as PROJECT
lon and along the Northern
CAL- 4113`. The City of Alameda cove-
line of said ?6.89 acre tract S' 87°
nants and agrees to retain 400 dwell-
14' 10 "`E a distance ofi488.056'feet
ing units of said project occupied or
to a point;
available for occupancy for a period of
RUNNING thence N 3 08' E a
3 years, immediately following relin -
182:261 feet;
distance of 1
quishment of title from the
States of "America to the City of Ala-
THENCE 86° 52' E 9.17 feet;
THENCE N 86 08' E a'dfst fee of
meda, with the proviso that should' the
671.184 ''feet to 'a point:
City of Alameda fail to retain said 400
THENCE N 89° 10' 20" E a dis-
unity occupied or available for occu-
during the said 3 -year period, or
poi nt' ,
0 8
pancy -
hould the City of Alameda dehverspos
3ee W dist tance
session of or title in the housing struc-
of 388.4 feet;
THENCE N 87° 14' 10" W a dis-
tures comprising the said 400 units to
tance of 92.4 feet;
any third party during the said 3 -year
THENCE S 3° 08' W a distance
period, then, at the option of
Public - Housing <Administration, the
of 242.5 feet;
THENCE N 87° 14' 10 W a dis-
real property upon which said 400
units are 'located 'shall revert to and
tance of 380.2 feet to a point;
New Series
Alameda 1 O r d inances Ordinance No. 1199
THENCE S 3o 08' W 88.00 feet to That portion thereof, lying within
a point; the lines of the tract cof land de-
THENCE S 87° 14' 10 E a dis- scribed in the quitclaim deed. from
Lance of 2,314.8 feet to a point 100 United States of America, to John
feet westerly of the westerly line Huston, dated June 27, 1951, ; re
of the "Alameda Belt Line" right- corded , October 3 >1952, in Book- -
of-way; 6840 of Official Records of Alameda
THENCE along a line parallel County, at Page 513, ; Series -No.
with and 100: feet westerly, meas- - AG- 81474.
ured at right angles from the said (b) That the sum of $462,500.00, plus
westerly line of the `.'Alameda Belt closing costs, plus cost of appraisal to
Line" right -of -way S 3° 07' 36" W a the Public Housing Administration
distance of -162.9 feet; ,' ($300.00) plus reimbursement to Public
THENCE N 87° 14' 10" W a dis- Housing Administration for prepaid
tance of 2;415.60 feet; land rental on ; portions of Eneinal
THENCE southwesterly on the are Project, Cal -4113 which are leased by
of a curve concave to the north- Public Housing < Administration, and
west having a radius of 243.53 feet plus or minus ,prorated income, ex-
(the chord of which bears S 69° 52' - penses, and taxes, be ;paid into the
02" W 189.501 feet) an are distance Public Housing Administration of the
of 194.68 feet to a point; United States of America, as followsr
THENCE N 87° 14' 10" W a dis- (1) A certified check in an -
tance of 337.79 feet to a point; amount equal to the following
THENCE southwesterly , on the - items:
are of a curve concave to the $25;000.00 as down payment
southeast having a radius of 70.06 on the purchase price;
feet (the 'chord of which bears S Closing costs;
58 21', 10" -W 79.19 feet) an are Cost of appraisal to Public '
distance of -84.15 feet; to a point; Housing Administration ($300.00).
THENCE continuing southwest- Reimbursement to P u b l i c
erly on the are of a< curve to the Housing Administration for pre -
southeast having a radius of 70.06 paid land rental on portions of
feet (the chord of which bears S 9° real property relinquished;
00' 15 W 36.12 feet) an arc dis- Plus or minus an < amount
tance of 36.53 feet to 'a point; ; equal to prorated income and
THENCE S 5° 56' 00" E a distance expenses relative to said Enci-
of 20.86 feet to a point on the nal Project,- Cal -4113:
western line of that certain "18.77 (2) A note, with interest at pre -
acre tract of land described in the vailing Federal rates, ,secured only
deed ' from Planatal Company, a by a -deed of trust upon the real
corporation, to Alameda Belt Line, property transferred herein < and
a corporation, dated February 8, the net revenue therefrom before
1927, and recorded May 17, 1927 in reserves, and expressly not -se
the Book 1580 of Official Records, cured by the - taxing rpower of the
Page 286, said last mentioned line City of Alameda; the General Fund
being the are of a circle having a of the City of Alameda being also
radius of 477.68 feet, the center of expressly not liable for the pay
which bears N 55° 02 "40" E- 477.68 ment of the note or interest there-
feet from said last mentioned point; on, said note to be in the amount'
THENCE from said last mentioned of $437,500.00, plus an amount equal "
point S 5° 55' %40" E a' distance of to reimbursement to Public Hous-
228 710 feet to a point in the here- ing Administration for payments
tofore mentioned "Line segregating made or to be made, by the Public
the high and -dry land from the Housing Administration in lieu of
marshland as surveyed by the Pa- taxes from the date of transfer to
cific Improvement Company" as June 30, 1957; said note to be pay -
shown= on the "Map of Alameda able in ten (10) equal semi- annual
Marsh Lands" above referred to; installments commencing six (6)!
THENCE continuing;; from said months after transfer of title, and
last mentioned? point !S <5 55' 40" E to provide for prepayment of princi-
a distance of °131.89 'feet along a pal and interest at the option of
line parallel to and 60' feet ' distant the 'City of Alameda- the deed of
easterly from ` said easterly dine trust securing said note to allow
< of the Southern Pacific' Company; for a partial - release of said real
THENCE S 88° 18' E a distance of property from said deed of trust
18.709 feet to a point 'which; bears when and if 1portions of said rear
N 88 °' 18' W' 483.00 feet from the property are sold; said release or
center line of Eighth Street-, releases to be conditioned upon the
THENCE parallel to said center line payment on the principal of the
of L Eighth Street S 1 ° 47' 05" ; W a note of an amount equal to the
distance of 127.00 feet to a point reasonable value of the real prop-
on the northerly line of Eagle erty to be released as determined
Avenue distant N 88° 18' W 444.50 by the Public Housing Administra-
feet from the Westerly line of tion or the proceeds from the
Eighth 'Street; ; sale of the portion sold, whichever
THENCE along said northerly is greater. All payments releasing
line of Eagle Avenue N 88° 18', W a portions of said real property from
distance of 62.049 feet to a =point said deed of 'trust shall on the
on the Easterly right -of -way line of next ,regular payment date be 'ap-
the Southern Pacific Company; plied first to payment; of principal
THENCE N 5 °55'40" E along said and interest on the note then due,
easterly right -of -way 'line a; dis- and any excess amount shall be
tance of - 314.323 feet to the point then applied towards the remaining
of beginning; - principal due, the remaining prin-
EXCEPTING THEREFROM, cipal amount due shall be then
Alameda New Series
City i a s Ordinance No. 1199
recalculated into equal amounts
for the semi - annual payments -re-
maining in the five (5) year period
of the note. A release of said prop-
erty as set out in this - paragraph
shall in no way affect the cove-
nants, agreements and reverter
provisions relating to the 400 hous-
ing units of 'Cal -4113 as set out in
the quitclaim deed transferring
title to the real property set out
in this deed of trust,
(c) That the Mayor of the City of
Alameda be authorized to execute, on
behalf of the City of Alameda, the
note and deed of trust referred to
(d) That good and merchantable title
in fee simple in said real property be
conveyed to the City of Alameda, free
and clear of all objections, liens and
encumbrances, excepting those noted
(e) That the title to said real prop-
erty be evidenced by policy of title
insurance issued by Oakland Title In-
surance Company, a corporation, in-
suring title in the City, as provided in
the preceding subdivision, said title
insurance to be at the expense of the
City of Alameda.
(f) That upon execution of a good
and sufficient quitclaim deed to the
real property hereinabove described,
said deed to be approved by the City
Attorney, a certified check of the City
of Alameda, from the Encinal Hous-
ing Project Fund (Account 352), in an
amount equal to that set out in para-
graph (b) (1) above, be drawn, ay-
able to the order of the Public Hous-
ing Administration, for the purpose of
effecting the consummation of said
relinquishment of title and transfer to
the City of Alameda
Section 2. The sum of $29,500.00 is
hereby appropriated from the Encinal
Housing Project Fund to pay the con-
sideration for relinquishment of title
and transfer to the City of Alameda
of the above described real property,
cost of title insurance, and other
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in
full force and effect from and after
the expiration of thirty (30) days from
the date of its final passage.
Presiding Officer of the Council
City Clerk.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly adopted and passed
by the Council of the City of Ala-
meda in adjourned regular meeting
assembled on the 26th day of October,
1956, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Haag, Hove, Mc-
Call, Moresi and President Kranelly,
NOES: None.
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 29th day
of October, 1956.
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
Publish October 30, 1956.