Ordinance 1754Alameda City Ordm*ances Ordinance No. 1
New Series
Adding amending and repealing certain sections and articles of the alameda municipal code relating to animals health nuisances and enforcement provisions
See. 15-521. Quarantine of Siting
Animals. Whenever it is shown that
any dog orother animal has bitten
any person or animals or exhibits
evidence of rabies, no owner or per-
son having custody or possession
thereof, upon order at the Alameda
County Health Officer, shall fall
refuse or nealect to quarantine such
animal and keep It tied up or con-
fined for a per.iod of ten (10) days In
the case of cots and dogs, or fourteen
(14) dugs in the case of other
animals, or shall fail, refuse or
neglect to allow the Alameda County
Health Officer or his deputies to
make an inspection or examination
thereof at any time during said
period. No such dog or animal shall
be removed or released during the
quarantine period -without written
permission of the Health Officer or
his deputies, Unless otherwise
speclf led by the Health Officer, such
animals shall be confined in the
Alameda City Animal Shelter or a
veterinary hospital at the owner's
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Sec. 15-525. Duty of Custodian of are
(d) The persistent maintenance
or emission of any noise or sound
Animal Bitten by Known Rabid or
produced by an animal or
Suspected Rabid Animal. Whenever
animals which, by reason of Its
any persona having charge, care,
raucous or nerve- racking nature,
contrail, custody, or possession of
shall disturb the peace of comfort
any animal of a species subiect to
or be In €urlous to fhe health of any
rabies has knowledge that such
person or persons.
animal has been bitten by a known
(e) The maintenance of any
rabid or suspected rabid animal or
real or personal. property,
has been in intimate contact with a
whether improved or
rabid or suspected rabid animal, the
unimproved, in such a manner
Person having char e, care, control,
that dust., sand or any other
custody or possession of such animal
foreign material shall be caused
shall report said fact forthwith to the
to be blown into the atmosphere
Poundaster. The report shall give
or spread or drift upon property
a description of the animal bitten as
or pr'era°al..aes of-any other person,
well as the biting animal and the
firm or corporation, in such a
time and place the animal was bit-
manner as to be a detriment to the
ten, as well as rather information
public health mesa= safety and /or
requested by the Poundmaster. A
the property v( such fathers.
copy of the report shall be forward -
ed to the Alameda County Health
Sectio n 11. That Title XV, Chapter 7
Officer within forty -eight (48) hours.
of the Alameda Municipal Code is
Upon learning that hls animal has
hereby amended by adding Article 3
been bitten by p known rabid animal
thereto, consisting of Sections 15 -731
or suspected rabid animal, no owner
and 15 -732, to read as follows:
or person having custody or bosses -
sion of the bitten animal upon order
article 3. Enforcement of Health
of the Alameda County Health Of-
Nuisances by Citation Method;
ficer shall fail, refuse or neglect to
County Health Officer, Pound -
quarantine the animal in a place and
master, or Peace Officers for the
mangler approved by the Health Of-
Purpose of Enlorcement,
ficer or his.detau ies for a period of
six months or estrov the animal
Seca 15-731, In addition to any
with the following exception in the
anther means of enforcement provid-
ed herein or otherwise authorized by
case of dogs and cats, If the dog or
low, the provisions of Sections
cat has been vaccinated against
9.121 9A22 9 -123 and 15 -711 may be
rabies Within two years but not less
enforced by the method provided In
than 30 days with chick.embryo
Title 1, Chapter A of the Alameda
rabies vaccine, or with live tissue
Municipal Code and Section 853.6 of
vaccine within one year but not less
the penal Code of the State of
than 30 days, the dog or cat may be
revacc €noted in a manner
Sec. 15-732, Said provisions shall
prescribed by the County Health Of-
be enforced by members of the
ficer and quarantined in a place and
Police Department and, in addition,
manner approved by the County
the Poundmuster or any of his depu-
Health Officer for a period of 30
ties, and may be enforced by the
days. The County Health Offices" or
Health Officer of the county of
his deputies shoal be allowed to
Alameda, said persons are hereby
make on inspection or examination
designated ass and given the powers
thereof at any time during the
of, and determined to be peace of-
ouarantine period. No such animal
ficers for the purpose of enforcing
shall be removed or released during
said provisions in the manner set
th6clbarantine period without writ-
forth in Title I; chapter 4 of the
ten Permission of the Health Officer
Alameda Municipal Code, and Sec -
or his deputies. Unless oth6ewITF
tion 853.6 of the Penal Cade of the
specified by the Health Officer such
State of California provided,
animal shall be confined In the
however, that the Health Officer or
Alameda City Animal Shelter or a
his representatives, the Pound -
veterinary hospital at the owner's
roaster or his deputies shall not be
considered for any purpose
Section ig. That Section 15 -711 tat the
members of the Alameda Police
Alameda uncipal Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Section 12. This ordinance shall be in
full force and effect from and after the
Sec. 15 -711 ofal #loots Declared a
expiratioai of thirty (30) days from the
Nuisance. For the purpose this
data of its final passage.
article the existence of any one of
the following conditions, being a
Presidina Officer
menace to the Public health, Is
of the Council
hereby declared to be a nuisance:
(a) The maintenance ref any
City Cle ETH l e rin. PICT
animal quarters, kennel, animal
® ®
hospital, burn, stable, chicken
1, the undersigned, hereby certify
Yard, rabbit hutch, or other
that the foregoing Ordinance was duly
enclosure or yard In which
and regularly adopted and passed by
animals are kept in such to
the Council of the City of Alameda in
manner that there Is fly breeding
regular meeting assembled on the 18th
or excessive odors,
day of February, 1975, by the following
. (b) The burning of animal
manure rendering neighboring
AYES: Councilman Beckam,Corica,
Premises uncomfortable and un-
Hurwitz, McCall and President Lal
fit for occupancy,
Croix, Jr., (5).
(c) The discharge of sewerage,
NOES: None,
garbage or any other organic filth
into or upon any place in such a
manner that transmission of in-
hereunto set racy hand and affixed the
fective material to human beings
officinal seal of said city this 19th day of
may result therefrom,
February, 1975.
City Clerk of the
City of Alameda
Legal No, 963. Publish: Feb. 21, 1975.