Ordinance 1339New Series Ordinances Alameda Clity Ordinance No. 1339 Ordinance No. periods recommended ti by the Cali- fornia State - Department of Public 9 Health and duly endorsed by the New Series California Conference of Local AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE Health Officers, ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY Section 3. That Section 9 -1411 of AMENDING SECTIONS 9 -149, 9- the Alameda Municipal Code be, and 1410 AND '9 -1411 THEREOF, RE- the same is hereby' amended to read LATING TO THE VACCINATION as follows: OF DOGS. Sec. 9 -1411: Vaccination— Certificate. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- Said vaccination shall be performed CIL; OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA: under the direction of a duly quali- Section 1. That Section 9 -149 of the fied and licensed veterinarian. The Alameda Municipal Code be, and the person vaccinating said dog shall same is hereby amended to read as issue to the owner or person in pos- follows: session of said dog a certificate of Seca 9 -149. Vaccination Required. It vaccination which shall include a shall be unlawful for any person statement as to the type of canine owning, harboring, or having the antirabies vaccine used in vaccinating care,- custody : or possession of any said dog. dog over four (4) months of age to Section 4. This ordinance shall be keep or maintain such dog in any in full force and effect from and place in the City of Alameda unless after the expiration- of thirty (30) such dog has been vaccinated as re- days from the date of its final quired by this Code. passage. Section Z. That Section 9 -1410 of WILLIAM M. McCALL, Presiding the Alameda Municipal Code be, and Officer of the Council the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. '9 -1410. No Licensing Without Attest: SHIRLEY H. TENNIER Vaccination.- The license collector City Clerk shall not ,license any dog until it has been vaccinated with canine an- I, the undersigned, hereby certify tirabies vaccine; by injection or other that the foregoing Ordinance was method approved by the Health Of- duly and regularly adopted and ficer,< and the owner or person in passed by the Council of the City of possession of said -dog submits a Alameda in regular meeting iassem- Certificate of Vaccination from a li- bled on the 5th day of July, 1960, censed ; veterinarian confirming the - by the following vote, to wit: approved vaccination of said dog AYES: Councilmen Collischonn, valid for a period extending r at least Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and through the current licensing period. - President McCall, (5). The effective duration of immunity NOES: None, elicited in dogs vaccinated with ca- ABSENT: None, nine' antirabies vaccines, modified IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have live -virus chick- embryo origin or hereunto set my hand and affixed with brain - tissue killed -virus pheno- the official seal of said City, this 6th - lized or other, recognized for the day of July, 1960, purpose of this ordinance, shall be (SEAL) SHIRLEY IL TENNIER, City specified by the Health Officer but Clerk of the City of Alameda shall not in any event exceed those Publish July 7, 1960: