Ordinance 1637ORDINANCE 1637 AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 2 -532 AND ADDING; SECTION 2- 534.1, RELATING TO EMPLOYEES' SICK LEAVE BENEFITS. 173 V, f' c)IIl).A1NF;1_) ((fl. NC 11.. (11 TI1F; ClT'Y OF ,ALA VEDA that: Section 1. Section 2- 5:32 of the Vameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read: "Sec. 2 -5 :32. Sick Leave with Proportionate Pay. Salaried officials and reg, lar em- ployees of the City, in ease of sick mess or it)jury riot, a.riHirr) as result of and iu course of tlhe;ir employment, shall, after the completion of six ((S) months of employment, be entitled to be absent. from duty on .sick leave with pay, d u r i rt g any twelve- month period, in accordance with the fnllowl rig schedule: (1) Igor` not. more than ten (10i workbag days clur in{, 1 he first five (5) eater dar ,years of em- ploynrcer tl: (:_') F'rir not more than fifteen (15) xvorki.rrgr days after five (5) (IR'ndar° dear- ofemploymette ( :3) P'or° not r lore than twenty (20) w'orkirg clays after fifteen (15) calendar years of('rn ploy ment. Site all!alai sick leave entitlement shall be renewed as of each January first following completion of six ((1) montltsof employment. (a) Extended 1:)uty 1 e:riod. •For employees whose work week normally exceeds forty (40) hours, each twenty-four (24) hone; duty period of such employees shall. be deemed to equal two (2) working, days for the purpose of computing sick leave under this Article. (b) Cumulation of Sick Leave. Iu addition to the annual sick leave allowance provided for her•oiiiahove, each such official and em- ployee shall be credited with one (1) working day of sick leave for each month of em- ployment thereafter; provided, however, that the time so credited shall not be used for any sick leave until. such official or employee has completed six ((i) months of continuous employment.. Sick leave, credited I n acrorda nee �. itli it he foregoing, and unused, may be accumulated to a maximum of one hundred eighty (1230) working clays, and any sick leave validly taken by any such employee shall be first charged against the 13T This The nnusued portioi I. if an of each such official a employee's annual sick lea' credit shall be added to tl regular a.r sick lett\e etrmult;rtic of 011(' worlcirrg day per moat so lorrfr as the toted cumrrlatie doves riot exceed 1S0 'work 11 days; provided, however, th• silt annual sick leave urec herein set forth shall be o V. 11(1 above saa(1 180 work i daysc'umtrlation limit. (e 1 Exception; Lea' without Pay. No) vithstanclir the larecedi rbsecticrn 11 hoNvever*, rtrr employee v�hi on leave of athsen(e "11 ho pay for more than thirty (:3 calendar (la \s, trranted pt: smut( to Seel ion 1 1 of C dinanc•c No. (; 12 N. )i., slit I ('(('ivc no su( °it sick lea. credit for the period of sue excess leave of ahsc'rrrcr Section 2. 1Ei01 t 10 11 2-5:3 1. 1 hereby added 10 tlae . \lamec Municipal Code to read: acl: "Sec. 2-53 1.1. Sick 1_.ea. Ccrttain l'arf -time E r n loyec fart- trove; employees wl regularly ly% work more t hcari a 00) holu•s per week for mo that) twenty -six (218) weeks p calendar• Aua.r, ill disc sickness or ir11111'.' Hot arisir as result of and in the c•(tt.tr• Of their etn loy Mel 11, sha after the completion of one calc'ridar year of srlei e- pl(tym('nt (Lla(1 provided siu enrploymerit s1tatt-ri i5 co tirttr(ru.;, he csr.ttitled to 1 absent on side leave with fat d n r i g any 144e1ve -mot period. for not more than fi (Si wor•kiltg clay;;. A ',vor•kiI C' gay for purpose:; Of t. is sc Lion ti hail be defined as tl number of hours the pit r1 -01 employee was tie healnled work on the day he was i Cruised portion of such Ica may not he accumulated it. credited." Section 3. This ordirtan shall be in full force and effc on and after January 1, 1971. 'Perry La Croix..Jr. Presidi ngOftiic•erof the Council Attest: Irma. L. Nelson C ty Clerk 1. t1ie >rndersigls cl. her•el certify that die furegolr Ordinance was duly ar r:.egt.tl.ar•ly adopted and Maass. by the Council of the City Alameda in regular meetir assembled on the 1 7th day November, 1970, by t1 following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen E'oi Levy, Longaker, McCall al President LaCroix, 11.15). NOES: Norte. AE3SENT :.Nutae. IN WITNESS W11EREU I have hereunto stet my ha,i arrd affixed the official se of said City this 18th day November, 1970. Irma L. Nelson (Seal) City Clerk of the