Ordinance 1716ORDINANCE 1716
Section 1. The Alameda Municipal
Code is hereby amended by adding
Chapter 2, Articles 1 through 4 to Title
XI, consisting of Sections 11 211
through 11 -246, to read:
Article 1. Purpose, Declarations,
Sec. 11 -211, Intent. It is the intent
of the Citv Council in enacting this
Chapter to promote and protect the
health, safety and general welfare
of the City by conserving the value
of property by encouraging . cons-
truction of buildings which are
compatible and harmonious with
the design and use of surrounding
properties, and to discourage the
construction of buildings which will
have a deleterious effect upon, im-
pairthe occupancy :of, .or:jeopar-
dize the value of, such properties.
At the same time it is the intent the
review and control Procedures
herein accommodate and stimulate
a broad range of individual and
creative design, so that monotony
and mediocrity of construction will
be avoided and owners of property
are not deprived of the full,
efficient and lawful use thereat.
Sec. 11 -212, Declarations, Find-
ings: The City Council finds and de-
termines that inappropriate
exterior design of improvements to
real property affects adversely the
general welfare of residents of the
City because such design gives rise
to conditions in which:
The maintenance, repair,
replacement . or improvement of
surrounding properties is dis-
couraged with resulting
degeneration thereof, and there is
an accompanying deterioration
of conditions which' affect the
health, safety, comfort and
general welfare of the inhabitants
of the area and the inhabitants of
the City at large;
The most appropriate
development of other . properties
within the vicinity is impaired;
Instability of property values
in the general area occurs;
The desirability of other
properties S within . the vicinity for
their classified land uses is af.
fected adversely:
The proper relationship
between the taxable value of said
real property in the vicinity and
the cost of municipal services to
such properties: is threatened;
The benefits of occupancy of
other: property within the vicinity
are threatened.
Sec. 11 -213. Purpose. Land
values and construction aesthetics
are dependent upon one another if
sound land use development is to be
successfully promoted. The Purpose of
this Chapter is to recognize such in-
terdependence, and thereby to assist in
the development of architectural Stan-
dards and guidelines for all structures,
buildings, and improvements to real
Property, in the City
Article 2. Creation of Design Review
Sec. 11 -221. Board .Established.
Membership Qualifications. There is
hereby created a Design Review Board
consisting of five (5) members, all of
whom shall be residents of the City
during incumbency, nominated by the
Mayor and appointed by the City Coun-
(a) One (1) registered architect;
(b) One (1) registered landscape
architect, architect, or building
(c) One (1) member from the Planning
(d) Two (2) members shall be citizens
of the City at large with an interest in
community design.
Sec. 11-222. Term of Office. Removal.
The members of the Board shall
first be appointed in this mariner: one
for a term of one (1) year; one for a
term of two (2) years; two for a term of
three (3) years; one for a term of four
,(4) Years; or until the successor of any
appointee shall be appointed and
qualified, The City Council shall desig-
nate which of said first members shall
serve for the original terms. All such
terms shall commence on July 1,
1474. Thereafter members shall be
appointed for terms of four (4) years or
Until their successors are appointed
and qualified.
Any member may be removed from
the Board by the affirmative vote of
four (4) members of the City Council.
Seca 11 -223. ' Meetings. Officers.
Rules, The Board shall meetatleastonce
monthly at such time and place within
the City as it may by rule provide. The
Board shall select from its membership
a Chairman' and Vice - Chairman who
shall each serve for one (1) year terms
or until successors are appointed.
The Planning Director or his desig-
nate shall be the Board's Secretary,
and he shall cause minutes and records
of the Board's meetings to be kept.
Three members of the Board shall
constitute aquorum for the transaction
of its business. The Board: shall adopt
such rules and procedures for the tran-
saction of its duties and business as it
may deem necessary, desirable or
Sec. 11 -224, Joint Meetings.
Referrals. The Design Review. Board .
herein established shall meet in joint
session with the City Planning Board at
least: once each calendar.'. year,
Whenever the Design Review Board in
its sole discretion determines that is-
sues involved in a particular applica-
tion within its purview relate directly to
land use considerations and therefore
should be decided by the Planning
Board, the Design Review Board shall
suspend its review Process and refer
the matter to the Planning Board for
determination; Such determination
shall be binding as to any or all issues
so referred.
Alameda City Ordinances Irli...,, Np, 1 71 C
New Series
Sec. 11-225. Appeal From Decision Of
Board. The applicant, or any affecte d
party, or any member of the Planning
Board, or of the City Council, who is
dissatisfied with the final determina-
tion, finding or decision of the Design
Review Board may appeal to the City
Council, by filing a notice thereof
within fifteen (15) days after said
decision with the Secretary, setting
forth specifically wherein it is claimed
the Board erred, or exceeded or abused
its discretion, or wherein said decision
is not supported by the evidence in the
light of the whole record, The Secre-
tary shall transmit said notice of op-
peal, along with the Board's record, to
the City Clerk, who shall thereupon set
the matter for hearing by the City
Council at a regular meeting held not
less than fifteen (15) days after receipt
of such notice. The City Clerk shall no
tify appellant of the time and place of
the hearing at least five (5) days prior
The decision of the City Council,
following said hearing, shall be
evidenced by minute order, and shall
be final and conclusive upon the mat-
Article 3. Design Review Regulations
Sec. 11-231. improvements Subject
To Review. The Design Review Board
shall review, and approve or
disapprove, the design of each
improvement for which a building Per-
mit, license, certificate or other
relevant municipal entitlement is
required, except (a) single family
dwellings, appurtenances and acces-
sory improvements, and additions or
repairs to either, in districts classified
R-1 (excepting R-1-PD) under Chapter
I of this Title Xl; (b) additions or
repairs to any existing improvement if
no change to the exterior thereof is to
be made; and (c) anv addition or repair
to an existing improvement if the total
value of additions and repairs to such
improvement is less than $1,000.00 in
any twelve (12) month period.
"Improvement,'' as used in this
Chapter, shall be construed liberally,
and shall include the construction,
reconstruction, alteration and repair of
all buildings, structures and facilities
permanently affixed to real property,
and appurtenances thereto. No
improvement subject to the review
herein required shall be constructed,
reconstructed, located, repaired, al-
tered, or maintained except in accor-
dance with a design which is approved
as provided in this Chapter.
sec. 11-232. Applications For Review
Of Design.
Any person or entity proposing to con-
struct or locate within the City any
improvement subject to design review
shall, before applying for a building
permit or other entitlement, file an
application for review of its design w ith
the Secretaryof the Board. The form of
such application shall be as required by
the Board, shall be accompanied by
architectural and site development
drawings to scale, and shall include:
(a) Site plan:
(1) roof Plan of building;
(2) location of existing and proposed
structures, including signs:
(3) location of existing trees or natural
(4) location of off-street parking and
loading facilities;
(5) location and dimensions of street
and highway dedications;
(6) location of points of entry and exits
for vehicles and internal circulation
(7) location at walls and fences and the
indication of their height and material
of construction;
(8) exterior fighting standards and
devices; and
(9) grading and slopes where they af-
fect the relationship of the buildings.
(b) Copies of architectural drawings,
(I ) plan to scale;
(2) four elevations to include all
sides of development; and
(3) (optional) perspectives,
model, or other suitable graphic
(c) Architectural drawings in
clicating the location, size, color,
shape and type of illumination of such
proposed sign.
(d) Landscaping: Plans showing
proposed landscaped areas and general
descriptions at landscaping to be ins-
talled together with a layout of the
irrigatin system and the manner by
which the landscaping will be main-
tained, (Detailed landscape Plans shall
be submitted and approved prior to
framing inspection.)
(e) Color, materials and texture
(f) all provisions for and design of the
following appurtenances if visible from
the exterior:
(1) stairs and ramps;
(2) refuse, storage and pickup areas;
(3) utility lines, meters and meter
(4) flues, chimneys and exhaust fans;
(5) sun shades, awnings and louvers;
(6) balconies and decks;
(7) mechanical equipment visible from
the exterior;
(8) penthouses;
(9) loading docks;
(10) downspouts; and
(11) antennas,
(g) Other information which is per
finentand which the Board may require
of all applicants.
Sec, 11-233. Fee Schedule. The
application shall be accompanied by a
fee based upon the land use district, and
nature and type of improvement in ac-
cordance with the following
schedule (a) R -1 -PD, and all other R
Districts: $25.00
(b) All R-PD districts (over 100 units):
$25.00 plus $5.00 for each unit in excess
of 100.
(c) A-P, C-1, C-2, C-M, M-1, and M-2
districts: 550.00.
Said fees are for the purpose of ad
ministering this Chapter and not for
Sec. 11-234. Action On Application.
The Board shall consider the materials
submitted in the application within
thirty (30) days after its filing, and shall
within a reasonable time thereafter is-
sue its determination of approval or
disapproval, and, where appropriate,
conditions which applicant must meet.
Any applicant dissatisfied with condi-
tional approval may appeal any or all
of said conditions in accordance with
Section 11-225.
Sec. 11-235. Evaluation By Board.
The Board, in making its examination
of the materials submitted with the
application, shall consider these as-
pects for conformance with the Purpose
of this Chapter:
Alameda Ordinance
New Series
(a) A project's design concept should
be consistent with the design pur-
poses of the General Plan.
(b) A project's concept should be
compatible with the project's en-
vironment and appropriate to its
site and function.
(c) A proposed project should
Promote harmonious transitions
in scale and character in areas
between different designated
land uses.
(d) A proposed project should
express a compatible and
appropriate sense of identity with
its function.
(e) Planning and siting of the
various functions and buildings
on the property should .create an
internal sense of order, and
Provide a desirable environment
for occupants and users.
(f) There should be an adequate
amount and arrangement of open
space and land landscaping for
the type of construction and the
function of the building.
(g) Signs should be planned
architectural .features to avoid
dominating the site or
overwhelming the building to
which they are attached.
(h) Natural features should be
Preserved and integrated with the
(i) The materials, textures,
colors and details of construction
for a proposed development and
its on -site improvements should
be an appropriate expression of
its design concept and function
and should be compatible with
adjacent and neighboring build-
Article4. Special Provisions
Sec. 11.241. Prohibitions. No
building permit, license, certificate,
entitlement or other approval shall be
issued or given by the City or by any
department thereof with respect to any
improvement subject to design review
until the design of the improvement
has been approved as in this Chapter
Provided. No occupancy certificate or
similar approval shall be issued or
given for any improvement subject to
design review hereunder unless and
until the Planning Director has cer-
tified such improvement has been
completed in accordance with a design
approved in accordance with this
Sec. 11 -242. Nuisance. Any
improvement constructed, located,
repaired; altered or maintained in
violation of the provisions hereof is
hereby declared to be unlawful and
a public nuisance, abatable in the
manner provided for elsewhere in
this Code or in the general law:
Sea 11 -243. Other Public Agen-
cies. Insofar as permitted by law,
or by the agency involved, the
Design Review Board shall review
the design of all improvements to
be constructed by any public dis-
trict or any governmental agency.
Such review shall be in accordance
with the factors and criteria set out
herein above, following which the
Board shall submit a written report
of its recommendations and com-
ments to the body proposing to
construct the improvements.
Sec. 11.244. Other Regulations.
Nothing in this Chapter shall be
construed to exempt any person or
entity from compliance with any
requirement of any other regula-
tion or ordinance, nor to amend
any such other ordinance.
Sec, 11-245. "Design Review
Manual — Preparation By Board.
It shall be the duty of the Board to
prepare a "Design .Review
Manual" that will provideguidance
to applicants seeking to comply
with this Chapter. Said Manual may
separate residential, commercial
and industrial uses by sections or
constitute a separate manual for
each of said uses: Graphic illustra-
tions may be used as examples of
good or bad design and such
examples need not be limited to
improvements within the City. Said
Manual may be revised as
experience dictates and examples
of approved projects considered
successful by the Board should be
included therein. Copies of said
Manual shall be made available to
the public in the Secretary's office.
No approval under this Chapter
shall be required until the applica-
ble Manual or section thereof has
been approved by resolution of the
City Council and filed with the
Secretary of the Board. The Coun-
cil may review the Manual at such
Periods as it deems appropriate.
Sec. 11 -246. Severability. If a sec -
tion, subsection, sentence, clause,
phrase, or portion of this Chapter is
invalid, such invalidity shall not
affect the validity of the remaining
Portion thereof, and such remarn-
ingportion shall continue in effect
irrespective of the fact that a sec-
tion, subsection, sentence, clause,
phrase or portion is declared in-
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in full force and effect from and after
the expiration of thirty (30) days from
the date of its final passage.
Presiding Officer
of the Council
City Clerk
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by
the Council of the City of Alameda in
regular meeting assembled on the 7th
day, of May, 1974, by the followingvote,
to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Beckam, Corica,
Hurwitz and President La Croix, Jr. (4)
NOES: Councilman McCall (1)
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 8th day of
May, 1974.
City Clerk of the
City of Alameda
Legal No. 586— Publish: May 10, 1974.