Ordinance 1783ORDINANCE 1783 AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING AND ADDING CERTAIN SECTIONS TO ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 3, TITLE X1 THEREOF, RELATING TO RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLANNING AND SUBDIVIDING OF LAND AND THE FILING AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION MAPS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that: Secilion 1. Article 1, Chapter 3, Title XI of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by amending Sections 11-311 (c), 11-312, 11-315, 11-317, 11-319 and its subsections (d) and (g), 11-319.- 1 11-3110 (b), (c) and (d), 11-3111 (a), 11-3112, 11-3113 (d), 11-3121.5 (a), 11-3123, 11-3124 (a), 11-3125,11-3127 (b) and (c), 11-3128 (b), (d) and (f), 11-3130, 11-3130.1,11-3131, (b) and (d) and 11-3136 (a) and (c) thereof to read as follows: ,,A Sec. 11-311. (c) To serve as a means of inniolementinq the Official Alameda General Plan, and ac- complishing the portions of the General Plan which apply to the Properties proposed for division or subdivision under the regulations of this chapter. Sec. 11-312. The Planning Board of the City of Alameda, hereinafter referred to as the Planning Board, is hereby designated as the Advisory Agency, with respect to sub- divisions, as provided in the Sub- division Map Act of the State of California, and is hereby charged with the duty of making investiga- tions and reports on the design and improvement of proposed divisions of land requiring the recordation of a subdivision Final Map or Parcel Map and with the approval of Property Division Maps. Sec. 11-315. Words and Phrases used in this chapter, unless other- wise defined, shall have the some meanings as they do in Chapter 1 of Division 2 of Title VII of the Sub- division Map Act which is part of the Government Code of the State of California, the Condominium Act, Title 6, Chapter 1, of the Civil Code of the State of California and the Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Alameda. (a) "Map Act" shall be deemed to mean the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and amendments thereto. (b) ''Owner" is the individual, firm, association, syndicate, copartnership or corporallon having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be divided or sub- divided to commence and maintain Proceedings to do so under the provisions of this chapter. (c) ''Property Division Map" shall mean a map filed in lieu of a Parcel Map according to the Provisions of this chapter. (d) "Latest equalized county as- sessment roll" for the purposes of this chapter and the Map Act shall mean the roll as of September 1, 1973 and as it may be changed by division of land in conformance with this , hunter and applicable state laws. (a) "Division of land" refers to the division of any real property or con- dominum project, improved or unimproved, Or portion thereof shown on the infest equalized county assessment roll as a lot or con- tiguous lots, which is divided for the Purpose Of Sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future, by any subdivider into two or more parcels; Provided that this chapter shall not apply to the leasing or financing of apartments, offices, stores, or similar space within an apartment building, industrial building or com mercial building, nor shall this chapter apply to mineral, oil or gas leases. Nothing in this definition shall be construed as authorizing divisions of land made prior to the date of this ordinance not in confor- mance with the prior ordinance and applicable state laws, (f) ''Unit" shall mean those elements of a condominium, or other development where ownership is divided into individual and com- mon areas, which are not owned in common with other owners in the Project. Sec. 11-317, Preliminary Plan. (a)' Prior to the filing of a Tenta- tive Map, or Parcel Map, the sub- divider shall submit to the Planning Board, a Preliminary plan showing the following information: (1) Approximate design and dimensions of streets and lots, Proposed school, park and other Public areas, existing and Proposed uses of land for residential, commercial or in- dustrial Purposes, and the rela- tionship of the foregoing to exist- ing adjoining developments, zon- ing and the Genera! Plan. (2) Topographic and water fea- tures, Proposals for home-owner organizations and covenants of restrictions, Proposed home size and cost ranges, proposed varia- tions in set backs, plans and elevations, and orientations of residential structures, (3) Proposals for treatment of utility installations and special features such as reservations for hospitals and churches. (4) Proposals for the size and shape, dimension and functions of water areas, (b) The Planned development shall constitute the Preliminary plan where such approval is required. (c) Maps which cannot be filed for any reason hereunder may, at the discretion of the Planning Board, be reviewed as preliminary Plans in conjunction with zoning approvals applicable thereto. Sec. 11-319. Tentative Maps. The tentative map of a subdivision shall be 22" x 30" in size and drawn to a scale of I­ equals not more than 50 feet and shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or a regis- tered civil engineer and shall con- tain the following information: (d) Names and addresses of present owners of record and recording data. (g) Elevations and-or contours sufficient to determine the general slope of the land and the high and low Points thereof, Sec. 11-319.1. Parcel Maps, The map of the divison of land into four (4) or less parcels shall show the in- formation required by the Map Act and the City Engineer. In the event street construction, improvement or widening, dedication, or reserva- tions for Public Purposes are required, the City Council may give conditional approval to a Parcel Map Presented under this section, said approval being conditioned by and contingent upon the construction at any street, or the improveiment or widening thereof, as required by the City Council, and the requisite of- fering for dedication or reservation or the same for public Purpo or upon the execution by the person, firm, or corporation seeking to file the Parcel Map of an agreement substantially in conformance with Section 11-3133 of this Code, together with the filing of the bond required in said section, in either case, the City Council may set time limitations within which the street construction, improvements, dedications or reservations far public use must be accomplished; provided, further, that any division of land made pur- suant to Section 11-319,2 may not require the submission of Such Par- cel Map, In lieu thereof a Property Division Map, in accordance with Section 11-319.2, shall be submitted. Where dedications or offers of dedications are required, they may be made either by certificate on the Parcel Mat) or executed by separate instrument recorded concurrently with or Prior to the recordn the Parcel Map. Sec. 11-3110. (b) A fee of Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) Per lot or unit for each lot or surface unit shall be paid at the time of Presentation of a Tentative Map or Parcel Map, (c) Upon Presentation of a Tenta- tive Map or Parcel Map, the Secre- tary of the Planning Board shall transmit three copies to the City En- gineer who shall, within five working days, examine it to deter- mine if it is suitable for filing. If the City Engineer finds that the map is not suitable for filing, he shall return it to the Planning Director with a brief summary of its deficiencies. The Planning Director shall return the map to the subdivider with said summary and-or a summary of his findings of deficiency. If corrections ark r squired the subdivider shall resubmit the map for review. If the Cit Engineer and the Planning _ find that the map substan- tially compiles with all local and state regulations, the Planning Director shop, within said Period, so inform the subdivider. Thereafter, the subdivider may file the map, together with thirty -three (33) copies of the Tentative Map or eigh- teen (18) copies of the Parcel Map of the Proposed division of land, plus a duplicate tracing of such map, at least twenty-one (21) working days Prior to the Planning Board meeting at which consideration of the map is desired, L.- - I,--- I (d) Upon filing of a Tentative Map or Parcel Map, the Secretary of the Planning Board shall transmit all copies but one to other departments and agencies concerned. Each department or agency receiving a copy shall examine the map to as- certain if the proposed division of land conforms to its standards and requirements, and shall, within five working days, submit a written report thereon to the City Planning Director. Within twenty-one (21) working days from the date of receipt of the map from the Spere- tar of the Planning Board, a writ- f — en v rePort shall be submitted to the Planning Board, including the com- ments and recommendations of all departments and agencies con- cerned. Sec. 11-3111, (a) The Planning Board shall consider Tentative Maps or Parcel Maps of proposed divisions of land as to their excellence of design and improvement, suitability of existing and Proposed land use relationships, conformity with'zoning and other standards and regulations, and con- formity with the various elements of the-General Plan. Sec. 11-3112. Action on Tentative Map or Parcel Map, (a) The Planning Board shall, within fifty (50) days from the date of filing, determine whether the Tenta- tive Map or Parcel Map meets Proper standards for design and improvement and meets engineering and other standards of the City, Presents an acceptable comprehen- sive Plan, and conforms to the elements of the General Plan, and upon Such determination, shall recommend approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the map. The Board shall not recommend the approval of a Tentative Map if it makes any of the following findings: (1) That the Proposal is not con- sistent with applicable general Plans and specific plans, (2) That the design or improvement of the proposed sub- division is not consistent with applicable general Plans and specific Plans. (3) Thatthe site is not physical IV suitable for the type of develop- ment, (4) That the site is not physical ly suitable for the proposed density of development. (5) That the design of the sub- division or Proposed improvement is likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or fheirhabitat, (6) That the design of the sub- division or improvement will conflict with easements acquired by the Public at large for access through or use of property within the Proposed subdivision. (7) That the design of the sub- division or the type of improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems, (b) The Planning Board shall transmit a report of its action on a Tentative Man to the City Council, which shall set a date to hear the report at a meeting of the Council at which the report may duty appear upon the Council's regular Agenda for such meeting. Said hearing shall be held within thirty (30) days thereafter. (C) The Planning Board shall transmit a report of Its action on a Parcel Map to the City Council which shall act upon request of the sub- divider within a reasonable time after Planning Board action. Approval of a Parcel Map shall ex- pire unless said map is recorded within six (6) months of final approval. (d) The Council may overrule or modify any ruling of the Planning Board in regard to the Tentative Map or Parcel Map and make such find- ings as are not inconsistent with the Provisions of the Subdivision Map Actor of this chapter. (e) The time limits Prescribed herein for acting on Tentative Maps or Parcel Maps may be extended by the mutual consent of the subdivider and the Planning Board or City Council, (f) The City Council she] I finalthato Tentative Map or Parcel Map is con- sistent with the General Plan. (g) No Tentative Map shall be approved if either the Planning Board or City Council makesfindings Pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. (h) The City Council shall deter- mine whether the discharge of waste from the subdivision into the sewer system would violate regional water quality control regulations. In the event that the Council finds that Proposed discharge would result in such violation, it may disapprove the map. ( I ' I Staff reports or recommenda- tions of Tentative Maps shall be served on the subdivider at least three (3) days Prior to a hearing thereon. Sec. 11-3113. (d) Extensions,Cu I- De-Sacs. Where necessdryTo access to, or - Per- mit a satisfactory future subdivision of adjoining land, streets shall extend to the boundary of the land being divided andthe resulting dead-end or cul-de-sac streets may be approved without a turn-around. In all cases, unless specifically excepted, a turn- around having a minimum curb to curb diameter of 66 feet shall be required. No cul-de-sac street shall exceed 600 feet i n length. Sec. 11-3121.5. (a) No Tentative Map or Final Map shall be approved for any subdivision fronting on the shoreline which does not Provide or have available public access by fee or easement from Public highways to land below the or- dinary high -water mark on any bay shoreline within the subdivision unless the City Council finds that reasonable publicaccess isotherwise available within a reasondble tance. Such afindingshall besetforth on the face ofthe Tentative and Final Maps. " Reasonable" shal be deter- mined according to the standards set out by Section 66478.11 of the Mar) Act. Sec. 11-3123. Improvements. (a) The subdivider shall install at his own expense, or cause to be ins- talled, and dedicate if applicable, the following improvements within the Proposed division of land in accor- dance with the recommendation of the Planning Board or the Standard Subdivision Improvement Specifica- tions of the City ofAlameda: (I ) Land grading and improvement. (2) Street, alley and walkway grading and paving. (3) Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, monuments and landscaping, (4) Fencing barriers, header boards and warning devices. (5) Sonitqr�V Sewers, storm drains and appurtenances. (6) Street lighting systems. (7) Fire hydrants and fire alarm system. (8) All public utility systems. (9) Street and walkway tree planting and landscaping, (10) Bulkheads, seawalls, re- taining walls or other methods of land retention. (11) Traffic control, regulatory warning and guide devices. (12) Where the application can- tams 2011or more oarcelt units, such bicycle Pairs as the P lanning Boards finds necessary. (b) The Planning Board may recommend additional improvements which it deems necessary, or may recommend dele- tion of any of the above set out items, which are obviously not applicable, in any particular division of land. (c) The City Council may require such off-site improvements as are necessary for local needs. Sec. 11-3124. (a) Within twelve (12) months after approval, or conditional approval of the Tentative Map by the City Coun- cil, the subdivider may cause the subdivision, or any partthereof,to be surveyed and a Final Map to be prepared in accordance with the Tentative Map as approved. Original tracings and twelve (1 2) prints of the Final Map shal be filed with the City Engineer. An extension oftime for filing ofthe Final Map may be granted by the City Council providing written application is made bvthe subdividerwithin twelve (12) months after action on the Ten- tative Map. Extensions of time hereunder shol I not exceed two years in the aggregate. In the case of a reversion to acreage, no survey need be made unless deemed necessary by the City Engineer* Sec. 11-3125. Reversion to Acreage. (a) Reversions shall be processed pursuant to Article 1, Chapter 6 of the Map Act. (b) Maps filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage shall be conspicuously designated with the title "The Purpose of this Map is a REVERSION TO ACREAGE." Sec.11- (b) The map shall show the loca- tion and description of all monuments found in making the sur- vey for the Subdivision Map or Par- cel Map, and shall include bearings and distances of straight lines and radii and arc length for all curves, and such information as may be necessary to determine the location of the centers of curves and ties to existing monuments usedto establish the subdivision boundaries. (c) Monuments shall be installed at street intersections, between street intersection, where necessary to preserve the street al ignment and the angle points along the exterior boun- daries where necessary. ` (b) The boundary of the tract sha I I be designated by a distinctive symbol as specified by the Subdivision Map Act and as required by the Alameda County Recorder's Office. (d) The map shall show the side lines of all easements to which any lots are subject. Easements for storm drains, sewers, utilities and other Purposes shall be clearly (f) The map of a condominium shall show surface units. Sec. 11-3130. Final Map Cer- tificates. The following certlfcates and acknowledgments and all others now or hereafter required by law shall appear on the Final Map: (a) Owner's Certificate. A cer- tificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the land subdivided can- sentinu to the Preparation and recor- dation of said map unless exempted by the Map Act. This certificate shall include any offers of dedication of land shown on the FinalMap and in- tended for Public Purposes, This cer- tificate may also include required easements intended for private pur- (b) Engineer's (Surveyor's) Cer- tificate. A certificate by the Engineer or Licensed Surveyor responsiblefor the survey and Final Mar). The signa- ture of such Engineer or Surveyor, be attested. The certificate shall give the date of the survey and state that the survey and final map were made by him or under his direction andthat the survey is true and complete as shown; that the monuments are of the character and occupy the positions indicated, or that they will be set in such Positions at such time asagreed upon, and that said monuments are or to be retraced, (c) City'Engineer's Certificate. A certificate by the City Engineer stat- ing that he has examined the Final Map and that it is in substantial con- formity with the approved Tentative Map and any approved alterations thereof, that the map complies with the Map Act and this chapter, and is technically correct. (d) City Clerk's Certificate. A cer- tificate for execution by the City Clerk stating that the City Counci I approved the Final Map and accept- ed or rejected the offers of dedica- (e) All other affidavits, cer- tificates, acknowledgments, endor- sements, and notarial seals us are required by law andthis chapter,___ Sec. 11-3130.1. Parcel Map Cer- tificates. The following certificates and acknowledgments and oil others now or hereafter required by law shall appear on the Parcel Map.� . (a) Owner Certificate. A cer- tificate signed and acknowledged by all Parties having any record title interest in the land subdivided consenting to the Preparation and recordation of said map. This cer- tificate may include any offers of dedication of land intended for Public �urposes. This certificate may also include Provisions for required easements intended for !b) Surveyor's (Engineer's) Cer- � ... Engineer or Licensed Surveyor responsible for the survey and Par7 cel Map. The certificate shall be 1p the form specified by the Map Act, Section 66449 (a). (c) City Engineer's Certificate. A certificate by the City Engineer as specified by the Map Act, Section (d) Recorder's Certificate. A cer- tificate by the County Recorder as specified by the Map Act, Section (e) All other affidavits, cer- tificates, acknowledgments, endor- sements and notarial seals as are required by low and this chapter. Sec. 11-3131. Action on Final Map. (a) Approval by City Engineer. Upon receipt of the Final Map and other data submitted therewith, the City Engineer shall examinethernto determine that the subdivision as shown is substantially the same as it appears on the approved Tentative Map, and any approved alterations thereof, that all provisions of this chapter and of any ordinance app the Tentative Map have been compiled with, and that he is satis- fied that the map is technically correct, If the map is found to be technically correct and in confor- mance with regulations and with the approved Tentative Map, the City Engineer shall certify said map and transmit it to the City Clerk, (b) Approval by City Council. At its first regular meeting following the filing of the map with the City Clerk, the City Council shall con- sider the map and any offers of dedication. If the,C_opncif shall de- . terminethat the map is inconformity with the approved Tentative Map, the requirements of this chapter and the General Plan and has not made findings Pursuant to Section 66474 of the Map Act, it shall approve the map. When the subdivider shall have filed with the City Clerk the agreement and bond, or have made the deposit described in Section 11-3133 hereof, such agreement and bond may be approved by the Coun- cil as to form and as to sufficiency. No map shall have any force or ef- fect unti I it has been approved by the City Council, and no title to any Property described in any offer of dedication shall Pass until the map County Recorder. (c) The phrase, "first regular meetino," as used in subsection (b) hereof, shall mean the first suc- ceeding regular meeting of the City Council at which such map, offers, and any necessary documents in connection with consideration of the map, may duly appear upon the Council's regular Agenda for such Sec. 11-3133. (b) A divi (b) The subdivider shall also file exempt from the provisions of this with said agreement such good and chler where each lot created by sufficient improvement security as the ivision has bocn recorded as a the City Council deems sufficient in plat or subdivision and abuts the form of cash deposits, bonds of adequate street and sidewaik duly authorized corporate securities improvements and either� or acceptable instruments ofcredit. Said improvement security shall be o zoning not less than fifty per cent (50%) nor or more mono o dwelling * (100%) of the total estimated cost of business structure, the improvement, conditioned upon the faithful Performance of the Sec. 11-319.2. agreement, an additional amount (g) The Planning Board may within the same limitations securing approve a Property Division Map if labor and materials, and an amount it finds that the map complies wi necessary to guarantee and the provisions of the Map Act ard warrantV the work for a Period of this chapter, one (1) year following the comple- Sec 11-3110, tion and acceptance thereof against M No rnaps may be filed until defective work, labor or materials. necessary zoning approvals have Bonds shall also be approved by the been secured and an environmental City Attorney as to form. impact report, it required, has been (d) Improvement security may be certif for the Protect covered by released or reduced in whole or in Tne ci�plication, part as to faithful performance upon Sec. 11-3123.5, Dedication for certification by the City Engineer of Transit Facilities. fin q I completion and acceptance of (a) The CRY Council may require the work or portions thereof or upon dedication or irrevocable offer of acceptance of work as it progresses dedication of land within the sub- under rules established by the City division for local transit faci Cc uncil and as to labor and such as boy turnouts, benches, materials, six months after comple- shelters and similar items which tion and acceptance of the work if directly benefit the residents of the there are no actions filed, and in the subdivision if either, the tentative event of actions, may be reduced map shows the potential for 200 after six months to an amount not dwellinas or more it developed to less than the total claims on which the maximum density or the sub- the actilen has been filed. The division contains 100 acres, and the guarantee and warrantV against Council finds that transit services defective work, labor or materials are will within a reasonable time furnished shall notexpiretorone (1) pr period be made available to such year after completion and accep- subdivision. tance of the improvements. (b) Stich irrevocable offers may Sec. 11-3136, be terminated as provided in the (a) Any interested Person adver- Map Act, sely affected may appeal to the City Sec. 11-3124, Council from any decision, deter- (c I Checkprmts of the Final Map mination or requirement of the shall be submitted and a pproved Planning Board or City Engineer by through the office of the City En- filing a notice thereof in writing with gineer prior to acceptance of the the City Clerk within fifteen (15) map for signature by the City En- calendar days after such decision- The notice shall set forth in detail gineer. the action and grounds upon which Section 3. This ordinance shall be in the appellant deems himself full force and effect from and after the aggrieved. expiration of thirty (30) days from the (c) The City Council within thirty date of its final oassage (30) days of the filing of such an do- C.j. CORICA peql, shall hold a public hearing on Presiding officer the appeal, and any such hearing of the Council may, for good cause, be continued by consent of the City Council and Attest: ETHEL M. PITT the subdivider. Following the hear- ings, within seven (7) days, the City City Clerk Council shall declare its findings and 1, the undersigned, hereby ce affirm or modify the decision, de- that the foregoing Ordinance was duly termination or requirement ap- and regularl'y adopted and Passed by pealed from and enter arty such the Council of the City of Alameda in order or orders as are in harmony regular meeting assembled on the 20th with the spirit and purpose of this day of January, 1976, by the following chapter and the low regarding sub- divisions. vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Beckam, Section 2. Arti cle XI of the Alameda Municipal Code is President Corica, (5). hereby amended by adding Sections NOES: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 11-3123,5 and 11-3124 (c) thereto to read as follows: hereunto set my hand and affixed the official sea I of said City this 21st day of Sec. 11-314.5. Contiguous Lots. January, 1976, (a) Contiguous lots held by a com- (SEAL) ETH EL M. P I TT mon owner of record, irrespective of lienholders or mortgage holders, City Clerk of the whether or not created by Plat Map or subdivision map, shall be m`e`FgeU' City of Alameda Legal No, 499, Publish: Jan. 23, 1976. as one lot for purposes of this chapter and compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be required before redivision thereof unless exempted herein,