Ordinance 1487Ordinance No. 1487 New Series AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF CERTAIN CITY-OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO EAST BAY MU- NICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGRE'EMENT'' RELATING THERETO (KRUSI SEWAGE PUMPING PLANT AND APPURTENANCES) nance, operation, repair, removal, change of size and use of a sani- tary sewer overflow pipe line and necessary appurtenances upon, under and over that certain strip of land 15 feet wide, as described in the Grant of Easement from South Shore Land Co., a corpora- tion, to City of Alameda, dated August 30, 1961, and recorded September 5, 1961 in Reel 401, Image 281, Alameda County Rec- ords, lying adjacent to and south- erly of the following described line; COMMENCING at the intersec- tion of the center lines of Otis Drive and Court Street as such drive and street exist in the City of Alameda, (California Coordi- nate System, Zone III, coordinates North 460,903.377, East 1,497 997); thence along the center line of Court Street, South 42° 20' 33" West, 221:63 feet to the northerly line of the lands of the South Shore Land Co.; thence along said northerly line, North 66° 44' 16" West, 31.74 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence from said True Point of Beginning, South 42° 20' 33" West, 60.64 feet; thence South 83 34' 50" West, 211.04 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; thence along said curve having a radius of 50 feet, curving Ordinance No, 1487 New Series to the right through a central angle of 29 00' 00" for a distance of 25.31 feet; and thence North 67° 2'5' 10" West, 387.74 feet. SUBJECT to the terms and con- ditions as contained in said Grant of Easement (RE 401 IM 281). Section 2. That the Mayor of the Ctyl of Alameda is hereby author- ized and directed to execute, on behalf of City, a deed conveying said real property to the said East Bay Municipal Utility District, and the City Clerk; is directed to attest to same. Section 3. That the Mayor of the City of Alameda is hereby author - 'ized and directed to execute, on behalf of City, an agreement be- tween said City and District, sub- stantially in the form submitted to this Council, and the City Clerk is directed to attest to same. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage, WILLIAM S. GODFREY Presiding Officer of the Council Attest: SHIRLEY H. TENNIM City Clerk. Adopted October 20, 1964. No. 553 -A. Publish Oct, 23, 1964. 47