Ordinance 1686Ordinance No. 1686
filec tion 1. Title XII, Chapter
7 of the Alameda Municipal
Code addin hereby amended by
t oug 12-782 Se r 12.76:1
S e c . 12.761. Logtolotive
Purpose. The e and
intent of the City Council In
enacting this Article is that the
public' health, swelfare, safety
and interest require the
licensingg and regulation of the
establishments, services and
persons herein defined, by
pproviding minimum building
health and sanitation standard's
for such establishments, and
by p r o v i d i'n g minimum
qualifications for persons
performin such services.
Se= 12.7 Definitio
(a) "Massage. " 'Any method of
pressure on or friction
against, or stroking,
kneading rubbin, tapping,
p o u n d ng , vib or
stimulating of the external
parts of the body, for
medical or by d snit purposes,
with the hans or with the
aid of any mechanical or
electrical apparatus < or ap-
p ces with or without such
supplementary aids as
rubbing alcohol, liniments,
antiseptics, oils, powder,
creams. lotions, ointments,
unguents or other similar
ppre� arations commonly used
in rac tice. bassage Establish- me Any establishment
having a fixed place of
business wherein a, principp
function is such that
massage is given, engaged in
or carried on, or permitted
to be en, engaged in, or
carrier v on. Any establish-
ment engaged in or carrying
on, or permitting -any
combination of massagge and
bath house shall be deemed
a massage establishment.'
Anyy persona incl din
trainee, and whether paid by
fixed salary or who is an in-
dependent contractor, who
administers to another person,
for any !form of 'consideration,
a'bath, massage, manipulation
of the body, electric vibration,
m ag n e t i c stimulation, or
similar rocedure.
( d ) Massae Technician
Trainee. Any person
currently enrolled in ' a
recoggnnized school."
(e) 'OutcalI Massage 'Ser-
vice!' Any business, not
licensed as a massage
establishment under
provisions of this Article,
wherein a principal function
is such that < massage is
given, engaged r in, or carried
on, or permitted to be given,
engaged in, or carried on not
at a Yxed location but at a
location designated by the
ppermittee, massage
technician, c u s t o m e r or
(f) Recognized School." Any
school or institution of
learning which school or
institution of learning has
been approved pursuant to
Section 29007.6 of the
Education Code of the State
of California, and which has
for its purpose the teaching
of a course consisting of
seventy (70) hours or more
of the theory, ethics and
practice, methods'
profession, or work of
massage technicians, and
which school or institution of
learning requires a resident
m a s s a g e technician be
furnished with a diploma or
certificate of graduation
from such school or in-
stitution of learning showing
successful completion of such
course of study already
approved b the California
S t a t e Department of
Schools offering
correspondence courses not
requiring actual attendance at
class, or courses of a massage
technician not approved bythe
California State Department of
Education shall not be deemed
recognixed schools."
(g "health Officer." Health
Officer < of the County of
Alameda or his authorized
The foregoing definitions
shall not include hospitals,
nursing Tomes. s a p i t a r i a,
persons holding an unrevoked
certificate of entitlement to
F the healing arts under
the laws of the State of
California, or persons working
under the direction and control
of such persons or in any such
establishments. "
(h) "Person." Any individual,
copartnership, firm,
association, company, cor-
Doration, or combination of
individuals of whatever Porm
or character.
(I) "Applicant." Any person
who applies for a permit as
required by this Article.
A' lameda City Ord inance s Ordinance No. 1.6$5
New Series
(j) "Employee:' Any person,
other t hh an a massage
technician, who renders any
service to the permittee, who
receives compensation or
any consideration directly or
indirectly from the per-
mittee, and who has no
phy sical contact with per
m i t e e ' s s customers or
Seca 12 -763. Permit Required. ' '1t
shall be unlawful for any
person to engage in, conduct
or carry on, or to permit to
be engaged in, conducted or
carrie on, in or upon any
premises in the City, ; the
operation of a massage
establishment or an outcall
massage service as herein
defined without first having
obtained a ,permit duly issued
in the manner set forth in
Article 1, Chapter 2 of Title
XIII ((commencing with Section
13.211); of this Code. For the
Furppooses of these provisions, he ( hief of Police shall be the
Investigating = official of the
City of Alameda referred to in
Section 13 -213, who shall make
the required investigation and
who may be the designate - of
the City Manager in conducting
the hearing upon the ap-
plication for permit hereunder.
If applicant Is a corp oration,
the names and residence`ad-
dresses of each of the officers
and 'directors of said 'con
p oration and of each
stockholder owning more than
ten per cent (10%) of the stock'
of the corporation shall be et
forth. If applicant is a p rt-
nership, the names nd
residence addresses of each of
the partners dnciuding limited
partners shall be setforth.
Applicant shall furnish in.
formation from which the City
can ' determine whether the
massage technicians, trainees,
or employees who work in, or
will work in, applicant's
massage establishment or
engage in the outcall service
are employed on a- salary or
o t he r fixed compensation
basis, or are employed as
independent contractors whose
compensation Is based upon a
percentagge of the fee or money
paid by the customer or client
for a, massage or bath. If such
technician, trainee or em-
ployee is an independent
contractor, app licant shall file
with his application a copy of
all written agreements wherein
the terms of - such status- are
set forth and applicant shall
information nformation- showing
the amounts of said fee or
money; paid or to be paid, and
the method of computation
thereof, under such
In addition to the foregoing,
any applicant for such a
permit shall furnish the
following information:
dresses (if ny) three ree (3) yea
e rs
immediately prior to the
present address of applicant.
(b Written proof that the
individual or partnership
a licant is over the age; of
eighteen (18) years.
(c) Individual or partnership
applicant's height, „weight,
color of eyes and hair, and sex.
(d) Two portrait photographs
at least 2 inches by 2 inches.
(e) Business, ; occupation, or
employment of the applicant
for the three (3 years im-
mediately preceding ,the date
of the appplation.
(f) The history of the applicant
in operation of a massage
establishment or similar
business or occupation, in-
cluding, but not limited to,
whether or not such person,
in previously operating in
this or another city or state
under permit, has had such
permit revoked or sue ended
and the reason therefor, and
the business activity' or
occupation subsequent to
such action of suspension or
(g) All criminal convictions
other than for misdemeanor
traffic violations, and the
reasons therefor.
(h) The name and address of
each massage technician
who is or will be employed
in said establishment.
(i) Such other identification
and information necessary to
discover the truth- of the
matters herein'
specified as required to be
set forth in the application.
(i) Nothing herein contained
;shall be construed to to
"Fie inve - 90gaiiion' official the
, gt to take the fingerprints
and additidnai photographs of
the applicant.
Sec. 12=764. Permit In-
vesfigation a n -d _F e e . All a�_
plications for a massage
establishment o r outcall
massage service permit shall
be accompanied by an in-
vestigation fee in the sum of
Fifty Dollars' ($60.00), no part
of which shall be refundable.
Upon recept of said
p ap-
refer htio es
the 'City Clerk shall
application to the
Building Department, the Fire
Department, the Police
Department, and the -City
Plannin Department, each of
which within thina period of thirty
(30) days from the date of
application shall review
records or make an inspection
of the premises proposed to be
devoted as a massage
establishment' and shall make
a written recommendation to
the City Manesger concerning
compliance with the respective
The City Clerk also shall,
upon receipt of said ap-
p ication, cause a notice of
intent to be posted on or af-
fixed to the premises where
such establishment or service
is to be located. Such notice
shall contain the applicant's
name, the street address of
such - establishment or service,
Alameda City as Ordinance No. 1686
New Seric.
a statement Inat a massage ppropprietyy of piumbinaa ven-
establishment or an cut 11 tilation, heating and sanitation.
service - is ' intended to be One artificial white light of not
carried on at said premises, less than forty (40) watts shall
the date when the City be' provided and be lighted in
Manager will conduct a each room where a massage
hearing upon : the said ap• is being administered. The
plication, and a notice that any walls shall be clean and
pperson may submit at suchh painted with an approved
hearing a written statement washable mold ' resistant paint
regarding the proposed in all rooms where water or
establish I. steam baths are !givens Floors
Sec, 1 r M i s s u a n c e o r_ shall be free from any a c -
D e n i a l of P ermit. - TV Cit} cumulation of 'dust, dirt, or
Manager shall - schedule and - refuse. All equipment used in
conduct' a hearing upon such the massage operation' shall be
application and issue such maintained in a clean and
permit' if upon investigation sanitary 'condition. Sepparate
and the reports 'filed it -is restrooms shall be provided for
found: - men and women
h .
(a) 'i'nat the operation, as Towels, sheets, and linens of
proposed by the applicant,, if all types and items for per-
permitted, would complyy with sonal use of operators and
all applicable laws, including, patrons shall be clean and
but not limited to, the Citvrs freshly laundered. Towels,
buildingg zoning, and heallth clothes, and sheets shall not be
regulations. used for more than one person.
(b) The applicant has not been Re -use of such linen is
convicted in a court of prohibited unless the same has
competent jurisdiction of:
(1) An offense involving lewd
conduct nor an offense in-
volvin¢ the use of force and
violence upon the person of
another- or
(2) A crime regqwiring
regqi�stration under Section
2)317 of the California Penal
Code, or of any violation
of Sections 1311 through
311.7, 314, 315, 316, 318, or
647 (aL) (b) or (d) of the
Penal Code.
(o) That the applicant has not
knowingly and with intent to
deceive made any false,
misleading, o r fraudulent
statement of facts ' in the
permit application or any other
document required by the City
in conjunction therewith.
Otherwise said permit shall be
denied. In the event of denial,
notifications and reasons for
denial , shall be set forth in
writing and shall be sent to
the applicant by means of
registered or certified mail or
hand deliver
eac. Temporcary
rA � Establis
tt. apapplication the
C i t y UMan on ager shall be
authorized to issue a tem-
porary massage establishment
ppermit to any appli who
is currently he wner or
reasonably suggest- to
prospective customers,; clients
or patrons that any service is
available - other than .those
services - described in sub-
sections (a) and (e) of Section
12 -762 of this Article, nor shall
any such establishment or
service indicate in the text of
such advertisin that ny
service is:availab� t e other than
those so described.
No service 'described in
subsection (a) of Section 12 -762
hereinabove shall be carried on
within any 'cubicle, -room,
operator of such an establish
ment pendingg review and in-
vestigation of the appplication
submitted herein. -Such tem-
porary permit shall remain in
effect for a ppeeriod of thirtyy (30)
days or until issuance of the
permit applied; for, unless said
permit has been denied for any
of the reasons set forth in
Section 12.765, in which event
said temporary permit shall be
of no further force and effect.
Sec. 12-767. Sant0ation
Requirenwnts. All premises
used by permittees hereunder
shall b subject to periodic
Inspection by the City for
safety of the structure and the
rirst seen iaunaerea. tieavy
white paper may be substituted
for sheets provided that such
paper is ; used once for every
person and then discarded into
a sanitary receptacle.
Dressing and locker facilities
shall be available for patrons.
Security deposit facilities for
the protection of the valuables
of the patron "shall also be
available -
=- Adyartlaina.
operation No massage
establishment or - ' outcall
massage ,service granted' <a
permit under this Article shall
place, ppublish or distribute or
cause to 'be placed, published
or distributed any advertising
matter that deppacts any portion
of the human body that would
capable of -being locked or
secured to entrv.
Ins pp__ectian by
C i t Y . 1ns1wetion ociaTs of tin
Cit yy, includln the Health
Officer and Chief of Police,
shall have the right to enter
the premises from time to time
during regular business hours
for the purpose of making
r e a s o n a b e inspections to
e n f o r c e compliance with
building, fire, electrical,
plumbing, or health
regulations, and for the pur-
pose of determining that the
Alameda City Ordinance Ordinance No. 1686
New 5crics
provisions of this Article, and
other provisions of -law, are
being complied with. In the
event 'applicant for 'either ='a
massage establishment permit
or a massage technician's
permit has a communicable or
venereal disease, or if the
applicant is in violation of an
federal, state, or local health
law or regulation, the ap
plication may be denied. In the
event 'a permit has been
issued, it may be revoked or
suspended in the manner
hereinafter set forth in this
.12.7610. 'Transfer ° o9
Pe rmit. '. No massage establish-
ment permit shall be tran-
sferable except with the
written approval of ( the City
Manager. An 'application for
such a transfer shall be in
writing and shall be ac-
companied by a filing and
investigation fee of Fifty
Dollars ($50:00), no part of
which shall be refundable. The
application for such transfer
shall contain the same in-
formation as required herein
for an initial pplication for
such a' permit; In the event of
d e ni a 1 , notifications and
reasons for denial shall be set
forth in writing and = shall 'be
sent to the applicant by means
of registered or certified mail
or hand delivery.
S ac 7611. Riallwage
Technician rmit W It
shall be unlawful or any
person to practice massage as
a principal, an employee or
otherwise within the 6ity,
unless such person has been
Issued ' a massage technician
permit by the City Manager
and such permit remains in
effect in conformity with the
provisions of this Article and
with Article 1, Chapter 2 of
Title XIII of this Code.
The application shall be upon
a form provided by the City
Clerk' and shall set forth the
following information:
(a) The applicant's full name,
r e s i d e n t i a l address, and
residence telephone number.
(b) The name and address of
the massage establishment
where the applicant is to be
employed and the 'name of
the owner of same.
(c) The names and addresses
of _' arty 'and all previous
establishments where 'ap-
piicant has been employed as
a massage technician.
(d) The criminal 'record, if
traffic h eviolati o ns deofe the
(e) Whether any permit to
engage in the practice of
massage as a massage
technician or otherwise has
p or revoked denied
,if so,
the circumstances of such
denial or revocation.
(f) The furnishing of a portrait
photo raph at least 2 inches
by 2 together with a
complete set of s eb,Derson's
finerprints whic�i shall be
taken - by the Chief of Police
or his agent.
(g) Written ; proof that ap-
eighteen is ov years he age of
(h) A certificate from a
medical doctor stating that the
app licant has, with thirty
(3� da s immediately prior to
Piling his application herein,
been examined and found to
be free from any contagious
and communicable disease or
venereal disease.
(i) Applicant shall also furnish
a diploma or certificate of
graduation from a
recognized school < wherein
ths: method. Drofession,and
work of massage techniques
are taught.
,Pe rmit im
v e-s t i g,a t i o n and Fes. "All aP-
F plicalions for a massagge
permit shall be
a ccompanied by an in-
vestigation fee in the sum of
Ten Dollars ($10.00), no part
of which shall be refundable.
Upon receipt of said ap
refer the t applicationr to the
Police Department which,
within a period of thirty (30)
days from the date of ap-
plication shall make in-
vestsgation and submit -a
written recommendation
thereon' to the City 'Manager
concerning compliance with
the respective requirements.
Sec 2.961 uance 'or
Denial of PermlL The -City
Manager shall issue sued
and the report filed it is fou nd:n
(a) The applicant has not been
convicted in a' court of com-
petent jurisdiction, of:
(1) An offense' involving lewd
conduct, or an offense In-
volving the use of force and
violence upon the person of
(2) Has not been convicted of
any crime requIrin
registration under Section 299
of the 'California Penal Code,
or of any violation of Sections
311 throu gh 311.7, 314,'315, 316,
318, or fi47 (a) (b) or (d) of
the Penal Code.'
(b) That the applicant has not
knowingly and with intent to
deceive made any false,
misleading, o r fraudulent
statement of _ facts in the
permit 'application or in any
other 'document required by
t h e City in conjunction
Utherwise said permit shall be
I In the; event of denial,
notifications and reasons for
denial shall be set 'forth in
writing and shall be sent to
the applicant' by means of
registered or certified mail or
hand delivery . 12-9614.
Technician :::Trainee rmit.
Any Derson currently enrolled
In a "recognized school a
apply fora temporary permlaY
Alameda City O r ,
as a massage technician
trainee. in addition to the
payment df the investigation
fee required by Section 12 -7612.
and the information
required by Section 12.7611,
applicant shall submit a letter
si�n ed by the Director or
Administrator of applicant's
"recognized school" showing
the date the applicant was
officially enrolled and the
estimated date the applicant
will graduate.
Applicant shall also submit a
letter signed by the owner or
o v r at o r of n maRRage
establishment, stating his _
willingness to employ the
applicant to do massage as a
massage > technician trainee,
working ' under his direct
supervision and control, during
the time the applicant is
completing the course offstudy
as a massage technician.
The massage trainee ermit
shall expire ninety (80 > days
from the date issued and is not
renewable, except in the case
of sickness or accident for
which reason the education
was delayed. ' Applicant is
expected' to complete his
massage; technician course of
study during the ninety 4 90)
day period t e permit is valid.
The trainee must, at all times,
comply with all laws and or
dinances in effect and the
failure to comply may render
the applicant ineligible to
obtain a massage technician's
permit. Upon presentation of a
copy of his diploma : or cer-
tificate of graduation from a
recognized school" the
trainee will be issued the
regular massage technician
Sec. x�flr�
Operators. All persons engagged
in doing massage in the City
of Alameda at the time these
regulations become effecive who
cannot qualify,' for a massage
technician permit shall have a
period of thirty (30) days
within which to qualiffy as a
massage technician trainee
and obtain a massago
technician trainee permit b
making application therefor,
paying the investigation fee,
and submitting information
required under the provisions
of Section 12.7614 hereof.
12-76141L Display =of
Pe rmits. tar. The owner
or operator shall display the
massage establishment permit
issued and the permit of each
and every massagge technician
or massae technician trainee
employed the establishment'
in an open and conspicuous
place on the premises.
_ Ml assaae technicians shall
wear an identification name
plate which shall contain a
photograph of the technician,
gi ven and surname of the
e c h n i c i a n, and assigned
permit number, which plate
must be worn on the front of
dionances Ordinance No. 1,686
New Series
the outermost garment at all
times during the hours of
operation of any massage
establishment or outcall
massage ' service granted a
permit pursuant to this Article.
The opperator of a massage
establishment or an outcall
massage service must main -
tain a register, or written
listing of al persons employed
by him, whether ; as in
dependent contractors or
otherwise, as massage'
tecnnicians, t r a i n e e s and
employees, and their - permit
numbers: Such register shah
be available for inspection at
all times during regular
business hours.
12-76 Notl8n®Hon of
Cho Every massage
estit bl ishm'ent' owner or
operator shall' report Im
mediately to the City Manager
any and all chapg es of address
or ownership of the massage
establishment, and any
changes or transfers of
m a s s a g e technicians or
massage technician trainees
employed in the business or
12-7611L Suspension or
Re vocation of Fermlim Any
massage establishment or
massage technician's ; permit
Issued under this Article shall
be subject to suspension or
revocations by the City
Manager in the manner
U rovided byY Article 1, Chapter
of Title XIII of this Code for
violation of any provision of
this Article or for any grounds
that would warrant the denial
of the issuance of such permit
(s) in the first instance.
PPrior to the suspension or
revocation of any permit (s)
issued under this Article, the
permittee shall be entitled to
a hearing held before the City
Manager or a Hearing Officer
in the 'manner rov3ded by
Section 13 -217 of this Code,; at
which time evidence will be
received for the purpose of
determining whether or not
such ermit(s) shall be
suspended or revoked or
whether the ermit may be
retained. In she event the
permit(s) is ' suspended or
revoked. the notification and
reasons for such suspension or
revocation shall be set forth in
writing and sent to the per -
mittee by means of registered
or certified mail or hand
121-7619. Appeals. Ap-
peals to the City Council from
any denial, suspension or
revocation by the City
Manager er or any City depart
ment Hereunder, shall be in the
manner and within the time set
forth in Section 13 -218 of this
=987 Cumukative
Remed In addition to the
remedies herein, or in this
Code, provided, the operation
of a massage establishment or
of an outcalI massage service
Alameda City ® Ordinance No. 1.686
- s New Series
In violation of this Article shall
be deemed` a public nuisance
and may be enjoined.
42- t. 'Penalty tdr
vlotattotei.Any person who
violates, or causes another to
violate, any of the provisions
of this Article is iguilty of a
misdem'eanor,and upon
conviction shall be punished as
set forth in Section 1-411 of this
12- verability.If
any section, subsection, sub- -
division, paragraph, sentence,
clause or phrase of this Article
or any part thereof, is for any
reason held to be un-
constitutional or invalid or
ineffective by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such
decision shall not affect the
validity or effectiveness of the
remaining `portions of this
Article or 'anV part thereof.
The City Council hereby
declares that it would have
passed each section sub
section, subdivision,
paragraph, sentence, clause, or
pphrase thereof irrespective of
the fact that any one or more
sections, subsections, sub -
divisions, paragraphs, sen-
tences, clauses or - phrases be
declared unconstitutional or
invalid or ineffective.
Section 2. This ordinance
shall be in full force and effect
from and after the expiration
of 'thirty 30) days from the
date of its final passage.
Presiding Officer
of the Council'
Deputy City Clerk
I, the undersigned, hereby
certify that the Yoregoin
Ordinance c' was duly ;and g
regularly adopted and gassed
by the Council of the City of
Alameda in regular meeting
assembled on the 20th day or
February. 1973, by the
following vote, to wit:
AYES: ''Councilmen Fore,
Levy, Longaker, McCall and
President La Croix, Jr., (5).
NOPA: None
have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the official seal of said
C it y ; this 21st day of
Deputy City Clerk
of the
City of Alameda
LEGAL 998. Publish: Feb. N.3,