Ordinance 1408Ordinance No. 1408
New Series
as a part of said Building Code.
SECTION 4. That Chapter I of said
Building Code, Volume I is hereby
New Series
amended by adding' thereto a new
section, numbered 107, which shall
read as follows:
Sec. 107. Notwithstanding, any -
thing to the contrary contained
within the Uniform Building Code,
blast and /or fall-out shelters in-
tended as protective structures or
devices against the effects of nu-
clear war may be constructed sub -
ject only to the following require -
L Adherence to special rules and
regulations relating to said con -
struction as promulgated by the
Al a -
City Engineer of the City of Ala
C it y
DINANCES NOS. 1257, 1300, 1388,
which will not be -
mental to public health and safe -
ty, and are substantially in con -
formance with current and ex-
intent specifications and plans of
such structures or devices as
promulgated the Office of
Civil and Defense Mobilisation.
SECTION 1. That Ordinance No.
2. That such structures or devices
1257 New Series, of the City f Ala-
shall be constructed, utilized, and
meda, passed December 17, 1957, Or-
maintained primarily for the pur-
dinance No. 1300 New Series, passed
pose of blast and /or fall -out shel-
May 5, 1959, Ordinance No. 1388 New
ters and not as additional area for
Series, passed October 3, 1961, and all
normal human habitation.
other ordinances and parts of ordi-
3. The permits required by the Urd-
nances of the City of Alameda in
form Building Code shall be so-
coulliet herewith be, and the same
quired, and the necessary fees
are, hereby repealed.
paid. Normal inspections pursuant
SECTION 2. That those portions of
to the Uniform Building Code
a certain document printed as a code
shall be made to certify ad-
in book forin, three (3) copies of
herence to the rules and regula-
which document are on file in the
tions of the City Engineer.
office of the City Clerk of the City
4. For the purposes of this section
of Alameda, bein marked "Filed
a blast and /or fall -out shelter is
Aug. 7, 1962" and designated as
defined as any structure or de-
"Uniform Building Code, 1961 Edi-
vice within or without a building
tion, Volume I, " adopted by the Inter-
designed, constructed, utilized,
national Conference of Building Offi-
and maintained as a protective
cials and approved at the 38th An-
structure or device against the
nual Business Meeting of said Con -
effects of fire. heat, blast, con-
ference, September 5 to 9, 1960, which
cussion, or the fall -out of radioae-
portions consist of fifty -three (53)
tive elements resulting from nu-
chapters numbered from 1 to 53,
clear or other explosions or any
Parts I to XI, inclusive, excepting
similar device.
therefrom Sections 202(a), 303(a),
5. Adherence shall be made to
303(b), Table No. 3A- Building Per-
zoning laws, and other laws, rules
mat Fees, Sections 1308, 1405(b), 1408,
and regulations of the City of
1505, 1601(a), 2508, 3803, 3805, 3806(b),
Table 42 -13- Minimum Interior -Fin-
SECTION 5. That Chapter 2 of said
ish Classifications, Section 4711(c),
Building Code, Volume 1, is hereby
Table 47- H- •Exterior Portland Ce-
amended by adding thereto a new
ment Platser, be, and the same are,
subsection numbered 202(a), which
hereby adopted as the Building Code
shall read as follows:
of the City of Alameda.
Sec. 202(a). General. The Building
SECTION 3. That that certain doc-
Official is hereby authorized and
ument printed in book form, three
directed to enforce all the provi-
(3) copies of which document are on
sions of this Code exec Chap -
file in the office of the City Cleric
tern 48 and 49, and maintenance
of the City of Alameda, marked
of buildings after permit of ac-
"Fil,ed Aug. 7, 1962" and designated
cupancy has been issued. For
as "Uniform Building Code, Volume
such purpose he shall have the
1II, 1961 Edition, Uniform Building
powers of a police officer.
Code Standards," adapted by the In-
The determination of the value
ternational Conference of Building
or valuation under any of the
Officials and approved at the 38th
provisions of the Code shell be
Annual Business Meeting of said
made by the Building Official.
Conference, September 5 to 9, 1960,
SECTION 6. That Chapter 3 of said
which document consists of 511 pages,
Building Code, Volume I, is hereby
be, and the same is, hereby adopted
amended by adding thereto a new
subsection 303(a), a new subsection
303(b), and a new Table No. 3 -A—
Building Permit Fees, which shall
read as follows:
Sec. 303(a). Building Permit Fees.
Before a building permit is issued
a permit fee therefor shall be paid
to the Building Official as set forth
in Table No. 3 -A.
See. 303(b). Plan- Checking Fees.
When a plan is required to be sub-
mitted by subsection (c) of Section
301 and the services of a civil en-
gineer are required to check said
plan, a plan- checking fee shall be
paid to the Building Official.
Said plan- checking fee shall be
equal to one -half (xz) the building
permit fee as set forth in Table
3 -A and shall be paid at the time
of submitting plans and specifica-
tions for checking.
Total Valuation Fee
Less than $50.00 .............. $1.00
More including
than $250 00 t $a2nd.0i - 2A0
eluding $ 500.00 4.00
More than $500.00 to and in-
cluding $750.00 .- .........r_ ........... .. 6.00
More than $750.00 to and in-
cluding $1.000.00 ------ .... .......... ...... 8.00
Each additional $1,000.00 ar
fraction, to and including
$15,000.00 _......_.._..._..._......... 4.00
Each additional $1,060.00 or
fraction, to and including
$20,000.00 .. .___.._....._r_.....__......._. 3.00
Each additional $1,000.60 or
fraction, to and including
$25,000.00 .._------ _.. ----------- ............_ 2.00
Each additional $1,000.00 or
fraction exceeding $25,000.00 1.00
The City, County, State, or the
United States of America shall be
exempt from paying any fee for
any building.
Where work for which a permit is
required by this Code is started or
proceeded with prior to obtaining
a permit, the fee above specified
shall be doubled, but the payment
of such double fee shall not relieve
any persons from fully complying
with the requirements of this Code
in the execution of the work nor
from any other penalties prescribed
SECTION 7. That Chapter 13 of
said Building Code, Volume I, is here-
by amended by adding thereto a new
section 1308, which shall read as fol-
Sec. 1308. Chimneys and heating
apparatus shall conform to the re-
quirements of Chapters 37 and 51.
The storage and handling of gas-
oline, fuel oil, and other flammable
liquids shall not be permitted mi
any Group H occupancy unless such
storage and handling comply with
U. B. C. Standard No. 9 -1 -61.
Doors leading into rooms in
which volatile flammable liquids
are stored or used shall be pro-
tected by a fire assembly having a
one -hour fire - resistive rating. Such
fire assembly shall be self - closing
and shall be posted with a sign on
each side of the door in one -inch
(1 ") block letters stating: "FIRE
Every boiler room or room con-
taining a central heating plant
using solid or liquid fuel shall be
separated from the rest of the
building by a Three -Hour Fire Re-
sistive Occupancy Separation, as
specified in Chapter 5, with all
openings protected as set forth in
Table No. 33 -B.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Such furnaces
may be used without a Fire- Resis-
live Occupancy Separation as de-
fined in Chapter 5, in buildings not
more than two stories in height.
2. Where boilers or central heat-
ing plants burning liquid or solid
fuel are loeated at grade level they
may be separated from the remain-
der of the building by a One -Hour
Fire - Resistive Occupancy Separa-
tion, as defined in Chapter 5, with
all openings protected by a fire as-
sembly having a one -hour fire -re-
sistive rating, mounted within the
boiler room and having closing de-
vices as set forth in Table No. 33 -B,
The installation or use of any
device capable of generating a glow
or flame capable of igniting flam-
mable vapors in any garage located
in a Group H Occupancy shall not
be permitted. A compartment con-
taining such a device shall have no
openings into a private garage.
EXCEPTION: Utility rooms or
other portions of main dwelling
containing such devices may have
approved openings into a private
SECTION 8. That Chapter 14 of
said Building Code, Volume I, is
hereby amended by adding thereto a
new subsection 1405(b) and a new sec-
tion 1408, which shall be respectively
read as follows:
Sec. 1405(b). Room Sizes and Ceil-
ing Heights. Every room required to
have windows by subsection (a)
shall have a ceiling height of not
less than eight feet (8') in at least
fifty percent (50 %) of its required
area, with no portions of the re-
quired area less than five feet (5
in height. Rooms used far livingg
dining, or sleeping purposes shall
have an area of not less than ninety
square fleet (90 sq. ft.). Kitchens
shall have a superficial fluor area
of not less than fifty square feet
1(50 sq. ft.), superficial floor area
being herein defined as clear floor
space, exclusive of fixed or built -in
cabinets or appliances.
See. 1408. Chimneys and heating
apparatus shall conform to the re-
quireraents of Chapters 37 and 51.
Flammable liquids shall not he
stored or used in Group I Occupan-
cies in quantities in excess of one
gallon and all such flammable liq-
uids shall be kept in tight or sealed
containers when not in actual use.
Alameda Clity Ordinances Ordinance N o. 1408
New Series
The installation or use of any de-
vice capable of generating a glow
or flame capable of igniting flam-
mable vapors in any garage located
in a Group I Occupancy shall not
be permitted. A comportment con-
taining such a device shall have no
openings into a private garage.
EXCEPTION: Utility rooms or
other portions of main dwelling
containing such devices may have
approved openings into a private
SECTION 9. That Chapter 15 of said
Building Code, Volume I, is hereby
amended by adding thereto a new
section 1505, which shall read as fol-
See. 1505. Chimneys and heating
apparatus shall conform to the re-
quirements of Chapters 37 and 51.
Flammable liquids shall not be
stored, handled, or used in Group
J Occupancies unless such storage
or handling shall comply with
U. B. C. Standard No. 9-1-6
The installation or use of any
device capable of generating a glow
or flame capable of igniting flam-
mable vapors in any garage located
in a Group J Occupancy shall not
be permitted. A compartment con-
taining such a device shall have no
openings into a private garage.
EXCEPTION: Utility rooms or
other portions of a Group J Occu-
pancy containing such devices may
have approved openings into a pri-
vate garage.
SECTION 10. That Chapter 16 of
said Building Code, Volume 1, is here-
by amended by adding therto a new
subsection numbered I601(a) and a
new section numbered 1605, which
shall respectively read as follows:
See. 1601(a). Fire Zones Defined.
For the purposes of this Code the
entire City is hereby declared a
Fire District and said Fire District
shall be known and desgivited as
Fire Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, and shall
include such territory or portions
of said City as are established and
described in Article 1, Chapter 2,
Title XIV, of the Alameda Munic-
ipal Code, as amended and in effect
on the effectiveness of this ordi-
nance, or as said Code may be
amended thereafter. Whenever, in
this Code, reference is made to any
Fire Zone, it shall be construed to
mean one of the four fire zones
designated and referred to in said
Alameda Municipal Code.
See. 1605. Restrictions in Fire
Zone No. 4.
(a) No building or structure of
Type V construction shall be
erected in Fire Zone No. 4 with an
area in excess of four thousand
square feet (4,000 sq. ft.) of floor
area on any one floor.
(b) Any building in Fire Zone No.
4 which is enlarged, altered, raised
or built upon to an extent exceed-
ing an expenditure of fifty percent
(56%) of the value of such structure
shall be made to comply with the
requirements of a Type I, II, III,
IV, or V building, except that floors
in the first story of such building
need not comply with such require-
(c) Any building or structure
moved into or within Fire Zone No.
4 shall comply with all require-
ments for new buildings in Fire
Zone No. 4.
(d) Buildings of Type V construc-
tion may be built in excess of four
thousand square feet (4,000 sq. ft.)
providing such buildings are di-
vided by "special fire separations,"
as specified in Section 503, into
areas not exceeding four thousand
square feet (4,000 sq. ft.).
SECTION 11. That Chapter 25 of
BulldirL Code, Volume I is
hereby amended by adding a new
section numbered 2508, which shall
read as follows:
Sec. 2506. Fire-stopping shall be
provided to cut off all concealed
draft openings (both vertical and
horizontal), and form an effective
barrier between stories, and be-
tween a top story and roof space.
It shall be used in specific loca-
tions as follows:
1. In exterior or interior stud
walls, at ceilings and floor
2. In all stud walls and partitions,
including furred spaces, so
placed that the maximum di-
mension of any concealed space
is not over seven feet (7).
3. Between stair stringers at least
once in the middle portion of
each run, at top and bottom,
and between studs, along and in
line with run of stair adjoining
stud walls and partitions.
4. Around top, bottom, sides, and
ends of sliding door pockets.
5. In spaces between chimneys
and wood framing, loose incom-
bustible materials shall be
placed in incombustible sup -
ports, or a metal collar tightly
fitted to the chimney and nailed
to the wood framing may be
6. Any other locations not specif-
ically mentioned above, such as
holes for pipes, shafting, behind
furring strips and similar places
which could afford a passage
for names.
Fire steps when of wood shall be
two-inch (2 nominal thickness. If
width of opening is such that more
than one piece of lumber is neces-
sary, there shall be two thicknesses
of one-inch (1") material with joints
S,rCTTO 12, That Chapter 38 of
said Building Code, Volume 1, is here-
by amended by adding thereto a new
section 3803, a new section 3805, and
a new subsection 3806(b), which shall
read as follows:
See. 3803, (a) Every building four
or more stories In eight shall be
Alameda Clity Ordinance Ordinance No. 1408
New Series
equipped with one or more dry
(b) Every Group H Occupancy
located on one building site and
containing more than 15 apart-
ments, or more than 19 guest rooms,
shall be provided with a dry line
fire system with two and one -half
inch (2% ") Siamese inlet connec-
tions at the street level and gated
two and one -half inch (2r2 ") out -
lets located as prescribed by the
Chief of the Fire Department. The
construction, size and Siamese con-
nections shall be as specified for dry
EXCEPTION: Where access to the
property, or all portions thereof, is
not restricted for normal fire fight-
ing operations as determined by
the Chief of the Fire Department,
wet standpipes may be substituted
for a dry line system.
(c) Every Group H Occupancy on
one building site and containing
more than 15 apartments or more
than 19 guest rooms shall be pro-
vided with one or more fire hy-
drants with gated connections and
appurtenances located within the
public right of way to provide
water supply for fire protection as
prescribed by the Chief of the Fire
Department. Such requirements
shall not exceed the standards ter
hydrant spacing of the National
Board of Fire Underwriters,
See. 3805, Every Group A and B
Occupancy of any height, and every
Group C Occupancy two or more
stories in height, and every Group
D, E, F, G and H Occupancy three
or more stories in height., and every
Group E and F Occupancy over
twenty thousand square feet (20,-
000 sq. ft.) in area, shall be
equipped with one or more interior
wet standpipes extending from the
cellar or basement into the topmost
story, provided, that Group B
Buildings having no stag�e and hav-
ing a seating capacity of less than
500 need not be equipped with in-
terior standpipes; and provided,
further, (a) that one story ware-
houses of Group F Occupancy shall
not require wet standpipes, pro-
vided ,that the building is equipped
with an approved automatic fire
extinguishing system throughout, as
provided in Chapter 38; and (b) that
three - story apartment buildings of
Group H Occupancy, when con-
structed without interior hallways
or corridors, need not be equipped
with interior wet standpipes, pro-
vided, additional hand extingushers
are placed and approved by the
Chief of the Fire Department.
Sec. 380 6(b). Interior wet stand-
pipes shall have an internal diam-
eter sufficient to deliver 50 gallons
of water per minute under 30
pounds per square inch pressure at
the hose connection, based on the
available water supply. Buildings
of Group A, B and H Occupancies
shall have wet standpipe systems
capable of delivering the required
quantity and pressure from any two
outlets simultaneously; for all other
occupancies only one outlet need
be figured to be open at one time.
In no case shall the internal diam-
eter of a wet standpipe be less than
two inches (2 "), except when the
standpipe is attached to an auto-
matic fire extinguishing system as
set forth in U. B. C. Standard No.
38- 1 - &'1.
Any approved formula which de-
termines pipe sizes on a pressure
drop basis may be used to deter-
mine pipe sizes for wet standpipe
systems. The Building Official may
require delivery and pressure tests
on completed wet standpipe sys-
tems before approving such sys-
SECTION 13. That Chapter 42 of
said Building Code, Volume I, is
hereby amended by adding a new
table entitled, Table No. 42 -8— Mini-
mum Interior- Finish Classifications,
which table shall read as follows:
OccupaneyEnclosed Other Rooms or
Group Vertical Exitways Areas
C I 11 III
F I 17 III
In rooms in which personal liber-
ties of inmates are forcibly re-
strained, Class I material only may
be used.
°* Over two stories shall be of Class
NOTE: Any material not in Class I,
II, or III shall not be used
in any room or space subject
to human occupancy, except
to such an extent as is spe-
cifically permitted by the en-
forcing authority on the basis
of a finding that it does not
increase the life hazard, but
shall at no time exceed 10%
of the aggregate interior sur-
face of the walls and ceilings
of the room wherein this ma-
terial is located.
SECTION 14. That Chapter 47 of
said Building Code, Volume I, is
hereby amended by adding a new
subsection numbered 4711(c) and by
adding a new table entitled, Table
No. 47- H— Exterior Portland Cement
Plaster," which shall respectively
read as follows.
See. 4711(c). Application. 1. Gen-
eral. Except when applied to con-
crete or masonry, and except as
otherwise provided for pneumat-
ically applied plaster, exterior ce-
ment plastering materials shall be
mixed by machine methods for not
Alameda City Oro
less than two minutes, and shall be
applied as set forth in Table No.
47 -H.
The first coat shall be forced
through all openings in the rein-
forcement so as solidly to fill all
spaces. It shall then be scored hor-
izontally with a scratcher having
one- eighth inch (?'s ") clipped teeth
and grooves not more than one -half
inch ('W') deep.
The second coat shall be rodded
and water floated, with no varia-
tion greater than one- quarter inch
( 1 ,4 ") in any direction under a five -
foot (5') straightedge.
The third coat, if plaster, shall be
applied with trowel.
2. Plastering on masonry or con-
crete. The masonry surface on which
plaster is to be applied shall be
clean, free of efflorescence, damp,
and sufficiently rough to insure
proper bond. Mixtures specified for
the second coat in this section may
be applied directly to masonry.
3. Application of reinforcement.
Exterior plaster reinforcement,
string wires and paperbacking shall
be applied as set forth in Table No,
47 -I.
First or Scratch Coat— Maximum
Volume of Sand Per Volume of
Cement, 31,a; Minimum Thickness,
*z'z" (1st and 2nd coats to be 34
if 3d coat is plaster); Minimum
Period Moist Curing, 48 hours;
Minimum Interval Before Appli-
cation of Succeeding Coat, 7 days.
Second or Brown Coat — Maximum
Volume of Sand Per Volume of
Cement, 4iz; Minimum Thickness,
1st and 2d coats to be W' if 3d
coat is paint sealer; Minimum
Period Moist Curing, 48 hours;
Minimum Interval Before Appli-
cation of Succeeding Coat, 7 days.
Third or Finish Coat: Alternate I - --
Portland Cement Plaster, Max-
imum Volume of Sand Per Vol -
ume of Cement, * *2; Minimum
Thickness, is ". Alternate 2—Ap-
proved Exterior Sealer Paint Coat
or Stucco Wash.
* Measured from backing to crest of
scored plaster.
'* Approved prepared finish coats
containing not less than % by
weight of Portland Cement may
be used.
SECTION lra. Whenever in said
Building Code the words "City, "
"Building Inspector," "Fire Marshal,"
"Building Official" or other designa-
tion of an officer, board or depart-
ment occur, the word "City" shall
mean the City of Alameda and the
words "Building Inspector," "Fire
iinances Ordinance No. 1408
New Series
Marshall," "Building Official ' or
other designation of an officer, board
or department, shall mean respective-
ly the Building Inspector, the Fire
Chief, or such officer, board or de-
partment of the City of AlarneKla.
SECTION 16. Validity. If any see -
tion, subsection, sentence, clause or
Phrase of said Building Code or of
this ordinance is for any reason held
to be unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of said Code or
of this ordinance. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have
passed this ordinance and each sec-
tion, subsection, clause or phrase
thereof irrespective of the fat that
any one or more sections, subsections,
sentences, clauses and phrases be de-
clared unconstitutional.
SECTION 17. Violations and Penal-
ties. The provisions and penalties con-
tained and provided in Section 205 of
Chapter 2 of said Building Code are
hereby specifically incorporated and
adopted as a part of this ordinance.
In addition to the penalties herein
provided, any building, structure, or
portion thereof, or any condition ex-
isting or permitted to exist in vio-
lation of any provision of said BuiId-
ing Code, or any actual or threatened
violation of said Code, may be
a=bated, restrained or adjoined in any
manner provided by law; provided,
further, that the penalties set out in
Section 1 -411 of the Alameda Munic-
ipal Code are specifically applicable
herein and may be applied cumula-
tively consecutively, or in the alter-
native with any penalty set out here-
SECTION 18. This ordinance shall
be in full force and effect from and
after the expiration of thirty (30)
days from the date of its final pas-
Presiding Officer of the Council
City Clerk
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly adopted and
R by the Council of the City of
Alameda in regular meeting assem-
bled on the 21st day of August, 1962,
by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Godfrey, Mc-
Call, Rose, Schacht and President
Collischonn (5).
NOES: None.
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 22nd day
of August, 1962.
City Clerk of the City of Alameda
Publish August 23, 1952.