Ordinance 1213ORDINANCE NO. 1213
WHEREAS; public interest and
necessity require that the real prop-
erty hereinafter described be ac-
quired by the City of Alameda for
street, highway and general munici-
pal purposes; and
WHEREAS; Central Pacific Rail-
way Company, a corporation of the
State of Utah, and Southern Pacific
Company, a corporation of the State
of Delaware, are the owners of the
real property hereinafter described
and are willing to sell the same to
the :City of Alameda for the sum of
and NO /100 ($178,950:00) DOLLARS;
Sec`.inn 1. That the City of Ala-
ineda purchase from Central Pacific
Railway Company, a corporation of
the State of Utah, and _Southern Pa-
cific Company, a corporation of the
State of Delaware, for the sum of
and N0 1100 ($178,950.00) DOLLARS,
that certain -real _ property situated
within the City of Alameda, Cali -
forms,, and more particularly -de-
scribed as follows:
All that real property situate in the
City of Alameda;, County of Alameda,
State of California, described as fol
That portion of land (50 feet wide)
of Central Pacific Railway Com-
pany;, formerly aof The <San Fran -
cisco and Alameda Railroad Com-
pany;' bounded :as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection
of - the direct production - north-
westeriy of the northeastern line
of Lincoln Avenue with the direct
production southwesterly of the
southeastern line of Park Street;
thence; along said produced line of
Park Street; < North 34' '46' 36"
East, 26.91 feet to the northerly
line of said Railway ,Company's
land; thence, along the last men -
tioned- line, on the arc of a curve
to the left, with a radius of 1885 08
feet; through 'a central angle of 19'
14' 50 "; an are distance of 633.33
feet, (chord bears South 87' 37'
37 East 630.36 feet) to the north-
< western line of Everett Street;
thence, along the last mentioned
line, South 34', 23' 18" West, 66.23
feet to the southerly line of said
Railway Company's, land; thence,
along the last mentioned line,
westerly, on a'curve to the right,
having , a radius of 1935.08 feet,
through a central angle of 9 13'
38 ", r an are distance ` of 311.64 feet
(chord bears South 88 39' 53" West,
311.30' feet) to the eastern line of
the parcel of land described in the
deed from W. B. Clement, et al, to
Central Pacific' Railroad Company,
dated- June 5, 1895, recorded
February 8, ,1896 in - Book - 575 of
Deeds, page 71, Alameda County
Records; thence, along the ,last
mentioned line, North 1° 03' 54"
East,: 12.50 feet, more or less, to
the center line of Railroad Avenue,
abandoned; ;thence northwesterly;
along the last - mentioned line, on a
curve to the right, having a radius'
of < 1922.58 feet, through a central
angle, of 8' 06'- 18 ", an arc distance`
of 27197 feet, (chord bears North 82q
39' 17" West,, 271.74 feet) to said
production of the northeastern; line'
of Lincoln Avenue; thence, along
said produced line, North 55 ° -36'
10" West, 33.04 feet to the point of
beginning: containing 0.629 of an
acre, more or less.
That portion of the land (50 feet
wide) of Central Pacific Railway
Company, formerly of The San
Francisco and Alameda Railroad
Company, bounded as follows:
COMMENCING at the ,intersec
tion of the southeastern line of
Everett Street with the northeastern
line of Noble Avenue; thence North
34' 23' 18" East along said line of
Everett Street, 14.39 ,feet to the
southerly line of the -land (50 feet
wide) of the Central Pacific Rail-
way Company, formerly of The
San Francisco and Alameda- Rail
road Company and the Actual Point
of Beginning of the parcel of land
to be described; thence continuing
North 34' 23' 18" East along said
line of Everett Street 34.21 feet to
the center line of said Railway
Company's land; thence northeast-
erly along said center line, on a
curve to the left, having a radius
of .1910.08 feet, through a central
angle of 5' 27' 55", an ,arc "distance
of 182.20 ,feet, (chord' bears - North
78'; 14' 58 East,, 182.13 feet) to
the southwestern line of Buena
Vista Avenue; thence, South 55' 36'
25" East along last said line, 33.02
feet to said southerly line; thence
southwesterly along last said south-
erly line on a curve to the right,
having a radius of 1935.08 - feet;
through a central angle of 6 48'
16 ", an are distance of 229.81 feet,
(chord bears South 78 16' 34 West;
229.67 feet) to the Actual Point of
Beginning, containing an area of
0.118 of an acre, more or less.
That portion of land (50 feet
wide) of Central Pacific Railway
Company, formerly of The San
Francisco and Alameda- Railroad
Company, ,bounded ' as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection
of the southwestern line of Eagle
Avenue with the southerly line of
said Railway Company's land;
thence, along said line of 'Eagle
Avenue, - North 55' 36' 14" West,
26.02 feet to a point distant thereon,
North 55' 36' 14 West, 100.35 c feet
from the northwestern line of
Broadway; thence South 75' 03' 05"
West, 248.88 feet to the northerly
line of said Railway Company's
land; thence, along the last men-
tioned line, South 68 28' 51 "West,
a distance of 70.07 feet to a point;
thence, westerly, continuing along
last said line,' from a tangent which
is the last described' course, on a
curve to the right, having a radius
of "1885.08 -feet through a central
angle of 5 04' 43 an arc distance
of 167.09 feet, (chord bears South
71' 01' 12 West, 167.04 feet) to a
point , on the northeastern line of
New Series
Alameda 1 Ordinance No. 1213
Buena Vista Avenue as it now
exists; thence, southeasterly, along
last said line, ; on a curve to the
left, having a radius of 310.83 feet;
' through a central angle of 10° "57'
52 ", an are distance of 59.48 feet
(chord bears South 50 07' 29" East,
59.39 feet) to a point; ;thence, tan-
gent to said -curve at last men-
tioned point, South 55 36' 25" East,
along last said line, a distance of
0.39 feet to a point on the southerly
dine of said Railway, Company's
land; thence, Northeasterly, along
last said line, on a curve to the
left, having a radius of 1935.08 feet,
through a central angle of 4' 05'
46 an are distance of 138.34 feet,
(chord bears North 70 ° '31' 44 East,
138.31 feet) ' to a ,point; thence;
tangent to said curve at last men -
tioned point, continuing along said
- southerly line, North 68' 28' 51"
East, a distance of 331.90 feet to
the point of beginning, containing
0.464 of an acre more or less.
That portion of the land (50 -feet
wide) of Central ' Pacific - Railway
Company, formerly of The San
Francisco and Alameda ' Railroad
Company, bounded as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection
of the southwestern line of Eagle
Avenue with the northerly line of
said Railway Company's land;
thence, South 55' 36' 14` East, along
said line of Eagle Avenue, a dis-
tance of 34.38 feet to a point dis-
tant thereon, North 55' 36' -14"
West, 100.35 feet from the north-
western line of Broadway; thence
South 75' 03' 05" West, a distance
of 248.88 feet to point on the north-
erly line of said Railway Company's
land; thence, North 68' 28' 51" East,
along last said line, a distance of
227.99 feet to the point of begin -
ning, containing 0.075 of an acre,
more or less.
That portion of the land (50 feet
wide) of the Central Pacific Rail-
way Company formerly of The San
'Francisco =and Alameda Railway
Company,bounded as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection
of the northeastern: line of Eagle
Avenue with the northerly line, of
said Railway; Company's land;
thence, North 68' 28'51" East, along
last said line, a distance of 84,18
feet to a point; thence easterly,
continuing along lost said line, from
a = tangent which is the last ' de-
scribed course, on a curve to the
right,; having <a radius of 3462.87
feet, rthrough a central angle' of
1 21' 43", an are distance of 82:31
feet (chord bears North 69° 09'
42 1 ,z " East, 82.31 feet) to a point
on the northwestern` line of!Broad-
way; , thence South 34 23' 02" West,
along last said line, a distance of
83.97 feet to a 'point; thence South
76 29' 26" West, a distance of 71.91
feet to ;a point on said line of Eagle
Avenue, ;distant thereon; North 55
36' 14" West, 48.22 feet from the
northwestern line of 2Broadway;
thence North 55' 36 14" West, along
last said line of Eagle Avenue, f a
distance of 45.92 feet, to the point
of beginning, containing 0.120 of an
acre, more or less.
That portion of the land (50 feet
wide) of Central Pacific Railway
Company, ; formerly of The ' San
Francisco and Alameda Railroad
Company, bounded as follows'.
COMMENCING at al point on the
southeastern (line of - Pearl Street
distant thereon, North 34' 27' 25"
East, 189.71 feet from the north-
eastern line of Fernside Boulevard;
thence North !76' 29' 26" East, i 80.60
feet to a point in the ;southerly line
of said Railway Company's land,
the last determined point being the
Actual Point of Beginning; thence,
continuing North 76' 29' 26 "- East,
192.91 feet to a point; thence north-
easterly from a tangent which is
the last described course, on a
curve to the left, having a'radius
of , 429,54 'feet, through a central
angle of 9' 22' 35 ",; an arc distance
of 70.29 feet (chord bears North 71°
48' 08 East, 70.22 -feet) to the
northerly line of said Railway Com-
pany's land; thence easterly along
the last said line, on a curve' to
the right, having a radius of 3462.87
feet, through a central angle of 2
14' 48 ", an are distance of 135.79
feet (chord bears North 89' 28' 01"
East, ,135.78 feet) to the north-
western line of , Versailles Avenue,
as it now exists; thence southwest-
erly, along said line of Versailles
Avenue, on a curve to the right,
having a radius of 600 feet through
-a central angle of 6° 16' 13 ", an arc
distance of 65.66 feet (chord bears
South 40 36'r 2512" West, '65.63
feet), to the southerly line of said
Railway Company's land; thence
southwesterly, along last said line,
on a curve to the left, having, a
radius of 3412.87 feet; through a
central angle of 5. 50' 31' , an arc
distance of 347.98 feet (chord bears
South 86 57' 39 1 ,z" ' West, 347.83
feet) to the Actual Point of Begin-
ning, containing 0.255 of an acre,
more or less.
That portion of the land (50 feet
wide)' .described in deed dated
September 30, 1876 from N. W.
Palmer to the Central Pacific Rail-
road Company, recorded October
20, 1876 in Liber 133 of Deeds: at
Page 261, Alameda County Records,
bounded as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection
of the southeasterly line of said
land (50 feet wide) with the direct
production southeasterly of a line
drawn parallel with the south-
western line of Harrison Avenue;
abandoned, (formerly Washington
Avenue) and distant, at a right
angle," 30 feet northeasterly there-
from, said parallel line being the
southwesterly line of land (50' feet
wide) described in deed dated
October 5, 1876 from Win. H. Glass-
cock, et al; to the Central' Pacific
Railroad Company, recorded Octo-
ber "20, 1876 in Liber 133 of Deeds
at Page 257,' Alameda ''County Rec-
ords; ; thence; southwesterly, along
the 'southeasterly line of land de-
scribed in said deed from N. W.
Palmer to Central Pacific Railroad
Company, on a curve to the right,
having a radius of 741.78 feet,
through a central angle of 3 18'
01 an are distance of 42.73 feet
(chord bears' South 58° 54' 19?Y'
West, 42.72 'feet) to the former
southeastern line of Versailles Ave-
nue; thence along last said dine,
North 34' 27', 43 East, a,'distance
0 ` New Series.
Alameda 1 O r d inances Ordinance No. 1213
of 37.44 feet to said line drawn
parallel with the southwestern -line
of Harrison Avenue, abandoned;
thence South 60' 13''14" East, along
last said parallel line,, 17.74 'feet to
the point of beginning, containing
0.008 of an acre, more or less.
COMMENCING at a point on the
southwestern line of Harrison Ave -
nue, abandoned, formerly Washing-
ton Avenue, distant thereon South
61 04' 39" East, 287.78 feet from
the southeastern dine of -Pearl
Street (60 feet wide); thence north -
easterly along the are of a curve
to the left with -a radius of 429.54
feet, through ,a central angle of 0°
15' 16 an arc distance of 1.91 feet
(chord bears North 44° 49' 24"
East 1.91 feet) to the northwesterly
line of the land (50 feet wide)
described in deed dated September
30, 1876 from N. W. Palmer to Cen-
tral Pacific Railroad Company, re-
corded October 20, 1876 in Liber
133 of Deeds at Page 261, Alameda
County Records; the last deter -
mined point being the Actual Point
of Beginning; thence, continuing
northeasterly along the are of said
curve to the left; having a ra-
dius of 429.54 feet, through a
central 'angle of 7° 18' 32 an
arc distance of 54.79 feet, (chord
bears North 41' 02' -30" East,. 54.76
feet), to the U.S. Pierhead and
Bulkhead line of 1948; thence
South 60° 13' 14" East, along last
said line, a- distance of 20.16 feet
to the northwesterly line of land
(50 feet wide) described in deed
dated , October 5, 1876 from Wm.
H. Glasscock to the Central Pa-
cific Railroad Company, recorded
October 20, 1876 in Liber 133 of
Deeds at Page -257, Alameda
County ° Records; thence soutb-
westerly, along last said -line - and
the northwesterly line of said land
described in said deed from N: -W.
'.::Palmer to the - :.Central .:Pacific
Railroad 'Company on a curve to
the - 'right, ; having a radius of
691.78' feet, through a central angle
of 5 07' 51", an are distance of
61.95 feet, (chord bears South 59°
39'- 35 West, 61.93 feet) to the
Actual - Point - of Beginning, con-
taining 0.012 of an acre, :more or
That portion of the land (50 feet
wide) of Central Pacific Railway
Company, formerly; of The San
Francisco and Alameda Railroad
Company, bounded as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the
northeastern line of Eagle! Avenue
distant thereon, North 55 36' 14"
West,; 48.22 feet from the north-
western line of Broadway; thence,
North 76° 29'; 26" East, 71.91 feet
to said line of Broadway; thence,
along the last mentioned line;
South 34° 23' 02" West, 3.54 feet to
the southerly line of said Railway
Company's land; thence south
westerly, along the last mentioned
line, on a curve to the left, having
• radius of 3412.87 ' feet, ' through
• central angle of 0 09' 55 ", an
are cdistance - of 9.84' feet ; (chord
bears South 68° 33'r 48 1 ,z West
9.84 feet); thence southwesterly,'
continuing along last said line, tan-
gent to said curve at last mentioned
point, South 68° 28' 51" West, a
distance of 50.32 feet to said line
of Eagle Avenue; thence, along
the 1rlast mentioned line, North
55° 36' 14" West, 14148 feet to the
point of beginning, containing
0.010 of an acre, more or less:?
TOGETHER with all of the right,
title and interest of Grantors, if any,
in and to the following:
(a)' Those portions of said Park
Street, Lincoln Avenue and ;Ever-
ett Street abutting upon said Par-
cel 1.
(b) Those portions of said Ever-
ett Street and Buena Vista Avenue
abutting upon said Parcel 2;
(c) That portion of said Buena
Vista Avenue abutting upon said
Parcel 3.
(d) That portion of said Versailles
Avenue abutting upon said Par -
cel 5.
(e) That portion of said Versailles
Avenue abutting upon said par -
cel 6.
favor of Central Pacific Railway
Company, its successors and assigns,
the title and exclusive - rightto: all
of the minerals and mineral ores` of
every ,kind and character now known
to exist or hereafter discovered upon;
within or underlying all of the prop-
erty, described in this indenture` or
that may be produced therefrom;,in-
cluding. without limiting the gen-
erality of the foregoing, all petrol-
eum, oil. natural gas and other by-
dro- carbon_ substances and products
derived therefrom, together; with the
right- of Central Pacific Railway
Company, its successors and assigns,
of ingress and egress beneath the
surface of said property , to <explore
for, mine, extract and remove the
same and to make such use of said
property beneath the surface as is
necessary or , useful.: in connection
therewith, which use may _ include
lateral or slant drilling, boring, dig-
ging or sinking of wells; shafts or
tunnels; provided that Central Pa-
cific Railway Company, its succes-
sors or assigns, shall not drill, dig,
or mine through the surface of said
property, in the exercise of said
rights -and shall not disturb the sur-
face of said ,property or otherwise
develop the same in such manner
as to endanger the safety of any
street' or highway that may be con-
structed on said property, upon the
following terms and conditions:
(a) That good and merchantable
title in fee simple in said real prop-
erty be conveyed to the City of Ala-
meda, free and clear of all objec-
tions, liens and encumbrances; City
and County taxes to be prorated as
of date of closing of this sale. ,
(b) That the title r to said real
property be evidenced by policy of
title insurance issued by Oakland
Title Insurance Company; insuring
title in the City, as provided in the
preceding subdivision.
(c) That upon deposit with said
title company for delivery to the
City of a good and sufficient deed
of grant conveying said property to
the City, and conditioned upon the
issuance of a'title insurance cpolicy,
as aforesaid, to be approved by the
City Attorney, a warrant of the City
be drawn for the sum of $179;750.00;
payable to the order of and deliv
ered to said Oakland Title Insurance
Company, as escrow holder, for the
Alameda City New Series
Ordinances Ordinance No. 1215
purpose . of effecting the consumma-
th. of said purchase and payment
of title insurance and other expenses.
Section 2. The sum of $125,000.00 is
hereby appropriated from the Capital
Outlays 'Fund (Account 225), and the
sum of $54,750.00 is hereby appropri-
ated from the Special Gas Tax Street
Improvement Fund (Account 222), to
pay the purchase price of said real
property, cost of title insurance
thereon, and other expenses,
Section 3. This ordinance shall be
in full force and effect from and
after the expiration of thirty (30)
days from the date of its final pas-
Presiding Officer of the Council
City Cleric
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly !adopted and
passed by the Council of the City of
Alameda in regular meeting assem-
bled on the 2nd day of January, 1957,
by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Haag, Hove,
McCall,' Moresi, President tranelly,
NOES: None,
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of said City this 3rd
day of January, 1957.
(SEAL) City of of e Alamed e
Publish Jan, 4, 1957.