Ordinance 1233Alameda Clity Ordinances Ordinance No. 1233 New Series (d) East curb line of Webster ORDINANCE NO. 1233 Street 148 feet northerly from the North line of Santa ,Clara New Series Avenue and running thence AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC - 'Northerly 108 feet. TION 17 -364.1 OF THE- ALAMEDA 24. Webster Street ; (Haight Avenue MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO to Lincoln < Avenue)—commencing PARKING 'LIMITS IN GPARKING at a' point in the - METER' ZONES. (c) West curb line of Webster BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- Street 160 feet northerly from CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA: the North line of Haight Ave - SECTION 1. That the following sub- nue and running thence divisions and subsections of Section , Northerly 69 feet. 17- 364.1, 1 -Hour Parking Limit, of the SECTION 3. That subsection (b) of Alameda Municipal Code, be, and subdivision 5 of Section 17 -364.1 2- are hereby amended to 'read as Hour Parking Limit, o fthe Alameda follows: Municipal Code, be, and is hereby 1. Park Street (Lincoln Avenue to amended to read as follows: Webb Avenue) — commencing at a 5. Park Street (West Side, Encinal point in the Avenue to San Antonio Avenue) (a) East curb line of Park Street — commencing at a point in the 60 feet Southerly from the (b) West curb line of Park Street South line of Lincoln Avenue 146 feet southerly from the and running thence Southerly South line of Encinal Avenue 132 feet. and running thence Southerly 5. Park Street (Santa Clara Avenue 44 feet. to Central Avenue)- commencing SECTION 4. That Sheet 3 of 11, at a point in the Sheet 6 of 11, and Sheet 9 of 11, of (d) West curb line of Park Street Drawing 2964 -A Case S, City of Ala - 258 feet southerly from - the meda . Engineering , Department, en- South line of Santa Clara titled "Parking Plan — Park Street Avenue and running thence Area," three copies of each being Southerly 154 feet. on file in the office of the City Clerk, 7. Park Street (Central Avenue to marked ` Filed May 6, 1957," and Alameda Avenue) — commencing Sheet 2 of 4,- of Drawing 2964 -B, at a point in the Case S, City of Alameda Engineering (b) West curb line of Park Street Department, entitled "Parking Plan- 142 feet southerly from the Webster Street," three copies ,being South line of Central Avenue on file in the office - of the City and running thence southerly Clerk, marked "Filed May 6, 1957," 132 feet. be, , and the same are, hereby in- 8. Park Street (Alameda Avenue to corporated herein and adopted by Encinal Avenue)— commencing at reference. a point in the SECTION 5. This ordinance shall (a) West curb line of Park Street be in full force and effect from and 137 feet southerly from the after, the expiration of thirty (30) South line of Alameda Avenue days from the date of its final and running thence' Southerly passage. 132 feet. WILLIAM M. McCALL 24. Webster Street (Haight Avenue Presiding Officer of to Lincoln Avenue)— commencing the Council at a point in the Attest: (a) West curb line of Webster SHIRLEY H. TENNIER Street 10 feet northerly from City Clerk the North Line of Haight Avenue and ,running thence I, the undersigned, hereby ;certify Northerly 106 feet. that the foregoing Ordinance was 23. Webster Street (Santa Clara Ave- duly and regularly - adopted and nue to Haight Avenue) — com- passed by the Council of the City mencing at a'point in the of Alameda in 'regular meeting as- (b) East curb line of Webster sembled on the 21st day of May, 1957, Street 12 feet northerly ,from by the following vote, to wit: the North line of Santa Clara AYES: Councilmen Freeman, Haag, Avenue and running thence Kranelly, Petersen - and President Northerly 91 feet. McCall, (5). SECTION 2, That Section 17- 364.1, NOES: None. 1- Hour Parking Limit of the Ala- - ABSENT: None. meda ' Municipal ' Code, is hereby IN r WITNESS WHEREOF, I have amended by 'adding thereto the fol- hereunto set my hand, and affixed lowing new subdivisions - and - sub- the official seal of r said City' this sections, which shall read as set out - 22nd day of May, 1957. herein: SHIRLEY H. TENNIER 23. Webster Street (Santa Clara Ave- (SEAL) City Clerk of the nue to Haight Avenue) - <com- City of Alameda mencing at a, point in the Publish May 24, 1957.