Ordinance 1508Alameda City Ordinance No. 1508 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN : PORTIONS OF : THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE southeasterly corner - of its inte with Blinding COUNCIL OF` THE -CITY OF n Avenue. AL,A.MEDA : SECTION 5. This ordinance SECTION 1. That Section 17 -242. shall 'be in full force and• effect (Left Turns 'Prohibited) of the from and after the expiration of Alameda Municipal Cade is here- . thirty (30) days from the date by amended iby adding thereto .of its final passage. subdivision (2), . which shall read WILLIAM S. GODFREY, as follows. Presiding Officer of the (2) Park Street and Bland- Council. ing Avenue, signs shall be Attest: erected so as to prohibit left SHIRLEY H. TENNIER, turns for vehicles traveling on City Clerk. Park Street in a southerly di- * * 1: * rection; provided, however, 1, the undersigned, hereby cer- that the prohibition of this tify that the foregoing Ordinance subdivision shall not apply to was duly and regularly adopted commercial vehicles.. and passed by the Council of the SECTION 2. That Section 17 -333 City of Alarneda in regular meet- (No Parking) of the Alameda ing assembled on the 3rd day of Municipal Code is hereby. amend- August, 1365, . by the following ed by adding thereto subdivision vote, to. wit: (47), which. shall .rear]; ass - follows: AYES: Councilmen Bartley, La (47) Cypress Street, on that Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and Pres- portion of the southerly side ident Godfrey, (5). thereof, between the easterly NOES: None. dine of Third Street and a ABSENT.- None. point 307 feet easterly there- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have from. hereunto set any hand and affixed SECTION 3. That Section 17 -432 the official seal of said City_ this (Stop) of the Alameda Municipal 4th day of August, 1965. Code is hereby amended by add- {SIE,AL) ing . thereto subdivision (141), SHIRLEY H. TENNIER, which shall read as follows: City Clerk of the (141) Everett Street and City of Alamedia. Clement Avenue, signs shad No. 3d4 -A. Published Aug. 6, 1965. 47