Ordinance 1322ORDINANCE NO. 1322
Section 1. Adoption of Fire Preven-
f9on Code.
There is hereby adopted by the
Council of the City of Alameda for
the purpose of prescribing regula-
tions governing conditions hazardous
to life and property from fire or ex-
plosion, that certain code known as
the Fire Prevention Code recom-
mended by the National Board of
Fire Underwriters, being ;particular-
ly the 11156 edition thereof, and the
whole thereof, save and except; such
Portions as are hereinafter deleted,
re edified or amended (by : ;Section ;:5
of this ordinance), of which code
not less than three (3) copies have
been and now are filed in the office
of the Clerk of the City of Alameda,
and the same are hereby adopted
and incorporated fully as if set out
at length herein, and from the date
on which this ordinance shall take
effect; the provisions thereof shall
be controlling within the limits of
the City of Alameda.
Section 2. Establishment and
Duties of Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(a) The Fire Prevention Code shall
be enforced by the Bureau of Fire
Prevention' in the Fire Department
of the City of Alameda, which is
hereby established ' and which shall
be operated under the supervision of
the Chief of the Fire Department,
{b) The Chief (or Fire Marshal) in
charge of the Bureau of Fire Preven
ton shall be appointed by the Chief
ci the Fire Department on the basis
of examination to determine his
(c) The Chief of the Fire Depart-
nient may detail such members of
the Fire' Department, as inspectors,
, shall from time to time be neces-
sary, The Chief of the Fire 'Depart-
ment shall recommend to the City
Manager the employment of technical
inspectors,; who, when such author-
ization is made,; shall be selected
through an examination to determine
heir fitness for the position The ex-
amination shall be open tomNmbers'
and non - members of the Fire De-
partment, and appointments made 'af-
ter examination shall be for an in-
definite term, with removal only for
(d) A report of the Bureau of Fire
Prevention shall be made- annually
and transmitted to the chief execu-
tive officer of the municipality; it
shall contain all proceedings under
this code, with such statistics as the
Chief of the Fire Department may
wish to include therein; the Chief of
the Fire Department shall also rec-
Section 3. Definitions.
(a) Whenever the word "munici
pality "'is used in the Fire' Prevention
Code, it shall be held to mean the
City of Alameda
(b) Whenever the term "corpora-
tion counsel" is used in the Fire
Preven ion Code,' it shall ' be held to
mean Vie Attorney for the City of
Section 4. Establishment of Limits
of DistActs in which Storage of
Flammable Liquids in Outside
Aboveground Tanks is to be :Pro-
(a) The limits referred: to in Sec-
tion 15.201 of the Fire Prevention
Code in which storage of flammable
liquids in outside aboveground tanks
is prohibited are hereby established
as follows:
1 Fire: Zones No. 1, No 2, and No.
3, which boundaries thereof are desig:
dated in Chapter 2, Article 1, Sec-
tions 14 -212, 14 -213 and 14 -214 of : the
Alameda.'. Municipal Code
(b) The limits referred to in Sec -:
tion 15.401 of the Fire Prevention
Code, in which new bulk plants; for
flammable liquids are prohibited, are
hereby established as follows:
1. Fire Zones No. 1, No, 2 and No.
3, which boundaries thereof are de-
signated in Chapter 2, Article 1,
Section s14- 212,,14 -213 and 14 -214 of
the Alameda Municipal !Code.
Section 5. Amendments made in
the Fire Prevention Code,
The Fire Prevention Code is
amended, changed and added to in
the following arespects:
(a) The heading of Article 2' is
hereby amended to read
(b) Section 2,91 is hereby amended
to read:
Section 2,41. General.
Tire rebuilding plants shall
conform to all other applicable
requirements of this code' as
well as to the following provi-
(c) The following section is hereby
added to Article 7:
Section 7.06. Smoking.
No Smoking signs to be
posted; letters on said signs
shall be not less than 5 inches
high indicating that no smok-
ing is allowed where combusti-
ble fibers are ':stored or
(d) The following sections of Ar-
ticle 12 are hereby deleted in their
Sections 12.01 to 12.06,. inclusive.
(e) Paragraph (c) is hereby added
to Section I5.tg1, to read` as follows
(c) It shall be unlawful to
use other than tank trucks or
semi- trailers for bulk delivery
to' service - stations or other re-
tail outlets. Tank trucks with
full trailers are not allowed.
{f) Section 25.01 is hereby amended
to read as < follows: J
Section '25.01. Permit Required.
(a) No place of assembly
as defined in paragraph (b)
of this section shall be main-
tained, operated or used as
such without a permit.
tional occupancy for aU or
more occupants or which has
a "floor area of 1;500 square
feet or more, used for such
purposes. Such room or space
shall include any similarly
occupied connecting room or
space in the same story, or
in 'a story or stories above
or below, :where entrance is
Common to the rooms or
tg) Section 25.11 is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Section 25.11. Marking and
Lighting of Exits.
All exits in places of assem-
bly shall be marked and lighted
in accordance with the Electri
cai Code of the City of Ala-
th) The following sections are
hereby added to Article 25:
Section 25.12, Fire Curtains.
Fire proof curtains required
in theatres and other places of
public assembly shall at no
time be obstructed, or free op-
eration of such curtains be re-
tarded by wires, ropes, planks,
platforms, flower pots, etc..;
placed for the purpose of giv-
ing any act or acts. decoration,
or for any reason whatsoever:
A suitable floor marking shall
be installed directly finder, and
extending for the full width of
such curtain. Such marking
shall be maintained plainly
Section 25.13. Use of Candles
(a) No lighted candles shall
be permitted' on dining tables
in any place of public as-
sembly; provided, rhowever, if
such candles are adequately
supported to prevent tipping,
the Chief of the Bureau of Fire
Prevention may issue a permit
for such use
ib) Use of lighted candies in
places of religious worship, or
other places of public, assembly
where such use is a part of the
ritual, lighted candles shall be
supported by approved cande-
(c) Use of lighted candles in
processions shall (not, be per-
(i) The following pamphlets of the
National -Board of Fire ;Underwriters
are hereby incorporated herein by
reference as if fully set out herein
NBFU: No. 10, !Portable ''Fire Ex-
tinguishers, July 1958.
NBFU No. 11, Foam Extinguishing
Systems, July 1959.
NBFU No. 12, Carbon Dioxide Ex-
tinguishing Systems, July 1957,
NBFU No. 13, Sprinkler Systems,
June 1958.
NBFU No. 13B, Testing and Main-
tenance of Dry Pipe Valves, De-
cember 1952.
NBFU No. 14, Standpipe and Hose
Systems, October 1952,
NBFU No. 15, Water Spray Sys-
tems for Fire! Protection, July
NBFU No. 16, Combined Foam and
Water Spray Systems, Sept. W54.
June iaob.
NBFU No. 33, Spray Finishing,
July 1959.
NBFU No. 34, Dip Tanks, July 1957.
NBFU No. 37, Internal Combustion`
Engines, also Coal Gas Producers,
July x1959.
NBFU No. 38, Discharging Flam-
mable Liquids from -Tank Cars;
and Petroleum Pipe Lines, May
NBFU No. 385, 'Tank Vehicles for
Flammable Liquids, June 1959,
NBFU No. 40, Cellulose Nitrate
Motion Picture Film, Nov. 1953.
NBFU:No. 42, :Pyroxylin Plastics
in Factories, December 1940.
NBFU No. 43, Pyroxylin Plastics in
Warehouses and Stores, July 1940.
NBFU %No. 44, 'Combustible Fibres,
December 1953.
NBFL7 No. 45, Rubber Tire Protec-
tion, August 1954.
NBFU No. 47, Lumber Yards, Au-
gust '1951.
NBFU No. 48, Magnesium, August
NBFU :No. 51, Gas Systems for
Welding and Cutting, June 1958:`
NBFU 'No, 54, Gas Piping and Gas'
Appliances in Buildings, August'
NBFU No. 56, Hospital Operating
Rooms, July 1959.
NBFU No. 565,' Non - <flammable
Medical Gas 'Systems, June :1958.
NBFU No. 566, Bulk Oxygen Sys-
tems at Consumer 'Sites, July
NBFU No. 58, Liquefied Petroleum
Gases, June.. 1958.
NBFU No. 60, Pulverized Fuel Sys-
tems, June 1958.
NBFU No. 61B Terminal Grain
Elevators, August 1852, with
amendments of July 1959.
NBFU No. 61C, Flour and Feed:
Mills„ August 1952, with amend-
ments of July 1959.
NBFU No. 63, Dust Explosions in
Industrial Plants, Dec, 1949,
NBFU No. 64, Country Grain Ele-
vators, September 1952, with
amendments of July 1959.
NBFU No. 69, Inerting for Fire and
Explosion Prevention, July 1956.
NBFU No. 80, Protection of Open-
ings J, in Walls and Partitions,
August 1959.
NBFU No. 81, Fur Storage, Fumi-
gation and Cleaning, July 1957,
NBFU No. 83, Transit Operations,
July >1959.
NBFU No. 84, Merchandise Vaults
and Safes, December 1948.
NBFU No. 86, Class "A" Ovens and
Furnaces, November .1950.
NBFU No. 87, Piers and Wharves,
NBFU No. 90A, Air Conditioning'
and Ventilating Systems Other'
August 1954.
than Residence Type; June 1957,
with amendments of June 1958. "-
NBFU No. 908 Residence Type
Warm Air Heating and Air Con-
ditioning 7Systems, August' 1956.
NBFU No. 91, Blower and Exhaust'
Systems for Dust, ',Stock and
Vapor Removal or Conveying, 'No-
vember 1949.
Protection of Aircraft Hangers;
July :1957, with amendments of
June, 1953.
NBFU No. 410, Operational Haz-
ards in Aircraft Hangers, August
Section G, Modifications.
The Chief of the Fire Department
the provisions of the Fire Depart -
iiient Code upon application in writ-
ing by the owner- or lessee, or his
duly authorized :agent, when there
are practical difficulties in the way
of carrying out, the strict letter of
the code, provided; that the spirit of
the code shall be observed, public
safety secured, and substantial jus-
Lice done. The particulars of such
modification when granted or at-
lowed and the decision of the Chief
of the Fire Department thereon shall
be entered upon the records of the
department and a signed copy shall:
be furnished the 'applicant.
Section 7. Appeals.
Whenever the Chief of the Fire
Department shall disapprove an ap-
plication or refuse to grant a permit
applied for, or when it is claimed
that the :provisions of the code do
not apply or that the true intent and
iicaning of the code have been mis-
construed or wrongly interpreted,
the applicant may appeal from the
decision of the Chief of the Fire De-
parLinent'to the Council of the City
of Alameda within 30 days from the
date of the decision of the appeal,
Section 8. New Materials, Processes
or Occupancies which may Require
The Chief of the Inspection. Divi-
sion of the Department of Public
Works, the Chief of the Fire De-
partment, and the Chief of the
Bureau of Fire Prevention shall act
as a committee to determine and
specify, after giving affected persons
an opportunity to be heard; any new
materials, processes or occupancies,
which shall require permits, in addi
tion to those now enumerated in said
code. The Chief of the Bureau of
Fire Prevention shall post such list
iii a conspicuous place in his office,
and distribute copies thereof to in-
terested persons.
section 9. Penalties.
Any person who shall violate any
of the provisions of the code here-
by adopted or fail to comply there-
with, or who shall violate or fail to
comply with any order made there -.
under, or who shall build in violation
of any detailed statement of specifi-
cations or plans submitted and ap-
proved thereunder, or any certificate
of permit issued'' thereunder, and
from which no s,appeal has been
compliance, respective
of a misdemeanor, pun
ponalties as designate
1411 and 1 -412 of
Municipal Code.`
Section 10, Repeal e
All former ordinan
with the provisions of this ordinance
or of the code hereby adopted, to
the extent of such conflict only, are
he *eby repealed,
Section 11. Validity.
The Council of the City of Ala-
meda hereby declares that sho
any section, paragraph, sentence or
word of this ordinance or of the code
hereby adopted, be declared for any
reason to be invalid, it is the intent
of the said Council that it would
have passed all other iportions > of
this ordinance independent of the
elimination herefrom of any such
portion as may be declared invalid.
Section 12. Date of Effect.
The herein ordinance is hereby de -:
ciared to be an ordinance for the
immediate presery :tion of the pub
lac peace; health or safety in that the
City of Alameda, prior to this time,
.albeit fallowing the provisions of the
herein Fire Prevention Code, has not
enacted into law such Fire Preven-
tion Code, and such is immediately;
essential and urgent for the preser-
vation of the public peace, health: or
This ordinance being for the im-
inediate and urgent preservation of
the public peace, health' or safety,
shall be final and effective upon
passage, pursuant to Section 3 -12' of
the Charter of the City of Alameda.
Presiding' Officer of the Council
Attest: Si
City Clerk
s m �
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Odinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by
the Council of the City of Alameda
in adjourned regular meeting assem-
bled on the 7th day of October, 1959
by the following vote, to wit:
AYES Councilmen : Collischonn
Freeman Schacht and President
McCall (5).
NOES: None.
hereunto: set my hand and affixed
the official seal of said City this 8th
day of October, :1959.
City Clerk of the City of Alameda
Publish: Oct, 9, 1959.