Ordinance 1760ORDINANCE 1760 Authorizing sale of certain city owned real property to walter kosich and kathryn anthony (2440 stanta clara avenue bureau of electricity comercial office and parking lot) Emergency Legislation) AUTHORONG SALE OF CERTAIN CI rY-OW� - D REAL PROPERTY.TO WALT r, K SIGH AND KATHRYN H, ANT 'ONY (2440 SANTA CLARA AVENWE, BUREAU Oil: ELEC.- TRICI COMMERCIAL OFFIC AND p , RKlING LOT) (EMERGENCY AEGIS - ATI ) H The City of aAI ame a is the cr ,ner of the hereinufler described red Property, which is no longer retained Scar municilarai purposes, and it its n the best ptrt He interesi to dispose C same; and WHEREAS, Walter R, Kosich and aathr'yn N, Ao'atnonV have offered frz Purc hose said real car ope.rty for the sum of $215,000.00, and WHEREAS, the Public: Utilities Board of the City of Alameda, by its Resolution Na. 2950 adopted April 21, 1975„ recornmended that the offer of said Wnlier f2: Kosich and Kathryn N. Anthony be acf, eptaad, NOW THEREFO E IT CSR•. DAiN D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY CBE° At_A; AEDA: ectimi 1. That thu City of Alameda ;wonvey, by ouita: Vrn deed, unto Walter R. Kosich and Kathryn N. Anthony, oil That certain reoi proverty situated in €he Ci of Alarnedo, County of Alameda, State of C alifornic , more aar'ficularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersect of the southwestern line of earns Clara Avenue with the northwestern line of Everett Street; THENCE northwesier°iy along said line at Santa Clara Avenue 62,14 feet'; THENCE at righl angles southwes- terly 120.79 feet, more or less, to the southwestern boundary Brae of the land partitioned to ,J. C. Tucker by Partition deed., between Eusttaare I senor and said ,). C. Tucker, dated trfray 22, 1871 and recorded in Book 69 of D eeds, Page die Alameda County klerords; I HENCE northwesterly Parallel with the said southwestern line of Santa Clara Avenue 58.86 feet, more or less, to o point 321 fleet from Everett Street; THENCE sovthwrcsterly parallel with the southeastern line of Park Avenue (forrnerly Fine Street) 48 feet, S inches; THENCE si:D;athedslerly parallel with staid line of Santa Claro Avenue 121 feed', 4 inches, to the aforesaid northwestern line of Everett Street, said point being distaani thereon northeasterly 201 feet, 3 inches, From the point of Intersection thereof with the northeastern lime of CenlrCai Avenue, as said Central Avenue existed Prior to the widening thereof; THENCE northeasterly along said Iine of Evef etf Street 168,86 feet, more or less, to the POfNTOFB GIhlNINCB, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SUM OF Two Hundred f=ifteen Thousand Dollars ($215,000,00) to be paid in custl to the City of Alameda by said lhlalte: . Kosich and Kathryn N. Anth€arw c6ncidera*, with the tender of a quitclaim derct , conveying said property. Escrow, title insurance and tether charges, if any, shrali be paid by said por'c'h arser. Section 2.. °1Thot the Mayor of the City of Alarnedo is hereby authorized to execute, and the City Clerk to attest tan, ca quii'rlsaim deed conveying the hereinabove described property to said Walter : Kosich and Kathryn N. Anthony, SectioP. 3. This nrdinance is one of great nece sity and urgency within the meaning of Ses.:fican 3 -12 of the City Charter', is irflroduced and passed at the srarne Counci; meeting, and shall become effective on May 20, 1975, Section 4., The facts constituting the necessity and urgency hereof rare: (1) It is necessary for the Bureau of Electricity to begin its lease of the above named property to erasure con - iinu tv of operation on July 2, 1975. (2) That the lease cannot become effective until the close of escrow and attendant fin ancinu is como(eted, (3) That said escrow and attendant financing period cannot commence until the effecf'lue date of an or- dinance, (4) That Section 3 -12 normally requires that an ordinance become ef- fective 30 days after passage, Such a delay would have an adverse effect on the sale and lease arrangement, (5) That no circumstances not Planned for would arise from advanc- ing the closing date and it would be in the interest of the City to advance said closing dente: (&) This Council hereby finds, deter - mines and declares that it is in the best public interest arid necessity that this ordinance lie introduced and passed at the regular meeling of the City Council held May 27, 1975, and that this or- dinance become and be in Bali force and effect an AAc V 28, 1975. C. J. C ORICA Presiding Officer of the Cautacil attest: City Cleric 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regui irs y ocloote=d and passed by the Council of the City of Alarnedo in regular rneef'sng assembled on the 27th day of ahoy, 1975, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Beckarn, Di ament, Hurwltz, 5herratt and President Corica, (5), NOES: None. ABSENT. Morse, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, f have hereunto set my hared and affixed the official seal of said City this 28th day of av, 1975, (SEAL) ETHEL M. PITT City Clerk of the City of Alameda Legaaf No 204, Publish . May 30, '1975.