Ordinance 1681ORDINANCE 1681 New Series AUTHORIZING TRANSFER BY QUITCLAIM DEED OF PORTIONS OF UNUSED STREET EASEMENTS TO SUTTER HILL LTD [BROADWAY NE OF BLANDING PEARL STREET NE OF TILDEN WAY) AND RESERVING PUBLIC SEPViCE EASEMENTS THEREIN WHEREAS, the City is the owner of street easements in the hereinbelow described real property which is unnecessary ror present or prospective public street purposes, and a conveyance thereof to Sutter Hill, Ltd., a California corpo- ration., owner of property contiguous thereto, would be in the convenience and best inter- ests of the City; and WHEREAS, public necessity requires the reservations in the City of Alameda, and ex- ceptions from said con- veyances, of certain public service easements in and to said ppropert NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF ALA - M EDA that: Section L That the City of Alameda transfer, release, remise and quitclaim unto Sutter Hill, Ltd a California corporation, with public ser- vice easement reservations and exceptions in rantor, all that certain real'" property situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL A (Broadway, northeasterly of Blanding Ave- n. zie) BEGINNING at the northeast corner of the intersection of B I a n d I n g Avenue with Broadway, as shown on "Map of l Blocks A, B, C, .D, E and F of the Bays and Caperton Tract, Alttrme*da,°' mh surveyed in Noveer, 18135, by W. F. l3oardirtan and filed November 6 t885 and of record in Ma look 1, Page 26l Ira the of Ice, of the County Re- corder of Alameda County; THENCE northeasterly along the easte rty line of 13i6adw, ay 2 1.34.6* 3 feet, THENCE continttir� along; the said lint produee:c'�aaortheast- erly 303.1 facet to the center- line of Harrison Avenue, Abandoned; THENCE northwesterly along the centerline of the above mentioned Harrison Avenue 80,24 feet to the point of intersection with the west- erly line of Broadway pro- duced northeasterly; THENCE southwesterly along the west line of Broadway, roduced as above, 30.1 feet o the southwest corner of Broadway and Harrison Avenue Abandoned; THENCE continuing south- westerly 288.23 feet along the westerly line of Broadway to the northwest corner of the intersection of Broadway and Blanding Avenue; THENCE southeasterly along the northerly line of Blanding Avenue 80 feet to the north- east corner of said intersec- tion, and the point of begin- ning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM AND RESERVING unto the City of Alameda, its succes- sors, assi ns and permittees a perpetua easement and right - of -way over and across and under the hereinafter de- scribed parcel of land, for the p u r p o s e of constructing, operating. maintaining, replac- ing, renewing nd repairin thereon all pudic service utili- ties including, but not limited to, storm sewer pipe lines and outfalls and facilities for trans- mission of water, electricity and communications- BEGINNING at the northeast corner of the intersection of B l a n d i n g Avenue with Broadway, as shown on /Map of Blacks A. B. C. D. E and F of the Hays and Caperton Tract, Alameda surveyed in Noyember 1886 by W. F. Boardman and filed November 6, 18 35 and of rec- ord in Ma Book 4, Page 26, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; THENCE northeasterly along the easterly line of Broadway 294.53 feet; 'Y I E NCE continuin along the said line produced northeast- erly 30.1 feet to the center- line of Harrison Avenue, At)a ndonedw THENCE northwesterly along the centerline of the above mentioned Harrison Avenue 50.16 feet to a line parallel with and measured at right angles 50 feet northwesterly of he above mentioned east- erly line of Broadway; Alameda C Ord OYd1il<1Rf',f' Nt1, 1 Neiv S(:rie THENCE southwester )y along said parallel line 30.1 feet to the southwesterly line of Harrison Avenue Aban- doned; THENCE continuing south- westerly 230.59 feet to the northerly line of Blanding Avenue; THENCE southeasterly along said northerly line 50 feet to the northeast corner of said intersection, and the point of beginning. The above described ease - ment and right -of -way shall provide to the City of Alameda all rights to enter upon the easement for the purposes set out above. Said easement shall vest the control of all improve- ments thereon with the City Engineer of the City of Ala- meda, and it shall be neces- sary for the owners of the land through which the easement exists to procure from the office of the City Engineer a permit or permits for any and all improvements to be con- structed on the surface of the grorrnrla PARCEL B. (Pearl Street, northeasterly of Tilden Way).' All that portion of Pearl Street, as excepted by the City of Alameda in the Aban- donment of Harrison Avenue, formerly Washington Ave- nue, by Resolution No. 202, and Resolution No. 2171 City of Alameda, April 6, 1926 and June 15, 1937, respectively, and; all.that portion of Pearl Street, lying - northerly of Tilden Way and more par. ticularly described as fol- lows: All that portion, of Pearl Street, Iy ing betureen the F Frolongatlon northeasterly of he southeastern and north- western lines of Pearl Street as described in the indenture from Linwood Palmer, et al, to the City of Alameda, fie - corded August 18, 1909, in Boole 1058 of - Deeds. at Pa ge 284, Recoixia of Alameda County, and 1 , ing between the northerly �ine of Tilden Way and the U.S. P'lerhead and Bulkhead Line of 1948. Containing 0. 6 5 5 2 acres, moan or l ess. RESERVING T H S :E_ FROM, however, unto the City of Alameda„ its succes- sors, assigns and permitt s, a rpe�t.�tal ea ment and right-of-way over and across and under the above de- scribed parcel r>f land, whole and entire, .tor the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, r e p l a c i n g, r e n e w i n g and repairing thereon all public service utilities including, but not limited to, storm sewer pi lines and outfalls and fac� ties for transmission of w a t e r, electricity and communications. The above described easement - and right-of-way shall _ provide to the City of Alameda all rights to enter upon the easement for the p urpose as set out above. Said easement shall vest the control: of all improvements thereon with the Cit . Eng1. neer of the City of Alameda, and it shall be necessary for the owners of the land through which the easement exists to procure from the office of the City Engineer a permit or permits for any and all improvements to be constructed on the surface of the ground. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be, and each hereby is, authorized and directed to execute and to attest to, respectively, on behalf of the Citv. a deed releasing and quitclaiming its interest ix+ said real property it, Sutter Hill, I.A., a Calil'®rzua corporation, said deed to be in form and substance as ap- proved by the City Attorney. Section 3. This . ordinance shall be in full force and effect f rorn +end after the expiration of thirty (c30) drys from the date of its finalpassa��,. TERRY 1�A C'`RdJdX, JR, Pre sidlrag Officer Of the C6iADeil Attest. Ii=tMA L. NELSON City cler'k 1, the tindersig.ned, hei*-b C certify that the foregoing r(ff na�.nc;e teats duly ara re ularly adoptee'1 and pas�sed y than Council of the Glty of Alameda is'a regular .aeon assembled on the 5th clay of l)ec°ember, 1972, by tl�e following vote to wit: A"kEli: Councilmen Fowr , Levy, Longa: er, McCall and Presldezat, L4 Croix, Jr., (5 ). ^ail. -'S" ^`one. N o rie. l l` W'VrrN:us— , HdI R LC i ", I have hemu a°ato wt my hand and affixf,xi the official seal of said City this 6th dray of December, S 1�A1�) i�'M L. NELSON City' Clerk of the City of Alameda ASST "a. 8. 1972