Ordinance 1340Alameda Clity Ordinances New Series Ordinance No. 1340 Beach Road, north 32' 11 11 ORDINANCE No. 1340, west, 60 feet; thence south 57 481 49" west, 110 feet to a line New Series drawn parallel with the north- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING eastern line of Maitland Drive, THE SALE OF CERTAIN CITY- 60 feet wide and distant at 0 W N E D REAL PROPERTY TO right angles, 110 feet northeast- ANTHONY J. BERTERO (EXCESS erly therefrom; thence along PROPERTY — FITCHBURG AND said line, so drawn, south 32* BEACH ROAD). 11' 11" east, 60 feet to a line WHEREAS, the City of Alameda is drawn south 57 48' 49" west the owner of certain real property from the point of beginning; situate in the City of Alameda, and thence north 57 48' 49" County of Alameda, State of Cali- east, 110 feet to the point of fornia, as hereinafter described; and beginning. WHEREAS, the aforesaid real prop- EXCEPTING THEREFROM erty is no longer required by the AND RESERVING, HOWEVER, City of Alameda for municipal pur- unto the City of Alameda from poses, and public convenience and that portion thereof lying with- necessity require the disposal of said in said Lot 14, the portion lying real property; and northerly of the center line of WHEREAS, Anthony J, Bertero has County Road No. 1468, offered to purchase said real prop- for and in consideration of the sum erty from the City of Alameda for of TWO THOUSAND, SIX HUN- NOW THEREFORE, BE IT OR- paid in cash to the City of Alameda DAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE by said Anthony J. Bertero coin- CITY OF ALAMEDA: cident with the tender of a grant Section 1. That the City of Ala- deed conveying said real property. meda transfer' unto the said An- Section 2. That the Mayor of the thony J. Bertero all that certain City of Alameda is hereby authorized real property situate in the City of and directed to execute, for and on Alameda, County of Alameda, State behalf of the City of Alameda, a of California, and more particularly grant deed conveying said real prop- described as follows: erty to Anthony J. Bertero, and the PORTION of Lots 14 and 15, City Clerk is directed to attest the in Section 30, Township 2 South, same. Range 3 West, Mount Diablo Section 3. This ordinance shall be Base and Meridian, as said lots in full force and effect from and are shown on the "Map No. 2 after the expiration of thirty (SO) of Salt Marsh and Tidelands, days from the date of its final situate in the County of Ala- passage. meda, State of California", filed WILLIAM M. McCALL, in the office of the Department Presiding Officer of the of Finance, State Lands Com- Council mission, (formerly the office of Attest: the Surveyor General) of the SHIRLEY H. TENNIER State of California, and on "Sale City Clerk Map No. 10 of Salt Marsh and Tide Lands, situate in the Coun- L the undersigned, hereby certify ty of Alameda, State of Cali- that the foregoing Ordinance was fornia", filed June 9, 1888, in duly and regularly adopted and Book 17 of Maps, page 30, in passed by the Council of the City of the oflice of the County Re- Alameda in regular meeting assem- corder of Alameda County, de- bled on the 19th day of July, 1960, scribed as follows: by the following vote, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the AYES: Councilmen Collischonn, southwestern line of Beach Road, Freeman, Petersen and President 60 feet wide, distant thereon, McCall, (4). north 32' 11' 11" west, 20 feet NOES: None. from the intersection with the ABSENT: Councilman Schacht, (1). northwestern line of Fitchburg IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Avenue, 40 feet wide, (the bear- hereunto set my hand and affixed ing of said line of Beach Road the official seal of said City this 20th being taken as north 32 11' day of July, 1960. 11" west for the purpose of (SEAL) SHIRLEY H. TENNIER, City making this description); run- Clerk of the City of Alameda ning thence along said line of Publish July 21, 1960. '