Ordinance 1446Ordinance No. 1446 Ordin New Series CITY OF ALAMEDA W 782.09 ft th NW along are of a tangent curve 362.31 ft to beg. From M -1-PD to R-6-PD -. Par- cel 7. Commencing at the SE Gar of Tract 30 Map of Ala - New Series meda Marshland th N 3 °08' E AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING along the eastern line of said AND g[EZONING CER'T'AIN PROP- Tract 30 1228.59 ft th N 86 1 52' E'RTY WITHIN THE CITY OF W 225 ft to the point of beg. ALAMEDA BY AMENDING ZON- O f parcel of the land herein de- ING ORDINANCE NO. 1277, N.S. scribed th S 86 1 52'24" E 438.58 - A th N 86'20'2 W 12 ft (Parcels 5, G and 7, Pacific Marina th N 3 1 07 1 36" E 22.74 ft th N - Nichandros Development Go., Inc. 1 °43'15" W 1329.37 ft to a point --- M -1 -PD and M -2 -G to R -6 -PD) in the United States pie:rhead BE IT ORDAINED BY THE line th along said line S 59 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA- 0.8'10;" W 1921.73 £t th S 3 °08' MEDA as follows: W 468.27 ft to the pt of beg. SECTION 1. Section 11 -116 Of 'SECTION 2. The above amend- Ordinance No, 1277, N.S., is hereby anent shall be known as and re- amended by reela&- ,ifying and re- ferred to as Reclassification and zoning from M -!I -PD (Interi edi- Rezoning Asn.endament. No. 26 to ante Industrial Manufacturing- Ordinance No.. 1277, N.S. Planned Development) District and SECTION 3. This ordinance shall M -2 -G (General Induistria1 Manu- be in full force and effect froFn facturing- Government) District to and after the expiration of thirty R- 6 -.P'D (Roael- A.paairtirien Planned (30) drays fro-in the date of its Development) District all the real final passage. property situate within the City WILLIAM S. GODFREY of Alameda as described below: Presiding Officer of the From M-2-G to R- 6--PD: Par - Council cel 5. Be =g, SW Cor Tract 30 ATTEST: NW 1719.40 ft to E /Ln of Cen- SHIRLEY H. T'ENNIER tral Pacific RR. th N 89'10'20" City Clerk E: 1754 28 ft to a pt of beg. th I, the undersigned, hereby cer- S 1 °4:3'315" W 80.08 ft th N ti.fy thait the foregoing Ordinance 89 °10'20" E 300 ft th. S 1 °43'35" was duly and regularly adopted W 430.43 ft th N 89 °10' E 537.40 and passed by the Council of the A NW along are of a. tangent City of Alameda in regular meet - curve 243.78 ft th N 0 W ing assea ,bled on the 5th day of 282.15 ft th. N 89'10'20" E 334.63 November, 1963, by the following ft to beg. cont'g 7.16 acres. vote, to wit: From M-1-PD to R-6-PD: Par- AYES: Councilmen Freeman, La cel G. Beg, SW C'or Tract 30, Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and Presi- NW 1719.40 ft to E /Ln of Cen- dent Godfrey, (5). teal Pacific RR th. N 89 °10'20" NOES: None. E 1415:65 ft th N 0 "49'40" W ABSENT: None. 282.15 ft th SE along are of a IN WITNESS WHEREOF", I have tangent curve 243.78 ft to a pt hereunto set my hand and affixed of beg, tb S 89 °10' W 53.7.40 ft the official seal of said City this th N 3 °07'36" E 22.74 A th N 6th day of November, 1963. 86"20'21" W 825.10 ft th S�W SHFRLEY H. TENNIER along are of a tangent, curve City Clerk of the City 41.66 ft th S 68 °3939" W 96.14 of Alameda ft th. SW along arc of a tangent (SEAL) curve 138.13 ft th S 89 °10'20" No, 131 -A. Publish. Nov, 8, 1963.