Ordinance 1608Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1608 New Sezies . N Series AMENDING T . ALAMEDA MUNICI- PAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 16-617 AND 16-619 THEREOF, RELATING TO ISSUANCE OF PRIVATE PATROL SYSTEM PERMITS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIM CITY' OP ALA XWDA.- That Section 1(3- 113WOAek Se larneda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: See. 16-617. City Manager to Grant or Deny Permit. Upon application for a private a- trot system permit as in t9ls, v article provided for, the City anager shall grant or deny the same to the appli al- i t within tell (10) days after the: c DOMPletion of the hearingz thereon in Section i&eI6 6jr this article provided for, but. such permit shall not be is- sued until the arpllcant shall exhibit to the Ci ty Manager a valid and existing license issued to him by the Bureau of Licenses to carry on such business, and shall have filed with the City Clerk a surety bond as hereinafter in this article provided, or shall have filed with said. City Clerk a certified copy of a valid and exIsting.license Issued to the applicant by the Bureau of Pffvaie Irivestigators and Ad- I usters of U16 state of Call-'; ornia to carry on the busi- ness of a private patrol oper- ator or private detective. IN provided, however, the City anager shall deny an appli- cation If It appears- (a) That any person signing the application has ever been convicted Of a felony or a misdemeanor, Involving moral, tu tude; or (TbThat any person signing the application does not have a good reputation for honesty, or character, or Integrity, or sobriety, or is n6t a reaponsi• ble person. & 9gg+Q_ That Section 16- 6 e lameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as followst Sec, 16-619. Conditions of Permit for Private Patrol System. Any permit for a, private patrol system in this article provided for shall be issued upon the following terms and condltlons: (a) That such private patrol system shall tae operated and conducted subject to the gen- eral supervision of the Chief of Police of the City of Ala. medal (b) That the holder of such permit will require each pri- vate 'patrol watchman em- ployed by him to* (1) Report by telephone to such Places and at such in- tervals as the Chief of police ma require, (mot . Aid, ass ' ist d coo ate with the Ala meda. Po Lee ]DePartmefit In the detention or dpprehensidn of persons suspected of violating the law. (c) That the holder of such it sha time es at all tims p ermit within the City of Alameda, a fixed and estab- lished place of business or residence, and the address of the same, as it may be changed from - time to time, shall be filed with the City Clerk and the Chief of Police. (d) That the holder of such permit shall at all times have said place of . business or res. Wence connected with a tele• phone 'n 0 ra',d by a 4 13110 8ys an y In the e it y 0 f utility Al ameda; e) That the older of such permit shall have a com- petent person constantly In at- tendance at such place of business or residence between the hours of 6 o'clock P.XL 3,nd 4 o'clock A. of the next succeeding day, who is able to receive or send out telephon6calls; (f) That if the holder of such permit employs any person, he shall at all times carry a policy of Insurance ;sufficient to conform to the provisions of the Labor.Code of the state of California, and shall keep . on file with the City Clerk a certificate of such insurahce Issued. by the - company issuing such policy of Insurance; (g) That the holder.of such permit shall submit quarterly to the Chief of Police, the name, address and telephone number of each establishment serviced by, and the names and residence addresses of all T hat of such holder, hat the holder of such permit supply to all of his e m p 1 o y_ e e 9 , identification cards, inibbrporating the'em- ployee's current phot h name, date of birth a;orpEy_ sisal description; (i) That the holder of such permit insure that uniforms worn and equipment used by his employees shall Identify the private patrol system by whom they are erngloyed-, - (J) That the holder of such p ermit, before It Is granted, lie w ith the City Attorney for his ap roval, certificates of public Viability Insurance, In such form and with such coverages, provisions. re- quirement of prior notice of cancellation, . and minimum .limits of liability as the Cit Attorney may require unT. .form, of all applicants, insur- Ing the holder and-the City_ Its officers and employees. Upon approval by the City, 11 # 1 . 1, , I , 1. �WLkW1AjV*j M AAMW*1 �;)� Attorney, 9 a I d certifleaths shall thereafter be ke "n file In the office of theCity Clerk. Said insurance shall be provided at the holder's sole ey ense and shall be main- ned by him In full force and effect for the duration of the permit-, (k) That the holder of such I p e rmit, before it is granted, with the City Attorney for his approval, either a corpor- ate surety bond -in the nal sum of $25,000.00 conditroned upon the faithful perf ormanee of the holder's contractual ob- ligations to the parties served by him in his capacity as a private patrol operator, or, a certificate of insurance for damages for breach of pro- fessional duty by reason of any negligent act, error or omission arising from his op. erations, activities, work or business as a givate patrol 'o perator, in t e minimum sum of $25,000.00; such bond or Insurance shall be in form satisfactory to the City At- ,%orney, shall be maintained by the holder of such permit in lull force and effect for the duration of the permit, shall provide for 10 days' prior written notice to the City At- torney of any roposed chan eorci lation therein; and stall be in addition to the bond provided for In Section 16.618 of this Code. q The govi ris of t h I s ar ?p p c s c e shall applicable to all permits heretofore or hereafter issued. This L ordinance sh full force and effect from and after the ex. F iration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. TerrT LaCroix, Jr. Pre s (ding Officer of the Council Attest: IRMA L.NLELsor CITYCLERR I' the Yi6ei hereby ceA u ify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and are larly adopted and passed the Council of the City of Alameda in re lar Meetin m r V assebd le o t e 18th day 0 November, 1969, by the fol- lowin vote, to wit. AM: Councilmen Fore, Longaker, McCall and Presi. dent La Croix. Jr. 4 NOES. None ABSENT. Councilman Levy IN WITNESS WHEREOF. (I I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the official y seal of said City dais 19th day of November, 1969. TRMA L. NELSON 09�� City Clefk bf the A-536 — Cift of Alameda Pub isn Nov. 21,1969 09"0147__