Ordinance 1328ORDINANCE NO. 1328
An ordinance authorizing the acquisition of vertain real property for street highway sewer and general municipal purposes corner park street and otis drive - powell
Alameda. City Ordinances..
Ordinance No. 1328
New Series
feet, more or less,. to a point on
title in fee simple in said real prop -
the northwestern 'line of Park
erty be conveyed to, the City of Ala -
Street, produced southwesterly,
meda, free and clear of all objections,
thence along the said line of Park
liens and encumbrances.
Street; so produced, north 33' 30'
(b) That the title of said real prop -
east 59 feet, more or ' less, to ; a
erty be evidenced : by a policy of
point on the said State Tide Land
title insurance, insuring title in the
Survey; thence along the said
City, as provided in the . preceding
last: mentioned line the two fol-
lowing courses and distances.
(c) That upon deposit with said
northwesterly 8:feet, more or less,.
title company for delivery to the
to Station No, 258; thereon, and
City of a good and sufficient deed
northwesterly 130 :feet, more or
of grant:. conveying said property to
less, to the actual point of com-
said City, and conditioned upon the
issuance , of a : title insurance ; policy,
as aforesaid, to be. approved by the
City Attorney, a . warrant of .the
BEGINNING at the point of
City be drawn for $14,200.00, payable
intersection of the southwestern
to the. order; of said title :insurance
line. of - Powell Street, . as said
company; as escrow .holder, for the
street is described in Deed froze
purpose of::effecting the consumma-
Powell Brothers ..Construction
tion of said transaction.
Company to City of Alameda,
Section 2. That the sum of $14,200:00,
dated February .20; 1919 and re-
together with a. sum sufficient to
corded February 21, 1919 j_n Boob
cover 'cost of :title :insurance and
2743 of . Deeds, at . page 49, . Ala-
other incidental expenses to said
meda ' County :. records,' with the
transaction is hereby appropriated
southeastern line ..of Oak Street,
froze. the Special Gag Tax Street Im-
produced southwesterly; running
provement Fund (Account. 222) to
thence along the. said last meri�
pay the purchase :price of said real
tioned line so produced, 'south
property;: cost of said title insurance
28' 35' west 4.13. feet, more or
policy, and incidental expenses.
less, to a point . where . said line
Section 3. This ordinance shall be
of Oak Street produced intersects
in full: force :. and :effect from and
the line of the State 'T'ide Land
after the expiration of thirty (30)
Survey, as shown on "Sale. Map
days from the date of. its : final
No. 10 of Salt Marsh and Tide
Bands,. situate in. the County of
Alameda, : State of California,"
Presiding Officer of the Council.
filed'. June 9,' 1838 in the. Office
of the County Recorder : of Ala-
meda County, and of record in
City, Clerk.
Map Book :17, at page 30; thence
along the said last mentioned line,
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
the two following courses and
distances: southeasterly 130 feet,
that the . foregoing Ordinance was
more or less; to Station: Nurnber
duly and regularly ; adopted and
passed :by the Council of the City
258, :thereon, .and - southeasterly 8
feet, more or less, to a point on
of Alameda in : regular . meeting as-
the '.northwestern line of Park
sembled on the 191h day of
1960, by the following vote, to wit::
Street produced southwesterly,
thence' along the said line, of Park
AYES. Councilmen Collischonn,
Street so produced, north 33' 30'
Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and Pres-
east 15.58 feet, more or. less, to :a
ident : McCall, (5).
point on the said southwestern
NOES -..None.
ABSENT: Norte.
line of Powell Street; thence
along the said. last rnentioned
line, north . 39' .53' west . 136.35
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of said City this 20th
feet, more or less, to the point of
day of January, 1960.
on the foowing terms and condlp
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
(a) That good and merchantable
Publish January 22, 1960.