Ordinance 1609Ordinance No. 1609 Alameda City Ordinances S. Neu enes NEW SERIES AMENDING THE ALA DA MUNICI, PAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2.532, 2.535 AND 2.53 THEREOF, RE. LATING TO EMPLOYEEWSICK LEAVE HENEFITS BE IT C RDA NH D 13Y THE COUNCIL ORDINANCE as an Ile ar employees of the Edit , l.ra case of sick. ness or inury not ari as result of and In the col.irse of their employment, shall, after the completion of six (0) months Of employment, be entitled to be absent from duty on sick leave with pay, ditring any twelve-month por- iod, in accordance with the •ollowlng schodule, (1) For not more than ton (10) workin day duringr the first ten 0%) calendar years of employment; (2) For not more thati fit- toon (15 ) working days after ten (10) calendar Nrbars of em loyent; (' T m For not more than twenty (20 working days after twentv (28) calen ear years Of employment. Such annual sick leave, en- titlement shall bo renewed as of each January first follow- In g completion of six (6) months of✓mployment. (a). Extended Dut Period. r - e - M — Vro — yevs week normally exceeds forty (4 0) hours, each twenty-four (24) hour duty period of such employoos, sball he deented to equal two (2) workirig days for the purpose of computirig sick leave under this Article. , o f 'Rick the an- nua s lok leave allowanoe pro- vided for here1nabove, each such official arid employee c d shall be redite with 6e (1) working day of sick leave for each month of employment thereafter, provided, however, that the time so ('zodited shall not bc used for any sick leave until such offlefal or employee has completed six (6) months of coyitinuous errs- Ployment. Sick leave, credited In accordEknce with the fore- going, and unused, mav be accumulated to a maxlxiuffi of one hundred tweiity (120) working daVs, and. any slick leave valAdl'y takon b, any such employee Shall f Irst ebarged fAg4tn the nu al sick leave" entitlenient pr(.) v Wed for hc�rel nabove, Le T - V NWV it lslt�i�=11%0101 R roce'ding subse`C"On (1,5), ow- IVOr, an (,nnptoyee while on leave of absence without pa for more than thirty (30) ON eudar days, granted, u :, �ursant to SectA o on 1.4 of dinance No, 642 N,S_shall 1�eceivc no su0b, sick leave credit for the gr riod of such excess leave of 'SenM 2 Not loat ?_10=37t or e p ee s all be entitled to sick leave with pa r, as hereinbefore provided, i css he shall have complied with the following require- rncnts- fa) Notice of siciclxes a or Injury on which claim for qWk leave with pay may be bw� ed must be given irniiiedi- ately, unless it s be, shown nol to have:- been reasonably possible so to do, and that notice was given as soon as rewionably possible, after the commencement of disability froin such sickness or in ury, and in any event not - later than the third day of such disability; (b) Such notice shall be given, or caused to be given, to the head of t1w.department in which such person may be employed. Ellective officers and officials or employees ap- pointed by the City Council Shall give notice to the City Clerk. The depaxtment head Or City C lerk, as the case may be, to whom notice% of sickness or injury is given shall transmit the notice to t It e Personnel l3epartmerit upon such forms as it may prescribe. (c) The appropriate depart- ment head, or in the case Of department heads, the City Mana er, or in the case of efecteg officers and officials or emloyees aointed by the; 0 py Cc unc . y the City Council, may, and when sick- ness or 1n)ury exceeds five (5) working days shall require the officer's 'or I sickness or injur� t fie-d to the City 'h sic by a certificate w in rit ng sl ned by a duly licensed physElan or surgeon, fully stating the nature and extent of such person's Illness or Injury, and oertif further that euoti perscxrz is not able., by reason to rform the duties of - loymer.u. Such cer- tific9te shall be in such form, and cc)ntain such Information, as the Ofty Physician m Iy require. 'Phe phrase., "five (ma) working. days," as used in this sub-sectl6n and In Section 2-537, sh.W, for members of the Fire a 1:)o rtm ent who k wor on a sElf t basis and whose duty week exoeeds forty (40) hours, mean three (3)SUchshifts. . See. 2.537. Additional Medical In the event stex MNa�ve for more than five (5) working an ad- dition al. certificate o.-T rift s, shall be required at least every five (5) working days thereafter durivig the O(Yntirlu- ance of such leave. unless In the .ca ixi of the City Physic- Ian, of the natut of the disability for which such leave is beirig takon. addi- tional medical cortiflootes aje lit, new��sary. CA � I For tbo purpose of tft axi employee's Sick leave erselt and enlitletnont set forth in this ordinance, Its I-ovisionR Shall A 4e alicable om roonoing J N 13 A pp 1970 a 3 rhig or ante shaW full force and effect from and artet the ex- p i . ratlon of thirty (8 0) days r)m the date of its final Passar. MRRY LA OTIOIX, JR. Presiding Officer of the Council THMA L. NELSON City Clerk W�