Ordinance 1799ORDINANCE 1799
Section 1. Uniform Mechanical Code.
This ordinance shall be known as the
"Alameda Mechanical Code," may be
cited as such and will be referred to
herein as "this Code," or "Uniform
The Uniform Mechanical Code, as
Primary Code, Copyright 1973 by In-
ternational Association of Plumbing
and Mechanical Officials, copies of
which have been placed on file with the
City Clerk for use and examination by
the public and by Resolution No. 8487
declared to be public records, as said
copies have been deleted, changed and
supplemented with the approval of this
Council, and each and all of the regula-
tions, provisions, conditions,
requirements and terms thereof are
hereby adopted as the Alameda Code
for regulatory standards respecting in-
stallation and maintenance of heating,
ventilating, cooling and refrigeration
systems in the City of Alameda, and by
this reference are incorporated herein
and made a part hereof to the same ef-
fect as though set forth herein in full.
Section 2. Changes, Additions and
Deletions. The changes, additions and
deletions of said Uniform Code, placed
on file with the City Clerk, hereinafter
set forth and designated are hereby
approved and adopted as follows:
Sec. 104. Existing Equipment is
amended by adding at the end of the
first paragraph of the e xisting _sec-
tion the following:
"Exception: Any heating, ven-
tilating, comfort cooling, or
refrigeration systems, incinera-
tors or other miscellaneous heat
producing appliances in any
building or part thereof that is
moved from one foundation to
another, shall conform to the
requirements of this Code. Ins-
pection fees shall be the same as
for new work."
Sec. 201 (f). Liability is deleted
from this Code.
Sec. 203. Board of Appeals is
amended by adding at the end of the
existing section the following:
"Whenever the term Board of
Appeals is used in this Code it
shat l be construed- to mean the
Alameda Building Code of Ap.
Sec. 203.1. Procedure on Appeals
is added to read as follows:
"Section 203.1. Procedure on
Appeals. Any decision of denial
made by the Administrative
Authority on subjects coming
within the Board's jurisdiction,
may be appealed to the Board.
Within ten (10) days after receipt
of the decision of the Administra-
tive Authority, any person may
file wIM said Board a request in
writing for a hearing. The
applicant shall be permitted to be
represented by counsel and to
present such evidence as deemed
necessary to substantiate his
claims. The appellant shall cause
to be made at his own expense anv
tests required by the Board to
substantiate his claims."
Sec. 204. Report of Sale of Gas
Appliances is added to read as
"Sec. 204. Report of Sale of Gas
Appliances. It shall be unlawful
for any person to sell any gas
appliance for installation in the
City of Alameda without making a
report thereof to the Administra-
tive Authority.
"There shall be attached to
every gas appliance sold for ins-
tallation in the City of Alameda,
the upper portion of atwo -part
tag which shall be obtained from
the Administrative Authority.
The lower portion of the tag shall
be filled in by the seller indicating
the type of appliance sold, the
name of the purchaser and of the
seller, and the address of ins-
tallation; It shall be detached
from the upper portion of the tag
and mailed to the Administrative
Authority prior to the installation
Of the appliance."
Sec. 302. Permits is amended by
deleting existing section and in its
place adding the following:
"Sec. 302 (a). Permit Applica-
tion. To obtain a permit, the
applicant shall file an application
on forms furnished for that pur-
pose. The application shall con-
tain all information necessary to
the lawful enforcement of the
Provisions of this Code.
"(b) Plans and Specifications.
When required by the Building
Official for the enforcement of
any provisions of this Code, plans
and specifications for the ins.
tallation of environmental heat-
ing or cooling systems, absorp.
tion systems, ventilation systems
and hoods shall be filed with the
Building Official and approved
before the issuance of any permit.
'The Building Official may
require such plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared and designed
by an engineer or architect
licensed by the state to practice
as such.
"One set of plans and
"Exception: This section does
specifications maybe filed for
that less
•not apply toan owner ofproperty, '
" Sec. 603 (f). Interior Spaces.
checking provided not
than two sets of corrected plans
building or improving structures
thereon, or appurtenances there-
air may be obtained
from interior spaces whose
and specifications are filed
to, who does such work himself or
volume in cubic feet is equal to
before approval is given by the
Building Official. After approval,
through his own- employees with
swages as their sole compenso-
one - of the maximum
hourly rate in B:T.U.'s of all
one set of plans shall be retained
i tion; Provided that such strut-
appliances installed in the
by the Building Official and the
other set shall be returned to the
ture, or structures, with or
without the appurtenances there-
"Exception: Combustion air
applicant, which set shall be kept
I: to is not intended or offered for
shall not be obtained from any
an such building or work at all
i sale."
room used or designed to be used
times during which the work
osa bedroom or bathroom."
authorized is in progress.
Sot. 303 (b): Expiration is amend.
Sec, 002 (b), General is amended
"When the pions and specifica-
tins do not comply with
ed by deleting the existing section
by deieting the existing section and
provisions of this Code, the
and in its place adding the following:
I n Its place adding the following:
necessary changes or revisions
"Sec. 303 (b). Expiration.
"Ig, (a) In Group E. Division
shall be made thereio.
"Every plan shall be a print or
Every permit issued by the
Building Official under the
spark or glo w devices capab e of g ng
a park
l all
other type of plan approved by the
Building Official. The informa-
provisions of this Code shall ex -`
pire by limitation and become `
l shall
l be
located g at east 8feet sh
located at (east 8 feet above the
tion contained on the plans stli
null and void, if the building or
be clearly legible and specificol y
indicated. No plan shall be of a
work authorized by such permit is
not commenced within 120 days
t device capabpable e of I nstal l a t ion o o
any df g g e e r use nerating g
scale smaller than 1 /e inch per
from the date of such permit, or it
glow flame capable of igni
"Specifications, legibly and
the building or work, authorized
by such permit Is suspended or
I fla mmable
arage vapors in any
garage located: in a Group H oc-
definitely stated, shall be includ-
abandoned at any time after the
cm not be
ed either on the plan or on
work Is commenced for a Period
suc a
tmmenen t containing such
separate sheets.
The approval of any plans or
of 120 days. Before such work can
be recommenced a new permit
water have open -
in int a pr e g
specifications shall not be cons-
trued to sanction any violation of
shall be first obtained so to do,
and the fee therefor shall be one -
E : Uity
Exception: Uti rooms n dwelling
otner portions of ai
this Code:
"No person shall deviate
half the amount required fora
new permit for such work,
containing such water heater
may have approved openings into
materially from any approved
plans or specifications or fail,
provided no changes have been
made or will be made in the
a p
(cT .
c) The installation use of
he e
neglect, or refuse to comply
therewith unless permission to do
original plans and specifications
for such work; and provided
an glow e f c apable e of Ig ng
low capabl: of ni
a g or
so has been obtained from the
Building Official.
further, that such suspension
mm vapors in any
"The plans or specifications
abandonment has not exceeded d
garag e locateed d Ina Group lbc-
g garage
cuponcy shall not be permitted. A
shall show the following:
1. Layout for each floor with
one Year."
compartment containing such a
dimensions of all working spaces
Sec. 303 (d). Penalty Fee is
amended by deleting the existing
water heater shall have no open -
ings into a private garage.
and a legend of all symbols j�%ed.
2. Location, size, and material
section and in its place adding the
'Exception: Utility rooms or
of all piping.
other portions of main dwelling
containing such water heaters
3. Location, size and materials
air ducts, air Inlets and air
"Sec. 303 M. Penalty Fee. Any
may have approved openings into
of all
person who shall commence any
a private garage.
A. Location of all fans, worm -
air furnaces, boilers, absorption
work for which a; permit is
required by this Code without
+(d) The installatin or use of
any device capable of generating
units, refrigerant compressors
and condensers and the weight of
frost having obtained a permit
- therefor shall, if subsequently
a glow or flame capable of ignit.
ing flammable vapors litany
all pieces of such equipment
permitted to obtain a permit, pay
Ten' Dollars ($70.00) plus treble
garage located in a Group J oc-
cuponcv shall not be permitted. A
weighing 200 pounds or more.
5. Rated capacity or
the permit fee fixed by this Code
compartment containing such a
horsepower of all boilers, warm-
forsuch work. Where, work done
is made necessary by emergency
water heater shall have no open -
ings Into a private garage.
air furnaces, heat exchangers,
blower fans, refrigerant
circumstances, such work done
" EAception; Utility rooms or
compressors and absorption
without a permit shall be exempt
other portions of a Group J oc-
from the effect of this provision."
cupancv containing such devices
6. Location, size and material
of all combustion products vents
Sec. 3�• Permit Fees is amended
may have approved openings into
a private garage."
and chimneys.
7. Location and area of all ven-
by deleting the existing section and
in its place adding the following:
Sec. 1107 (1). Dampers is amended
tilation and combustion air open-
ings and ducts.
"Sec. 304., Permit Fees. Any
by deleting the existing section and
in its place adding the following:
8. Location of all air dampers
and fire shutters.
person desiring a permit required
by this Code, shall, at the time of
"Sec. 1107 (i). Fire- Extin-
9. First sheet of each set of
plans and specifications shall
filing on application therefor; pay
a fee to the Senior Plumbing Ins -
guishina Systems. Anapproved
fire - extinguishing system shall be
show the address of the proposed
work and the name and address of
pector- for each permit issued.
Such fee shall be as established
installed in all ducts for grease
hoods serving such ducts. Such
the owner or lessee of the
from time to time by resolution of
the City Council."
systems shall meet the approval
of the Fire Marshal."
Sec. 302.1. To Whom Permits May Sec. 420. Readily Accessible is
as amended by deletina the existing
Sec. 1112. Domestic kitchen Venti
tion is added to read as follows:
be issued is added to read
section and in its place adding the
"Sec, 1112. Domestic Kitchel
Ventilation. There shall be Installe
"Sec. 302.1. To whom Permits
in the ceiling or In the wall (nearth
May be issued. No permit shall be
issued to any person to do, or
means capable of being reached
ceiling) - of every - kltchei
approximately over the cookin
cause to be done, any construc-
safely and quickly for operation,
repair or inspection without
facilities, a ventilating opening witl
on or work regulated this
C ho
Code except to a person ho
requiring those to whom ready
an effective area of not less that
twenty -eight (28) square inches con
the appropriate valid and subsist-
access is requisite to climb over
or remove obstacles, or to resort
netting with a ventilating duct of no
Ing license from the Contractors
to portable ladders, chairs, etc."
less than twenty -eight (28) squar(
State License Board.
inches In cross sectional area i
Sec. 603 (f). Interior Spaces is; round, and thirty -six (36) squar(
the Inches If rectangular leading to th(
amended b deleting existing
section and in its piece adding the
4 outside air in a vertical direction t(
one (i) foot above the roof with a cat
or cowl of equal venting area.
' ' An approved system of forced
draft ventilation maybe substituted
for the natural druft ventilating sys-
tem. The fan used must have a
manufacturer's C.F.M. rating to 1
move a volume of air per hour
against a 1 /8 inch static pressure
equivalent to or greater than ten (10)
times the cubical contents of the
''Every duct used with any
approved forced draft ventilating
system or natural draft ventilating
arrangement pursuant to this sec-
tion shat l be constructed of one or the
other of the following materials:
(1) Approved incombustible
(2) Approved metal of not less
than 26 gauge, with lock jointed I
seams and with all joints connecting
each duct unit effectively riveted or
otherwise securely attached.
"A rectangular duct in its smallest
dimension shall not be less than
three (3) inches with a total effective
area equal to the round Pipe. All
bends or offsets shall have a radius
of not less than three (3) inches.
"Each kitchen shall be separat
and independently ventilated and
not connected to any other system of
ventilation. Kitchen vents shall not
discharge into light wells or l ight
shafts or any Place that may cause a
Sec. 1112.1. Domestic Gas Ranges
and Plates is added to read as
follows: I
"Sec. 1112.1. Domestic Gas
Ranges and Plates.
''(0) Prohibited Locations t
S ec. IM D omes ti c Cl D Section S. Effect of Ordinance. Thi
Is amended by deleting the existing ordinance shall be in full force and e
section and in Its place adding the fact from and after the expiration c
following: thtrtv (30) days from the dote of its fin(
"Sec. I"11. Domestic Cl$ C. J. CORICA Presiding Officer
Dryers. Where a clothes dryer is of the Counci I
connected to a moisture exhaust Attest:
duct, It shall be Installed In ac- ETHEL M. PITT
cordance with manufacturer's In- City Clerk -
5 t ctions c'ndrecommendeNons. — — —
� ? A c I a the s 'dryer moisture 1, the undersigned, hereby certif
exhaust duct shall not be con- that the foregoing Ordinance was do[
nected Into any vent conrinneter, and regularly adopted and passed b
gas vent, or chimnev. the Council of the City of Alameda I
"Ductt for exhoustino clothes regular meeting assembled on the 16t
dryers shall not be putt day of March, 1976, by the followin
with sheet metal screws or other vote, to wit:
fastening means which extend in- AYES: Councilmen Beckarr
to the duct. Olament, HurwitZ, Sheratt an
"Moisture exhaust ducts shelf President Corica (5).
not terminate beneath the build- NOES: None.
Ing or In the attic area. ABSENT: None.
"Domestic clothes dryers shall IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hay
be exhausted to the outside If In hampto set my hand and affixed in
on area that Is habitable or con- official sea] of said City this 17th day C
taining other fuel-burning March, 1976.
appliances. (SEAL)
"Dryer vents shall not ETHEL M. PITT
discharge in any light well, light City Clerk of the
shaft or uan City ofAlameda
cause a n Ison c a. y Place' that may Legal No. 623. Publish: March P
"Dryer vents shoal not ter-
minate within five (5) feet*of a
Sedlen3. Penalties. Itshollbou6sige-
ful for any Person, firm, or corporation
to erect, Instoll, after, repair, relocate,
odd to, replace, use, or maintain heat-
ng, ventilating, cooling or refrigera-
ion equipment In the jurisdiction, or
cam the some to be done, contrary to
or In violation of any of the Provisions
of this Code. Maintenance of equipment
which was unlawful at the time It was
nstalled and which would be unlawful
under this Code if installed after the ef-
fective date of this Code, shall consti-
tute a continuing violation of this Code..
Any Person, firm or corporation
totaling any of the provisions at this
C ode shall be deemed guilty at a
misdemeanor and each such Person
hall be deemed guilty of a separate
ftense for each and every day or par-
Ion thereof during which any violation
f any of the Provisions of this Code Is
ommitted, continued, or permitted,
and upon conviction of any such viola-
ion, such person shall be punishable by
fine or not more than 55 or by
morisonment for not more than Ix
nonths or by both such fine and
Any person who shall commence any
w ork for which a permit is required by
th; Code without first having obtained
permit therefor shal If subsequently
permitted to obtain a Permit, Pay Ten
rallors ($10.00) plus treble the permit
ee fixed by this Code for such work.
Where work is made necessary by
meruency circumstances, such work
one without a Permit shelf be exempt
rem the effect of this provision.
fjostion 4. Incorporation. Appendices
8 and C of this Code, adopting by
eforence the Uniform Mechanical
C ode Standards and Uniform Building
ads Standards; recommended proc-
cgs respecting steam and hot water
wors, fuel, gas piping; and reCohn-
ioittled ous venting tables and equip -
standards, are hereby adopted.