Ordinance 1356ORDINANCE NO. 1356
An ordinance amending chapter 1 of title 11 of the alameda municipal code zoning ordinance relating to ML m-1, m-2, c-3 districts and a new district designation to be known as a c-m district
Alameda e ® New Series
l O r d inan ces
Ordinance No. 1356
(27) Petroleum products dis-
(d) Rear Yard: Same as specified
tribution station and ac-
for C -2 District:,
cessory uses.
(e) Off-Street Parking and Load -
(28) Photographic processing,
ing Space: As regulated in
finishing and printing.
Article 4 -C of these Regula
,(29) Repair shops - miscel-
(f) Signs: As regulated in Article
4 -13 of these Regulations.
(30) Research laboratories and
SECTION 4. That Sections 11 -1345
(31) Sail naffs.
through 11 -1348 inclusive are hereby
(32) Scientific instrument and
amended to read as follows:
equipment manufacturing
Section 11 -1345. General. The fol
and precision machine
lowing specific regulations and the
general rules set forth in Article `4 -A
(33) Sheet metal shops,
shall apply in all M -1 Districts; as
(34) Ship chandleries.
delineated and described in the Zon-
(35) Storage for motor
ing Map(s). It is intended that this
vehicles, but excluding
district classification be applied in
truck units as defined in
areas suitable for light-manufactur-
See.11- 1229.1.
ing and other industrial purposes,
(36) Tire sales, retreading, or
and in which a reasonable degree
of control is desirable for the ;,pro-
(37) Tool or cutlery sharpen-
tection of uses within and adjacent
ing or grinding.
to the area so classified.
(38) Underground or above
Section 11 -1348. Uses Permitted,
ground public utility fa-
(a) Any use as permitted and reg-
cilities for prunarily local
ulated in C -M District. "
service such as substa-
bons, gas regulators,
(b) The following and s i m d a r
manned unmanned
uses from which noise; smoke,
communications equip-
dust, noxious, f u m e s a n d
buildings, and Simi-
_ gases, glare, heat and vibra-
ar u
tar uses.
tion are confined within the
(39) Upholstery shops.
premises or held to volumes,
(40) Veterinary dog and cat
intensities and levels at the
hospitals, k e n n e l s, ani-
perimeters of individual prop -
mal shelters or pounds.
erties which: are no greater
provided that all opera-
than those in the general
tions are conducted with-
area, in which disposal of all
n an enclosed, sound
waste _matter and material is
proofed structure; provid-
m conformity with local and
ed, further, no such use
- State standards and regula-
shall be located within
tions, and in which all opera-
500 feet of an °R" Dis-
tions are conducted principal -
ly within buildings, except
(41) Warehousing a n d
that other operations may be
storage facilities.
permitted - within enclosures
(42) Wholesale trade estab
under conditions consistent
with the Intent of this Chap -
(c) Other commercial - manufactur-
ter; if approved by the Man-
ing uses which are similar to
1 )
the uses permitted in this
sories and �asemblies re-
district, are normally , con-
ducted within an enclosed
structure, and are not specifi-
(2) Battery manufacturing.
caIly- mentioned in M -1 and
(3) Blacksmith shops.
(4) Canneries. ;
M -2 District regulations.
(5) Ceramic
Section 11 -1339. Uses Requiring
facturin pexcludin ul-
g P
Use permits. It. is the intent of this
f clay.
section that the following uses shall
(6) 'Commercial advertising
be reviewed by the Planning Board
'< structure, 'poster panel
for their propriety in a specific lo-
and painted b u l l e t i n
cation. or for such other factors as
maintenance' and manu-
safety, congestion, noise, and similar
(7) Compounding, treating or
(a)` Commercial - Manufacturing
manufacturing of articles
uses not specified above which
or merchandise from the
normally are not conducted
following previously -pre-
within'an enclosed' structure.
pared' materials: b'one,
(b)' Outdoor amusements_
c a n v a s, cellophane or
Section 11 -1340. Minimum Height,
other plastic sheeting,
Bulk and Space Requirements.
cloth, cork; feathers, felt,
(a) Lot Area; -; Width; Coverage
fibre fur, ; hair, ;horn,
and Front Yard: None.
glass; leather, light sheet
(b) Building Height Limit: 100
metal products paint (not
employing a',boiling proc-
(c) Side Yard: Same as specified
ess),,paper, shell, textiles,
for C -2 District.
tobacco, wire, and yarn.
Alameda City Ordinan New Series
Ordinance No. 1356
(8) Cosmetics manufacturing.
(5) Heavy equipment storage
(9) Drugs and pharmaceuti-
yard or plant, or "rental
facility for such.
(10) `Electric motors (under
(6) Underground or a b o v e
one H.P.) manufacturing.
ground public utility fa-
(11) Electrical sign mainte-
cilities for primarily lo-
nance and manufacturing
cal service such as -sub-
(12) Electronic e q u i p m en t
stations, gas regulators,
manufacturing, including
manned or unmanned
radio, television and simi-
communications equip-
lar items.
ment buildings, and
(13) Food products (excluding
similar uses.
fish products, sauerkraut,
vinegar, yeast, rendering
(d) All other uses which are
or refining of fats and
filar in character to the uses
u s e
oils, or any other product
permitted above.
tending to produce nox-
(e) Uses customarily incidental to
ious or offensive odors)
any of the above uses when
located on the same premises.
(14) Light metal stampings
Open storage of materials and
equipment shall be permitted
(15) Machine shops (not in-
only within an area enclosed
volving use of automatic
on all sides with a solid or
s c r e w machines, drop
open grill type wall, or a
hammers or punch press-
chain link fence and gates,
es with a rated capacity
all not less than six feet in
of over 20 tons),
height and in a manner con -
(16) Pencil manufacturing.
sistent with the intent of the
(17) Perfume manufacturing
section except that no wall
and /or blending,
or fence shall be required on
(18) Plastic, rubber or syn-
the side that a property abuts
thetic rubber product
a railroad right -of- way, the
Estuary or U. S. Tidal Canal.
(19) Railroad Yards.
A solid wall or fence not less
(20) Shipping Terminals.
than six feet high shall be
(21) Toiletries and toilet soap
required where the proposed
manufacturing (excluding
use adjoins property in an
refining or rendering of
"R" District.
fats and oils).
(f) Signs: Those pertaining to
(22) Truck cleaning and wash-
the permitted and accessory
ing establishments.
uses on the property, and
(23) Truck repairing and over-
poster panels or painted bul-
letins, all as regulated further
(24) Wire products manufac-
in Article 4 -13 of these regu-
turing, including nails,
staples, wire cloth and
Section 11 -1347. Uses Requiring Use
similar items.
permits. It is the intent of this Sec-
(25) Woodworking shops and
tion that the following uses shall
sash and door manufac-
be reviewed by the Planning Board
Luring, including inciden-
for their propriety in a specific loca-
tal mill work.
tion, or for such other factors as
(c) The following uses may be
safety, congestion, noise and similar
conducted within an area en-
closed on all sides by a solid
(a) Blacksmith shops and ma-
or open grill type wall, or a
chine shops involving the use
chain link fence and gates,
of drop hammers, automatic
all not less than six feet in
screw machines or punch
height, except that no wall or
presses with a rated capatm �j tJ
fence shall be required on the
of over 20 tons:
side that a property abuts a
(b) Outdoor amusement uses. try Cat
railroad right -of -way, the Es-
tuary or V. S. Tidal Canal.
Section 11 -1348. Minimum Hei hf C
� f t� c
Bulk and Space Requirements .
(1) Boat building and repair
of craft not exceeding 100
(a) Lot Area: None.
(b) Lot Width: None.
(2) Building materials, in-
(c) Maximum Total Building'Cov-
cluding retail lumber
erage, including accessory
sales; provided that all
buildings: 80 %.
mill work is conducted
(d) Building Height Limit: 100
within a completely en-
closed structure; provid-
(e) Front Yard: 5 feet minimum.
ed, further, the sales of
(f) Side Yards: None, or where
rock, sand, gravel and
a side yard is desired, a mini -
like materials shall be
mum of 12 feet shall be pro -
clearly incidental.
vided; provided, further, that
(3) D r a y i n g, freighting or
in the event the use is adja-
motor truck terminal
cent to an ° R" District a
(4) Feed and solid fuels sales
minimum of 12 feet shall be
Alameda C ity ' w New Series
1 Ordinance No. 1356
(g) Rear Yard: None required,
(11) Furniture (wood or met -
except that in the event the
all Manufacturing._
use is - adjacent to an "R"
District a minimum 12
(12) Lumber yard (wholesale,,
feet shall be maintained,
(h) Off- Street Parking & Load-
13. Match � manufacturing
(safety matches only).
T9 Space: As regulated in
Article 4 -C of these regul'a
(14) Metal products manufac
turing or processing,
SECTION 5. That Sections 11 -1349
structural, fabricated.
through 11 -1352 inclusive of the Ala-
(15) Metal shipping d r u m.
meda Municipal Code are hereby
barrel manufacturing.
amended to read as follows:
(16) Paperboard container
Section 11 -1349. General. The fol-
product manufacturing
lowing specific regulations and the
and processing.
general rules set forth in Article 4 -A
(17) Pickle or vinegar manu-
shall apply in all M -2 Districts as
delineated and described in the Zon-
(18) Pipe and
P Pipe fitting
ing Map(s). It is intended that this
district classification be applied in
areas suitable for the least restricted
(19) Planing mill,
use of land within the City and that
(20) Plumbing fixture manu
the restrictions applied shall be
those necessary for the public
(21) Poultry or rabbit killing
health, safety and general welfare,
and dressing.
(22) Prefabricated houses or
Section 11 -1350. Uses Permitted.
wood structural member
(a) Any use as permitted and
regulated in the M -1 District.
(23) Railroad yards.
(b) The following and similar
(24) Shipbuilding and repair-
uses from which noise, smoke,
ing (over 100 tons),
dust, noxious fumes and
(25) Shipping Terminals.
gases, glare, heat and vibra-
(26) Textile manufacturing,
tion are confined within the
including canvas, cloth
premises or held to volumes,
and similar items,
intensities and levels at the
(27) Tool manufacturing —
perimeters of individual prop-
Machine, hand,
erties which are no greater
(28) Transportation e q ui p-
than those in the general
ment manufacturing.
area, and in which disposal
(29) Wood preservation proc-
of all waste matter and ma-
terial is in conformity with
(c) Uses customarily incidental to
Iocal and State standards and
any of the above uses, and ac-
regulations, and in which all
cessory buildings when lo-
operations are conducted
cated on the same premises,
principally within buildings,
Open storage of materials and
except that other operations
equipment shall be permitted
will be permitted within en-
only within an area enclosed
closures under conditions con-
on all sides with a solid or
sistent with the intent of this
open grill type wall, or a
Chapter if approved by the
chain link fence and gates,
Planning Board.
all not less than six feet in
(1) Airport and related fa-
height, except that no wall or
cilities, aircraft landing
fence shall be required on the
side that a property abuts a
(2) Asphalt hatching plants,
railroad i h 8. Tidal , th e E -
i ncluding
hot mix,
solid wall or solid fence not
(3) Box or cooperage manu-
less than six feet high shall
be required where a proposed
(4) Breweries.
use adjoins property in an
(5) Concrete products manu-
"R" District.
f a c t u r i n g, batching
(d) Signs: Those pertaining to
(6) Cork products manufac-
the permitted and accessory
uses on the property poster
(7) Die casting.
panels and painted bulletins,
(8) Electrical equipment
all as regulated further in
Article 4 -13 of these regula-
manufacturing, including
heavy motors (one H.P.
and over), switch gear,
Section 11 -1351. Uses Requiring Use
transformers, t u r b i n e s
Permits. It is the intent of this See-
and similar items.
tion that the following uses shall be
(9) Enameling works, includ-
reviewed by the Planning Board for
ing ferrous enamel, pan-
their propriety in a specific loca-
els, cast iron or pressed
tion, or for such other factors as
steel, sanitary ware and
safety, congestion, noise, and
similar items,
lar considerations:
(10) Foundries — ferrous and
(a) Auto wrecking yards. N vi t: i l
non- ferrous.
(b) Outdoor amusements. By P Q0 ,,
Alameda City Ordinances New 'Series
Ordinance No. 1356
Section 11 -1352. Minimum Height,
SECTION 7. That Sections 11 -14C5
Bulk and Space Requirements
and 11 -14C7 of the Alameda Municipal
(a)` Lot 'Area: None.
Code are hereby amended to the ex-
(b) Lot Width: None.
tent that wherever the designations
"C -3" and /or "ML" appear, such
(c) Maximum. Total Building Cov-
designations shall read as "C -M ".
erage, including accessory
buildings: 80 %.
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be
(d) Building Height Limit: 100
in full force and effect from and after
the expiration of thirty (30) days
from the date of its final passage.
(e) Front Yard: Five feet mini-
(f) Side Yards: None, or where
Presiding Officer of the Council
a side yard is desired, a mini-
mum of 12 feet shall be pro-
vided; provided further, that
City Clerk
in the event the use is adja-
cent to an ' R" District, a
minimum of 12 feet shall be
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
(g) Rear Yard: None required,
that the foregoing Ordinance was
except that in the event the
duly and regularly adopted and
use is adjacent to an "R"
passed by the Council of the City
District a minimum of 12 feet
of Alameda in regular meeting as-
shall be maintained.
sembled on the 20th day of Decem-
(h) Off- street Par'cing and Load-
to wit1960, by the following vote,
ing Space: As regulated in
Article 4 -C of these regula-
AYES: Councilmen Collischorm
Freeman, Petersen Schacht and
SECTION U. That Section 11 -14133
President McCall, (5),
(d) of the Alameda Municipal Code
NOES: None,
is hereby amended to read as fol-
Section 11 -14B3.
(d) Industrial Districts.
hereunto affixed
Signs as permitted in Rest-
the official seal of said City this 21st
day of December, 1960. y
dential and Commercial Dis-
tricts and as further regulated
in Chapter 2, Title XII, of
(SEAL) Clerk of the City of Alameda
this Code.
Publish December 22, 1960.