Ordinance 1750ORDINANCE 1750
Section 1. The Alameda Municipal
Code is hereby amended by adding
Chapter 10, Articles I through 6, to Title
X thereof, consisting of Sections 10-1011
through 10-1063, to read:
Article 1. Purpose
Sec, 10-1011. The purpose of this
chapter is to establish uniform
minimum noise insulation per-
formance standards to protect
persons within new hotels, mo-
tets, apartment houses, and
dwellings other than detached
single-family dwellings from the
effects of excessive noise, includ-
ing but not limited to hearing loss
or impairment and persistent in-
terference with speech and sleet).
Article 2. Application and Scope
Sec. 10-1021. The Provisions of
this chapter relating to noise in-
sulation Performance standards
apply to new hotels, motels,
apartment houses and dwellings
other than those dwellings which
satisfy the provisions of section
Sec. 10-1022. The Provisions of
this chapter do not apply to de-
tached single-family dwellings
which are not constructed as part
of a subdivision requiring a final
subdivision moo and which are
not located within a high ex-
posure area.
Article 3. Definitions
Sec. 10-1031. The following
special definitions shall apply to
this chapter as applicable:
(a) Impact Insulation Class
(I IC): A single number rating for
ceiling-floor construction that
represents the ability of the con-
struction to isolate impact noise,
where measurement Procedure
is based on ASTM E492-73T and
as defined in UBC Standard No,
(b) Sound Transmission Class
(STC): A single figure rating for
floor-ceiling and interior wall
Partition construction that
represents the ability of the con-
struction to isolate airborne
noise, where measurement
Procedure is based on ASTM
E90-70 or ASTM E366-71 and as
defined in UBC Standard No.
35 -1.
(c) Detached Single-Family
Dwelling: Any single-family
dwelling which is separated
from adjacent Property lines by
three (3) feet or more or is
separated from adjacent build-
ings by six (6) feet or more.
(d) High Expgsure Area: An
area where the total community
noise equivalent level (the
CNEL of all sources), as deter-
mined by the general plan, at-
tafns or exceeds 65 dB.
Article 4. Sound Transmission
Between Dwelling Units
Sec. 10 -1041. Wall and Floor-
ceiling Assemblies. wall and
floor-ceiling assemblies separaf-
ing dwelling units or guest rooms
from each other and from Public
space such as interior corridors
and service areas shall Provide
airborne sound insulation for
walls, and both airborne and im-
Pact sound insulation for floor-
ceiling assemblies.
Sec. 10-1042. Airborne Sound
Insulation. All such separating
ails and floor-ceiling as-
semblies shall Provide an air-
borne Sound insulation equal to
that required to meet a Sound
Transmission Class (STC) of So
(45 if field tested) as defined in
UBC Standard No. 35.1.
Penetrations or openings in
construction assemblies for pip-
ing, electrical devices, recessed
cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or
heating, ventilating or exhaust
ducts shall be sealed, lined, in-
sulated or otherwise treated to
maintain the required ratings.
Dwelling unit entrance doors
from interior corridors together
with their Perimeter seals shall
have a Sound Transmission class
(STC) rating of not less than 30
and such Perimeter seals shall be
maintained in good operating
Sec. 10-1043, Impact Sound in-
sulation, All separating floor-
ceiling assemblies between
separate units or guest rooms
shall Provide impact sound in-
sulation equal to that required to
meet an Impact Insulation Class
(I IC) of 50 (45 if field tested) as
defined in UBC Standard No. 35-2,
Floor coverings may be included
in the assembly to obtain the
required rating, and must be re-
tained as a Permanent Part of the
assembly and may only be
replaced by other floor covering
that Provides the some sound in-
sulation required above.
Sec. 10-1044. Tested As-
semblies. Field or laboratory
tested wall or floor-ceiling
designs having an STC orliCof5O
or more as determined by UBC
Standard 35-1, 35-2 or 35-3 may be
used without any additional field
testing when in the opinion of the
Building Officials the laboratory
tested design has not been
compromised by flanking paths.
Tests may be required by the
Building Official when evidence
of compromised separations is
Sec. 10-1045. Field Testing.
Field testing, when required,
shall be done under the super-
vision of a Person experienced in
the field of acoustical testing and
engineering, who shall forward
test results to the Building Of-
ficial showing that the minimum
sound insulation requirements
stated above have been met.
Sec. 10-1046. Airborne Sound
Insulation Field Tests. When
required, airborne sound insula-
tion shall be determined accord-
ing to the applicable Field Air-
borne Sound Transmission Loss
Test procedures of UBC Standard
No. 35-3. Aft sound transmitted
from the source room to the
receiving room shall be con-
sidered to be transmitted through
tho foci — rfifi —
Alameda City Ordm*ances Ordinance No. i
New Series
Sec. 10-1047. Impact Sound In-
sulation Field Test. When
required, impactsound insulation
shall be determined in accor-
dance with UBC Standard No.
Article 5. Noise Insulation from
Exterior Sources
Sec. 10-1051. Location and
Orientation. Consistent with land
use standards, residential struc-
tures located in noise critical
areas, such as proximity to select
system of county roads and city
streets (as sp - ecifled in ss 196.4 of
the State of California Streets and
Hlahways Code), railroads, rapid
transit lin&s, dirports, or indus-
trial areas shall be designed to
prevent the intrusion of exterior
noises beyond prescribed levels
with all exterior doors and win-
dows in the closed position.
Proper design shall include, but
shall not be limited to, orientation
of the residential structure, set-
backs, shielding, and sound in-
sulation of the building itself.
Sec. 10-1052. Interior Noise
Levels. Interior community noise
equivalent levels (CNEL) with
windows closed, attributable to
exterior sources shall not exceed
an annual CNEL of 45 dB in any
habitable room.
Sec. 10-1053. Airport Noise
Source. Residential structures to
be located within an annual
CNEL contour (as defined in Title
4, Subchapter 6, California Ad-
ministrative Code) of 60 dB
require an acoustical analysis
showing that the structure has
been designed to limit intruding
noise to the prescribed allowable
levels. CNEL's shall be as deter-
mined by the general Plan.
Sec. 10-1054. Vehicular and In-
dustrial Noise Sources, Residen-
tial buildings or structures to be
located within exterior com-
munity noise equivalent level
contours of6OdB of an existing or
adopted freeway, expressway,
major street, thoroughfare,
bridge, railroad, rapid-transit
line or industrial noise source
shall require an acoustical
analysis showing that the
proposed building has been
designed to limit intruding noise
to the prescribed allowable
levels. CNEL's shall be as deter-
mined by the general plan.
Exception: Railroads, where
there are no nighttime (10:00 P.m.
to 7:00 a.m.) railway operations
and where daytime (7:00 a.m. to
10:00 p.m.) railway operations do
not exceed four (4) per day.
Sea. 10-1055. Parks,
Playgrounds and Schools.
Residential buildings or struc-
tures to be located within exterior
community noise equivalent level
contours of 60 dB of an existing
park, playground or school shall
require an acoustical analysis
showing that the proposed build-
ing has been designed to limit in-
truding-noise to the prescribed
allowable levels. CNEL's shall be
as determined by the general
Sec. 10- 1056. High Exposure
Area. Buildings located within a
high exposure area shall require
an acoustical analysis showing
that the structure has been
designed to limit noise to the
prescribed allowable levels.
CNEL's shall be as determined by
the general Plan.
Article 6. Compliance
Sec. 10-1061. Acoustical
Analysis Report. Evidence of
compliance shall consist of sub-
mittal of an acoustical analysis
report, prepared under the
supervision of a Person
experienced in the field of acous-
tical engineering, with the
application for building permit.
The report shall show
topographical relationship of
noise sources and dwelling site,
identification of noise sources
and their characteristics,
predicted noise spectra at the
exterior of the proposed dwelling
structure considering present and
future land usage, basis for the
prediction (measured or obtained
from published data), noise
attenuation measures to be
applied, and an analysis of the
noise insulation effectiveness of
the proposed construction show-
ing that the prescribed interior
noise level requirements are met.
If interior allowable noise levels
are met by requiring that win-
dows be unopenable or closed,
the design for the structure must
also specify the means that will
be employed to provide ventila-
tion, and cooling it necessary, to
provide a habitable interior en-
Sec. 10-1062, Field Testing, Only
when inspection indicates that the
construction is not in accordance
with the approved design, field
testing may be required. Interior
noise measurements shall be
taken under conditions of typical
maximum exterior noise levels
within legal limits. A test report
showtog compflance or non-
compliance with the prescribed
interior allowable levels shall be
submitted to the Building Of-
Sec. 10-1063. Field Testing
Costs. Where a complaint as to
noncompliance with this chapter
requires 6 field test fo resolve the
complaint, the complainant shall
post a bond or adequate funds in
escrow far the cost of said testing.
Such costs shall be chargeable to
the complainant when such field
tests show that compliance with
these regulations is in fact
present. If such tests show non-
compliance, then such testing
costs shall be borne by the owner
or builder.
Alameda Cl Onfinances Ordinance No, 1 79
New Series
Section 2. The City Council finds that:
(1) The City is subiected to a
multiplicity of noise sources from
surrounding freeway, airport and
industrial facilities within and
without the City;
(2) The City is by and large
made up of detached single -
family residential structures and
that such structures shall con-
tinue to predominate in new con-
(3) The changes made by this
ordinance to the regulations of
Title 25, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1,
Article 4, Section 1092 are
reasonably necessary because of
local conditions;
(4) The ordinance, together
with such changes, will require
the diminution of noise levels
permitted by Section 1092; and
(5) The modifications and
changes to Section 1092 are need-
ed in the City of Alameda.
Section 3. If any section, subsection,
subdivision, paragraph, sentence,
clause or phrase of this ordinance or
any part thereof is for any reason held
to be unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this ordinance or
any part thereof. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have
passed each section, subsection, sub -
division, paragraph; sentence, clause
or phrase thereof, irrespective of the
fact that any one or more sections,
subsections, Subdivisions, paragraphs,
sentences, clauses or phrases be
declared unconstitutional.
Section 4, This ordinance shall be ef-
fective thirty (30) days from and after
thedateof its final passage.
Presiding Officer
of the Counci I
City Clerk
1, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by
the Council of the City of Alameda in
regular meeting assembled on the 21st
day of January, 1975, by the foliowing
vote, to wit:
AYES Councilmen Corica,
Hurwitz, McCall and President La
Croix,,Jr., (4).
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilman Beckam, (1).
hereunto set-my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 22nd day of
January, 1975.
City Clerk of the
City of Alameda
Legal No. 930. Publish: Jan. 24, 1975.